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A little more genetics

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Two short things:

Syndrome or Association? In the genetics world, its somewhat of a

semantic distinction. A syndrome is something which is thought to have

a specific cause or causes. An association is a collection of features

with lots of causes. Syndromes are more likely (but not always)

genetic. Associations aren't genetic. I use syndrome because I am

convinced these kids all hvae the same thing. They look alike, they act

alike, they move alike, etc. When we find the gene, that will prove it.

How can it be genetic with no family history? Well, everything has to

start somewhere. There are a couple of families in the literature (one

my group published about 15 years ago) with multiple affected

generations. In the past, most people with CHARGE A) weren't recognized

as CAHRGE and/or B) didn't get the care and education needed to become

independent adults and/or C) were not able to have children - so there

are only very rare opportunities to see it run in a family. It is

important to know because if it is genetic, the risk of CHARGE to

children of people with CHARGE could be as high as 50%! That's part of

why we need to find the gene.


Meg Hefner MS

Genetic Counselor

St. Louis, MO


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