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Re: Jan

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All your comments are making me feel better about having another one if I

should need it. I know I lay on the procedure table on my left side with a

pain in my side for quite a while before they did the actual biopsy. And my

bones hurt for quite a while (days) after the procedure. They certainly

didn't have the time to do the biopsy in the video the way mine was done.

Jan H

On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 2:44 PM, abijann <no_reply > wrote:

> I never heard of using a rib spacer...you would think that in itself

> would hurt. As you can see by that movie of the biopsy on the

> site I sent you, they didn't use anything to separate the ribs and

> I know they didn't on my husband. I sure hope you have a good

> doctor now. You might of gotten one at the bottom of the class that

> just barely made it through. My husband had his first biopsy in

> January of 2003.





Jan H

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I don't even remember anything until afterwards with the versaid drug.



In life family and friends take us on all kinds of adventures, God helps us

choose our path....Enjoy your journey!

> I never heard of using a rib spacer...you would think that in itself

> would hurt. As you can see by that movie of the biopsy on the

> site I sent you, they didn't use anything to separate the ribs and

> I know they didn't on my husband. I sure hope you have a good

> doctor now. You might of gotten one at the bottom of the class that

> just barely made it through. My husband had his first biopsy in

> January of 2003.





Jan H

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this post is very true you should get a 2nd or even a third opinion. one

hospital can and do make many mistakes, been there, done that. thanks jan.

**************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy





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abijann - I never thought I would be grateful I had no assets, but since I

don't and have a very low income, I qualify for what is called AHCCCS here

in Arizona. The major problem with it is that the only primary care doctors

I can go to are those who are putting in their 3 years in a medical care

distressed area. So, the longest I can have a pcp is 3 years. I hate it

when I have to change, going through one right now. I do have a co pay of

approx. a dollar per prescription. If I were to be approved for disability,

that would go up. Jan H

On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 4:50 PM, abijann <no_reply > wrote:

> You are very fortunate to have a plan that pays full price.

> Medicare part D only pays a part of it for those who do not

> qualify for special low income exceptions. Those people may

> get their prescriptions, from my understanding, for just the

> co pay. I'm not on Medicare...still I have to pay a portion

> for all my medications.


> By the way...has anyone here benefited from getting generic

> drugs for only $4.00 for a month's supply?





Jan H

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Abijann - yes I know the problems a lot of people have. That is why I say I

am grateful I have no assets. I was a homemaker most of my life, but not

married either time long enough to draw on my exes,My SS was 284 a month,

just went up a couple of bucks the first of January, but since it is

autmatically deposited, don't remember what it is now. It is still under

290 if I am not mistaken.

My mother used to pay twice that every month for her supplemental

insurance. and she still had to pay a higher copay than I do. One problem

I do have is that if I were to want to get married, I couldn't because no

one who isn't a millionaire could afford my medical bills, even if I had a

good supplemental to medicare. I really feel for people who are stuck in

the middle. I am stuck too, would love to be able to move, but even if I

did qualify for disability, I still wouldn't have enough money to move into

the senior;low income housing here in town. So, I am stuck living with a

guy I don't want to live with. Please understand, I am not asking for

sympathy, I got myself into this predicament. Jan H

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 12:16 PM, abijann <no_reply > wrote:

> Unless you are very low income with no assets...if you are not old

> enough or considered elderly...then you end up struggling to make

> ends meet if you need medical attention. They know people are

> cutting pills in half. They know the price you pay per month for

> health insurance is way out of the range that people can afford to

> pay. They know the insurance is refusing to pay for things that

> they are suppose to cover and are fighting to try to keep money by

> deceiving the patients. They know that hospitals send out bills

> to patients that are covered by their insurance and collecting money

> from them and the insurance. They know people are having trouble

> choosing a good health plan because of the way the insurance

> companies are not posting certain things for the patients to

> make an informed decision on it.

> ...............................................

> This was taken from a Medicare letter I just received:

> For example, Geisinger Gold has a Classic 3 HMO option that has a

> very low premium and mostly low copays but what it doesn't tell you

> is that there is a $1500 deductible!! This should not be allowed -

> posting a plan like that and not showing a significant out of pocket

> expense!! It is extremely difficult to counsel people about these

> plans - there is absolutely no way that all of the 81 plans can be

> reviewed with a client during a counseling session - even with

> eliminating several plans because of network restrictions or other

> reasons. There are many people who come in with absolutely no idea of

> what they want, they don't understand it and want me to just pick a

> good plan - which I cannot do of course. " This was wrote by

> those who Counsel people about which plan to go with ...they

> are SHIP counselors.

> ...............................................................

> If those at Medicare cannot easily pick a plan for the patients,

> then how are the patients, who know very little about them,

> suppose to do it. I also noticed that prescription plans don't

> have to stick to the cost of the drugs that they post on the

> Medicare site and that they can raise the cost when they

> want to...or place it into a non perferred drug range during the

> year. If you need pre approved drugs and you are in a plan that

> supplies them...it is very hard to leave this plan and go

> with something cheaper cause you never know if the new plan...

> that also considers it as having to be approved...will approve

> the drug when you want to change. That means you end up paying

> for a very high per month cost for the plan itself and staying

> with it cause of the pre approval you need for the drug itself.


> When they consider low income people, they don't take into account

> how much they have to pay for their insurance a month, what out

> of pocket expense they have for paying for their medication and

> the cost they pay out of their own pocket for being in the hospital

> or doctor visit, etc.


> This should all be taken into account to know for certain what

> a patient truly has available to buy food and other necessities...

> but it isn't. If they would do that, they would realize that

> many of these people don't even have enough money to buy groceries.


> I asked one of the hospitals why they won't accept Advantage plans,

> and just the original Medicare, and they said that there are

> too many plans and everyone is different in their requirements and

> what they pay for ,and what they do not pay for, that now they are

> refusing to take any of them, cause they are losing money.

> They said in our state alone, there are over 500 different plans.

> Some of these Advantage plans, also, are not even giving the patients

> what they would of had...as far as coverage...if they would of

> stayed with the original medicare. They are trying now to

> push this issue that all these plans have to at least have what

> the original medicare offers as coverage. From my understanding

> of this...that if someone is placed in a nursing home; some of these

> Advantage plans may not cover any of the nursing home stay at all.


> I could keep going on and on...but, I better stopped here.

> You are very fortunate to be able to be on the low income side...

> they do seem to be able to get the needed help...yet, I'm sure if

> there are problems in that catagory also.





Jan H

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I'm really sorry you find yourself stuck so bad in this predicament. I'm just

really glad to know you. Later on when we meet face to face for the first time,

I'm gonna give you a big giant hug just for being such a good friend to us all.

Love, BObby

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Re: Jan

Abijann - yes I know the problems a lot of people have. That is why I say I

am grateful I have no assets. I was a homemaker most of my life, but not

married either time long enough to draw on my exes,My SS was 284 a month,

just went up a couple of bucks the first of January, but since it is

autmatically deposited, don't remember what it is now. It is still under

290 if I am not mistaken.

My mother used to pay twice that every month for her supplemental

insurance. and she still had to pay a higher copay than I do. One problem

I do have is that if I were to want to get married, I couldn't because no

one who isn't a millionaire could afford my medical bills, even if I had a

good supplemental to medicare. I really feel for people who are stuck in

the middle. I am stuck too, would love to be able to move, but even if I

did qualify for disability, I still wouldn't have enough money to move into

the senior;low income housing here in town. So, I am stuck living with a

guy I don't want to live with. Please understand, I am not asking for

sympathy, I got myself into this predicament. Jan H

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 12:16 PM, abijann <no_reply > wrote:

> Unless you are very low income with no assets...if you are not old

> enough or considered elderly...then you end up struggling to make

> ends meet if you need medical attention. They know people are

> cutting pills in half. They know the price you pay per month for

> health insurance is way out of the range that people can afford to

> pay. They know the insurance is refusing to pay for things that

> they are suppose to cover and are fighting to try to keep money by

> deceiving the patients. They know that hospitals send out bills

> to patients that are covered by their insurance and collecting money

> from them and the insurance. They know people are having trouble

> choosing a good health plan because of the way the insurance

> companies are not posting certain things for the patients to

> make an informed decision on it.

> ...............................................

> This was taken from a Medicare letter I just received:

> For example, Geisinger Gold has a Classic 3 HMO option that has a

> very low premium and mostly low copays but what it doesn't tell you

> is that there is a $1500 deductible!! This should not be allowed -

> posting a plan like that and not showing a significant out of pocket

> expense!! It is extremely difficult to counsel people about these

> plans - there is absolutely no way that all of the 81 plans can be

> reviewed with a client during a counseling session - even with

> eliminating several plans because of network restrictions or other

> reasons. There are many people who come in with absolutely no idea of

> what they want, they don't understand it and want me to just pick a

> good plan - which I cannot do of course. " This was wrote by

> those who Counsel people about which plan to go with ...they

> are SHIP counselors.

> ...............................................................

> If those at Medicare cannot easily pick a plan for the patients,

> then how are the patients, who know very little about them,

> suppose to do it. I also noticed that prescription plans don't

> have to stick to the cost of the drugs that they post on the

> Medicare site and that they can raise the cost when they

> want to...or place it into a non perferred drug range during the

> year. If you need pre approved drugs and you are in a plan that

> supplies them...it is very hard to leave this plan and go

> with something cheaper cause you never know if the new plan...

> that also considers it as having to be approved...will approve

> the drug when you want to change. That means you end up paying

> for a very high per month cost for the plan itself and staying

> with it cause of the pre approval you need for the drug itself.


> When they consider low income people, they don't take into account

> how much they have to pay for their insurance a month, what out

> of pocket expense they have for paying for their medication and

> the cost they pay out of their own pocket for being in the hospital

> or doctor visit, etc.


> This should all be taken into account to know for certain what

> a patient truly has available to buy food and other necessities...

> but it isn't. If they would do that, they would realize that

> many of these people don't even have enough money to buy groceries.


> I asked one of the hospitals why they won't accept Advantage plans,

> and just the original Medicare, and they said that there are

> too many plans and everyone is different in their requirements and

> what they pay for ,and what they do not pay for, that now they are

> refusing to take any of them, cause they are losing money.

> They said in our state alone, there are over 500 different plans.

> Some of these Advantage plans, also, are not even giving the patients

> what they would of had...as far as coverage...if they would of

> stayed with the original medicare. They are trying now to

> push this issue that all these plans have to at least have what

> the original medicare offers as coverage. From my understanding

> of this...that if someone is placed in a nursing home; some of these

> Advantage plans may not cover any of the nursing home stay at all.


> I could keep going on and on...but, I better stopped here.

> You are very fortunate to be able to be on the low income side...

> they do seem to be able to get the needed help...yet, I'm sure if

> there are problems in that catagory also.





Jan H

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Bobby - If I ever get up to my brother's in Colorado Springs, I will let you

know, and hopefully I can collect on that big giant hug. I went to Sharon's

web site today, tried to see all the videos since I now have dsl but it said

most of them have been removed. I don't know how it seems to you and

Sharon, but she seems to have a lot of the same personality that you do. I

was going to put personality " flaws " like never giving up, and always being

cheerful, but thought someone might misunderstand " flaws " I appreciate so

much having you and so many of the others on here. I read all the posts,

and have said this before, get teary eyed and pray for those who ask for it

and those who don't. But I don't often post saying that. Some days it is

hard to get to all the posts I have in all my groups and personal so don't

get to post everytime I want to. But, love you all, brothers and sisters.

Jan H

> I'm really sorry you find yourself stuck so bad in this predicament. I'm

> just really glad to know you. Later on when we meet face to face for the

> first time, I'm gonna give you a big giant hug just for being such a good

> friend to us all. Love, BObby

> Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


> Re: Jan



> Abijann - yes I know the problems a lot of people have. That is why I say I


> am grateful I have no assets. I was a homemaker most of my life, but not

> married either time long enough to draw on my exes,My SS was 284 a month,

> just went up a couple of bucks the first of January, but since it is

> autmatically deposited, don't remember what it is now. It is still under

> 290 if I am not mistaken.


> My mother used to pay twice that every month for her supplemental

> insurance. and she still had to pay a higher copay than I do. One problem

> I do have is that if I were to want to get married, I couldn't because no

> one who isn't a millionaire could afford my medical bills, even if I had a

> good supplemental to medicare. I really feel for people who are stuck in

> the middle. I am stuck too, would love to be able to move, but even if I

> did qualify for disability, I still wouldn't have enough money to move into


> the senior;low income housing here in town. So, I am stuck living with a

> guy I don't want to live with. Please understand, I am not asking for

> sympathy, I got myself into this predicament. Jan H


> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 12:16 PM, abijann

<no_reply <no_reply%40yahoogroups.com>>

> wrote:


> > Unless you are very low income with no assets...if you are not old

> > enough or considered elderly...then you end up struggling to make

> > ends meet if you need medical attention. They know people are

> > cutting pills in half. They know the price you pay per month for

> > health insurance is way out of the range that people can afford to

> > pay. They know the insurance is refusing to pay for things that

> > they are suppose to cover and are fighting to try to keep money by

> > deceiving the patients. They know that hospitals send out bills

> > to patients that are covered by their insurance and collecting money

> > from them and the insurance. They know people are having trouble

> > choosing a good health plan because of the way the insurance

> > companies are not posting certain things for the patients to

> > make an informed decision on it.

> > ...............................................

> > This was taken from a Medicare letter I just received:

> > For example, Geisinger Gold has a Classic 3 HMO option that has a

> > very low premium and mostly low copays but what it doesn't tell you

> > is that there is a $1500 deductible!! This should not be allowed -

> > posting a plan like that and not showing a significant out of pocket

> > expense!! It is extremely difficult to counsel people about these

> > plans - there is absolutely no way that all of the 81 plans can be

> > reviewed with a client during a counseling session - even with

> > eliminating several plans because of network restrictions or other

> > reasons. There are many people who come in with absolutely no idea of

> > what they want, they don't understand it and want me to just pick a

> > good plan - which I cannot do of course. " This was wrote by

> > those who Counsel people about which plan to go with ...they

> > are SHIP counselors.

> > ...............................................................

> > If those at Medicare cannot easily pick a plan for the patients,

> > then how are the patients, who know very little about them,

> > suppose to do it. I also noticed that prescription plans don't

> > have to stick to the cost of the drugs that they post on the

> > Medicare site and that they can raise the cost when they

> > want to...or place it into a non perferred drug range during the

> > year. If you need pre approved drugs and you are in a plan that

> > supplies them...it is very hard to leave this plan and go

> > with something cheaper cause you never know if the new plan...

> > that also considers it as having to be approved...will approve

> > the drug when you want to change. That means you end up paying

> > for a very high per month cost for the plan itself and staying

> > with it cause of the pre approval you need for the drug itself.

> >

> > When they consider low income people, they don't take into account

> > how much they have to pay for their insurance a month, what out

> > of pocket expense they have for paying for their medication and

> > the cost they pay out of their own pocket for being in the hospital

> > or doctor visit, etc.

> >

> > This should all be taken into account to know for certain what

> > a patient truly has available to buy food and other necessities...

> > but it isn't. If they would do that, they would realize that

> > many of these people don't even have enough money to buy groceries.

> >

> > I asked one of the hospitals why they won't accept Advantage plans,

> > and just the original Medicare, and they said that there are

> > too many plans and everyone is different in their requirements and

> > what they pay for ,and what they do not pay for, that now they are

> > refusing to take any of them, cause they are losing money.

> > They said in our state alone, there are over 500 different plans.

> > Some of these Advantage plans, also, are not even giving the patients

> > what they would of had...as far as coverage...if they would of

> > stayed with the original medicare. They are trying now to

> > push this issue that all these plans have to at least have what

> > the original medicare offers as coverage. From my understanding

> > of this...that if someone is placed in a nursing home; some of these

> > Advantage plans may not cover any of the nursing home stay at all.

> >

> > I could keep going on and on...but, I better stopped here.

> > You are very fortunate to be able to be on the low income side...

> > they do seem to be able to get the needed help...yet, I'm sure if

> > there are problems in that catagory also.

> >

> >

> >




> --

> Jan H




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Abijann - I used to love my garden, it was huge, and I canned a lot of

stuff. I remember canning beets around the clock. Had two canners, and

filled them up, was supposed to set the alarm to wake up when they were

done, but once I forgot to set it. They boiled for double the time they

were supposed to, ended up with very pale beets, all the color went into the

water. But they still tasted good. I also canned a lot of pickles, we

loved the pickles, but I am allergic to all the spices used, so I cried all

the time I was making them. A friend suggested that maybe I didn't need to

do it, but I didn't pay attention to her. Of course, there were some things

in that garden which didn't make it the canner or the freezer.

Strawberries. They are another thing I am allergic to, but didn't stop me

from eating them fresh out of the garden,

yuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. We have talked about having a garden

here, but not easy in the desert. First thing in though would be

watermelon, year round.

I really feel sorry today for the young women who would rather stay home and

take care of their kids and home but have to go to work. With three

children, babysitter would have cost more than I would have made without a

college education, so I did do some things, like selling jewelry, makeup etc

but that doesn't contribute much if anything to SS. Know that I am okay,

handling things, it started about 3 years ago, and was really hard then.

But it has also drawn me closer to God which is really a good thing. My

life is my church and my friends from there. And it is a pretty good

life. Jan H

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 8:52 PM, abijann <no_reply > wrote:

> I am sorry to hear what you are going through. I'm glad you have

> someone there for you even if they aren't the kind of person you want

> them to be. I think a woman should be able to stay at home and be a

> homemaker if that is what she wants. It seems that now a days a woman

> doesn't have a choice to stay home...she is almost forced out the

> door to be sure the bills are paid.


> With the ways things are going, it looks like alot of women

> will be returning to the home and planting gardens and canning again.

> Things are getting so high priced and people don't make enough

> money to buy food...they are going to have to have something to

> live on. I was thinking about this when I was washing out my

> old canning jars the other day.





Jan H

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Jan, I will re-post those videos tonight on youtube. My ammonia brain caused a

flub, and I accidentally deleted all of those videos from my robwalkingeagle

account at Youtube. Thank you for the nice compliments. You be sure to let us

know if you are ever in the neighborhood. Love, Bobby

long life, old age, everything good-Apache prayer


To: livercirrhosissupport

Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 8:51:04 PM

Subject: Re: Jan

Bobby - If I ever get up to my brother's in Colorado Springs, I will let you

know, and hopefully I can collect on that big giant hug. I went to Sharon's

web site today, tried to see all the videos since I now have dsl but it said

most of them have been removed. I don't know how it seems to you and

Sharon, but she seems to have a lot of the same personality that you do. I

was going to put personality " flaws " like never giving up, and always being

cheerful, but thought someone might misunderstand " flaws " I appreciate so

much having you and so many of the others on here. I read all the posts,

and have said this before, get teary eyed and pray for those who ask for it

and those who don't. But I don't often post saying that. Some days it is

hard to get to all the posts I have in all my groups and personal so don't

get to post everytime I want to. But, love you all, brothers and sisters.

Jan H

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 6:11 PM, <robwalkingeagle@ yahoo.com> wrote:

> I'm really sorry you find yourself stuck so bad in this predicament. I'm

> just really glad to know you. Later on when we meet face to face for the

> first time, I'm gonna give you a big giant hug just for being such a good

> friend to us all. Love, BObby

> Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


> Re: Jan



> Abijann - yes I know the problems a lot of people have. That is why I say I


> am grateful I have no assets. I was a homemaker most of my life, but not

> married either time long enough to draw on my exes,My SS was 284 a month,

> just went up a couple of bucks the first of January, but since it is

> autmatically deposited, don't remember what it is now. It is still under

> 290 if I am not mistaken.


> My mother used to pay twice that every month for her supplemental

> insurance. and she still had to pay a higher copay than I do. One problem

> I do have is that if I were to want to get married, I couldn't because no

> one who isn't a millionaire could afford my medical bills, even if I had a

> good supplemental to medicare. I really feel for people who are stuck in

> the middle. I am stuck too, would love to be able to move, but even if I

> did qualify for disability, I still wouldn't have enough money to move into


> the senior;low income housing here in town. So, I am stuck living with a

> guy I don't want to live with. Please understand, I am not asking for

> sympathy, I got myself into this predicament. Jan H


> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 12:16 PM, abijann <no_reply@yahoogroup

s.com<no_reply%40yahoogr oups.com> >

> wrote:


> > Unless you are very low income with no assets...if you are not old

> > enough or considered elderly...then you end up struggling to make

> > ends meet if you need medical attention. They know people are

> > cutting pills in half. They know the price you pay per month for

> > health insurance is way out of the range that people can afford to

> > pay. They know the insurance is refusing to pay for things that

> > they are suppose to cover and are fighting to try to keep money by

> > deceiving the patients. They know that hospitals send out bills

> > to patients that are covered by their insurance and collecting money

> > from them and the insurance. They know people are having trouble

> > choosing a good health plan because of the way the insurance

> > companies are not posting certain things for the patients to

> > make an informed decision on it.

> > ............ ......... ......... ......... ........

> > This was taken from a Medicare letter I just received:

> > For example, Geisinger Gold has a Classic 3 HMO option that has a

> > very low premium and mostly low copays but what it doesn't tell you

> > is that there is a $1500 deductible!! This should not be allowed -

> > posting a plan like that and not showing a significant out of pocket

> > expense!! It is extremely difficult to counsel people about these

> > plans - there is absolutely no way that all of the 81 plans can be

> > reviewed with a client during a counseling session - even with

> > eliminating several plans because of network restrictions or other

> > reasons. There are many people who come in with absolutely no idea of

> > what they want, they don't understand it and want me to just pick a

> > good plan - which I cannot do of course. " This was wrote by

> > those who Counsel people about which plan to go with ...they

> > are SHIP counselors.

> > ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......

> > If those at Medicare cannot easily pick a plan for the patients,

> > then how are the patients, who know very little about them,

> > suppose to do it. I also noticed that prescription plans don't

> > have to stick to the cost of the drugs that they post on the

> > Medicare site and that they can raise the cost when they

> > want to...or place it into a non perferred drug range during the

> > year. If you need pre approved drugs and you are in a plan that

> > supplies them...it is very hard to leave this plan and go

> > with something cheaper cause you never know if the new plan...

> > that also considers it as having to be approved...will approve

> > the drug when you want to change. That means you end up paying

> > for a very high per month cost for the plan itself and staying

> > with it cause of the pre approval you need for the drug itself.

> >

> > When they consider low income people, they don't take into account

> > how much they have to pay for their insurance a month, what out

> > of pocket expense they have for paying for their medication and

> > the cost they pay out of their own pocket for being in the hospital

> > or doctor visit, etc.

> >

> > This should all be taken into account to know for certain what

> > a patient truly has available to buy food and other necessities. ..

> > but it isn't. If they would do that, they would realize that

> > many of these people don't even have enough money to buy groceries.

> >

> > I asked one of the hospitals why they won't accept Advantage plans,

> > and just the original Medicare, and they said that there are

> > too many plans and everyone is different in their requirements and

> > what they pay for ,and what they do not pay for, that now they are

> > refusing to take any of them, cause they are losing money.

> > They said in our state alone, there are over 500 different plans.

> > Some of these Advantage plans, also, are not even giving the patients

> > what they would of had...as far as coverage...if they would of

> > stayed with the original medicare. They are trying now to

> > push this issue that all these plans have to at least have what

> > the original medicare offers as coverage. From my understanding

> > of this...that if someone is placed in a nursing home; some of these

> > Advantage plans may not cover any of the nursing home stay at all.

> >

> > I could keep going on and on...but, I better stopped here.

> > You are very fortunate to be able to be on the low income side...

> > they do seem to be able to get the needed help...yet, I'm sure if

> > there are problems in that catagory also.

> >

> >

> >




> --

> Jan H




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Bobby - it was on Sharon's web page that I was on. Jan H

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 9:25 PM, Bob Aragon wrote:

> Jan, I will re-post those videos tonight on youtube. My ammonia brain

> caused a flub, and I accidentally deleted all of those videos from my

> robwalkingeagle account at Youtube. Thank you for the nice compliments. You

> be sure to let us know if you are ever in the neighborhood. Love, Bobby


> long life, old age, everything good-Apache prayer


> ________________________________

> From: Jan Holman <janholman@... <janholman%40gmail.com>>

> To:

livercirrhosissupport <livercirrhosissupport%40yahoogroups.com>

> Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 8:51:04 PM

> Subject: Re: Jan


> Bobby - If I ever get up to my brother's in Colorado Springs, I will let

> you

> know, and hopefully I can collect on that big giant hug. I went to Sharon's

> web site today, tried to see all the videos since I now have dsl but it

> said

> most of them have been removed. I don't know how it seems to you and

> Sharon, but she seems to have a lot of the same personality that you do. I

> was going to put personality " flaws " like never giving up, and always being

> cheerful, but thought someone might misunderstand " flaws " I appreciate so

> much having you and so many of the others on here. I read all the posts,

> and have said this before, get teary eyed and pray for those who ask for it

> and those who don't. But I don't often post saying that. Some days it is

> hard to get to all the posts I have in all my groups and personal so don't

> get to post everytime I want to. But, love you all, brothers and sisters.

> Jan H


> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 6:11 PM, <robwalkingeagle@ yahoo.com> wrote:


> > I'm really sorry you find yourself stuck so bad in this predicament. I'm

> > just really glad to know you. Later on when we meet face to face for the

> > first time, I'm gonna give you a big giant hug just for being such a good

> > friend to us all. Love, BObby

> > Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

> >

> > Re: Jan

> >

> >

> > Abijann - yes I know the problems a lot of people have. That is why I say

> I

> >

> > am grateful I have no assets. I was a homemaker most of my life, but not

> > married either time long enough to draw on my exes,My SS was 284 a month,

> > just went up a couple of bucks the first of January, but since it is

> > autmatically deposited, don't remember what it is now. It is still under

> > 290 if I am not mistaken.

> >

> > My mother used to pay twice that every month for her supplemental

> > insurance. and she still had to pay a higher copay than I do. One problem

> > I do have is that if I were to want to get married, I couldn't because no

> > one who isn't a millionaire could afford my medical bills, even if I had

> a

> > good supplemental to medicare. I really feel for people who are stuck in

> > the middle. I am stuck too, would love to be able to move, but even if I

> > did qualify for disability, I still wouldn't have enough money to move

> into

> >

> > the senior;low income housing here in town. So, I am stuck living with a

> > guy I don't want to live with. Please understand, I am not asking for

> > sympathy, I got myself into this predicament. Jan H

> >

> > On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 12:16 PM, abijann <no_reply@yahoogroup


> oups.com> >


> > wrote:

> >

> > > Unless you are very low income with no assets...if you are not old

> > > enough or considered elderly...then you end up struggling to make

> > > ends meet if you need medical attention. They know people are

> > > cutting pills in half. They know the price you pay per month for

> > > health insurance is way out of the range that people can afford to

> > > pay. They know the insurance is refusing to pay for things that

> > > they are suppose to cover and are fighting to try to keep money by

> > > deceiving the patients. They know that hospitals send out bills

> > > to patients that are covered by their insurance and collecting money

> > > from them and the insurance. They know people are having trouble

> > > choosing a good health plan because of the way the insurance

> > > companies are not posting certain things for the patients to

> > > make an informed decision on it.

> > > ............ ......... ......... ......... ........

> > > This was taken from a Medicare letter I just received:

> > > For example, Geisinger Gold has a Classic 3 HMO option that has a

> > > very low premium and mostly low copays but what it doesn't tell you

> > > is that there is a $1500 deductible!! This should not be allowed -

> > > posting a plan like that and not showing a significant out of pocket

> > > expense!! It is extremely difficult to counsel people about these

> > > plans - there is absolutely no way that all of the 81 plans can be

> > > reviewed with a client during a counseling session - even with

> > > eliminating several plans because of network restrictions or other

> > > reasons. There are many people who come in with absolutely no idea of

> > > what they want, they don't understand it and want me to just pick a

> > > good plan - which I cannot do of course. " This was wrote by

> > > those who Counsel people about which plan to go with ...they

> > > are SHIP counselors.

> > > ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......

> > > If those at Medicare cannot easily pick a plan for the patients,

> > > then how are the patients, who know very little about them,

> > > suppose to do it. I also noticed that prescription plans don't

> > > have to stick to the cost of the drugs that they post on the

> > > Medicare site and that they can raise the cost when they

> > > want to...or place it into a non perferred drug range during the

> > > year. If you need pre approved drugs and you are in a plan that

> > > supplies them...it is very hard to leave this plan and go

> > > with something cheaper cause you never know if the new plan...

> > > that also considers it as having to be approved...will approve

> > > the drug when you want to change. That means you end up paying

> > > for a very high per month cost for the plan itself and staying

> > > with it cause of the pre approval you need for the drug itself.

> > >

> > > When they consider low income people, they don't take into account

> > > how much they have to pay for their insurance a month, what out

> > > of pocket expense they have for paying for their medication and

> > > the cost they pay out of their own pocket for being in the hospital

> > > or doctor visit, etc.

> > >

> > > This should all be taken into account to know for certain what

> > > a patient truly has available to buy food and other necessities. ..

> > > but it isn't. If they would do that, they would realize that

> > > many of these people don't even have enough money to buy groceries.

> > >

> > > I asked one of the hospitals why they won't accept Advantage plans,

> > > and just the original Medicare, and they said that there are

> > > too many plans and everyone is different in their requirements and

> > > what they pay for ,and what they do not pay for, that now they are

> > > refusing to take any of them, cause they are losing money.

> > > They said in our state alone, there are over 500 different plans.

> > > Some of these Advantage plans, also, are not even giving the patients

> > > what they would of had...as far as coverage...if they would of

> > > stayed with the original medicare. They are trying now to

> > > push this issue that all these plans have to at least have what

> > > the original medicare offers as coverage. From my understanding

> > > of this...that if someone is placed in a nursing home; some of these

> > > Advantage plans may not cover any of the nursing home stay at all.

> > >

> > > I could keep going on and on...but, I better stopped here.

> > > You are very fortunate to be able to be on the low income side...

> > > they do seem to be able to get the needed help...yet, I'm sure if

> > > there are problems in that catagory also.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > Jan H

> >

> >

> >

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yeah. I saw what I did, and I think it'sd fixed now. They are boring videos, but

we wanted to show her struggle in it's true context for other Chiarians, and to

dispel fear.

long life, old age, everything good-Apache prayer


To: livercirrhosissupport

Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 9:36:36 PM

Subject: Re: Jan

Bobby - it was on Sharon's web page that I was on. Jan H

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 9:25 PM, Bob Aragon <robwalkingeagle@ yahoo.com>wrote:

> Jan, I will re-post those videos tonight on youtube. My ammonia brain

> caused a flub, and I accidentally deleted all of those videos from my

> robwalkingeagle account at Youtube. Thank you for the nice compliments. You

> be sure to let us know if you are ever in the neighborhood. Love, Bobby


> long life, old age, everything good-Apache prayer


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> From: Jan Holman <janholmangmail (DOT) com <janholman%40gmail. com>>

> To: livercirrhosissuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) com<livercirrhosissupp

ort%40yahoogroup s.com>

> Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 8:51:04 PM

> Subject: Re: Jan


> Bobby - If I ever get up to my brother's in Colorado Springs, I will let

> you

> know, and hopefully I can collect on that big giant hug. I went to Sharon's

> web site today, tried to see all the videos since I now have dsl but it

> said

> most of them have been removed. I don't know how it seems to you and

> Sharon, but she seems to have a lot of the same personality that you do. I

> was going to put personality " flaws " like never giving up, and always being

> cheerful, but thought someone might misunderstand " flaws " I appreciate so

> much having you and so many of the others on here. I read all the posts,

> and have said this before, get teary eyed and pray for those who ask for it

> and those who don't. But I don't often post saying that. Some days it is

> hard to get to all the posts I have in all my groups and personal so don't

> get to post everytime I want to. But, love you all, brothers and sisters.

> Jan H


> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 6:11 PM, <robwalkingeagle@ yahoo.com> wrote:


> > I'm really sorry you find yourself stuck so bad in this predicament. I'm

> > just really glad to know you. Later on when we meet face to face for the

> > first time, I'm gonna give you a big giant hug just for being such a good

> > friend to us all. Love, BObby

> > Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

> >

> > Re: Jan

> >

> >

> > Abijann - yes I know the problems a lot of people have. That is why I say

> I

> >

> > am grateful I have no assets. I was a homemaker most of my life, but not

> > married either time long enough to draw on my exes,My SS was 284 a month,

> > just went up a couple of bucks the first of January, but since it is

> > autmatically deposited, don't remember what it is now. It is still under

> > 290 if I am not mistaken.

> >

> > My mother used to pay twice that every month for her supplemental

> > insurance. and she still had to pay a higher copay than I do. One problem

> > I do have is that if I were to want to get married, I couldn't because no

> > one who isn't a millionaire could afford my medical bills, even if I had

> a

> > good supplemental to medicare. I really feel for people who are stuck in

> > the middle. I am stuck too, would love to be able to move, but even if I

> > did qualify for disability, I still wouldn't have enough money to move

> into

> >

> > the senior;low income housing here in town. So, I am stuck living with a

> > guy I don't want to live with. Please understand, I am not asking for

> > sympathy, I got myself into this predicament. Jan H

> >

> > On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 12:16 PM, abijann <no_reply@yahoogrou p

s.com<no_reply% 40yahoogr

> oups.com> >


> > wrote:

> >

> > > Unless you are very low income with no assets...if you are not old

> > > enough or considered elderly...then you end up struggling to make

> > > ends meet if you need medical attention. They know people are

> > > cutting pills in half. They know the price you pay per month for

> > > health insurance is way out of the range that people can afford to

> > > pay. They know the insurance is refusing to pay for things that

> > > they are suppose to cover and are fighting to try to keep money by

> > > deceiving the patients. They know that hospitals send out bills

> > > to patients that are covered by their insurance and collecting money

> > > from them and the insurance. They know people are having trouble

> > > choosing a good health plan because of the way the insurance

> > > companies are not posting certain things for the patients to

> > > make an informed decision on it.

> > > ............ ......... ......... ......... ........

> > > This was taken from a Medicare letter I just received:

> > > For example, Geisinger Gold has a Classic 3 HMO option that has a

> > > very low premium and mostly low copays but what it doesn't tell you

> > > is that there is a $1500 deductible!! This should not be allowed -

> > > posting a plan like that and not showing a significant out of pocket

> > > expense!! It is extremely difficult to counsel people about these

> > > plans - there is absolutely no way that all of the 81 plans can be

> > > reviewed with a client during a counseling session - even with

> > > eliminating several plans because of network restrictions or other

> > > reasons. There are many people who come in with absolutely no idea of

> > > what they want, they don't understand it and want me to just pick a

> > > good plan - which I cannot do of course. " This was wrote by

> > > those who Counsel people about which plan to go with ...they

> > > are SHIP counselors.

> > > ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......

> > > If those at Medicare cannot easily pick a plan for the patients,

> > > then how are the patients, who know very little about them,

> > > suppose to do it. I also noticed that prescription plans don't

> > > have to stick to the cost of the drugs that they post on the

> > > Medicare site and that they can raise the cost when they

> > > want to...or place it into a non perferred drug range during the

> > > year. If you need pre approved drugs and you are in a plan that

> > > supplies them...it is very hard to leave this plan and go

> > > with something cheaper cause you never know if the new plan...

> > > that also considers it as having to be approved...will approve

> > > the drug when you want to change. That means you end up paying

> > > for a very high per month cost for the plan itself and staying

> > > with it cause of the pre approval you need for the drug itself.

> > >

> > > When they consider low income people, they don't take into account

> > > how much they have to pay for their insurance a month, what out

> > > of pocket expense they have for paying for their medication and

> > > the cost they pay out of their own pocket for being in the hospital

> > > or doctor visit, etc.

> > >

> > > This should all be taken into account to know for certain what

> > > a patient truly has available to buy food and other necessities. ..

> > > but it isn't. If they would do that, they would realize that

> > > many of these people don't even have enough money to buy groceries.

> > >

> > > I asked one of the hospitals why they won't accept Advantage plans,

> > > and just the original Medicare, and they said that there are

> > > too many plans and everyone is different in their requirements and

> > > what they pay for ,and what they do not pay for, that now they are

> > > refusing to take any of them, cause they are losing money.

> > > They said in our state alone, there are over 500 different plans.

> > > Some of these Advantage plans, also, are not even giving the patients

> > > what they would of had...as far as coverage...if they would of

> > > stayed with the original medicare. They are trying now to

> > > push this issue that all these plans have to at least have what

> > > the original medicare offers as coverage. From my understanding

> > > of this...that if someone is placed in a nursing home; some of these

> > > Advantage plans may not cover any of the nursing home stay at all.

> > >

> > > I could keep going on and on...but, I better stopped here.

> > > You are very fortunate to be able to be on the low income side...

> > > they do seem to be able to get the needed help...yet, I'm sure if

> > > there are problems in that catagory also.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > Jan H

> >

> >

> >

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Bobby - I think you did a good job of helping people who are afraid, unless

someone who is so afraid thinks you are out of your mind, [?][?] I first

typed our mind, and guess that would be appropriate too since everybody here

is learning or has learned to handle all this without a lot of fear. not

to say we don't get a little anxious or frustrated from time to time. Jan


On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 2:07 PM, Bob Aragon wrote:

> yeah. I saw what I did, and I think it'sd fixed now. They are boring

> videos, but we wanted to show her struggle in it's true context for other

> Chiarians, and to dispel fear.


> long life, old age, everything good-Apache prayer


> ________________________________

> From: Jan Holman <janholman@... <janholman%40gmail.com>>

> To:

livercirrhosissupport <livercirrhosissupport%40yahoogroups.com>

> Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 9:36:36 PM

> Subject: Re: Jan


> Bobby - it was on Sharon's web page that I was on. Jan H


> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 9:25 PM, Bob Aragon <robwalkingeagle@ yahoo.com

> >wrote:


> > Jan, I will re-post those videos tonight on youtube. My ammonia brain

> > caused a flub, and I accidentally deleted all of those videos from my

> > robwalkingeagle account at Youtube. Thank you for the nice compliments.

> You

> > be sure to let us know if you are ever in the neighborhood. Love, Bobby

> >

> > long life, old age, everything good-Apache prayer

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > From: Jan Holman <janholmangmail (DOT) com <janholman%40gmail. com>>


> > To: livercirrhosissuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) com<livercirrhosissupp

> ort%40yahoogroup s.com>

> > Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 8:51:04 PM

> > Subject: Re: Jan

> >

> > Bobby - If I ever get up to my brother's in Colorado Springs, I will let

> > you

> > know, and hopefully I can collect on that big giant hug. I went to

> Sharon's

> > web site today, tried to see all the videos since I now have dsl but it

> > said

> > most of them have been removed. I don't know how it seems to you and

> > Sharon, but she seems to have a lot of the same personality that you do.

> I

> > was going to put personality " flaws " like never giving up, and always

> being

> > cheerful, but thought someone might misunderstand " flaws " I appreciate so

> > much having you and so many of the others on here. I read all the posts,

> > and have said this before, get teary eyed and pray for those who ask for

> it

> > and those who don't. But I don't often post saying that. Some days it is

> > hard to get to all the posts I have in all my groups and personal so

> don't

> > get to post everytime I want to. But, love you all, brothers and sisters.

> > Jan H

> >

> > On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 6:11 PM, <robwalkingeagle@ yahoo.com> wrote:

> >

> > > I'm really sorry you find yourself stuck so bad in this predicament.

> I'm

> > > just really glad to know you. Later on when we meet face to face for

> the

> > > first time, I'm gonna give you a big giant hug just for being such a

> good

> > > friend to us all. Love, BObby

> > > Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

> > >

> > > Re: Jan

> > >

> > >

> > > Abijann - yes I know the problems a lot of people have. That is why I

> say

> > I

> > >

> > > am grateful I have no assets. I was a homemaker most of my life, but

> not

> > > married either time long enough to draw on my exes,My SS was 284 a

> month,

> > > just went up a couple of bucks the first of January, but since it is

> > > autmatically deposited, don't remember what it is now. It is still

> under

> > > 290 if I am not mistaken.

> > >

> > > My mother used to pay twice that every month for her supplemental

> > > insurance. and she still had to pay a higher copay than I do. One

> problem

> > > I do have is that if I were to want to get married, I couldn't because

> no

> > > one who isn't a millionaire could afford my medical bills, even if I

> had

> > a

> > > good supplemental to medicare. I really feel for people who are stuck

> in

> > > the middle. I am stuck too, would love to be able to move, but even if

> I

> > > did qualify for disability, I still wouldn't have enough money to move

> > into

> > >

> > > the senior;low income housing here in town. So, I am stuck living with

> a

> > > guy I don't want to live with. Please understand, I am not asking for

> > > sympathy, I got myself into this predicament. Jan H

> > >

> > > On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 12:16 PM, abijann <no_reply@yahoogrou p


> 40yahoogr


> > oups.com> >

> >

> > > wrote:

> > >

> > > > Unless you are very low income with no assets...if you are not old

> > > > enough or considered elderly...then you end up struggling to make

> > > > ends meet if you need medical attention. They know people are

> > > > cutting pills in half. They know the price you pay per month for

> > > > health insurance is way out of the range that people can afford to

> > > > pay. They know the insurance is refusing to pay for things that

> > > > they are suppose to cover and are fighting to try to keep money by

> > > > deceiving the patients. They know that hospitals send out bills

> > > > to patients that are covered by their insurance and collecting money

> > > > from them and the insurance. They know people are having trouble

> > > > choosing a good health plan because of the way the insurance

> > > > companies are not posting certain things for the patients to

> > > > make an informed decision on it.

> > > > ............ ......... ......... ......... ........

> > > > This was taken from a Medicare letter I just received:

> > > > For example, Geisinger Gold has a Classic 3 HMO option that has a

> > > > very low premium and mostly low copays but what it doesn't tell you

> > > > is that there is a $1500 deductible!! This should not be allowed -

> > > > posting a plan like that and not showing a significant out of pocket

> > > > expense!! It is extremely difficult to counsel people about these

> > > > plans - there is absolutely no way that all of the 81 plans can be

> > > > reviewed with a client during a counseling session - even with

> > > > eliminating several plans because of network restrictions or other

> > > > reasons. There are many people who come in with absolutely no idea of

> > > > what they want, they don't understand it and want me to just pick a

> > > > good plan - which I cannot do of course. " This was wrote by

> > > > those who Counsel people about which plan to go with ...they

> > > > are SHIP counselors.

> > > > ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......

> > > > If those at Medicare cannot easily pick a plan for the patients,

> > > > then how are the patients, who know very little about them,

> > > > suppose to do it. I also noticed that prescription plans don't

> > > > have to stick to the cost of the drugs that they post on the

> > > > Medicare site and that they can raise the cost when they

> > > > want to...or place it into a non perferred drug range during the

> > > > year. If you need pre approved drugs and you are in a plan that

> > > > supplies them...it is very hard to leave this plan and go

> > > > with something cheaper cause you never know if the new plan...

> > > > that also considers it as having to be approved...will approve

> > > > the drug when you want to change. That means you end up paying

> > > > for a very high per month cost for the plan itself and staying

> > > > with it cause of the pre approval you need for the drug itself.

> > > >

> > > > When they consider low income people, they don't take into account

> > > > how much they have to pay for their insurance a month, what out

> > > > of pocket expense they have for paying for their medication and

> > > > the cost they pay out of their own pocket for being in the hospital

> > > > or doctor visit, etc.

> > > >

> > > > This should all be taken into account to know for certain what

> > > > a patient truly has available to buy food and other necessities. ..

> > > > but it isn't. If they would do that, they would realize that

> > > > many of these people don't even have enough money to buy groceries.

> > > >

> > > > I asked one of the hospitals why they won't accept Advantage plans,

> > > > and just the original Medicare, and they said that there are

> > > > too many plans and everyone is different in their requirements and

> > > > what they pay for ,and what they do not pay for, that now they are

> > > > refusing to take any of them, cause they are losing money.

> > > > They said in our state alone, there are over 500 different plans.

> > > > Some of these Advantage plans, also, are not even giving the patients

> > > > what they would of had...as far as coverage...if they would of

> > > > stayed with the original medicare. They are trying now to

> > > > push this issue that all these plans have to at least have what

> > > > the original medicare offers as coverage. From my understanding

> > > > of this...that if someone is placed in a nursing home; some of these

> > > > Advantage plans may not cover any of the nursing home stay at all.

> > > >

> > > > I could keep going on and on...but, I better stopped here.

> > > > You are very fortunate to be able to be on the low income side...

> > > > they do seem to be able to get the needed help...yet, I'm sure if

> > > > there are problems in that catagory also.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > --

> > > Jan H

> > >

> > >

> > >

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I wasn't offended........Jan.....Hugs for you!



In life family and friends take us on all kinds of adventures, God helps us

choose our path....Enjoy your journey!


> > I believe when President Clinton was in office that this bill was

> > changed, but I don't know if it is for all transplants or not.

> > If a person has a transplant through Medicare (which means medicare

> > paid for it, then the coverage for the drugs is made through Part B of

> > Medicare. If they did not have the transplant through Medicare but

> > another insurance,then they would be covered under Part D for the

> > prescriptions. She could get in touch with Medicare and be sure

> > of it.

> >

> > Here is proof that President Clinton signed this bill and it looks

> > like it was passed.

> > https://www. kidney.org/ transplantation/ donorFamilies/ pdf/statement.

> pdf

> > http://www.centersp an.org/tnn/ 0101013.htm

> >

> >

> >


> --

> Jan H



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  • 2 weeks later...

Abijann - glad to see you are still around here, how are your heart problems


One benefit I see in telling people about my problems, and living in an area

where most of the people I know have gone through most of them with me is

that when someone gets sick, they come to me when they wouldn't go to the

doctor to try it out and see if they really do have a problem. Usually, my

answer is you need to talk to a doctor. But, sometimes I can reassure them,

or give them enough information that they know they are okay. The most

often questions are about symptoms of heart attacks, heart artery problems.

A frequent one is that I have pain in my neck and jaw, but that isn't listed

as a normal symptom. I think it is getting listed more now as they realize

more that women have different symptoms. But still a lot of women are

looking for that pain in the left arm, probably not going to get it because

they are women. And people have also asked me to go to the doctor with them

since they don't know what to ask, and half the time they forget to tell

them some of the problems they have realized. Even my 21 year old grandson

didn't tell the dr. half of what he needed to know when I took him to the er

concerned his chiari malformation had returned. He downplayed everything.

He is tough you know. Jan H

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 10:53 AM, abijann <no_reply > wrote:

> You might be surprised the number of people on the web asking about

> how long their loved ones are going to live. I see this an

> awful lot.


> It is really an awkward situation. What do you say to someone

> who may be facing death? What can you really do to help them...

> you cannot do much at all? The only thing you can do is to

> make it as easy on them emotionally as you can.


> My husband has many different medical problems. When he first became

> ill, he would not let me tell anyone for about two years. He didn't

> want his family knowing. He told me that he could not take someone

> looking at him with pity in their eyes or crying over him. He

> did not want to become this disease, he wanted them to treat him

> and speak with him as if he was still healthy. He never really

> look much like there was anything wrong with him up until the

> time he went into liver failure. The problem with

> this and when I finally said that his family was going to know..

> is because by shutting everyone else out..there would be no

> one praying for him to be healed or to help him with what he

> was going through. He needed their support even if he didn't

> see it himself. Two of his nieces, as soon as they heard...wanted

> to donate part of their organ to him and was ready to go to

> be evaluated for it. If they had not known...my husband would

> never of really realized how much they loved him. It brought

> tears to his eye that they would do this. I still have those

> letters that they wrote.


> I can completely understand your situation. It must of been

> a real surprise when you live pass the time the doctor said you

> would. I sometimes wonder why people want a date from the

> doctors and patients on how long they have...there is no way

> possible that anyone could know this. It is not like we

> have an appointment to be given a shot and put to sleep like

> an animal.





Jan H

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Abijann - I think we all think of you here everyday. You are constantly

giving so much important information. And, I still think you should go to a

dr. or the er right away. It is those hard to describe things that really

get you. When I went back for my post op after my triple bypass, I knew I

had something weird going on in my chest. I told told the doctor that it

almost felt as if my heart were pounding on the chair when I sat down, that

sometimes I could almost swear that the chair actually moved. I thought he

would laugh at me or tell me I was a crazy old lady, but he said that is

exactly what it felt like when you have a very strong irregular heart beat,

and that yes sometimes it can actually move the chair. I don't see myself

as someone to be admired, I mean if I gave up, then I might as well have

died when the first doctor said I would. I have learned to pace myself. I

have started some activities I wasn't doing before, like playing at church,

and given up some that I was doing, like quilting two mornings a week for

our church ladies group. Those three to four hours in a row are usually too

much at one time, take longer to come back from. But the playing I can

practice on my own time, and the Bible studies are only an hour each. But,

even with those, I usually have to alternate dates, one day active, one day

stay at home. I refuse to give up.

My mother is in the hospital right now, 2000 miles away. A few years ago

she fell down and smashed her hip. They did a replacement, said it would

heal faster than trying to fix it. She had been doing fine for 85 with

other medical problems too. But last Tuesday, she got up in the morning, did

some of her usual things and then sat down in her recliner for awhile. She

found she couldn't get out of it, and sat there for hours. Luckily, there

was a phone near the chair. Either she called my brother or he called her,

but he told her to call the neighbors to get help, and also to get the key

so someone could get into her apartment. They called the ambulance and took

her to the hospital. She will be in until tomorrow at least when she finds

out from the visiting specialist what is the problem. It seems that the

replacement they put in has come loose. If they can operate again, I have

told her to go for it. My brother has already found a chair which will push

her out of it, but I would hate to see her staying home because they don't

have those chairs all over, or even in her car or other people's cars. She

agrees, she would have the surgery if they will do it. I can't imagine

having to sit at home for weeks at a time. Especially if you knew this was

going to be for the rest of your life. It was bad enough for me when I was

recovering from my surgeries and not supposed to drive. So, to everybody I

just say, do what ever you can do without damaging your health, live while

you are alive, death will come soon enough for all of us. Jan H

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 4:38 PM, abijann <no_reply > wrote:

> I'm still having them...they are hard to describe.


> You have really been through the mill. I admire someone like

> you who has gone through so much and still keeps plugging along.

> I want to thank you and others here who have thought of us.





Jan H

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Please go to the hospital.......You are one of the first to tell us to do that

and take care of ourselves........Love you and saying prayers.



My life is really different now, but it is my life.  God helps us choose our


> I'm still having them...they are hard to describe.


> You have really been through the mill. I admire someone like

> you who has gone through so much and still keeps plugging along.

> I want to thank you and others here who have thought of us.





Jan H

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Abijann - I will try to remember to let you know if she does get one and how

it works, they have one picked out, but will depend on what they can do for

her in the way of surgery. But, i wouldn't mind haiving one myself to get

out of my recliner. After my surgery, I had to have help to get out. I

mentioned the chair around here and it seems there are quite a few of them

in this town with an average age of 67. Jan H

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 4:08 PM, abijann <no_reply > wrote:

> I hope your Mom does okay. It is good to know that your brother is

> helping her. Can you let me know if those chairs work for her...

> I have seen them but never tried one. My husband's mother has

> a hard time now getting up from the chair in the nursing home and

> I was thinking maybe we should get one for her, when we can afford it.

> She is about 87 now, I think.





Jan H

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When Terry entered Hospice, I ordered one of these type chairs for him, but they

had to special order due to his size.  Unfortunately, he did not live long

enough to get it or need it.  However, my BIL has one for his Dad who lives in a

nursing home.  They absolutely love it.  It took some time for his Dad to get

used to it, but now that he is he loves it too.  BTW, Medicare helped to pay for





To: livercirrhosissupport

Sent: Wednesday, February 4, 2009 5:15:53 PM

Subject: Re: Jan

Abijann - I will try to remember to let you know if she does get one and how

it works, they have one picked out, but will depend on what they can do for

her in the way of surgery. But, i wouldn't mind haiving one myself to get

out of my recliner. After my surgery, I had to have help to get out. I

mentioned the chair around here and it seems there are quite a few of them

in this town with an average age of 67. Jan H

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 4:08 PM, abijann <no_reply@yahoogroup s.com> wrote:

> I hope your Mom does okay. It is good to know that your brother is

> helping her. Can you let me know if those chairs work for her...

> I have seen them but never tried one. My husband's mother has

> a hard time now getting up from the chair in the nursing home and

> I was thinking maybe we should get one for her, when we can afford it.

> She is about 87 now, I think.





Jan H

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I don't know if my mom had thought of getting financial help from Medicare.

She would be able to pay for it herself, but every little bit helps for

everybody. Thanks for the info. Jan H

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 8:32 PM, diane chandler wrote:

> When Terry entered Hospice, I ordered one of these type chairs for him,

> but they had to special order due to his size. Unfortunately, he did not

> live long enough to get it or need it. However, my BIL has one for his Dad

> who lives in a nursing home. They absolutely love it. It took some time

> for his Dad to get used to it, but now that he is he loves it too. BTW,

> Medicare helped to pay for his.


> Hugs............

> Diane


> ________________________________

> From: Jan Holman <janholman@... <janholman%40gmail.com>>

> To:

livercirrhosissupport <livercirrhosissupport%40yahoogroups.com>

> Sent: Wednesday, February 4, 2009 5:15:53 PM

> Subject: Re: Jan


> Abijann - I will try to remember to let you know if she does get one and

> how

> it works, they have one picked out, but will depend on what they can do for

> her in the way of surgery. But, i wouldn't mind haiving one myself to get

> out of my recliner. After my surgery, I had to have help to get out. I

> mentioned the chair around here and it seems there are quite a few of them

> in this town with an average age of 67. Jan H


> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 4:08 PM, abijann <no_reply@yahoogroup s.com> wrote:


> > I hope your Mom does okay. It is good to know that your brother is

> > helping her. Can you let me know if those chairs work for her...

> > I have seen them but never tried one. My husband's mother has

> > a hard time now getting up from the chair in the nursing home and

> > I was thinking maybe we should get one for her, when we can afford it.

> > She is about 87 now, I think.

> >

> >

> >


> --

> Jan H



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You're welcome Jan.  How is she doing?




To: livercirrhosissupport

Sent: Thursday, February 5, 2009 1:36:00 AM

Subject: Re: Jan

I don't know if my mom had thought of getting financial help from Medicare.

She would be able to pay for it herself, but every little bit helps for

everybody. Thanks for the info. Jan H

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 8:32 PM, diane chandler <dianechandler@ att.net>wrote:

> When Terry entered Hospice, I ordered one of these type chairs for him,

> but they had to special order due to his size. Unfortunately, he did not

> live long enough to get it or need it. However, my BIL has one for his Dad

> who lives in a nursing home. They absolutely love it. It took some time

> for his Dad to get used to it, but now that he is he loves it too. BTW,

> Medicare helped to pay for his.


> Hugs........ ....

> Diane


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> From: Jan Holman <janholmangmail (DOT) com <janholman%40gmail. com>>

> To: livercirrhosissuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) com<livercirrhosissupp

ort%40yahoogroup s.com>

> Sent: Wednesday, February 4, 2009 5:15:53 PM

> Subject: Re: Jan


> Abijann - I will try to remember to let you know if she does get one and

> how

> it works, they have one picked out, but will depend on what they can do for

> her in the way of surgery. But, i wouldn't mind haiving one myself to get

> out of my recliner. After my surgery, I had to have help to get out. I

> mentioned the chair around here and it seems there are quite a few of them

> in this town with an average age of 67. Jan H


> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 4:08 PM, abijann <no_reply@yahoogrou p s.com> wrote:


> > I hope your Mom does okay. It is good to know that your brother is

> > helping her. Can you let me know if those chairs work for her...

> > I have seen them but never tried one. My husband's mother has

> > a hard time now getting up from the chair in the nursing home and

> > I was thinking maybe we should get one for her, when we can afford it.

> > She is about 87 now, I think.

> >

> >

> >


> --

> Jan H



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Mom is going home tomorrow. She caught the flu while in the hospital, can't

take the flu shot for some reason. Getting better now. It was just what it

seemed like, the prior replacement was loose. They will be redoing it when

she has fully regained her strength. My brother did get the chair for her,

it was delivered today, placed just where she had her other recliner, in a

color which goes with the rest of her furniture. They were aware that

medicare would pay for part of it. My brother will be staying with her

until she can be left alone, luckily, he is a farmer, grain only, so he is

free to do what needs to be done. They have also looked into some home

health care. I am sure when she does have her surgery to fix it, she will

have it near where my brother lives. She lives in a small town, 15 bed

hospital. She seemed in pretty good spirits when I called today.

G=Thanks for your concern. Jan H

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 12:53 AM, diane chandler wrote:

> You're welcome Jan. How is she doing?


> Hugs..........

> Diane


> ________________________________

> From: Jan Holman <janholman@... <janholman%40gmail.com>>

> To:

livercirrhosissupport <livercirrhosissupport%40yahoogroups.com>

> Sent: Thursday, February 5, 2009 1:36:00 AM

> Subject: Re: Jan


> I don't know if my mom had thought of getting financial help from Medicare.

> She would be able to pay for it herself, but every little bit helps for

> everybody. Thanks for the info. Jan H


> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 8:32 PM, diane chandler <dianechandler@ att.net

> >wrote:


> > When Terry entered Hospice, I ordered one of these type chairs for him,

> > but they had to special order due to his size. Unfortunately, he did not

> > live long enough to get it or need it. However, my BIL has one for his

> Dad

> > who lives in a nursing home. They absolutely love it. It took some time

> > for his Dad to get used to it, but now that he is he loves it too. BTW,

> > Medicare helped to pay for his.

> >

> > Hugs........ ....

> > Diane

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > From: Jan Holman <janholmangmail (DOT) com <janholman%40gmail. com>>

> > To: livercirrhosissuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) com<livercirrhosissupp

> ort%40yahoogroup s.com>

> > Sent: Wednesday, February 4, 2009 5:15:53 PM

> > Subject: Re: Jan

> >

> > Abijann - I will try to remember to let you know if she does get one and

> > how

> > it works, they have one picked out, but will depend on what they can do

> for

> > her in the way of surgery. But, i wouldn't mind haiving one myself to get

> > out of my recliner. After my surgery, I had to have help to get out. I

> > mentioned the chair around here and it seems there are quite a few of

> them

> > in this town with an average age of 67. Jan H

> >

> > On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 4:08 PM, abijann <no_reply@yahoogrou p s.com>

> wrote:

> >

> > > I hope your Mom does okay. It is good to know that your brother is

> > > helping her. Can you let me know if those chairs work for her...

> > > I have seen them but never tried one. My husband's mother has

> > > a hard time now getting up from the chair in the nursing home and

> > > I was thinking maybe we should get one for her, when we can afford it.

> > > She is about 87 now, I think.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > --

> > Jan H

> >

> >

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Jan, I am so sorry your Mom has the flu and has ato go through surgery, but at

least your brother is there and can take care of her.  I will be praying for her

return to health and strength so she can have her surgery and start the healing

process.  I hope the chair is helpful to her.  I believe it will be.  I'm

praying for you as well, cause I know your heart is there with her.  Love you


Warm hugs...............



To: livercirrhosissupport

Sent: Friday, February 6, 2009 12:49:24 AM

Subject: Re: Jan

Mom is going home tomorrow. She caught the flu while in the hospital, can't

take the flu shot for some reason. Getting better now. It was just what it

seemed like, the prior replacement was loose. They will be redoing it when

she has fully regained her strength. My brother did get the chair for her,

it was delivered today, placed just where she had her other recliner, in a

color which goes with the rest of her furniture. They were aware that

medicare would pay for part of it. My brother will be staying with her

until she can be left alone, luckily, he is a farmer, grain only, so he is

free to do what needs to be done. They have also looked into some home

health care. I am sure when she does have her surgery to fix it, she will

have it near where my brother lives. She lives in a small town, 15 bed

hospital. She seemed in pretty good spirits when I called today.

G=Thanks for your concern. Jan H

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 12:53 AM, diane chandler <dianechandler@ att.net>wrote:

> You're welcome Jan. How is she doing?


> Hugs........ ..

> Diane


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> From: Jan Holman <janholmangmail (DOT) com <janholman%40gmail. com>>

> To: livercirrhosissuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) com<livercirrhosissupp

ort%40yahoogroup s.com>

> Sent: Thursday, February 5, 2009 1:36:00 AM

> Subject: Re: Jan


> I don't know if my mom had thought of getting financial help from Medicare.

> She would be able to pay for it herself, but every little bit helps for

> everybody. Thanks for the info. Jan H


> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 8:32 PM, diane chandler <dianechandler@ att.net

> >wrote:


> > When Terry entered Hospice, I ordered one of these type chairs for him,

> > but they had to special order due to his size. Unfortunately, he did not

> > live long enough to get it or need it. However, my BIL has one for his

> Dad

> > who lives in a nursing home. They absolutely love it. It took some time

> > for his Dad to get used to it, but now that he is he loves it too. BTW,

> > Medicare helped to pay for his.

> >

> > Hugs........ ....

> > Diane

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > From: Jan Holman <janholmangmail (DOT) com <janholman%40gmail. com>>

> > To: livercirrhosissuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) com<livercirrhosiss upp

> ort%40yahoogroup s.com>

> > Sent: Wednesday, February 4, 2009 5:15:53 PM

> > Subject: Re: Jan

> >

> > Abijann - I will try to remember to let you know if she does get one and

> > how

> > it works, they have one picked out, but will depend on what they can do

> for

> > her in the way of surgery. But, i wouldn't mind haiving one myself to get

> > out of my recliner. After my surgery, I had to have help to get out. I

> > mentioned the chair around here and it seems there are quite a few of

> them

> > in this town with an average age of 67. Jan H

> >

> > On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 4:08 PM, abijann <no_reply@yahoogrou p s.com>

> wrote:

> >

> > > I hope your Mom does okay. It is good to know that your brother is

> > > helping her. Can you let me know if those chairs work for her...

> > > I have seen them but never tried one. My husband's mother has

> > > a hard time now getting up from the chair in the nursing home and

> > > I was thinking maybe we should get one for her, when we can afford it.

> > > She is about 87 now, I think.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > --

> > Jan H

> >

> >

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Thanks Diane - I am sure my mother will be okay until she can get the

surgery to fix it. My brother will stay with her until he knows she can

make it on her own. She has a walker and a cane from when she had the

original hip replacement, so if she can get out of the chair, she can move


Right now, I am fighting something, cold, allergies, mild flu. Yesterday

seems to have been the worst day, better today. Problem is that I have to

play the communion songs in church on Sunday. Sunday night we are having a

special performance in our church. Some of you may have heard of

Harness, the opera singer. He is going to be at our church on Sunday night,

and may be at church with us on Sunday morning. Hard songs to start with,

cut down on practicing because I haven't been feeling well, and

Harness may be in the congregation when I am playing. I really feel that

God has been helping me because I have been playing better lately than I

ever did before, especially songs for church. But, I may have to take an

extra 1/2 Xanax before church starts. And I am asking for prayers so I

don't goof up badly. Jan H

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 12:30 AM, diane chandler wrote:

> Jan, I am so sorry your Mom has the flu and has ato go through surgery,

> but at least your brother is there and can take care of her. I will be

> praying for her return to health and strength so she can have her surgery

> and start the healing process. I hope the chair is helpful to her. I

> believe it will be. I'm praying for you as well, cause I know your heart is

> there with her. Love you sweetie!


> Warm hugs...............

> Diane


> ________________________________

> From: Jan Holman <janholman@... <janholman%40gmail.com>>

> To:

livercirrhosissupport <livercirrhosissupport%40yahoogroups.com>

> Sent: Friday, February 6, 2009 12:49:24 AM

> Subject: Re: Jan


> Mom is going home tomorrow. She caught the flu while in the hospital, can't

> take the flu shot for some reason. Getting better now. It was just what it

> seemed like, the prior replacement was loose. They will be redoing it when

> she has fully regained her strength. My brother did get the chair for her,

> it was delivered today, placed just where she had her other recliner, in a

> color which goes with the rest of her furniture. They were aware that

> medicare would pay for part of it. My brother will be staying with her

> until she can be left alone, luckily, he is a farmer, grain only, so he is

> free to do what needs to be done. They have also looked into some home

> health care. I am sure when she does have her surgery to fix it, she will

> have it near where my brother lives. She lives in a small town, 15 bed

> hospital. She seemed in pretty good spirits when I called today.


> G=Thanks for your concern. Jan H

> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 12:53 AM, diane chandler <dianechandler@ att.net

> >wrote:


> > You're welcome Jan. How is she doing?

> >

> > Hugs........ ..

> > Diane

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > From: Jan Holman <janholmangmail (DOT) com <janholman%40gmail. com>>

> > To: livercirrhosissuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) com<livercirrhosissupp

> ort%40yahoogroup s.com>

> > Sent: Thursday, February 5, 2009 1:36:00 AM

> > Subject: Re: Jan

> >

> > I don't know if my mom had thought of getting financial help from

> Medicare.

> > She would be able to pay for it herself, but every little bit helps for

> > everybody. Thanks for the info. Jan H

> >

> > On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 8:32 PM, diane chandler <dianechandler@ att.net

> > >wrote:

> >

> > > When Terry entered Hospice, I ordered one of these type chairs for him,

> > > but they had to special order due to his size. Unfortunately, he did

> not

> > > live long enough to get it or need it. However, my BIL has one for his

> > Dad

> > > who lives in a nursing home. They absolutely love it. It took some time

> > > for his Dad to get used to it, but now that he is he loves it too. BTW,

> > > Medicare helped to pay for his.

> > >

> > > Hugs........ ....

> > > Diane

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > From: Jan Holman <janholmangmail (DOT) com <janholman%40gmail. com>>

> > > To: livercirrhosissuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) com<livercirrhosiss upp

> > ort%40yahoogroup s.com>

> > > Sent: Wednesday, February 4, 2009 5:15:53 PM

> > > Subject: Re: Jan

> > >

> > > Abijann - I will try to remember to let you know if she does get one

> and

> > > how

> > > it works, they have one picked out, but will depend on what they can do

> > for

> > > her in the way of surgery. But, i wouldn't mind haiving one myself to

> get

> > > out of my recliner. After my surgery, I had to have help to get out. I

> > > mentioned the chair around here and it seems there are quite a few of

> > them

> > > in this town with an average age of 67. Jan H

> > >

> > > On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 4:08 PM, abijann <no_reply@yahoogrou p s.com>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > > I hope your Mom does okay. It is good to know that your brother is

> > > > helping her. Can you let me know if those chairs work for her...

> > > > I have seen them but never tried one. My husband's mother has

> > > > a hard time now getting up from the chair in the nursing home and

> > > > I was thinking maybe we should get one for her, when we can afford

> it.

> > > > She is about 87 now, I think.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > --

> > > Jan H

> > >

> > >

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You will sound like an angel.........It comes from the heart.



My life is really different now, but it is my life.  God helps us choose our


> > >

> > > > I hope your Mom does okay. It is good to know that your brother is

> > > > helping her. Can you let me know if those chairs work for her...

> > > > I have seen them but never tried one. My husband's mother has

> > > > a hard time now getting up from the chair in the nursing home and

> > > > I was thinking maybe we should get one for her, when we can afford

> it.

> > > > She is about 87 now, I think.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > --

> > > Jan H

> > >

> > >

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Lyncia, thanks for the thought. It will be a different type of angel

because the harp setting on the piano/organ sounds terrible[?] and nobody

uses it. Jan H

> You will sound like an angel.........It comes from the heart.


> Lyncia


> My life is really different now, but it is my life. God helps us choose

> our path!



> > > >

> > > > > I hope your Mom does okay. It is good to know that your brother is

> > > > > helping her. Can you let me know if those chairs work for her...

> > > > > I have seen them but never tried one. My husband's mother has

> > > > > a hard time now getting up from the chair in the nursing home and

> > > > > I was thinking maybe we should get one for her, when we can afford

> > it.

> > > > > She is about 87 now, I think.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > --

> > > > Jan H

> > > >

> > > >

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