Guest guest Posted June 25, 2003 Report Share Posted June 25, 2003 Special Education Law & Advocacy Strategies , J.D. A weekly newsletter from s Media, LLC Volume #27 - June 24, 2003 You receive this email newsletter by request. To be removed, click the link at the bottom of the page Join our SUMMER SYMPOSIUM - Join a Presentation in YOUR House or Workplace! We will be holding Summer Symposiums of Special Education Law & Advocacy Strategies during the months of July and August with online workshops, teleconferences and web conferences. Contact us for more information at summersymposium@... More information will be emailed the end of the week Aug 22-23 SC Autism Society Details D.C. School Choice Bill Boehner & Introduce D.C. School Choice Bill Bill Would Strengthen D.C. Public Education System, Expand Opportunities Immediately for Thousands of Disadvantaged Children MISCELLANEOUS NEW RELEASE! NAEP 2002 Reading Assessment Paige Issues Statement on Results of Nation's Report Card: Reading 2002 Associate Commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics The Release of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) The Nations' Report Card: Reading 2002 Paige Issues Statement on Today's Supreme Court Decisions about University of Michigan's Admission Policies 1999-2000 District Fiscal Data Released in Web ToolsThe 1999-2000 school district finance data was released in NCES web tools Final Report of the National Center for Research on Cultural Diversity and Second Language Learning, Volume I. University of California Santa Cruz, June 1996 The Impact Statement on Practice and Knowledge Educating All Our Students: Improving Education for Children from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds Barry McLaughlin & Beverly McLeod Parent Public Policy Fellowship Program 2004 The ph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation - Parent Public Policy Fellowship Program 2004 The ph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation is seeking parents of persons with mental retardation, intellectual and developmental disabilities for an intensive one-year Public Policy Fellowship in Washington, D.C. During this one year Fellowship, the successful applicant will learn how legislation is initiated, developed, and passed by the Congress, or how programs are administered and regulations promulgated by federal agencies. We seek parents or other family members with outstanding experience in: State-level advocacy for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families, beyond the level of advocacy to benefit solely the candidate’s own child; vocational rehabilitation, education, child care, child welfare, law, economics, community organizing or development of community supports and services; health or mental health care for people with mental retardation; or development of family training or family support services. The successful applicant’s background will include distinguished involvement in efforts to improve the lives of persons with mental retardation and other disabilities at the regional, state or national level. Salaried experience in the field is NOT a requirement. The expectation is that fellows will become future leaders in the field of disabilities, and will return home after their year in Washington to make significant contributions to policy and program development in their home state. The program provides a one-year full-time exposure to the federal public policy making process, and includes a stipend and relocation expenses. Program applicants must be from the United States. Selected fellows must be prepared to live in the Washington, DC area during their fellowship year and to devote themselves full-time to the fellowship. THE APPLICATION PROCESS: Applicants should submit a 2-4 page letter stating their interest and accomplishments to date, and what they hope to do with the knowledge and experience gained from the fellowship. They should also attach either a résumé or a summary of their involvement in the field, and at least three letters of support. Please direct any questions about the application process to Jill Fosse, . Applications should show the candidate’s name, address, telephone number(s) and e-mail address on the first page. The preferred method of sending application letters and résumés is via e-mail attachment (i.e. not in the body of the e-mail) to jfosse@.... Applicants may follow up with hard copies via regular mail if they wish. Letters of support are also encouraged via e-mail but a hard copy on letterhead with the supporter’s signature must follow in the mail. Applications must be sent to the Foundation’s office by September 1, 2003. Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications as early as possible, since a postmark of September 1 is the absolute deadline for the receipt of completed applications. Any applications that are still incomplete or postmarked after the deadline will not be considered. The Fellowship starting date will be negotiated with the successful applicant, but is expected to begin in January of 2004. Finalists will be invited to Washington in the Fall to be interviewed by a distinguished panel of Public Policy experts. Address letters of application to the Foundation’s administrative offices: EUNICE KENNEDY SHRIVER, Executive Vice President, The ph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation, 1010 Wayne Avenue Suite 650, Silver Spring, MD, 20910 ATTENTION: Parent Public Policy Fellowship Program To be removed from this email, click the link below The information in this email is educational and not intended to be legal advice. VIEW THE HEARING ON IDEA WEDNESDAY 10:00 A.M. Reauthorization of the Individuals With Disabilities Education ActJune 25, 2003 - 10:00 AM Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Business meeting to consider S.1248, to reauthorize the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and pending nominations. SD-106 How To Use is optimized for 800x600 browsers. Review the Senate Hearings Schedule on the left side of the screen to find the hearing you wish to listen to. Committee names provide links to the Committee home pages on the U.S. Senate web site. Locate the Hearing Room Number at the lower right of each Schedule entry. You may need to scroll right to find the Room Number. Room Numbers provide quick links to audio feeds of hearings in progress. Alternatively, locate the Hearing Room in the list on the right side of the screen. When a hearing is scheduled to begin, click on the appropriate Hearing Room link. If no hearing is in progress, you may hear a tone. Hearings require the free RealPlayer NAPAS National Association of Protection & Advocacy Systems Side by Side of Senate Bill 1248 Parts A and B of the IDEA JOIN REED FOR ASK REED ONLINE THURSDAY- JUNE 26 9:00-10:30 PM, EST FREE CHAT SESSION WITH REED Educational Tools for Kids - Keep Your Kid's Learning This Summer! TALK TO REED ONE-ON-ONE Phone Strategies Consultations DISABILITY ARTICLES Vaccines May Fuel Autism EpidemicBy O Meara REP. BURTON USES FINDINGS OF NEWCALIFORNIA AUTISM REPORT TO RENEW HIS CALL TO PRESIDENT BUSH TO CONVENE FIRST-EVER WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE ON AUTISM CALIFORNIA’S AUTISM CASELOAD DOUBLES IN FOUR YEARS: STATE NOW ADDING 11 NEW CASES A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK Sunshine Foundation "The Original Wish Granting Organization" Granting the dreams of seriously ill and chronically ill children since 1976. The Genetics of Bipolar DisorderScientists identify gene mutation linked to mental illness STOP! Are You Really Ready To Ask For A Due Process Hearing? State Due Process Hearing Findings Building A Bridge From Birth to School: Building A Bridge From Birth to School: Improving Developmental and Behavioral Health Services for Young Children examines primary health care services that promote infant and young child development in the United States and suggests ways to improve those services. This May 2003 report, published by the Commonwealth Fund, presents information on (1) existing guidelines for developmental health supervision of children; (2) the clinical effectiveness of developmental health services in primary care settings; (3) gaps between current guidelines for child health care, the care that parents report their children receiving, and the services pediatric practices currently offer; (4) common measures of the quality of pediatric health supervision; (5) barriers to developmental services; (6) innovative service models; (7) the efficacy of activities directed at promoting child development; and (8) recommendations for improving developmental services. The report is intended for use at the provider, practice, community, and policy levels and is available at Check out the SPEDLAW EGroup: Click to subscribe to SPEDlaw Check out our message board: Resources: Contact us to have your site listed on our resource page: connie@... Link our site to yours: Share Out Site with a Friend: Check out 's Publications Educational Tools for Kids - Keep your kids learning this summer! Connie s/s Media, LLCP. O. Box 4003town WV 26504-4003 (P) (F)Email: connie@...URL: © 2003. All Rights Reserved. To unsubscribe/change profile:click here Email list management powered by Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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