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Re: [mb12valtreX) Peng's Can anyone help???

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here is some of the old posted messages

info on Dr Peng herbs/ Traditional

Chinese medicine;

(see below)-


Per Dr. Peng, liver support ( he did not say repaire, he rather saying liver maintanence or liver support) is one of main functions among these herbs. These herbs mainly are used to improved blood circulation in brain, strengthen immune, anti-fungal, anti-bacteria, anti-inflammation in both brain, liver, gut...He also told me liver strengthen is included in the whole treatment as well, but i did not get specific names of herbs that works on the liver... I will keep bugging him by without making them feel I am stealing their idea... This time, I will be more sensitive about getting info from them...

Sincerely, Rei

I received several list mates emails privately regarding the ingredients of Dr.Peng's herb. I have posted them on 10/28, Please see below post, I am forwarding the information here again. Read below email.

Also, another list mate named " A Shadow" made a webpage under www.autismpedia.org. There are comprehensive information about Dr. Peng's background, protocol, my diary of observations on my son's ever since we are on herb protocol...

Get on www.autismpedia.org, select "treatment", select" herb" and select "Dr. Peng".

Sincerely, Rei

Subject: Re: Re:Finally, I got the ingredients of herb from Dr. Peng!!!To: mb12 valtrex Date: Tuesday, October 28, 2008, 3:03 PM

Dear listmates,

I finally got a chance to talk to Dr. Peng Jr ( the son) today and asked him about the ingredients in my son's herb compound. ( After I got turned down by his father about the information of ingredients of the herb compound.) He is opened to disclose and share the ingredients, method with me today. ( He told me don't mind his dad...)

Anyway, per Dr. Peng, the main herbs in my sons' compound are

Herb #1 Rhizoma Gastrodiae Elatae, or common name as Gastrodia Tuber

1. Effect on the CNS: sedation, anti-seizure, painkilling effect.

2. Effect on heart and blood vessels: protects the heart muscle from lacking circulation, improves blood flow in the coronary artery,

3. Improves blood flow to the brain,

4. mitigate the effect of adrenalin on blood vessel constriction, lower blood pressure.

5. Effect on tolerance of lack of oxygen.

6. Improve the immune system.

7. Other effects: increase the skin temperature; increase the expansion and contraction ability of the smooth muscle of the intestine; improve the secretion of the bile in the gall bladder (vanillyl alcohol); slow down breathing; inhibits 5-HT, PGE2;

8. Vanilline can be absorbed in the small intestine rapidly and shows up in the liver and the brain, especially the cerebrum, and the medication quickly permeates the blood-brain barrier. Vanilline is excreted through the urine within 10-12 hours.

9. Toxicity: Relatively safe.

Herb #2 Radix Ligustici Chuanxiong

Medical Function:

dilates coronary arteries, improves blood flow to heart muscles, lower oxygen consumption of heart muscles.

improves blood flow to the the brain and limbs, lower resistant of the peripheral blood vessels.

resists radiation.

antibiotic effect

anti-coagulation of platelets.

helps resist effect of lack of vitamin E

inhibits the activity of tyrosinase, thus helps to eliminate age spots (brown spots) and spreckles.

Herb #3 Spica Prunellae Vulgaris

Medical functions:

1. diuretic effects: because of its high content of potassium salt.

2. lowering blood pressure effect

3. antibiotic effect

4. antifungal effect

5. anti-inflammatory effect: it enhances the synthesis and secretion of adrenocortical hormone.

6. inhibiting immune system effect: using xia ku cao injectiones for under skin injection, it can obviously shrink the thymus glands and spleens of lab animals, and can increase the sizes their adrenal glands.

Herb # 4) Flos Chrysanthemi Morifolii, or Common Name:

chrysanthemum flower

1. Effect on cardio-vascular system: it has obvious effect on dilating the coronary arteries by directly relaxing their smooth muscles.

2. Anti-inflammatory effect

3. Antibiotic effect: in vitro experiment, ju hua possesses therapeutic effect on infections caused by staphylococcus aureaus, beta hemolytic streptococci, escherichia coli, and Shigella spp.

4. Antipyretic effect: stomach infusion of ju hua extra to rabbits that were induced fever artificially showed it has antipyretic effect. The result can be the inhibiting effect on the CNS.

5. Ye ju hua (wild ju hua) is better than ju hua in lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure and inhibit infection.

These are the main herbs in my son's "potion", I believe he also mixed with plum or something makes the juice taste better for children, But no sugar added. We add stevia ourselves before we serve my son.

Dr. Peng's protocol is to give the juice small amount per time when a child drinks it, several times throughout a day. Maybe several sips per time and take a break, few hours later, take more sips. Total up, 6 oz per day.

Comments from parent here:

The herb juice my makes son's bowl movement better, larger volume of stool, with a little dark reddish wine like color, and smell funky, per Dr. Peng, that is bacteria, yeast die-off and metal detox signs..... The most appreciated part is my son presents a much clear mind and talks much better, OCD and anxiety are down 100%, no stuttering... can enjoy academic work much better.... Isn't it what we dream for our children??

PS: Dr. Peng ( the son) did apologize for his father's conversation with me on the phone, the young Dr. Peng is pretty much like everyone here, very opened to discuss and share what he has practiced in this field for my son's needs.


here is Dr. Peng's clinic phone number . the> > address: 9968 Bellaire Blvd, Suite 210 B, Houston.

> > Here is the website: http://www.pengsacu puncture. com/contact. html.> > >

> Sincerely,> >> > Rei> >

--- On Mon, 10/27/08, Rei > > Dear Listmates,> > > > As my promise, I am posting information that I learned from our second> > visit of the Chinese acupunture/herb/ homeopathy doctor. If you remember,> > I have posted last week, that at our first visit, Dr. Peng did not suggest> > to use acupunture to treat my son ( recap: the reason we dicided to see> > him because my son's OCD, anxiety, aggression got worse even we have been> > putting him on full package of bio-med protocol, Mb12, OLE, GSE, GABA,> > Taurin, Vits, probiotic, enzyme, you name it...) It seems to me these> > things worked for my son in the beginning, but later it shows lose of> > effeciency and can't defeat my son's continuous OCD, anxiety, aggression..> > . What I saw my son is a very struggling, distrubed and anxious child. I> > used to laugh about acupunture practice and called that witch doctor...> > but, I took my word back this time, and the reason is following,> > > > Since no needles be ordered by Dr. Peng this time, he treated my son with> > variety of herb compound that he selects himself, and brew them in an old> > tradional way for 4 hours long at his own clinic, only brew 3 days' dosage> > at once ( 6 oz twice a day, one with breakfast, the other one in the> > evening). Once we run out, we can go back to his clinic and he will brew> > fresh herb compound into juice format. It costs $5 per day. Still now, I> > can't figure out the ingredient of the herb juice ( we call that potion at> > home, i told my son it is like the potion Shrek drank and became a> > handsome prince and he will drink it happily. This stuff smells pretty> > funky, looks like English black tea, but tastes like some kind of> > fruit/herb mixed juice)> > > > Anyway, at the second vist, Dr. Peng told me to treat liver first, and> > brain. ( Does it sound familar? Dr. Moulden also mentioned about treating> > liver...) After 3 days of being drinking Dr. Peng's "potion", my son's> > OCD, anxiety are gone tremendously, yet he speaks with full long> > sentences and very clear pronounciation of each word, he tends to interact> > or socialize with others more ( in the store, or in the park, talked to> > store clerks, asked questions to people at the dog parks about their> > pets...) and he did not trip out when school changed his bus team today,> > did not have tantrum when we made a U turn without informing him... these> > improvement really open our eyes, one more thing, my son's dark, puffy eye> > bags are gone...> > In Dr. Peng's potion, per him, these herbs works to help liver function> > better to rid of toxins throughout whole body, help liver generate> > glutathoine by itself, also some herbs kill/inactivate bacteria, yeast,> > some herb reduce inflammation in the brain, enable blood vessel release> > more blood flow, and generate more oxygin..... Still keep close watch on> > my son and his potion, we enter in the 4th day....> > ( Dr. Peng's English is pretty limited, and my Chinese is not that good,> > so I still try to get these ingredients information from him...) I also> > believe the right doesage and balance among various of herbs, and the> > process of making them also make the difference of the effeciency from> > these herbs.> >> > As a mattere of fact, Dr. Peng is not someone special or famous, per him,> > this is pretty much every doctor who practices Chinese traditional herb> > medicine will do. For my son's case, has to treat liver first....and will> > help brain or immune or neurological issues> >> > Rei

he only charged $20 for> > initial visit. And he will make a trial version of herb, cost $8.00 per> > cup, If your child can drink it and responds to it well, and then you can> > pick up more cups.> >> >> >> > Rei

Dear group,

I just called Dr. Peng for booking my son's 3 days herb juice. I also warned him that he may have a rush from all the parents here who want to try herb protocols.

He told me that he and his father are working on every single patient' request, day and night now, working pretty late until late night every day to custome design the herb combination for each patient. So, do not worry, they are top of it. If you experience any delay, it is not because they forgot about it, sometimes, for some patient's conditions, they need to find the right herb and right combination, it takes some time to finalize the decision. I can see Dr. Peng ( the father who has over 40 years experience) and another Dr. Peng ( the son who grows up in US) will debate between themselves a lot to finalize the herb combination for patients. They are very cautious about their decisions.

Sincerely, Rei

Dr. Peng is in Houston TX. He accepted phone and email consulation for long distant patients and will design herb combination based on conditions and ship to you with instruction how to brew them at home. He use whole pieces of herbs suc has roots, leaves, barks from certain type of trees, whole seeds, flowers. They are dry, but not processed by any man-made form. He used the original pieces from plant itself keep as natural as it can. Quite a few parents on this group are doing his protocol and received consulation in long distant. Some of parents on this group are seeing their own TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) doctors locally and getting herb protocol as well. Each child or patient's herb combination is different--custom made, not a universal form or formula.

If you want to know more about what has been going on to my son's development ever since we visited Dr. Peng by accident, visit the website that I mentioned above. Good luck ot you and your family.

Sincerely, Rei

It has been over a month.

I think overall, the biggest victory that we gain from the herb is


He can reason things better, controled his thought like a reasonable man. Even in a situation he could've got mad, but he will remind himself by saying--"I have to be stable" and he allows life go on in a calm way, sometime he will laugh about it and find a solution by himself. Before the herb protocol in his lfie, If the same situation happened that will set him off, he would've cried, complained, throw objects cross the room, hit his cat, or throw himself on the floor. For example, last week, he was building a model train, that was his B day give. It required a lot of detail works, eye, hand, fingers and mind coordination. He has never built one before, my husband and I were standing by him and trying to help him. He could not connect railroad piece by piece very well in the beginning, we were worry about he will get mad, but he didn't. He tried many times to hood up these tiny railroad pieces and if he screwed it up, he will laugh at himself and tried it again... He became a calm, and optimistic indivisual yet using brain to find a solution.

Kids in his class were out sick this week, teachers were coughing, sneezing during our IEP meeting, but my son only had a running nose for one day, and now he is ok, no any symptoms of cold or flu continued over one day, he is a healthy boy now. But my husband got sick from him and still sick for 4 days... My son's immune condition is better than ever.

He told me the other day---Mom, I feel very good. ( I know what he meant. From a poor little guy who was always thin, and bony with dark circle under eyes, fuzzy, tantrum around the clock, leaky guts, restricted on food, sick all the time, can't talk, stimming, OCD, anxious to a boy who looks healthy, feels relaxed, responds to life with calmness and peace, and likes to use brain to make projects work, bright eyes, good skin tone and tells me that--He feels very good. What can I proof more... He is being recovered by these raw-natural- weird-looking- and-taste- funky herb juice.

Sincerely, Rei

Ok, this is another huge progress on Dr. Peng's herb potion...

We have entered the 6th week this Saturday.

Recap the first 5 weeks of herb protocol, my son started from being calm, OCD reduced 100%, repetitive speech stopped, ( these happened in the very first day and the first week)

Followed by these improvements, my son's speech and cognition started to leap, using more sophisacated vocabulary, better in conversational skills, more interaction with others, aware of surrounding, playful, funny, thoughtful for others and independent, getting good reports from school on both behaviors and academic work.

Coorodination skills have a huge leap as well, building model trains with tiny tool around a huge Xmas tree, building a big christmas tree ( the plastic one) hook up lights, decorated tree all by himself. ( he is only 10). ( I think his next project could be learning how to read instruction and build a piece of furniture or something...)

On the 6th week, his body is changing. Remember Dr. Peng told me that the herb is also training my sons' body how to detox unwanted stuff on its own as well as metablize and regulate nutrition on its own ( instead of relying on taking enzyme or on special diets throughout his lifetime)

Ok, the huge development is he can eat anything he wants now without any behavior or health problems.

This Saturday was his B Day and we took him to a new restaurant where we have never been. Not too familiar with the menu, we ordered my son a turky bistro without cheese ( he is on GFCF diet ever since he was 2 years old). Ok, when the turky sandwich was on the table, we didn't check there was cheese in it. My son ate the whole thing up, plus, we gave him fruit tart ( sugar and more dairy in the tart), and he snuck on some chocolate cookies, plus he finished a bottle of orange juice ( with 32g sugar)....

Ok, he had everything he is not supposed to eat-- wheat, dairy, sugar, more sugar...

We all expected him to have--as usual stimming behavior ( from sugar and wheat), and OCD, hyperness, or meltdown, or diaherria, or stomach ach. ( If he has citrus from OJ, or too much sugar, meltdown is the next thing to be expected).

After lunch, we waited for an hour, he was ok, normal, happy but not hyper, excited but not stimming ( he was excited about his B day gift)...

Waited for the rest of day until he went to bad, he did not have any any behaviors of tantrum, anxiety, meltdown, stimming, OCD, normal BM, no bloating stomach after all that wheat, dairy and sugar intakes...

So, what is happening inside my son's body?? The herb is accomplishing its mission--- it is teaching my son's body how to live a normal life.

Sincerely, Rei

got my herbs but am confused by Peng's instructions - Can anyone help???> To: mb12 valtrex > Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 3:12 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > Hey all> > I got my herbs today and was reading the instructions and I got confused on step 7 and 8.> > My instructions say > 7. "take medicine bag out of pot after 1 hour"> 8. "Continue cooking for another 30-40 minutes without covering pot"> > I am trying to figure out how to keep cooking for 30 -40 minutes(like it says in step 8) if I take the medicine bag out of the pot like it says to do in step 7.> > Anyone have the same instructions and know what to do?> > Thanks> Becky>

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