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Re: A change at Anthem

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Barrett, I suggest that to get them to rescind their new policy you recruit

the help of your chapter reimbursement committee to contact them. Many times

too the APTA GUIDE has been used as a successful tool to point out the

distinctions in service which we can use to support use of certain CPT codes.

Let's hope too that by posting the changes on the list you will recruit

numbers of members of the list who will call and write Anthem.

Annette B. Herrick, PT, MPA

providing Management

Consults, Lectures and Publications

138 Cold Spring Road

Avon, CT 06001-4053

Phone & FAX

E-Mail AHERR12345@...

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Do tell. I would think that they would have to respond to this change in

Medicare policy in the monthly newsletter.


Here is location of their newsletter and I did not see any notification of

this change. Pages 99-157 of the August edition discuss PM & R. Although

this is for Indiana, I believe this is the same FI for Ohio.

As always, please keep us updated on changes you see -- i don't propose to

be an expert and look to this newsgroup as a way to look for trends from

those pesky intemediaries.

Steve Passmore


A change at Anthem

> To the list,


> Quite suddenly and without notice (no big surprise) Anthem BC/BS (in Ohio)

> has bundled the code 97002 with 97110 and cut the reimbursement rate in



> Has anybody else discovered this yet? Any ideas about what might be done?


> Thanks in advance for any help.


> Barrett L. Dorko, P.T.

> " The Clinician's Manual " <http://barrettdorko.com>

> Also at <http://rehabedge.com>

> And <http://prorehabonline.com>

> And <http://physicaltherapist.com>

> And <http://rehabmax.com>



> Rehab Pro - The New Way...A Better Way to Rehab Success! Call for

details -.

> Rehab Management Solutions can solve your cash flow problems - (877)


> Coming September 22,2000 - Helene Fearon on Coding and Reimbursement -

Rochester Michigan. Register at today.

> How to Start a Private Practice with Dick Hillyer - 9/23-24, 2000 Register

at .

> Visit our EStore at www.RehabBusiness.com



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I agree with Annette's comments. Here in Iowa, a provider panel has met

twice with BCBS regarding several reimbursement issues. One was bundling

treatments with Evals. One or our group contacted the APTA reimbursement

area and they drafted a letter to the Medical Director of Blue Cross of Iowa.

The Medical Director has acknowledged that new software has led to this

error and they are in the process of fixing the problem. My guess is that

something similar is happening in not only your state but others. Based upon

a volunteer survey that I conducted on BCBS a couple of months ago, I am now

of the opinion that all therapists nationwide need to look VERY CLOSELY at

their BCBS reimbursement. They need to decide whether rates are equitable

and what needs to be done to get them equitable if they are not. In Iowa's

case, BCBS had not raised reimbursement rates in over 5 years and they were

proposing decreases in reimbursement rates until this panel hooked up with

them and explained the ramifications of their proposal. In fairness to BCBS

of Iowa, they are so large that they indicated they didn't have a clue as to

the impact of their proposal. The time is now to stand up for what is right.

Too many times therapists have declined to stand up and fight for their

reimbursement. Now is the time. The most effective way to fight is through

your state chapter. If you are not a member, now is the time to join.

Reimbursement is not getting better and the environment will not change

without your input.

Join your state chapter and APTA if you haven't!!!

Jim Hall, CPA <///><

General Manager

Rehab Management Services, LLC

Cedar Rapids, IA


Major changes coming to our web page soon!!!

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You have identified just the surface of reimbursement problems with Anthem,

but one similar that Cigna and others are bundling evals and reevals. Seems

that McKesson wrote the software that is the problem. OPTN and APTA have

both addressed the problem and we have had success overturning some of these

tactics. The latest with Anthem is they have stated that 97014 and 97032 are

mutually exclusive and cannot be used during the same treatment day. This is

not supported by the CPT or CCI but they do it anyway.

I would agree with Jim that we as a profession has to start screaming for

some equality and fairness with this whole mess. Now that the Doc's have to

start using the code as we do and start keeping more meticulous records I

wonder how long the AMA will sit ideally by. Not long I would guess if in

fact they have to account for the codes in the same manner we are expected to

comply. Where did this system go wrong? We are now rewarding inefficient

and ineffective care and practitioners who are good and fast are penalized.

Is it just me or are there others out there that think the system is broke?

A. Towne, PT

President, OPTN

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We are now rewarding


and ineffective care and practitioners who are good and fast are



I agree we need to start screaming - but in a

clear and concise manner. I must disagree that practitioners who are good

and fast are also efficient and effective. Good and fast, to me, is reminiscent

of Ford's assembly line concept - which has no place in health care. Efficient

and effective, to me, is a practitioner delivering care that is evidenced

based - appropriately.

Fighting a battle is OK, but if we are to WIN

the battle we must articulate ourselves in a manner that clearly describes

our position.

Ed Flickinger, PT, MBA

PATowne@... wrote:


You have identified just the surface of reimbursement problems with


but one similar that Cigna and others are bundling evals and reevals.


that McKesson wrote the software that is the problem. OPTN and

APTA have

both addressed the problem and we have had success overturning some

of these

tactics. The latest with Anthem is they have stated that 97014

and 97032 are

mutually exclusive and cannot be used during the same treatment day.

This is

not supported by the CPT or CCI but they do it anyway.

I would agree with Jim that we as a profession has to start screaming


some equality and fairness with this whole mess. Now that the

Doc's have to

start using the code as we do and start keeping more meticulous records


wonder how long the AMA will sit ideally by. Not long I would

guess if in

fact they have to account for the codes in the same manner we are expected


comply. Where did this system go wrong? We are now rewarding


and ineffective care and practitioners who are good and fast are penalized.

Is it just me or are there others out there that think the system is


A. Towne, PT

President, OPTN

Rehab Pro - The New Way...A Better Way to Rehab Success! Call for details


Rehab Management Solutions can solve your cash flow problems - (877)


Coming September 22,2000 - Helene Fearon on Coding and Reimbursement

- Rochester Michigan. Register at today.

How to Start a Private Practice with Dick Hillyer - 9/23-24, 2000 Register

at .

Visit our EStore at www.RehabBusiness.com

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I would contend that " the system " is not merely

" broken " but perverted. If it were broken it would

just fail to function properly. However, what we're

seeing are vast amounts of energy and resources

being re-directed from patient care towards fulfilling

inane requirements generated by third parties and

being justified by " the system " .

Jim, a non-member can see the enormous advantage of

dealing with the situation as an association of

professionals and endorses APTA membership. Ed is

also quite correct, we need to be articulate. The best

course is to develop a strategy (mission) which involves

a greater number of combatants (increased APTA membership

base and alliances with other associations) which is well

researched and articulate in its presentation. For those

on this listserve who are not members of the APTA and who

may not be members for reasons other than $, this is your

opportunity to stand and fight. " The system " is out of

control; it's far too perverse to deal with individually.

You won't see a replay of and Goliath here. If we

fight this individually we'll just be wasting more valuable

time, energy, $, and will become increasingly more frustrated

with our life's work. Far beyond those basic considerations, we

owe it to our patients. They're the ones who are losing the

most and the majority of them are not even aware!

It's time to act!

Elmer Platz, PT

418 Route 515

Vernon, NJ 07462-3027



" Every man owes part of his time and money to the business or industry in

which he is engaged. No man has the moral right to withhold his support from

an organization that is striving to improve conditions within his sphere. "

President Theodore Roosevelt

Re: A change at Anthem


You have identified just the surface of reimbursement problems with Anthem,

but one similar that Cigna and others are bundling evals and reevals. Seems

that McKesson wrote the software that is the problem. OPTN and APTA have

both addressed the problem and we have had success overturning some of these

tactics. The latest with Anthem is they have stated that 97014 and 97032


mutually exclusive and cannot be used during the same treatment day. This


not supported by the CPT or CCI but they do it anyway.

I would agree with Jim that we as a profession has to start screaming for

some equality and fairness with this whole mess. Now that the Doc's have to

start using the code as we do and start keeping more meticulous records I

wonder how long the AMA will sit ideally by. Not long I would guess if in

fact they have to account for the codes in the same manner we are expected


comply. Where did this system go wrong? We are now rewarding inefficient

and ineffective care and practitioners who are good and fast are penalized.

Is it just me or are there others out there that think the system is broke?

A. Towne, PT

President, OPTN

Rehab Pro - The New Way...A Better Way to Rehab Success! Call for

details -.

Rehab Management Solutions can solve your cash flow problems - (877)


Coming September 22,2000 - Helene Fearon on Coding and Reimbursement -

Rochester Michigan. Register at today.

How to Start a Private Practice with Dick Hillyer - 9/23-24, 2000 Register

at .

Visit our EStore at www.RehabBusiness.com

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FYI: (please allow me to cut in here)

A quick background on the intended use of the eval/re-eval codes, the

current issues with billing eval and treatment on the same date, and a

sample copy of our appeal letter, is posted on the APTA web site. APTA

members can view it at:

http://www.apta.org/PT_Practice/reimbursement/Evalpayment .

Debra Lansey, Asst. Director

APTA Reimbursement Dept

ph ext 3171


Re: A change at Anthem


I agree with Annette's comments. Here in Iowa, a provider panel has met

twice with BCBS regarding several reimbursement issues. One was bundling

treatments with Evals. One or our group contacted the APTA reimbursement

area and they drafted a letter to the Medical Director of Blue Cross of


The Medical Director has acknowledged that new software has led to this

error and they are in the process of fixing the problem. *SNIP*

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I need to thank you (I think you were the one that posted information stating

that insurers are purchasing canned software that is bundling evaluation and

treatments). Guess what?!? I received several different checks today on one

of my clients (I operate a billing service for therapists in 4 states).

Within that packet of checks, I encountered evaluations being bundled with

therapeutic exercise. Elaborating further, these insurance companies bundled

the evaluation with the therex and paid the therex only. In essence, my

provider was paid $22-25 for an hour long service. I spent 45 minutes to an

hour on phone calls working the provider phone lines trying to get these


Alright, here's a reality check for those of you in private practice. Are

you experiencing these issues? Or are they being delegated to an office

staff person? Is that office person fighting for the reimbursement or are

they adjusting it off the books? What are you doing to get these types of

issues resolved? They are not going away, they are becoming more

commonplace! Have I ever mentioned that it would be good to join a

professional organization which will assist in fighting for the good of your

profession? Like it or not, my voice on behalf of my clients is not

effective with the insurance companies. I have to enlist my providers to

stand up and fight for their reimbursement. But if they don't get involved

with their reimbursement or with their professional organization, it's an

uphill battle that I/you cannot win.

Jim Hall, the man on the soapbox who's getting sick of insurance B.S. games

yada, yada and so on.

Major changes coming to our web site soon!!!

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I will not say that going through the phone bank is a waste of time, but your

time would be better spent making a bee line for the top. I would suggest

that you start with your provider representative. They are not going to

offer you any solutions either. In many respects, they are as much a waste

of time as the phone bank. However, the provider representative will know

who sets reimbursement policy and who their immediate line of reporting is

to. In Iowa, we started with the provider representative and later found out

that someone with the title of Provider Economics (I think) was in charge of

reimbursement decisions). If they do not respond to you within a reasonable

period, send copies to their immediate reporting responsibility as well as a

copy to your state insurance commission. Believe me, you will get a response

in a very short order if you haven't by that time. Good luck and make sure

you try and enlist multiple providers in your area prior to making contact.

The real strength comes in the numbers (especially if you are able to enlist

your state chapter president-as we did here).

God Bless,

Jim <///><

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Anyone know who to speak with at the insurance companies to begin the

reversal process? I never seem to be able to get in touch with anyone

who cares to listen to the PT point of view.

Kim Kranz, PT

Virginia Beach, VA

JHall49629@... wrote:


> Towne;


> I need to thank you (I think you were the one that posted information stating

> that insurers are purchasing canned software that is bundling evaluation and

> treatments). Guess what?!? I received several different checks today on one

> of my clients (I operate a billing service for therapists in 4 states).

> Within that packet of checks, I encountered evaluations being bundled with

> therapeutic exercise. Elaborating further, these insurance companies bundled

> the evaluation with the therex and paid the therex only. In essence, my

> provider was paid $22-25 for an hour long service. I spent 45 minutes to an

> hour on phone calls working the provider phone lines trying to get these

> reprocessed.


> Alright, here's a reality check for those of you in private practice. Are

> you experiencing these issues? Or are they being delegated to an office

> staff person? Is that office person fighting for the reimbursement or are

> they adjusting it off the books? What are you doing to get these types of

> issues resolved? They are not going away, they are becoming more

> commonplace! Have I ever mentioned that it would be good to join a

> professional organization which will assist in fighting for the good of your

> profession? Like it or not, my voice on behalf of my clients is not

> effective with the insurance companies. I have to enlist my providers to

> stand up and fight for their reimbursement. But if they don't get involved

> with their reimbursement or with their professional organization, it's an

> uphill battle that I/you cannot win.


> Jim Hall, the man on the soapbox who's getting sick of insurance B.S. games

> yada, yada and so on.


> Major changes coming to our web site soon!!!


> Rehab Pro - The New Way...A Better Way to Rehab Success! Call for details


> Rehab Management Solutions can solve your cash flow problems -

> Coming September 22,2000 - Helene Fearon on Coding and Reimbursement -

Rochester Michigan. Register at today.

> How to Start a Private Practice with Dick Hillyer - 9/23-24, 2000 Register at


> Visit our EStore at www.RehabBusiness.com

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Talk about assembly lines, what have we been asked to comply with but an

assembly line mentality which judges all activities performed without respect

to the provider. That to me is insane and unfounded. I believe that I can

use my skills and 42 years of experience better in the clinic than a new

graduate or someone who has not attended or stayed abreast with current

treatment methods, but, can the current system demonstrate any difference --

h--- NO! If that makes me faster and more efficient that should not be used

as a governor to throttle me back. The current system creates no incentives

no one and rewards the mundane. Sorry, but the system, in my opinion is

typical big government, with lots of paper, rules and arcane motives that

benefit only the government or payers.

At the time that we had major changes in the CPT codes, developed by us, in

the mid 90's, we thought the system would understand and reward our motives

to save the system money and reimburse us for our professional skills. What

has happened over the past 2 years is beyond my belief and appears to have

totally lost sight of what we attempted to accomplish when the CPT codes were

revised. In this time period has everybody else suddenly based all if its

procedures on " evidenced based practice " or is this just a fancy way for the

managed care payers to deny reimbursement? While I agree we need better

research I do not agree that what we do is suddenly unworthy. Has Medicine

reached such a high pinnacle that they no longer need research or is it not

more the fact that we and all of health care will continue to evolve as we

refine and make qualified changes as research supports such changes.

What I see happening is a system run amok, payers are creating their own

rules on a regular basis. I do believe they are in concert with each other

as one tests the market, gets away with reducing various procedures or

treatments and in no time another company does the same thing. This

continues to occur with regularity as the list has begun to understand. In

the meantime we, as individuals, have to fight the fight almost without

support and it is getting to be pretty d--- old. How does a company like

McKesson create software which creates CCI's without reflecting back to the

CPT codes and its so called authority?

I have fought the fight for many years from lots of positions, elected and

individual. I shall continue to do so and it would be nice if we as a

collective body got our collective butts moving in the same direction and

spoke as one voice. A dream no doubt but then if one can't dream why live.

We still have much to offer our patients and we should be proud to stand for

what we have developed in our 79 years.

A. Towne, PT

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You might try getting the name of the Medical Director or name of who to

send an appeal to and send them a detailed letter. At least this way you get

" above the heads " of the folks on the phone who have no power to change the

system, and it is in writing.

(I have now spent two years doing billing and collections in both PT and

radiology, it is a constant battle)

Caren ,PTA

- Re: A change at Anthem

Anyone know who to speak with at the insurance companies to begin the

reversal process? I never seem to be able to get in touch with anyone

who cares to listen to the PT point of view.

Kim Kranz, PT

Virginia Beach, VA

JHall49629@... wrote:


> Towne;


> I need to thank you (I think you were the one that posted information


> that insurers are purchasing canned software that is bundling evaluation


> treatments). Guess what?!? I received several different checks today on


> of my clients (I operate a billing service for therapists in 4 states).

> Within that packet of checks, I encountered evaluations being bundled with

> therapeutic exercise. Elaborating further, these insurance companies


> the evaluation with the therex and paid the therex only. In essence, my

> provider was paid $22-25 for an hour long service. I spent 45 minutes to


> hour on phone calls working the provider phone lines trying to get these

> reprocessed.


> Alright, here's a reality check for those of you in private practice. Are

> you experiencing these issues? Or are they being delegated to an office

> staff person? Is that office person fighting for the reimbursement or are

> they adjusting it off the books? What are you doing to get these types of

> issues resolved? They are not going away, they are becoming more

> commonplace! Have I ever mentioned that it would be good to join a

> professional organization which will assist in fighting for the good of


> profession? Like it or not, my voice on behalf of my clients is not

> effective with the insurance companies. I have to enlist my providers to

> stand up and fight for their reimbursement. But if they don't get


> with their reimbursement or with their professional organization, it's an

> uphill battle that I/you cannot win.


> Jim Hall, the man on the soapbox who's getting sick of insurance B.S.


> yada, yada and so on.


> Major changes coming to our web site soon!!!


> Rehab Pro - The New Way...A Better Way to Rehab Success! Call for details


> Rehab Management Solutions can solve your cash flow problems - (877)


> Coming September 22,2000 - Helene Fearon on Coding and Reimbursement -

Rochester Michigan. Register at today.

> How to Start a Private Practice with Dick Hillyer - 9/23-24, 2000 Register

at .

> Visit our EStore at www.RehabBusiness.com

Rehab Pro - The New Way...A Better Way to Rehab Success! Call for details


Rehab Management Solutions can solve your cash flow problems - (877)


Coming September 22,2000 - Helene Fearon on Coding and Reimbursement -

Rochester Michigan. Register at today.

How to Start a Private Practice with Dick Hillyer - 9/23-24, 2000 Register

at .

Visit our EStore at www.RehabBusiness.com


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Reply to towne on Anthem. Two thoughts---1. If we are paid for the results

we get[outcomes] instead of what we do then

the clinician can use their skill to apply any treatment[regardless of

reimbursement] for the benefit of the patient. This

requires that there is an industry wide, and payer accepted outcomes tool that

everybody uses to measure outcomes[ treatment

results] . All providers must use the same tool so that all can communicate

effectiveness to the payer, Doctor, patient,

researcher, etc. This can be done now. Can explain this in detail if you are


2. Payers/HCFA don't understand rehab process, don't trust that Rehab makes a

difference in patients' lives.That is why they are

looking at at 'evidence based practice " as a way to determine what to pay for.

Eugene s, Steve Rose, Jules Rothstein and

others have been warning PT for years to " prove what we do " .

Here's my offer. If you use FOTO to collect data for clinical purposes, and use

the data to publish a clinically relevant paper

in a refereed journal{ so it will be accepted by the medical directors of

Anthem, HCFA, etc.] FOTO will offer the help of Dennis

Hart Ph.D, PT , Director of Research and Consulting, to design, and write the


FOTO database already has been used for 17 papers in print, 25 abstracts, and 3

masters level theses . We welcome others to use

this resourse.

What do you think?

Al Amato, PT, MBA

President, FOTO


PATowne@... wrote:

> Ed,


> Talk about assembly lines, what have we been asked to comply with but an

> assembly line mentality which judges all activities performed without respect

> to the provider. That to me is insane and unfounded. I believe that I can

> use my skills and 42 years of experience better in the clinic than a new

> graduate or someone who has not attended or stayed abreast with current

> treatment methods, but, can the current system demonstrate any difference --

> h--- NO! If that makes me faster and more efficient that should not be used

> as a governor to throttle me back. The current system creates no incentives

> no one and rewards the mundane. Sorry, but the system, in my opinion is

> typical big government, with lots of paper, rules and arcane motives that

> benefit only the government or payers.

> At the time that we had major changes in the CPT codes, developed by us, in

> the mid 90's, we thought the system would understand and reward our motives

> to save the system money and reimburse us for our professional skills. What

> has happened over the past 2 years is beyond my belief and appears to have

> totally lost sight of what we attempted to accomplish when the CPT codes were

> revised. In this time period has everybody else suddenly based all if its

> procedures on " evidenced based practice " or is this just a fancy way for the

> managed care payers to deny reimbursement? While I agree we need better

> research I do not agree that what we do is suddenly unworthy. Has Medicine

> reached such a high pinnacle that they no longer need research or is it not

> more the fact that we and all of health care will continue to evolve as we

> refine and make qualified changes as research supports such changes.


> What I see happening is a system run amok, payers are creating their own

> rules on a regular basis. I do believe they are in concert with each other

> as one tests the market, gets away with reducing various procedures or

> treatments and in no time another company does the same thing. This

> continues to occur with regularity as the list has begun to understand. In

> the meantime we, as individuals, have to fight the fight almost without

> support and it is getting to be pretty d--- old. How does a company like

> McKesson create software which creates CCI's without reflecting back to the

> CPT codes and its so called authority?


> I have fought the fight for many years from lots of positions, elected and

> individual. I shall continue to do so and it would be nice if we as a

> collective body got our collective butts moving in the same direction and

> spoke as one voice. A dream no doubt but then if one can't dream why live.

> We still have much to offer our patients and we should be proud to stand for

> what we have developed in our 79 years.


> A. Towne, PT


> Rehab Pro - The New Way...A Better Way to Rehab Success! Call for details


> Rehab Management Solutions can solve your cash flow problems -

> Coming September 22,2000 - Helene Fearon on Coding and Reimbursement -

Rochester Michigan. Register at today.

> How to Start a Private Practice with Dick Hillyer - 9/23-24, 2000 Register at


> Visit our EStore at www.RehabBusiness.com

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You are very kind, I appreciate the comments. I guess that with over 42+

years of working in patent care and my association with some great leaders

and practitioners has helped me achieve a certain perspective. I really love

what we do but it is getting increasing more difficult to see the positives

with the current system. I still think the fight is worth it.


A. Towne, PT

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Mr. Amato:

After weeding through your lengthy ad for your

business, I fail to see your point. How exactly does outcomes measurement

affect bundling of codes? It seems to me that bundling is just a way to

decrease the total $ amount paid out to a provider. In 18yrs. of

clinical practice, I have found most medical directors @ insurers to be

semi-retired pathologists with little understanding of what rehab

entails yet alone even grasp the idea of what outcomes measures mean.

PErhaps you can explain yourself...with out the

ad campaign?

Ed Flickinger, PT, MBA

Al Amato wrote:

Reply to towne on Anthem. Two thoughts---1.

If we are paid for the results we get[outcomes] instead of what we

do then

the clinician can use their skill to apply any treatment[regardless

of reimbursement] for the benefit of the patient. This

requires that there is an industry wide, and payer accepted outcomes

tool that everybody uses to measure outcomes[ treatment

results] . All providers must use the same tool so that all can communicate

effectiveness to the payer, Doctor, patient,

researcher, etc. This can be done now. Can explain this in detail if

you are interested.

2. Payers/HCFA don't understand rehab process, don't trust that Rehab

makes a difference in patients' lives.That is why they are

looking at at 'evidence based practice" as a way to determine what

to pay for. Eugene s, Steve Rose, Jules Rothstein and

others have been warning PT for years to" prove what we do".

Here's my offer. If you use FOTO to collect data for clinical purposes,

and use the data to publish a clinically relevant paper

in a refereed journal{ so it will be accepted by the medical directors

of Anthem, HCFA, etc.] FOTO will offer the help of Dennis

Hart Ph.D, PT , Director of Research and Consulting, to design, and

write the paper.

FOTO database already has been used for 17 papers in print, 25 abstracts,

and 3 masters level theses . We welcome others to use

this resourse.

What do you think?

Al Amato, PT, MBA

President, FOTO


PATowne@... wrote:

> Ed,


> Talk about assembly lines, what have we been asked to comply with

but an

> assembly line mentality which judges all activities performed without


> to the provider. That to me is insane and unfounded.

I believe that I can

> use my skills and 42 years of experience better in the clinic than

a new

> graduate or someone who has not attended or stayed abreast with current

> treatment methods, but, can the current system demonstrate any difference


> h--- NO! If that makes me faster and more efficient that should

not be used

> as a governor to throttle me back. The current system creates

no incentives

> no one and rewards the mundane. Sorry, but the system, in my

opinion is

> typical big government, with lots of paper, rules and arcane motives


> benefit only the government or payers.

> At the time that we had major changes in the CPT codes,

developed by us, in

> the mid 90's, we thought the system would understand and reward our


> to save the system money and reimburse us for our professional skills.


> has happened over the past 2 years is beyond my belief and appears

to have

> totally lost sight of what we attempted to accomplish when the CPT

codes were

> revised. In this time period has everybody else suddenly based

all if its

> procedures on "evidenced based practice" or is this just a fancy

way for the

> managed care payers to deny reimbursement? While I agree we

need better

> research I do not agree that what we do is suddenly unworthy.

Has Medicine

> reached such a high pinnacle that they no longer need research or

is it not

> more the fact that we and all of health care will continue to evolve

as we

> refine and make qualified changes as research supports such changes.


> What I see happening is a system run amok, payers are creating their


> rules on a regular basis. I do believe they are in concert

with each other

> as one tests the market, gets away with reducing various procedures


> treatments and in no time another company does the same thing.


> continues to occur with regularity as the list has begun to understand.


> the meantime we, as individuals, have to fight the fight almost without

> support and it is getting to be pretty d--- old. How does a

company like

> McKesson create software which creates CCI's without reflecting back

to the

> CPT codes and its so called authority?


> I have fought the fight for many years from lots of positions, elected


> individual. I shall continue to do so and it would be nice

if we as a

> collective body got our collective butts moving in the same direction


> spoke as one voice. A dream no doubt but then if one can't

dream why live.

> We still have much to offer our patients and we should be proud to

stand for

> what we have developed in our 79 years.


> A. Towne, PT


> Rehab Pro - The New Way...A Better Way to Rehab Success! Call for

details -.

> Rehab Management Solutions can solve your cash flow problems - (877)


> Coming September 22,2000 - Helene Fearon on Coding and Reimbursement

- Rochester Michigan. Register at today.

> How to Start a Private Practice with Dick Hillyer - 9/23-24, 2000

Register at .

> Visit our EStore at www.RehabBusiness.com

Rehab Pro - The New Way...A Better Way to Rehab Success! Call for details


Rehab Management Solutions can solve your cash flow problems - (877)


Coming September 22,2000 - Helene Fearon on Coding and Reimbursement

- Rochester Michigan. Register at today.

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at .

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What an outstanding response, this is one of the rare emails that ought to be

read by every licensed PT. If ever an email ought

to implore someone to take action and understand why and for what cause, it is

this email. Not many could have said it better.

You put down in writing every little bit of frustration that I have about this

country's policies against health care providers

and their patients and in favor of big business and payers and the almighty

bottom line.

van Well, PT

APTA Member

PATowne@... wrote:

> Ed,


> Talk about assembly lines, what have we been asked to comply with but an

> assembly line mentality which judges all activities performed without respect

> to the provider. That to me is insane and unfounded. I believe that I can

> use my skills and 42 years of experience better in the clinic than a new

> graduate or someone who has not attended or stayed abreast with current

> treatment methods, but, can the current system demonstrate any difference --

> h--- NO! If that makes me faster and more efficient that should not be used

> as a governor to throttle me back. The current system creates no incentives

> no one and rewards the mundane. Sorry, but the system, in my opinion is

> typical big government, with lots of paper, rules and arcane motives that

> benefit only the government or payers.

> At the time that we had major changes in the CPT codes, developed by us, in

> the mid 90's, we thought the system would understand and reward our motives

> to save the system money and reimburse us for our professional skills. What

> has happened over the past 2 years is beyond my belief and appears to have

> totally lost sight of what we attempted to accomplish when the CPT codes were

> revised. In this time period has everybody else suddenly based all if its

> procedures on " evidenced based practice " or is this just a fancy way for the

> managed care payers to deny reimbursement? While I agree we need better

> research I do not agree that what we do is suddenly unworthy. Has Medicine

> reached such a high pinnacle that they no longer need research or is it not

> more the fact that we and all of health care will continue to evolve as we

> refine and make qualified changes as research supports such changes.


> What I see happening is a system run amok, payers are creating their own

> rules on a regular basis. I do believe they are in concert with each other

> as one tests the market, gets away with reducing various procedures or

> treatments and in no time another company does the same thing. This

> continues to occur with regularity as the list has begun to understand. In

> the meantime we, as individuals, have to fight the fight almost without

> support and it is getting to be pretty d--- old. How does a company like

> McKesson create software which creates CCI's without reflecting back to the

> CPT codes and its so called authority?


> I have fought the fight for many years from lots of positions, elected and

> individual. I shall continue to do so and it would be nice if we as a

> collective body got our collective butts moving in the same direction and

> spoke as one voice. A dream no doubt but then if one can't dream why live.

> We still have much to offer our patients and we should be proud to stand for

> what we have developed in our 79 years.


> A. Towne, PT


> Rehab Pro - The New Way...A Better Way to Rehab Success! Call for details


> Rehab Management Solutions can solve your cash flow problems -

> Coming September 22,2000 - Helene Fearon on Coding and Reimbursement -

Rochester Michigan. Register at today.

> How to Start a Private Practice with Dick Hillyer - 9/23-24, 2000 Register at


> Visit our EStore at www.RehabBusiness.com

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A recent report, Better Information, Better Outcomes The Use of Health

Technology Assessment and Clinical Effectiveness Data in Health Care Purchasing

Decisions in the United Kingdom and the United States, July 2000 provides

invaluable information for this discussion, at http://www.milbank.org/000726purchasing.html#executive.

The executive summary includes:

Given the influential role purchasers currently play in

determining which health care services will be covered, to what extent,

and for whom, it is important to examine how purchasing decisions are made.

Of particular interest is whether purchasers have access to and use empirical

evaluations of the clinical value and cost-effectiveness of a wide variety

of new technologies, procedures, and interventions. Available for decades,

health technology assessment (HTA) and clinical effectiveness data have

the potential to help purchasers better select, monitor, and assess the

quality and value of the health care services they purchase for millions

of beneficiaries. But do purchasers have access to this information, and,

more important, do they use it in their decision-making processes?

Purchasers cited four general factors that have contributed

to their relatively limited use of HTA and HTA information: (1) their overriding

concern with the cost rather than the quality of services; (2) difficulties

in accessing clinical and cost-effectiveness data; (3) insufficient training

in using, interpreting, and critically appraising HTA information; and

(4) a lack of skills and/or training in translating research evidence into


Other interesting reports can be found at http://www.milbank.org/sea.html


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Thanks Kathy, for sharing this reference. It highlights the issues I wanted

to raise in this discussion. Published research about clinical effectiveness

is necessary but wanting in Rehab. There needs to be a common language

in assessing patient response to care for understanding to take place between

payer and clinician. The information should be easy to understand by non-professional

and professional alike. When these things are in place, I believe, there

will be less focus on paying for what we do, and moving toward paying for

affect of what we do. The emphasis will still be on cost containment, but

hopefully a more reasonable way to pay for health care.

My response was to aid in publishing clinically based research, suggested

how it could be used to move toward a reasonable way to pay us for what

we do. After reading the attached file, I am more convinced than ever about

this course of action, but also sobered about the amount of information

exchange and understanding that has to take place before it will become

a reality.

Al Amato, PT, MBA

President, FOTO

Kathy wrote:

A recent report, Better Information, Better Outcomes

The Use of Health Technology Assessment and Clinical Effectiveness Data

in Health Care Purchasing Decisions in the United Kingdom and the United

States, July 2000 provides invaluable information for this discussion,

at http://www.milbank.org/000726purchasing.html#executive.

The executive summary includes:

Given the influential role purchasers currently play in

determining which health care services will be covered, to what extent,

and for whom, it is important to examine how purchasing decisions are made.

Of particular interest is whether purchasers have access to and use empirical

evaluations of the clinical value and cost-effectiveness of a wide variety

of new technologies, procedures, and interventions. Available for decades,

health technology assessment (HTA) and clinical effectiveness data have

the potential to help purchasers better select, monitor, and assess the

quality and value of the health care services they purchase for millions

of beneficiaries. But do purchasers have access to this information, and,

more important, do they use it in their decision-making processes?

Purchasers cited four general factors that have contributed

to their relatively limited use of HTA and HTA information: (1) their overriding

concern with the cost rather than the quality of services; (2) difficulties

in accessing clinical and cost-effectiveness data; (3) insufficient training

in using, interpreting, and critically appraising HTA information; and

(4) a lack of skills and/or training in translating research evidence into


Other interesting reports can be found at http://www.milbank.org/sea.html


Rehab Pro - The New Way...A Better Way to Rehab Success! Call for

details -.

Rehab Management Solutions can solve your cash flow problems -

Coming September 22,2000 - Helene Fearon on Coding and Reimbursement

- Rochester Michigan. Register at today.

How to Start a Private Practice with Dick Hillyer - 9/23-24, 2000

Register at .

Visit our EStore at www.RehabBusiness.com

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