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Low Fat Diet??? Look at the evidence....

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> I read this post and had to pop over and read about iodine.


> Fascinating and thought provoking-going to discuss this one w/Dr.

> next week. I don't eat salt since heart attack, high blood


> and stokes run way down the line on both sides of my family. I

eat a

> low fat diet, too.


> Maybe I am too cautious and causing myself some problems?? I


> need iodine..


> Lana


>Hi Lana,

I wrote the following to my family and friends after seeing Sally

Fallon, co author of Nourishing Traditions Cookbook, Weston A. Price

Foundation, this past week. The public has been scammed on the Low

Fat Diet Issue. Here are a few of the things she shared with us.

Hormones are made from Cholesterol and it is so important to have a

high cholesterol number. I know it sounds foreign from everything

that you have ever been told by your doctor or read about, but do

some research. We need our fats! Especially us women!

To all friends and family. This is really important information

that your not going to hear in the mainstream press. Wanted to




I went and heard the lady that co-wrote the cookbook that I gave you

called Nourishing Traditions last night. It was very much worth

going to and I wanted to recap some of the things she included.

1921 first heart attack in America

1930 3000 deaths from heart attacks

1960 500,000 deaths from heart attacks

Diet Heart Theory/The Lipid Hypothesis was developed which said

high cholesterol which is the build up of plaque causes coronary

heart disease

Lundy and Sperry 1936 study showed no correlation of cholesterol and


Dr. Dudley White - Eisenhower's personal physician spoke out against

this Lipid Theory with a panel of doctors on national TV(all three

chanels carried this discussion) The rest of the doctors ended up

endorsing the Prudent Diet of which studies were done and 8 people

died while on the diet.

1957 The Anti-Coronary Club study was later dropped for " cost "

reasons when it was not showing the results they wanted

1965 Fred Mattson- Proctor and Gamble removed references to " trans

fatty acids " in order to promote vegetable oil and hydrogenated veg.

oil products. He personally supervised the removal of saturated

animal fats and promoted vegetable oils in the American diet.

Originally the AMA opposed the " Prudent Diet " and believed that low

cholesterol caused heart attacks

By 1972-73 AHA, AMA, NAS all endorsed it.

1938 Food Drug & Cosmetic Act - must say " immitation " on the label,

this was challenged in 1973 by Senate Select committee on Nutrition

& Human Needs headed by McGovern. They promoted the

AHA " lipid hypothesis " and dissenting testimony was ignored. Final

report claimed USDA showed animal fats caused and vegetable oils

prevent cancer and heart disease. An independant analysis of the

same data show the opposite.

Enig,PhD. co author of the cookbook was at Univ. of land.

She analyzed the data and published a report in an " obscure "

journal. Her whole department lost their funding and was shut down.

MRFIT study - highest rate of coronary events found in those taking

blood pressure medication combined with statins.

The Cholesterol Myths - (I bought this book) says this is the

greatest health scam of the century.

Lancet Journal published study shows the lower the cholesterol, the

earlier one dies.

All the studies, charts, graphs have been altered and arranged to

show what the industries wanted to show to encourage the use of

vegetable oils and now cholesterol medications. More money has been

made by pharmaceutical companies on cholesterol medication than any

other medication EVER!

Cholesterol is a sterol- waxy substance manufactured by every cell

in the body.

Key role- makes cells waterproof, gives integrity to cells

Healing- heals tears in arteries

Powerful antioxidant- protects from free radicals

Hormones are made from cholesterol

Oxidized cholesterol is a terrible substance that is in powdered

milk, powdered eggs and added to lowfat and skim milks

Trans fats are now having to be listed on label of food products

(2006) but don't think they have't found ways around this! Only

Triglycerides have to be labeled as a fat. Mono and Di glycerides

do not have to be labeled as a fat. Also if less than .5 trans fat

in a serving then it doesn't have to be labeled so manufacturers

have just decreased the size of a serving.

Quotes from Experts on Coronary Heart Disease:

In Framingham, Mass, study- " The more saturated fat one ate, the

more cholesterol one ate, the more calories one ate, the lower

people's serum cholesterol... we found that the people who ate the

most cholesterol, ate the most saturated fat, ate the most calories

weighted the least and were the most physically active. "

Castelli, MD, Director

" The diet-heart hypothesis has been repeatedly shown to be wrong,

and yet, for complicated reasons of pride, profit and predjudice,

they hypothesis continues to be exploited by scientist, fund-raising

enterprises, food companies and even governmental agencies. The

public is being deceived by the greatest health scam of the

century. " Mann, ScD, MD, Former Co-director The Framingham


" An anaysis of cholesterol values...in 1700 patients with

atherosclerotic disease revealed no definite correlation between

serum cholesterol levels and the nature and extent of

atherosclerotic disease. " DeBakey, MD famous heart surgeon

" The relevant literature(on CHD) is permeated with fraudulent

materials that is designed to convert negative evidence into

positive evidence with respect to the lipid hypothesis. That fraud

is relatively easy to detect. " , PhD

" Whatever causes coronary heart disease, it is not primarily a high

intake of saturated fat. " Gurr, PhD, Renowned Lipid

Chemist Author of authoritative study on CHD

Weston Price Foundation www.westonaprice.org operates soley on

contributions and does not get any money from meat or dairy

industries. Great information on this website. You can look up

anything and they have doctors on board with many studies.

This included from their phamplet:

Confused about fats?

The following nutrient-rich traditional fats have nourished healthy

population groups for thousands of years:


Tallow and suet from beef and lamb

Lard from pigs

Chicken,Goose and Duck fat

Coconut, palm and palm kernel oils (not hydrogenated or partially


Extra virgin olive oil

Expeller-expressed flax oil

Marine oils such as cod liver

The following fats can cause cancer, heart disease, immune system

disfunction, sterility, learning disabilities, growth problems,and


All hydrogenated oils

Industrially processed oils such as soy, corn, safflower, cottonseed

and canola

Fats and oils(especailly vegetable oils) heated to very high

temperatures in processing and frying

Sally says to use extra virgin olive oil for salad dressings and the

others for cooking. Put butter on everything! Especially


For more information on Characteristics of Traditional Diets see

their website. Dr. Price studies 16 people groups all over the

world. He was a dentist and found that the health and facial

structure of children and their teeth totally deteriorated in one

generation when processed foods were eaten in place of their

traditional diet.

One more thing that makes so much sense that Sally talked about was

how this has affected our children because we need fat for our

brains to function and the industry has raked in millions off kids

for ADHD and behavioral problems because kids can't focus or sit

still or think anymore with all the junk they eat and there is no

real nourishment,except through real butter and fats that provide

vitamins A & D plus so much more. The answer is not more

medication! Also the increase of sterility and fertility problems

in so many young women and men because cholesterol is so important

in the making of hormones.

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