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Re: (Fwd) g-tube/fundo/pylorus

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Thanks for the advice, I researched the whole pylorplasty before Kennedy

had her fundo, when I mentioned it to the geniuses on the Surgical team,

they said " Oh we NEVER do those hardly ever " . The more I've read from

the website Casey found is that PRE-OP testing is vital in choosing

which candidate will be successful with a fundo. Kennedy had virtually

no preop testing - only one quick barium test in her OG tube to verify

the reflux. Certainly not the " preferred " tests of most doctors that

have written info at that website. The child has to have good GI

motility to be a successful candidate for a fundo. I have NO clue what

Kennedy's motility is. Boy, oh boy, are they ever gonna get an earful

from me at our next " friendly " meeting!!! I wish I'd have seen that site

before the surgery, I would've insisted on more pre op testing. Anyway,

thanks for the advice. I haven't ruled out pylorplasty yet, either,

even though they won't do it at the Children's Hospital closest to me,

they aren't the only Children's Hospital in Canada.

Mom to Kennedy 13 mos old CHARGEr, 9, 7 and wife to Graeme

New Brunswick, Canada

> What is Pyloroplasty? Well, the pylorus is the valve/muscle between the

> stomach and intestine. They surgically, opened this muscle/valve up so that

> her stomach could empty out faster. We were told that food might possibly go

> thru her intestines too fast and give her diarhea all the time, called the

> dumping syndrome. However, this did not happen. 'This procedure has helped

> her immensely!!! (along with the g-tube) She continues to eat by mouth

> during the day and gets 10 ounces of Pediasure at night using the drip.


> I thought this might be of help to those of you struggling with the g-tube/

> fundo question.


> Jodie


> mom of Madison - 18 mos. w/ CHaRgE

Graeme & Weir



*ICQ* UIN:1426476

*AOL Buddy* - Kawfolks

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