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When hubby got home tonight, I had him take my blood pressure. It was higher

standing up than lying down, so does this mean I don't have adrenal issues?

Or is that just one factor at which to look? My heart sure seems to beat

awfully hard these days and I get so out of breath all the time (could be the

onset of old age, but I hate thinking that way!). Do any of you ever feel

like you can't breathe deeply enough? I take deep breaths but it just

doesn't seem to be good enough and sometimes it almost feels like my lungs

hurt when that happens. I am only 39 and I feel like I am in my 50's or 60's


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I guess many people who can pass the 8am test will flunk the rest of the day,

so Great Smokies is best IMO.


Does anyone know if it is better to get an 8 am cortisol serum test or the

great smoky diagnostics adrenal test?

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> I guess many people who can pass the 8am test will flunk the

rest of the day, so Great Smokies is best IMO.

> Gracia

I agree with Gracia. A more accurate test of your adrenals would

occur throughout the day.

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> When hubby got home tonight, I had him take my blood pressure. It

was higher

> standing up than lying down, so does this mean I don't have

adrenal issues?

Actually, you might want to test your heart rate. Check to see if

your heart rate increases when you lay down as compared to when you

are standing. That can be a factor in a faulty adrenal system. And

boy do I know what I am talking about.


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My heartrate sitting was 84 and took it immediately upon standing and it was

100. Surely, no one can be that out of shape! Yes, my hand veins do protrude

when hanging at my side and it is an immediate change when I raise or lower

them. But I don't know what that means. I am going to go to the files

section and read that. As for sex drive, I don't really have much of one

anymore...sigh...poor hubby. I did a testosterone test a year or so ago and

it was so low, that they couldn't measure it. My drive has been slightly

better (just slightly) since I started on synthroid. As for feeling good or

bad in the morning, I pretty much seem to feel crappy all day anymore. I

can't remember the last time I thought I felt good. I also feel depressed a

lot, too, but then that could be blamed on things in my life, so not sure if

that is diagnostic or not. I really don't sleep well anymore and I know that

is a large part of my problem. Someone on here said a friend of theirs went

to Dr. Wisneski out in land. I was supposed to go see him but had a bad

tooth and couldn't fly. I emailed him and he did mention he was not a fan of

the Broda approach. Again, not sure what to make of that now. I

really don't want to wait until August to see that top doc. Pardon the


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My BP lying down was 116/60 and standing was 132/70 so I guess I am pretty

normal in that department. No danger of heart attack from this end but my

cholesterol is too high - 235 but it is a little better since taking T4 and

is now 224.

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That was a very interesting article. I have the hand vein thing. I also

have to wear sunglasses on cloudy days and always complain about having

trouble seeing the road at night (I will be sure and warn you when I go out

driving at night so all of you can stay off the road!). I am very weak, too.

I tried lifting weights to get stronger but gave up after several weeks when

I didn't seem to be able to lift more weight. Now hubby has been lifting

weight and is much stronger. Not fair! I noticed that there was a lab

mentioned for testing adrenals in that article called diagnos-tech or

something like that. Anyone tried that test? I was going to have hubby give

me a prescription for great smoky labs today but wanted to make sure to do

the right test.

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In a message dated 4/6/03 9:59:49 AM US Eastern Standard Time,

nancyjobes@... writes:

> Clinical docs do not test for s unless you are dying

Sad to say my hubby is one of these. I told him that the PDR said you were

supposed to make sure you didn't have addrenal problems before prescribing

thyroid meds. He first said he didn't know that then added that " but no one

does that. " I told him, well, he should! I can't fix all docs but I can

certainly work on the one in my house! He told me he was going to let me

research this whole thing and he would treat me how I wanted (which is why I

ask so many questions, but I still want to find a top doc who already knows

this stuff. Thinking about going to an ACAM doc but want to question her

first). He said if it works for me, then he will treat his other patients

that way. Guess I get to be the guinea pig. I already have him telling

patients who have IBS to take acidophilus and it seems to really help them.

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> When hubby got home tonight, I had him take my blood pressure. It was


> standing up than lying down, so does this mean I don't have adrenal


There's always the chance of having too much adrenal output-, but having

hypoadrenal used to be diagnosed in part by using that blood pressure test

you did. Also, do your basal temps and your basal pulse. After you stand do

the pulse again and see how much it changes. Hang your arms at your side.

Look at your hands after 2-3 minutes. Are your veins in your hands

protruding? The lift them above your heart...does the protruding go away?

You know the health musing file on the site that I posted that Janie put

there? The same guy who wrote that advised to do the " hand vein " test for

adenals. I have this BIG TIME and have actually noticed it and wondered why

until I read it.

, there is also the problem of being on T4 only...too much T4 not

enough T3 I swear is part of my problem, though even the littlest amount of

T3 sets me off due to my other problems right now...only because it is

trying to do its job and the rest of my body doesn't want it to...so I am

stuck until I get a proper diagnosis. Maybe if hubby doesn't want to manage

armour yet you could get him to give you a little cytomel?

Oh, and iron can do that too. Remember while hypo you can be iron deficient

without it showing on your hemoglobin!

I feel old too. I am sorry you have to feel that way, and you only have a

few years on me, we shouldn't feel this way. Its unfair to suffer when we

should have to.

Do any of you ever feel

> like you can't breathe deeply enough? I take deep breaths but it just

> doesn't seem to be good enough and sometimes it almost feels like my lungs

> hurt when that happens. I am only 39 and I feel like I am in my 50's or


Shortness of breath and the feeling like you aren't getting enough oxygen

can be from Hypo or again from iron deficiency. It can also be from other

things. Lupus, pleursey (sp?), sarcoidosis, etc. Any weird skin problems?

Besides the normal hypo dry stuff? Also, testosterone overload can cause

this as well....any extra hair on your belly, or a rise in the ol' sex

drive? maybe we should ask hubby! *L*

With adrenals, skin problems happen as well. Usually a darkenning of the

skin, or small patches of darkenning on moles, new scars, freckles, acne and

greasy skin, red palms, though not everyone has this. Also with adrenals

there is some dehydration alternating with the hypo edema. It took me an

awfully long time to get enough spit for that smokies test in the afternoon!

Another adrenal sign is do you feel worse or better in the morning?

Remember, found adrenal problems through basic body function tests

before there were stimluation tests available. Still, sadly, they are most

highly diagnosed in an autopsy.

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I am reading the Broda book. He probably wouldn't read it but he

would listen if I summarized it for him. Maybe I could make it sound

interesting enough that he would want to read it. When I first got 's

book, he told me to read it for him.

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> > When hubby got home tonight, I had him take my blood pressure. It was

> higher

> > standing up than lying down, so does this mean I don't have adrenal

> issues?

Also, what was your BP? I forgot to mention that adrenal problems lower

your BP while increasing your pulse. On thyroid meds with adrenals,

generally speaking your BP would not be exceeding about 110/70. I am sure it

is possible to go a little higher, but unlikely. Low or Low normal BP is the

most prominant sign of adrenal insufficiency. The worse the adrenals, the

lower the BP.

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You made the comment about feeling better or worse in the morning being

one of the symptoms of low adrenals.. which is it.. feeling better in the

morning or feeling worse that suggests low adrenal? I suffer from 'mack

truck done hit me syndrome' in the morning as far as how I feel

physically.. yet the morning is still my best time of day as far as my

'soul' goes.... I've always been a morning person.

Topper ()


On Sun, 6 Apr 2003 10:14:54 -0400 " Jobes "


> > When hubby got home tonight, I had him take my blood pressure. It

> was higher

> > standing up than lying down, so does this mean I don't have

> adrenal issues?


> There's always the chance of having too much adrenal output-, but

> having

> hypoadrenal used to be diagnosed in part by using that blood

> pressure test

> you did. Also, do your basal temps and your basal pulse. After you

> stand do

> the pulse again and see how much it changes. Hang your arms at your

> side.

> Look at your hands after 2-3 minutes. Are your veins in your hands

> protruding? The lift them above your heart...does the protruding go

> away?

> You know the health musing file on the site that I posted that Janie

> put

> there? The same guy who wrote that advised to do the " hand vein "

> test for

> adenals. I have this BIG TIME and have actually noticed it and

> wondered why

> until I read it.


> , there is also the problem of being on T4 only...too much T4

> not

> enough T3 I swear is part of my problem, though even the littlest

> amount of

> T3 sets me off due to my other problems right now...only because it

> is

> trying to do its job and the rest of my body doesn't want it to...so

> I am

> stuck until I get a proper diagnosis. Maybe if hubby doesn't want to

> manage

> armour yet you could get him to give you a little cytomel?


> Oh, and iron can do that too. Remember while hypo you can be iron

> deficient

> without it showing on your hemoglobin!


> I feel old too. I am sorry you have to feel that way, and you only

> have a

> few years on me, we shouldn't feel this way. Its unfair to suffer

> when we

> should have to.



> Do any of you ever feel

> > like you can't breathe deeply enough? I take deep breaths but it

> just

> > doesn't seem to be good enough and sometimes it almost feels like

> my lungs

> > hurt when that happens. I am only 39 and I feel like I am in my

> 50's or

> 60's


> Shortness of breath and the feeling like you aren't getting enough

> oxygen

> can be from Hypo or again from iron deficiency. It can also be from

> other

> things. Lupus, pleursey (sp?), sarcoidosis, etc. Any weird skin

> problems?

> Besides the normal hypo dry stuff? Also, testosterone overload can

> cause

> this as well....any extra hair on your belly, or a rise in the ol'

> sex

> drive? maybe we should ask hubby! *L*


> With adrenals, skin problems happen as well. Usually a darkenning of

> the

> skin, or small patches of darkenning on moles, new scars, freckles,

> acne and

> greasy skin, red palms, though not everyone has this. Also with

> adrenals

> there is some dehydration alternating with the hypo edema. It took

> me an

> awfully long time to get enough spit for that smokies test in the

> afternoon!

> Another adrenal sign is do you feel worse or better in the morning?


> Remember, found adrenal problems through basic body function

> tests

> before there were stimluation tests available. Still, sadly, they

> are most

> highly diagnosed in an autopsy.






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, go see that doc who took care of your mom and let her have the vit c.

Maybe she can help!

As for the hand thing...here is the site (Janie read this too....*Smile*)


> My heartrate sitting was 84 and took it immediately upon standing and it


> 100. Surely, no one can be that out of shape! Yes, my hand veins do


> when hanging at my side and it is an immediate change when I raise or


> them. But I don't know what that means. I am going to go to the files

> section and read that. As for sex drive, I don't really have much of one

> anymore...sigh...poor hubby. I did a testosterone test a year or so ago


> it was so low, that they couldn't measure it. My drive has been slightly

> better (just slightly) since I started on synthroid. As for feeling good


> bad in the morning, I pretty much seem to feel crappy all day anymore. I

> can't remember the last time I thought I felt good. I also feel depressed


> lot, too, but then that could be blamed on things in my life, so not sure


> that is diagnostic or not. I really don't sleep well anymore and I know


> is a large part of my problem. Someone on here said a friend of theirs


> to Dr. Wisneski out in land. I was supposed to go see him but had a


> tooth and couldn't fly. I emailed him and he did mention he was not a fan


> the Broda approach. Again, not sure what to make of that now. I

> really don't want to wait until August to see that top doc. Pardon the

> venting.




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I'm getting angry again....

I'm a big person.. large boned, muscular body that is now larger due to

weight gain due to hypo..... every time I went in to the doc they checked

blood pressure.. History of high blood pressure for both parents.. and

mine ALWAYS tests low to low normal unless I have an increase in salt

intake.... considering my large size and family history - low to low

normal.. is ABNORMAL... yet I've never had adrenals tested. Docs always

congratulated me on my low blood pressure commenting that they fully

expected it to be high...

So... is this another thing that I've shown symptoms of for more that a

decade and NEVER had a single doc check me for it?

.... it is so frustrating.. When you go in to see a doc and tell him what

is wrong and (s)he never even bothers to check things that seem to be so

obvious.. it's enough to make you spit nails (since we can't spit spit!).

Topper ()



On Sun, 6 Apr 2003 10:31:41 -0400 " Jobes "


> > > When hubby got home tonight, I had him take my blood pressure. It

> was

> > higher

> > > standing up than lying down, so does this mean I don't have

> adrenal

> > issues?

> Also, what was your BP? I forgot to mention that adrenal problems

> lower

> your BP while increasing your pulse. On thyroid meds with adrenals,

> generally speaking your BP would not be exceeding about 110/70. I am

> sure it

> is possible to go a little higher, but unlikely. Low or Low normal

> BP is the

> most prominant sign of adrenal insufficiency. The worse the

> adrenals, the

> lower the BP.






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> You made the comment about feeling better or worse in the morning being

> one of the symptoms of low adrenals.. which is it.. feeling better in the

> morning or feeling worse that suggests low adrenal? I suffer from 'mack

> truck done hit me syndrome' in the morning as far as how I feel

> physically.. yet the morning is still my best time of day as far as my

> 'soul' goes.... I've always been a morning person.


> Topper ()


Generally you would feel better in the Am and crash as the day wears on,

because your adrenals are at their highest output in the first two hours

after you wake. However, this is difficult for me as well, because with my

neurological problems-those are worse in the morning and improve throughout

the day...so I feel like crap from something or another all day. I am good

as far as my drive at 5:30 in the morning, but have a hell of a time trying

to hold a pencil. In the afternoon I have more physical strength for walking

or writing, but am exausted internally. Right now without thyroid meds I am

depressed as well. grrrr...can't seem to win. remember, YOU are going to

feel like crap before you take your thyroid in the morning because you don't

have thyroid output, so you are going to feel like you have been beaten in

your sleep regardless. I am assuming that as you are able to get the right

amount of meds and at some point better meds that will improve for you!

Isn't that wonderful?!? *grin*

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I think its a similar test, though I have never heard of that one, it tests

for the same things. So, Great Smokies I am sure would be fine, my Dr Ruth

says its her favorite. I know the Great Smokies test even provides

suggestions for treatment protocol. But you can price shop! The GS test is

actually cover by medicareand some insurances, so they may even accept your

regular insurance!

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Clinical docs do not test for s unless you are dying. Period. Thats

almost all clinical docs. Not a single person who has a bio on the addisons

list was diagnosed prior to almost dying. So, its par for the course. Most

people aren't diagnosed until after they are dead, unfortunatly. One member

wrote me back letting me know I was ahead of the game by finding out about

it and suspecting it before 90% of my adrenals were gone and I was in

crisis, because he'd NEVER spoken to anyone who leanred about it in time.

This is why the docs would not test me. I complained about that to Dr Ruth

she said that clinical medicine is emergency medicine. Which means they wait

for the infection to give the antibiotic, that they do not prevent disease,

that they do not look for an underlying cause for a disease, but treat

symptoms that are obvious. Thats why I give up, and am taking my health into

my own hands. The uppity med student said " We usually see addisons disease

presented in the emergency room, the patient is darkened and in shock. " I

said " thats because you ignored their symptoms for 10 years prior to the

crisis! " He didn't like that. Too bad.


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You just made me think of something.. or pointed out something I never

noticed before.. however you want to say it....

I take my OTC meds regularly throughout the day... starting with the

first pill chip (I chop them) at 7 am and stopping at 7 pm.... that also

means that I'm going for 12 out of 24 hours without any hormone except

for what is floating around in my blood stream....

Opinions, gang.. is part of my 'mack truck syndrome' from going the whole

night without any hormone input? I have no thyroid activity at all, they

killed it.. so there is no natural output.... Right now my routine

involves waking and usually taking as long as an hour to get the

'gumption' to get out of bed and that is usually due to dogged

determination to get to the bathroom and start working.... My pill box is

in the office and I take my first chip when I get in there.. at 7... (I

work from home). Now I'm wondering if I should take a chip to the bedroom

with me at night so that when I wake in the morning I can take it right

away.. get the hormone into my system during the time it takes me to

become vertical.... it would also decrease my 'no hormone' fast

(overnight) and increase the duration of the hormone intake during the

day.. AND maybe... make my mornings better....

I added calcium, potassium, Vitamin E, extra vitamin C and iron to my

daily supplements about three weeks ago.. I'm noticing improvements from

that... all of these supplements I take at bedtime to, hopefully, reduce

the absorption issues involved with the calcium and iron since the last

OTC thyroid dose is at 7 pm and bedtime is 10 to 10:30.. I started out

taking with a small piece of cheese and water to avoid stomach upset..

but I was doing just fine so I skip the cheese part now... (I have reflux

and can't actually do any kind of a meal within 4 or 5 hours of bedtime)

Gosh.. I am so grateful that we can all compare notes and share

research.. the bits and pieces that we seem to pick up from each other,

mix and matched.. seem to be of help to everyone!

Topper ()



> Topper,


> Generally you would feel better in the Am and crash as the day wears

> on,

> because your adrenals are at their highest output in the first two

> hours

> after you wake. However, this is difficult for me as well, because

> with my

> neurological problems-those are worse in the morning and improve

> throughout

> the day...so I feel like crap from something or another all day. I

> am good

> as far as my drive at 5:30 in the morning, but have a hell of a time

> trying

> to hold a pencil. In the afternoon I have more physical strength for

> walking

> or writing, but am exausted internally. Right now without thyroid

> meds I am

> depressed as well. grrrr...can't seem to win. remember, YOU are

> going to

> feel like crap before you take your thyroid in the morning because

> you don't

> have thyroid output, so you are going to feel like you have been

> beaten in

> your sleep regardless. I am assuming that as you are able to get the

> right

> amount of meds and at some point better meds that will improve for

> you!

> Isn't that wonderful?!? *grin*






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He didn't like you comment? Hey.. we're talking not only peoples lives

here, we're talking quality of life here.... I'm sure many of you

understand where I'm coming from when I say that there are worse things

than death and sometimes it's just shear act of will that gets us through

a day.....

I used to be a person that woke in the morning to see the sun rising with

a smile on my face wondering what mischief that I can get into.. should I

go fishing, canoe in or hike in? Or do some major work in the garden...

or just go for a hike.. or pack up and head to the park for the day and

BBQ and read or write or sketch....

Now.... I wonder if I'll make it to the bathroom before pulling the

bladder sphincter muscles again... then into the office.. I can work in

here on the computer just fine.. but sometimes it's a challenge to get up

to go to the kitchen to make a meal....

I'm getting so close to making the decision that my goal should not be to

ever see a doc any more... I should just have my own labs done and self

medicate.... it would be money much better spent....

Topper ()


On Sun, 6 Apr 2003 11:03:23 -0400 " Jobes "


> Topper,


> Clinical docs do not test for s unless you are dying. Period.

> Thats

> almost all clinical docs. Not a single person who has a bio on the

> addisons

> list was diagnosed prior to almost dying. So, its par for the

> course. Most

> people aren't diagnosed until after they are dead, unfortunatly. One

> member

> wrote me back letting me know I was ahead of the game by finding out

> about

> it and suspecting it before 90% of my adrenals were gone and I was

> in

> crisis, because he'd NEVER spoken to anyone who leanred about it in

> time.

> This is why the docs would not test me. I complained about that to

> Dr Ruth

> she said that clinical medicine is emergency medicine. Which means

> they wait

> for the infection to give the antibiotic, that they do not prevent

> disease,

> that they do not look for an underlying cause for a disease, but

> treat

> symptoms that are obvious. Thats why I give up, and am taking my

> health into

> my own hands. The uppity med student said " We usually see addisons

> disease

> presented in the emergency room, the patient is darkened and in

> shock. " I

> said " thats because you ignored their symptoms for 10 years prior to

> the

> crisis! " He didn't like that. Too bad.



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> Sad to say my hubby is one of these. I told him that the PDR said you


> supposed to make sure you didn't have addrenal problems before prescribing

> thyroid meds. He first said he didn't know that then added that " but no


> does that. " I told him, well, he should! I can't fix all docs but I can

> certainly work on the one in my house!

, I understand both sides of the fence here. The stimulation test for

adrenal output is an expensive test that the insurance companies might not

pay for unless you are dying. So, other than doing an 8am cortisol

screening, which is indicitive of nothing in many cases due to

interpretation problems, there is little they can do to insure that adrenals

are tested. Not many are open to saliva tests yet. My opinion on this is

that (and please do share this with hubby) if the patient shows symptoms of

adrenal insufficiency-such as weight loss (not always present but is the

majority) low normal to low BP, high heart rate, high or " normal " basal temp

without thyroid meds even though tests show hypothyroidism, nausea, absense

of consitipation or diarrhea, yeast infections, new freckles, a liking for

salty foods, dark scars (as opposed to pink or white) from recent injury-old

scars will not darken (not everyone but majority), low normal blood sugar

(not everyone) excessive hair loss (can be just on head or body wide-or loss

of hair on head with extra body hair). Also, a bad reaction to thyroid can

indicate it after the fact.

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How wonderful, great, one doc at a time except for little who will work

on 999.

Would you husband ever read Broda MD or Brownstein MD book?


> Clinical docs do not test for s unless you are dying

Sad to say my hubby is one of these.

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What about low BP and low pulse?

Re: Re: (no subject)

>Also, what was your BP? I forgot to mention that adrenal problems lower

your BP while increasing your pulse. On thyroid meds with adrenals,

generally speaking your BP would not be exceeding about 110/70. I am sure it

is possible to go a little higher, but unlikely. Low or Low normal BP is the

most prominant sign of adrenal insufficiency. The worse the adrenals, the

lower the BP.

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  • 2 years later...
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Sutton has MS and is a female race car driver and she also uses Copaxone. Copaxone is her sponser for her race car and she also speaks for Copaxone.

I never have met her but she was in Indianapolis racing and also giving talks about MS and Copaxone. Here is her web page.



(no subject)


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Let's see if you send it back. We all know or knew someone like this!!One day, when I was a freshman in high school,I saw a kid from my class was walking home from school.His name was .It looked like he was carrying all of hisbooks.I thought to myself, "Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday?He must really be a nerd."I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a football game with my friendstomorrow afternoon), so I shrugged my shoulders and went on.As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward him.They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him sohe landed in the dirt.His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten feetfrom him.He looked up and I saw this terrible sadness in his eyesMy heart went out to him. So, I jogged over to him and as he crawled aroundlooking for his glasses, and I saw a tear in his eye.As I handed him his glasses, I said, "Those guys are jerks.They really should get lives." He looked at me and said, "Hey thanks!"There was a big smile on his face.It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude.I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where he lived.As it turned out, he lived near me, so I asked him why I had never seen himbefore.He said he had gone to private school before now.I would have never hung out with a private school kid before.We talked all the way home, and I carried some of his books.He turned out to be a pretty cool kid.I asked him if he wanted to play a little football with my friendsHe said yes.We hung out all weekend and the more I got to know , the more I likedhim, and my friends thought the same of him.Monday morning came, and there was with the huge stack of books again.I stopped him and said, "Boy, you are gonna really build some seriousmuscles with this pile of books everyday!" He just laughed and handed me half the books.Over the next four years, and I became best friends.When we were seniors, we began to thinkabout college. decided on town, and Iwas going to Duke.I knew that we would always be friends, that the miles would never be aproblem.He was going to be a doctor, and I was going for business on a footballscholarship. was valedictorian of our class.I teased him all the time about being a nerd.He had to prepare a speech for graduation.I was so glad it wasn't me having to get up there and speakGraduation day, I saw .He looked great.He was one of those guys that really found himself during high school.He filled out and actually looked good in glasses.He had more dates than I had and all the girls loved him.Boy, sometimes I was jealous.Today was one of those days.I could see that he was nervous about his speech.So, I smacked him on the back and said, "Hey, big guy, you'll be great!"He looked at me with one of those looks (the really grateful one) andsmiled."Thanks," he said.As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began"Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through thosetough years.Your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach...but mostly yourfriends...I am here to tell all of you that being afriend to someone is the best gift you can give them.I am going to tell you a story."I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the story of the firstday we met.He had planned to kill himself over the weekend.He talked of how he had cleaned out his locker so his Mom wouldn't have todo it later and was carrying his stuff home.He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile."Thankfully, I was saved.My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable."I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told usall about his weakest moment.I saw his Mom and dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile.Not until that moment did I realize it's depth.Never underestimate the power of your actions.With one small gesture you can change a person's life.For better or for worse.God puts us all in each other's lives to impact one another in some way.Look for God in others.You now have two choices, you can:1) Pass this on to your friends or2) Delete it and act like it didn't touch your heart.As you can see, I took choice number 1."Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have troubleremembering how to fly."There is no beginning or end.. Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is mystery.Today is a gift.It's National Friendship Week. Show your friends how much you care. Sendthis to everyone you consider a FRIEND.If it comes back to you, then you'll know you have a circle of friends.WHEN YOU RECEIVE THIS LETTER, YOU'RE REQUESTED TO SEND IT TO AT LEAST 10PEOPLE, INCLUDING THE PERSON WHO SENT IT TO YOU.

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