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updates anyone on tcm?

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Today was day 13 for my ds. We are not going through Dr. Peng at this

point, but are seeing a local TCM doctor. We have our two week follow-

up appt. tomorrow.

Our ds has maintained his gains which are higher cognitive functioning,

more complex speech, and more desire for social interaction. We have

seen some improvement with his repetitive play and visual stimming, but

they aren't gone yet. On day three, he had a massive sweat-out and as

I mentioned before, the strong " personal scent " he has had since

babyhood (no matter how freshly bathed) disappeared and has not

returned. Even after he has played and sweat outside at the park AND

we have skipped a shower, he has still not had a scent about him at all.

His latest gain is food related. Although not as amazing as Rei's

accounts about her ds, they are still BIG here. Our ds has a VERY

limited diet. This is due to the fact that he doesn't tolerate much

and is on SCD and also because he is very self-limited. Yesterday we

were going out for the day and had to pack food to take with us. He

doesn't really eat anything that is very portable so we made a chicken

salad and didn't know if he would eat it, so we brought plain chicken

and honey as back-up. When we were packing in the morning and

discussing what we would take for afternoon snack, we mentioned that we

would pack pineapple for his brother. He then said that he was going

to have pineapple for his snack too. We smiled and said, " Okay! " but

still packed him his own snack. When lunch came, he wolfed down his

chicken salad as if there were no tomorrow. He discussed all the food

bits that were in it (it is made with chicken, carrots, zucchini, black

olives, and pineapple in olive oil and lemon and lime juice.) He

normally won't eat carrots or pineapple or zucchini, but he was talking

about the " orange carrots " and such as he ate it. Then at snack time,

he again said he would have pineapple and sure enough, picked up big

chunks of it with his fingers and ate it as if it was something he ate

everyday. He was then trying to swipe my grapes and Larabar (which I

couldn't let him have because I'm not sure he can tolerate them yet.)

It was exciting to see him have so much interest in food he doesn't

normally eat, PLUS he tolerated the pineapple. In the past, it has

caused a rash around his mouth. Now, the tolerance could be due to the

healing that has taken place after nearly 10 mths on SCD, but the

interest is a brand new thing.

His reflux still is not resolved. We have taken him off Prevacid and

are trying to give the herbs time to work on that. We really don't

want him on Prevacid.

Overall, we continue to see gains continue and new improvements, too.

We are going to try to get at least one more (maybe 2) of our dc (NT)

in with our TCM doctor for digestive/detox issues as well.

Sorry so long - I just want to give you all a thorough update.


> Does anyone whose children are seeing chinese medical doctors have an

> update on new recent progress or regression? Good or bad ... would

> love to read all.



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Hi ,

This is a nice report It must have taken you some time to write it.

Unfortunately, at the rate of 500-800 messages per day, this message

will quickly scroll away from view.

Wouldn't it be good to post this on a blog or autismpedia.org?


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I do not have an ingredient list of herbs at

this point. I do know he is targeting heart/phlegm

and liver - will discuss further with Dr in a week

when we return -

my son's starting point is at the bottom of my

blog for reference...

> > >

> > > Does anyone whose children are seeing chinese medical doctors

have an

> > > update on new recent progress or regression? Good or bad ...


> > > love to read all.

> > >

> > >

> >


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Hi ,

Do you have anything new to report about your experience with TCM? It

has been about 3 weeks, right?



> Today was day 13 for my ds. We are not going through Dr. Peng at this

> point, but are seeing a local TCM doctor. We have our two week

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Yes, tomorrow is three weeks. We had a major setback here because a

virus went through the house. My 3 1/2 yo ASD ds got worse and my NT

ds (who has major food intolerance issues) got worse, too. We all

reacted to something so we don't know if we got glutened within our

VERY strict diet (nearly impossible except that a company may not be

fully disclosing everything to us) or it is the virus that made my

kiddos wacky. We had our first DAN! appt finally (after waiting 8

mths) on Monday and our story of the viral regression along with

initial vaccine regression and previous constant illness was enough to

prompt our DAN to check for PANDAS.

So, with that in mind, here is my latest update.

Ds got a high fever that only lasted a day and a half with no other

noticeable symptoms. However, he won't reliably tell us if he has a

sore throat or headache or whatever. His brother had already had a

croupy cough during nights and a pinprick rash on his chest and back

for a few days. Ds got much worse with increased stimming and

repetitive play, had much more trouble with transitions, and got

aggressive. He also had diarreah one day, but it did not have the

typical " sick " diarreah smell. It didn't really smell at all.

Today he seemed to be feeling much better. He was still more

aggressive than normal (yelled " no " at us a couple times), but was

doing REALLY well outside of that. Some notable items:

Reduction in stimming, repetitive play, and OCD behaviors. For ex: if

we go in and out of the sliding glass doors, he must control them and

open and close them for us. He was like this at lunch when my dh was

grilling, but later in the afternoon when we were playing outside he

didn't care nearly as much and we could open the doors ourselves.

Going hand-in-hand with a reduction in repetitive play (usually using

blocks or trains to set up door systems which he will play pretend

with, but it is a limited, repetitive play), he had an increased

interest in other play. Suggesting other things to play has been

increasing for a few days. He HAS done this in the past at times, but

it is definitely an improvement right now.

He asked to paint today, which he enjoys doing. Normally he will smear

a bunch of colors and tell me which colors he is using. Today he made

a circle and told me he was making a circle. Then he made another

shape and told me it was a heart. Then he proceeded to paint a door,

an umbrella, and another heart. Now these pictures still looked like

smears of colors or lines, but he was either trying to paint those

things or pretending he was painting them. Either way it was awesome.

Then he got up and started acted silly with his body and was smiling

and said, " Look at me! "

He had paint on his hands when we were done and he had to go potty.

After pottying he said, " I have to wash my hands " all on his own. He

totally cooperated and then insisted that he lather himself. This is

HUGE as handwashing is a major struggle here. So much so, that I only

require he wash his hands when ABSOLUTELY necessary. He has only

suggested washing his own hands once before.

I decided today might be a good day for a group photo of the kids for

Christmas cards. What would normally be a fiasco and pretty much

impossible to do went great. He cooperated and smiled for the camera.

When he was waiting for his sister to get her make-up on, he went off

to the game closet and got out " Pretty Princess " which has play jewelry

in it, pulled it out and put a necklace on to prepare for the picture.

He then pretended to put some make-up on. Okay, so he's a boy and

doesn't quite know that boys don't wear make-up, but I was thrilled!

And I would've let him wear that plastic necklace in the photo if he

hadn't decided to take it off on his own.

Then he blew bubbles outside. This was progress because whenever he

has tried in the past he couldn't get it right. He would blow as hard

as he could and not really make bubbles. Today he figured it out all

on his own.

There are some highlights. It was pretty scary for a few days there

seeing him so much worse. But - he kicked the virus faster and better

than the rest of us and is now back on track and progressing really


He does have other interventions in place that I believe are critical,

but there aren't many - it is mainly diet and a few supplements to

correct deficiencies.

The one thing that wasn't changing fast enough for him was his reflux

symptoms. We had taken him off Prevacid and really didn't want to put

him back on but we also didn't want him to suffer with symptoms for too

long. Tonight at bedtime we started him on DGL for that. We can try

weaning again in the future.

Side note - at our first DAN appt on Monday, one of the ladies in the

office was expressing surprise to my dd that my ds was diagnosed ASD.

My dd explained that we have already done a lot of biomed with him on

our own and that he has responded well. We thought that was pretty

cool that someone in that situation didn't even recognize him as ASD.

Side note #2 - we have started my NT oldest dd on herbs also. She

started last night.

Sorry so long,


> Hi ,


> Do you have anything new to report about your experience with TCM? It

> has been about 3 weeks, right?


> --penumbra

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