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Theses drugs don't really do anything to mel

Lots of hugs and kisses to everyone.




From: abijann <no_reply >


To: livercirrhosissupport

Date: Sunday, May 17, 2009, 3:22 PM

Thanks, that is basically what I had read On the Ambien site when

I compared the two different drugs.

It said that the Aranesp has a longer half life than the

Epoetin Alfa and when it was given to patients who were on

dialysis, the terminal half life of Aranesp was approximately

three fold longer than that of Epoetin Alfa when administered

intravenously. Where a patient would have to have the

Epoetin Alfa dosage three times a week, the patient would

only have to have Aranesp once a week.

http://pi.amgen. com/united_ states/aranesp/ ckd/aranesp_ pi_hcp_english. pdf

<http://pi.amgen. com/united_ states/aranesp/ ckd/aranesp_ pi_hcp_english. pd\


http://www.amgen. com/medpro/ products. html

<http://www.amgen. com/medpro/ products. html>

Epoetin Alfa is an older drug that has been in use longer. Aranesp is a

newer drug.

The FDA is enforcing that more warnings are being placed on these drugs

now, especially when they are being used in cancer patients on


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  • 3 weeks later...
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In our center if the patient has Medicare only, we meet with the pt. and we let them know that they need a Medicare supplement, especially if they are being listed. They will not be listed active until they obtain a Medicare supplement. I hope this helps. AyabarrenoFinancial CoordinatorHartford Hospital Transplant Program80 Seymour Street - Suite 321Hartford, CT 06102Email: Mayabar@...Tele# Fax# >>> " Maddox" 6/2/2009 3:20 PM >>> I am hoping to get some feedback on how different centers handle kidney transplant patients with Medicare only. Does your center accept them without anything to supplement Medicare? If so, are they required to have a certain amount of money up front to cover the expense of potentially high dollar follow-up care and their 20% for immunosuppressants? We have some patients that have Medicare only and have missed their window of opportunity to enroll in a supplement, do not qualify for state funded assistance, and do not have any other commercial insurance options. Thanks! MaddoxTransplant Financial CoordinatorVia Christi Regional Medical Centershannon_maddoxvia-christi (DOT) orgPhone (316)268-5348Fax (316)291-7765NOTICE – This e-mail message may contain privileged, confidential, or sensitive information intended only for the use of the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or reproduction of this e-mail is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify Via Christi Regional Medical Center immediately, and delete this e-mail and all attachments from your computer system. Any views expressed in this e-mail are those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect the views of Via Christi Regional Medical Centerâ€.

Attachment: vcard [not shown]

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I have a pop can holder on my desk which I use to hold my multiple

eyeglasses. It says on the outside of it: " Over What Hill? Where? When? I

don't remember any hill. " I think some of these " hills " are just road

blocks we have to drive around to get where we are going. Jan H

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 11:41 AM, abijann <no_reply > wrote:



> Your just a young chick....you may be going up the hill but you

> haven't reached the top yet, nor have you gone over. What they

> don't tell you, is that when you do reach the top of that hill...

> there is another hill that goes up even further, that you don't

> see till you get there. I thought, after a certain age, life

> would be easier and peaceful as I would slowly slide down the

> hill...boy, was I fooled. I'm 58.





Jan H

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thanks my friend for the hope...i have a real sweetheart friend at work who is

45 when she found out that i will be dam@ near 50 she reacted ...i almost cried

and laughed at her reaction..i told her she was not helping...sandra


From: abijann <no_reply >

To: livercirrhosissupport

Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 2:41:07 PM


Your just a young chick....you may be going up the hill but you

haven't reached the top yet, nor have you gone over. What they

don't tell you, is that when you do reach the top of that hill...

there is another hill that goes up even further, that you don't

see till you get there. I thought, after a certain age, life

would be easier and peaceful as I would slowly slide down the

hill...boy, was I fooled. I'm 58.

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i am coping this and putting it up on my wall of good quotes sandra


To: livercirrhosissupport

Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 3:56:41 PM

Subject: Re:

I have a pop can holder on my desk which I use to hold my multiple

eyeglasses. It says on the outside of it: " Over What Hill? Where? When? I

don't remember any hill. " I think some of these " hills " are just road

blocks we have to drive around to get where we are going. Jan H

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 11:41 AM, abijann <no_reply@yahoogroup s.com> wrote:



> Your just a young chick....you may be going up the hill but you

> haven't reached the top yet, nor have you gone over. What they

> don't tell you, is that when you do reach the top of that hill...

> there is another hill that goes up even further, that you don't

> see till you get there. I thought, after a certain age, life

> would be easier and peaceful as I would slowly slide down the

> hill...boy, was I fooled. I'm 58.





Jan H

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  • 4 weeks later...
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You know Abijann all that you said was exactly my thoughts too. But as i was

told it seems to be sometime in 2010 before the later will take place...

From: abijann <no_reply >


To: livercirrhosissupport

Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 7:35 PM


About the only thing I got from the Unos site article is that

they think people must be dying regionally who are the sickest and

in more need of a transplant sooner than someone who was on the local

list. However, doing this, means that the organ may be out of the

donor body longer...be transported farther, which could mean it can become

damaged easier and may not work as well once transplanted.

To me it seems to be weighing the pros and cons of what they really

want to accomplish.. .which, in this case, is giving the organ to

the one who could die the soonest, without a transplant, regardless

of whether the organ transport matters. This definitely will have

an effect on being listed at two local Transplant Centers...there

won't be a need for that, since you would have to be the sickest

on the UNOS list (Regionally) ...not the Transplant Center's list


I hope your husband receives a transplant soon and they don't

need to wait till he hits the highest numbers.

It is scary...but the best thing to do now is watch his Vital

Signs: Pulse, respiration rates, blood pressure, temperature

and also his Sodium/Potassium lab levels and his

Liver Function tests.

He needs to be open with you about how he is feeling and if he has any dizziness

or his heart isn't beating quite right or if he feels

unusual or unsteady. Watch for any signs of bleeding.

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Hi Nury! This link has everything anyone

ever needed to know about COBRA however, does not mention your scenario.

The only thing I saw in here about another health plan is if you are covered

under another health plan you do not qualify for COBRA, but I think they are

referring to if you get another job with benefits. There are more links and

contact info on this page maybe there is someone you can call. Hope this

helps a little anyway !

Pat Kreci

Transplant Financial Coordinator

Gulf Coast Medical


Ft Myers, FL

From: TxFinancialCoordinators [mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of npaulino@...

Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 8:43


To: TxFinancialCoordinators


Hello group. I need some feedback on a case that I

have. Need to determine who should be the primary payor as we are getting

conflicting information. This is the case:


is less than 65 years old on a Cobra policy since 04/01/08 with Cigna, through

her old employer. Also covered under husband's BCBS, he works for a company

with more than 100 employees and is still actively working. Who is primary?


Nury ino

Transplant Financial Coordinator

Patient Accounts, 1st floor West Pavillion

(813)844-4665 office

(813)844-7334 fax

(813)332-6777 pager

npaulinotgh (DOT) org

This message and attachments are from Tampa General Hospital

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Have you verified with her ex-employer

that they are aware she has the husband’s policy?

COBRA was created as a coverage for folks

who do not have other group coverage; it may be that she is actually not

eligible for the COBRA.


From: TxFinancialCoordinators [mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Kreci,

Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 9:26


To: TxFinancialCoordinators

Subject: RE:


Hi Nury! This link has

everything anyone ever needed to know about COBRA however, does not

mention your scenario. The only thing I saw in here about another

health plan is if you are covered under another health plan you do not qualify

for COBRA, but I think they are referring to if you get another job with

benefits. There are more links and contact info on this page maybe

there is someone you can call. Hope this helps a little anyway !

Pat Kreci

Transplant Financial Coordinator

Gulf Coast Medical


Ft Myers,


From: TxFinancialCoordinators

[mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ]

On Behalf Of npaulinotgh (DOT) org

Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 8:43


To: TxFinancialCoordinators


Hello group. I need some feedback on a case that I have. Need to

determine who should be the primary payor as we are getting conflicting

information. This is the case:


is less than 65 years old on a Cobra policy since 04/01/08 with Cigna, through

her old employer. Also covered under husband's BCBS, he works for a company

with more than 100 employees and is still actively working. Who is primary?


Nury ino

Transplant Financial Coordinator

Patient Accounts, 1st floor West Pavillion

(813)844-4665 office

(813)844-7334 fax

(813)332-6777 pager

npaulinotgh (DOT) org

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Thank you.

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I agree with Sher. Also, being 65 (Medicare eligible) she should no

longer be eligible for COBRA. Her husband's insurance should be primary

with the information you provided.



Financial Coordinator, BMT Program

Western Pennsylvania Cancer Institute

Pittsburgh, PA 15224




TFCA, Trustee

Hello group. I need some feedback on a case that I have. Need to

determine who should be the primary payor as we are getting conflicting

information. This is the case:

Patient is less than 65 years old on a Cobra policy since 04/01/08 with

Cigna, through her old employer. Also covered under husband's BCBS, he

works for a company with more than 100 employees and is still actively

working. Who is primary?

Mrs. Nury ino

Transplant Financial Coordinator

Patient Accounts, 1st floor West Pavillion

(813)844-4665 office

(813)844-7334 fax

(813)332-6777 pager


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And it would save them the COBRA premium!

Daryl Battin,



Coordinator/Social Worker

Department of

Transplantation -- Kidney

Lahey Clinic, 41 Mall Road, Burlington

MA 01805


/ FAX:


From: TxFinancialCoordinators [mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Dodson

Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 10:29



GATEWAY.GWIA1. " sstirlingburgin@... " ; TxFinancialCoordinators

Subject: RE:

I agree with Sher. Also, being 65 (Medicare eligible)

she should no

longer be eligible for COBRA. Her husband's insurance should be primary

with the information you provided.



Financial Coordinator, BMT Program

Western Pennsylvania Cancer Institute

Pittsburgh, PA 15224



mdodsonwpahs (DOT) org

TFCA, Trustee

Hello group. I need some feedback on a case that I have. Need to

determine who should be the primary payor as we are getting conflicting

information. This is the case:

Patient is less than 65 years old on a Cobra policy since 04/01/08 with

Cigna, through her old employer. Also covered under husband's BCBS, he

works for a company with more than 100 employees and is still actively

working. Who is primary?

Mrs. Nury ino

Transplant Financial Coordinator

Patient Accounts, 1st floor West Pavillion

(813)844-4665 office

(813)844-7334 fax

(813)332-6777 pager

npaulinotgh (DOT) org

This message and attachments are from Tampa General Hospital

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  • 3 months later...

My understanding is

that you can only pay them the Medicare allowed amount.

You should have the

outside facility/doctor sign off that they agree to accept the Medicare rates;

otherwise, you may need to consider having the patient be seen by someone who


I believe there is a

sample document in the TFCA resource bible…

Meredith Gray

Liver Transplant Financial Coordinator

University of Rochester Medical



Elmwood Avenue Box 602


NY 14642



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From: TxFinancialCoordinators [mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Whitney Folsom

Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009

4:42 PM

To: TxFinancialCoordinators


When you send patients to outside facilities or Drs

for their pretransplant workup how much do you pay them? Most of ours get

medicare allowable but one cardiologist gets 130% of medicare allowable. Just

want to see what other centers are doing.



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  • 1 month later...

The CMS requirements are that patient and referring physician be notified.

However you notify a patient they are not a candidate medically is the same way

you will do the financial portion.

>>> " Maddox " 12/17/2009 10:12 AM >>>

When your transplant center and the patient determine that the patient

does not have adequate financial means to proceed with transplant, does

your center send something in writing to the patient and the referring


This does not happen often and when it does we will have already

exhausted every other avenue to assist the patient. There are times

when they acknowledge they cannot afford transplant and are not

interested in opportunities such as fundraising.

Does anyone know if there are any CMS requirements in the conditions of

participation regarding written notification when a patient does not

proceed for financial reasons?

Thanks for the feedback!


Transplant Financial Coordinator

Via Christi Regional Medical Center

929 N St Francis

Wichita KS 67214


Phone (316)268-5348

Fax (316)291-7765

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Ohio Medicaid is 1-.If you need additional help please privately email me or call.Dorinda S. Frye, ARC RepDFrye@...Hematology/Oncology AkronHematology/Oncology Mahoning ValleyInfusion TherapyCraniofacial Office Fax " Jelali, Tamara " Sent by: <TxFinancialCoordinators >01/06/2010 07:17 AMPlease respond to<TxFinancialCoordinators >To " TxFinancialCoordinators " <TxFinancialCoordinators >ccSubject Can anyone give me the contacts for NY Medicaid and Ohio Medicaid to verify coverage and obtain auth / LOA. Thank you,TamaraCONFIDENTIAL: The information contained in this communication, including its attachments may contain confidential information and is intended only for the individual (s) or entity (ies) to whom it is addressed . The information contained in this communication may also be protected by legal privilege , federal law or other applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication , you are hereby notified that any distribution, dissemination or duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error please immediately delete and destroy all copies of this message and please immediately notify us of the error by separate communication . Thank you.

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NY Medicaid ,

NY Medicaid Choice .

Jelali, Tamara wrote:

Can anyone give me the contacts for NY Medicaid and Ohio

Medicaid to verify coverage and obtain auth / LOA.

Thank you,


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502 Seventh Street South

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us by phone

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Click here for directions to

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Shellie Bush

UPMC / Payor Contract Services

Quantum I, 1st Floor Suite 079.2



From: TxFinancialCoordinators

[mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Jelali,


Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 2:09 PM

To: TxFinancialCoordinators


Does anyone have

the number to GA Medicaid?

Tamara L. Jelali




University Hospital Transplant Institute

3800 Reservior

Road, NW

2 Main

Washington, DC





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  • 6 months later...


If it is billed

to a replacement plan, it still has to be logged on the Medicare Cost

Report. If the patient goes back to fee for service Medicare for the

transplant, anything collected from the replacement plan for evaluation

services must be offset on the Cost Report. The kidney does not count as

a Medicare Kidney on the Cost Report.

Hope this






[mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of ,

Karie D

Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 8:05 AM

To: 'TxFinancialCoordinators '

Subject: RE:

Replacement plan.



[mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Rasberry,


Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 4:17 PM

To: TxFinancialCoordinators


If patient

has a medicare replacement plan, is the work-up billed to the cost center or

the the replacement plan?




Financial Coordinator

University of

Illinois Medical Center

Division of


Phone (312)


Fax (312)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Beverly,

You can bill

the plan, but the charges must be logged for inclusion on the cost report.

If Medicare ultimately pays for the transplant anything collected from the Plan

must be added up and offset on the Cost Report.

Hope this helps,




TxFinancialCoordinators [mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ]

On Behalf Of Rasberry, Beverly

Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 5:17 PM

To: TxFinancialCoordinators


If patient

has a medicare replacement plan, is the work-up billed to the cost center or the

the replacement plan?




Financial Coordinator

University of

Illinois Medical Center

Division of


Phone (312)


Fax (312)


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Bill, would you please send me the copy of your presentations from the TFC


Julius C. Eason

Transplant Financial Coordinator

Multi-Organ Transplant

Beaumont Hosp., Royal Oak

(P) , (F)


>>> " jbvaughan " 10/11/2010 2:36 PM >>>

Hi Beverly,

You can bill the plan, but the charges must be logged for inclusion on the

cost report. If Medicare ultimately pays for the transplant anything

collected from the Plan must be added up and offset on the Cost Report.

Hope this helps,



From: TxFinancialCoordinators

[mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Rasberry,


Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 5:17 PM

To: TxFinancialCoordinators


If patient has a medicare replacement plan, is the work-up billed to the

cost center or the the replacement plan?

Beverly Rasberry

Transplant Financial Coordinator

University of Illinois Medical Center

Division of Transplantation



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I would like a copy as well Bill.





[mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Julius


Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 3:34 PM

To: TxFinancialCoordinators

Subject: RE:

Bill, would you please send me the copy of your

presentations from the TFC Conference?

Julius C. Eason

Transplant Financial Coordinator

Multi-Organ Transplant

Beaumont Hosp., Royal Oak

(P) , (F)


>>> " jbvaughan "

10/11/2010 2:36 PM >>>

Hi Beverly,

You can bill the plan, but the charges must be logged for inclusion on the

cost report. If Medicare ultimately pays for the transplant anything

collected from the Plan must be added up and offset on the Cost Report.

Hope this helps,



From: TxFinancialCoordinators

[mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ]

On Behalf Of Rasberry,


Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 5:17 PM

To: TxFinancialCoordinators


If patient has a medicare replacement plan, is the work-up billed to the

cost center or the the replacement plan?

Beverly Rasberry

Transplant Financial Coordinator

University of Illinois Medical Center

Division of Transplantation



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Bill, We would like a copy as well. Thank you so much.



From: TxFinancialCoordinators [mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Frye, DorindaSent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 6:14 AMTo: TxFinancialCoordinators Subject: RE:

I would like a copy as well Bill.



From: TxFinancialCoordinators [mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Julius EasonSent: Monday, October 11, 2010 3:34 PMTo: TxFinancialCoordinators Subject: RE:

Bill, would you please send me the copy of your presentations from the TFC Conference?Julius C. EasonTransplant Financial CoordinatorMulti-Organ Transplant Beaumont Hosp., Royal Oak(P) , (F) jeason@...>>> "jbvaughan" 10/11/2010 2:36 PM >>>Hi Beverly,You can bill the plan, but the charges must be logged for inclusion on thecost report. If Medicare ultimately pays for the transplant anythingcollected from the Plan must be added up and offset on the Cost Report.Hope this helps,Thanks,BillFrom: TxFinancialCoordinators [mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Rasberry,BeverlySent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 5:17 PMTo: TxFinancialCoordinators Subject: If patient has a medicare replacement plan, is the work-up billed to thecost center or the the replacement plan? Beverly Rasberry Transplant Financial Coordinator University of Illinois Medical Center Division of Transplantation Phone Fax *********************EMAIL DISCLAIMER*********************This email and any files transmitted with it may be confidential and areintended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they areaddressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the individualresponsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is strictly prohibited. If you have received thise-mail in error, please delete it and notify the sender or contact Health Information Management .

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I would like a copy too!


Transplant Financial Coordinator

Bone Marrow / Stem Cell Transplant Team

Division of Hematology

University of MS Medical Center




[mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Watts,


Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 7:10 AM

To: 'TxFinancialCoordinators '

Subject: RE:

Bill, We would like a copy as well. Thank you so much.



From: TxFinancialCoordinators

[mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Frye,


Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 6:14 AM

To: TxFinancialCoordinators

Subject: RE:

I would like a copy as well Bill.





[mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Julius


Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 3:34 PM

To: TxFinancialCoordinators

Subject: RE:

Bill, would you please send me the copy of your presentations from the TFC


Julius C. Eason

Transplant Financial Coordinator

Multi-Organ Transplant

Beaumont Hosp., Royal Oak

(P) , (F)


>>> " jbvaughan "

10/11/2010 2:36 PM >>>

Hi Beverly,

You can bill the plan, but the charges must be logged for inclusion on the

cost report. If Medicare ultimately pays for the transplant anything

collected from the Plan must be added up and offset on the Cost Report.

Hope this helps,



From: TxFinancialCoordinators

[mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ]

On Behalf Of Rasberry,


Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 5:17 PM

To: TxFinancialCoordinators


If patient has a medicare replacement plan, is the work-up billed to the

cost center or the the replacement plan?

Beverly Rasberry

Transplant Financial Coordinator

University of Illinois Medical Center

Division of Transplantation



*********************EMAIL DISCLAIMER*********************

This email and any files transmitted with it may be confidential and are

intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are

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same here! AyabarrenoFinancial CoordinatorHartford Hospital Transplant Program80 Seymour Street - Suite 321Hartford, CT 06102Email: Mayabar@...Tele# Fax# >>> " M. " 10/12/2010 9:01 AM >>> I would like a copy too!Thanks, Transplant Financial CoordinatorBone Marrow / Stem Cell Transplant TeamDivision of HematologyUniversity of MS Medical Center faxFrom: TxFinancialCoordinators [mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Watts, RSent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 7:10 AMTo: 'TxFinancialCoordinators 'Subject: RE: Bill, We would like a copy as well. Thank you so much. @ MUSC.wattscha@...From: TxFinancialCoordinators [mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Frye, DorindaSent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 6:14 AMTo: TxFinancialCoordinators Subject: RE: I would like a copy as well Bill.Thanks,DorindaFrom: TxFinancialCoordinators [mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Julius EasonSent: Monday, October 11, 2010 3:34 PMTo: TxFinancialCoordinators Subject: RE: Bill, would you please send me the copy of your presentations from the TFC Conference?Julius C. EasonTransplant Financial CoordinatorMulti-Organ Transplant Beaumont Hosp., Royal Oak(P) , (F) jeason@...>>> "jbvaughan" 10/11/2010 2:36 PM >>>Hi Beverly,You can bill the plan, but the charges must be logged for inclusion on thecost report. If Medicare ultimately pays for the transplant anythingcollected from the Plan must be added up and offset on the Cost Report.Hope this helps,Thanks,BillFrom: TxFinancialCoordinators [mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Rasberry,BeverlySent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 5:17 PMTo: TxFinancialCoordinators Subject: If patient has a medicare replacement plan, is the work-up billed to thecost center or the the replacement plan? Beverly Rasberry Transplant Financial Coordinator University of Illinois Medical Center Division of Transplantation Phone Fax *********************EMAIL DISCLAIMER*********************This email and any files transmitted with it may be confidential and areintended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they areaddressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the individualresponsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is strictly prohibited. If you have received thise-mail in error, please delete it and notify the sender or contact Health Information Management .Individuals who have received this information in error or are not authorized to receive it must promptly return or dispose of the information and notify the sender. Those individuals are hereby notified that they are strictly prohibited from reviewing, forwarding, printing, copying, distributing or using this information in any way.

Attachment: vcard [not shown]

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Bill,I would like a copy as well.Thanks,Barbarabarbara.redmond@...To: "TxFinancialCoordinators " <TxFinancialCoordinators >Sent: Tue, October 12, 2010 8:09:50 AMSubject: RE:

Bill, We would like a copy as well. Thank you so much.



From: TxFinancialCoordinators [mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Frye, DorindaSent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 6:14 AMTo: TxFinancialCoordinators Subject: RE:

I would like a copy as well Bill. Thanks, Dorinda

From: TxFinancialCoordinators [mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Julius EasonSent: Monday, October 11, 2010 3:34 PMTo: TxFinancialCoordinators Subject: RE:

Bill, would you please send me the copy of your presentations from the TFC Conference?Julius C. EasonTransplant Financial CoordinatorMulti-Organ Transplant Beaumont Hosp., Royal Oak(P) , (F) jeason@...>>> "jbvaughan" 10/11/2010 2:36 PM >>>Hi Beverly,You can bill the plan, but the charges must be logged for inclusion on thecost report. If Medicare ultimately pays for the transplant anythingcollected from the Plan must be added up and offset on the Cost Report.Hope this helps,Thanks,BillFrom: TxFinancialCoordinators [mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Rasberry,BeverlySent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 5:17 PMTo: TxFinancialCoordinators Subject: If patient has a medicare replacement plan, is the work-up billed to thecost center or the the replacement plan? Beverly Rasberry Transplant Financial Coordinator University of Illinois Medical Center Division of Transplantation Phone Fax *********************EMAIL DISCLAIMER*********************This email and any files transmitted with it may be confidential and areintended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they areaddressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the individualresponsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is strictly prohibited. If you have received thise-mail in error, please delete it and notify the sender or contact Health Information Management .

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Bill please send me a copy of your presentations as well.

Thank You,

Beverly mailto:Bmitchell@...

Reagan -



Supervisor Transplant Financial Coordinator


Fax #

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TxFinancialCoordinators [mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ]

On Behalf Of Barbara Redmond

Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 6:40 PM

To: TxFinancialCoordinators

Subject: Re:


I would like a copy as well.




From: " Watts,

R "

To: " TxFinancialCoordinators " <TxFinancialCoordinators >

Sent: Tue, October 12, 2010 8:09:50 AM

Subject: RE:

Bill, We would like a copy as well. Thank you so much.




TxFinancialCoordinators [mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ]

On Behalf Of Frye, Dorinda

Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 6:14 AM

To: TxFinancialCoordinators

Subject: RE:

I would like a copy as well Bill.




TxFinancialCoordinators [mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ]

On Behalf Of Julius Eason

Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 3:34 PM

To: TxFinancialCoordinators

Subject: RE:

Bill, would you please send me the copy of your presentations from the TFC Conference?

Julius C. Eason

Transplant Financial Coordinator

Multi-Organ Transplant

Beaumont Hosp., Royal Oak

(P) , (F)


>>> " jbvaughan " 10/11/2010 2:36 PM >>>

Hi Beverly,

You can bill the plan, but the charges must be logged for inclusion on the

cost report. If Medicare ultimately pays for the transplant anything

collected from the Plan must be added up and offset on the Cost Report.

Hope this helps,





[mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Rasberry,


Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 5:17 PM




If patient has a medicare replacement plan, is the work-up billed to the

cost center or the the replacement plan?

Beverly Rasberry

Transplant Financial Coordinator

University of Illinois

Medical Center

Division of Transplantation



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If you could send me a copy of your presentations I would

appreciate it also.


J. Lavery

Revenue Finance and Reimbursement


Health Care







[mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of ,


Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:15 AM

To: 'TxFinancialCoordinators '

Subject: RE:


please send me a copy of your presentations as well.

Thank You,

Beverly mailto:Bmitchell@...

Reagan - UCLA Hospital

Supervisor Transplant Financial Coordinator





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the person or entity to which it is addressed and contains information that is

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your computer.

From: TxFinancialCoordinators

[mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Barbara


Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 6:40 PM

To: TxFinancialCoordinators

Subject: Re:



would like a copy as well.




From: " Watts,

R "

To: " TxFinancialCoordinators " <TxFinancialCoordinators >

Sent: Tue, October 12, 2010 8:09:50 AM

Subject: RE:

Bill, We

would like a copy as well. Thank you so much.



From: TxFinancialCoordinators

[mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Frye,


Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 6:14 AM

To: TxFinancialCoordinators

Subject: RE:

I would like a copy as well Bill.



From: TxFinancialCoordinators

[mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of Julius


Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 3:34 PM

To: TxFinancialCoordinators

Subject: RE:

Bill, would you please send me the copy of your presentations from the TFC


Julius C. Eason

Transplant Financial Coordinator

Multi-Organ Transplant

Beaumont Hosp., Royal Oak

(P) , (F)


>>> " jbvaughan " 10/11/2010 2:36 PM >>>

Hi Beverly,

You can bill the plan, but the charges must be logged for inclusion on the

cost report. If Medicare ultimately pays for the transplant anything

collected from the Plan must be added up and offset on the Cost Report.

Hope this helps,



From: TxFinancialCoordinators

[mailto:TxFinancialCoordinators ] On Behalf Of



Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 5:17 PM

To: TxFinancialCoordinators


If patient has a medicare replacement plan, is the work-up billed to the

cost center or the the replacement plan?

Beverly Rasberry

Transplant Financial Coordinator

University of Illinois Medical Center

Division of Transplantation



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