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I have chiari 7mm (not decompressed), had TCS 6 years ago and it took my 6 1/2

years to get SSD and finally get insurance! I was just diagnosed with cervical

cancer and am looking at a hysterectomy. For my biopsy the dr was able to keep

my head elevated but explained for the hysterectomy I would be in a position

where my head would be lower than my feet. This is so that my intestines and

other organs will be " out of the way " for this robotic procedure. I try to

follow all chiari suggestions, keeping my head elevated, not hyper-extending,

etc and when I do try to lay flat it feels like I am drowning in my spinal

fluid. He explained to me that if I cannot lay in this position that my other

option would be to get " cut open " which is a longer healing process (and one

that I really dont want to do). I do not have a Neurologist locally - last dr I

saw for chairi was 6 yrs ago at TCI. (I have yet to find a dr here who

" believes " in chiari!!!) With all that being said - have any women out there had

a hysterectomy where they were in a position like this and if so, how did it go?

Any responses would be greatly appreciated!

Sally G.

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