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Silicone Breast Implant History

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Cosmetic Use of Injection Silicone Oils;

Food and Drug Law

Professor Barton Hutt - Paper Submitted in

Satisfaction of Course Requirement and MPA/MC Reading

and Research Requirement - January, 2005

Nearly 11.9 million cosmetic surgical and nonsurgical

procedures were performed in the United States in

2004. Injection of fillers is the number one

increasing procedure, with an increase of up to 659%

of procedures compared to the year 2003. Since all

filler materials are foreign to the body, basic

requirements of filler includes: safe, legal, good

result, performed by a professional and affordable.

Silicones are man-made synthetic polymers and used in

a wide variety of products as fluids, gels and



Breast implants 'no risk to life'

BBC, UK, 2 January, 2005

Having reconstructive surgery does not reduce the life

expectancy of women with breast cancer, research

suggests. In fact women who had breast implants after

a mastectomy had a lower risk of dying from cancer,

the study involving 5,000 patients over 12 years



$7000 payout for a life ruined

The Sun-Herald, By Cuming - January 23, 2005

Kate Wyllie is one of 1800 Australian women who will

receive as little as a few hundred dollars for their

pain and suffering from ruptured and leaking silicone

breast implants..........



Thigh augmentation:

Submuscular placement of a silicone gel-filled


Case Report, Aesthetic Surgery Journal,

January-February 2005, Anger MD

The development of silicone prostheses for

augmentation of the calf and buttocks has led a small

number of our patients to consider the use of implants

for aesthetic thigh augmentation. In this article, we

report a new thigh augmentation technique using

submuscular placement of silicone gel-filled


http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6W9G-4FH4HS7-C & _coverD\

ate=02%2F28%2F2005 & _alid=349840292 & _rdoc=1 & _fmt= & _orig=search & _qd=1 & _cdi=6682 & _s\

ort=d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version=1 & _urlVersion=0 & _userid=10 & md5=c4269ef755\


The Lancet: Infection in breast implants

Joe Santangelo j.santangelo@...

The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 1 february 2005, pages


Breast augmentation is the most frequent type of

plastic surgery done in the UK and--after nose

reshaping and liposuction--it is the third most common

cosmetic procedure in the USA. However, infection

complicates 2–2.5% of breast implantations, and is

the leading cause of illness following such surgery.

The comprehensive review in The Lancet Infectious

Diseases of infection of breast implants is

particularly timely in light of the recent call for

tighter regulation of the private cosmetic surgery

industry in the UK. .......



Infection risk of breast implants

BBC, UK - 5 February, 2005

Women undergoing breast implant surgery have a 2.5%

risk of suffering a post-op infection, a worldwide

study of 10,000 people suggests. And for cancer

patients having breast reconstruction the risk is up

to 10 times higher, the University of Geneva Hospitals

in Switzerland http://www.hug-ge.ch/

said.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4226577.stm

Dow Corning: Silicone Biomaterials History

....oped and tested their silicone gel–filled breast

implant in 1961. They implanted the first pair in a

woman in 1962 (Cronin and. Gerow, 1963).....


'Natural' breast implant advance

By - BBC News health reporter, in

Washington DC - 17 february 2005

US scientists say they have made a breakthrough to

produce natural breast implants using human stem

cells. .....


High Rate of Failure Estimated for Silicone Breast


New York Times, By Gardiner - April 7, 2005

WASHINGTON, April 6 - In documents made public on

Wednesday, health regulators estimated that up to 93

percent of silicone breast implants ruptured within 10

years. The surprisingly high figure will further roil

a debate next week about whether to lift the

13-year-old ban on silicone implants for breast



FDA Releases Information

from Mentor's Silicone Gel Breast Implant Approval


Cosmetic Medicine / Plastic Surgery News - 13 Apr 2005


FDA Panel Opposes Silicone Gel Implants

The Washington Post, By Marc Kaufman -


April 13, 2005

A Food and Drug Administration expert panel voted

narrowly yesterday against allowing silicone gel

breast implants back on the market for general use,

saying the available scientific data are too scant to

provide assurance that newer versions would be safe.

After two days of emotional and technical testimony,

the panel decided 5 to 4 not to recommend that the

agency overturn its 1992 partial ban on the



FDA urged to approve new implants

Later versions found safer, more durable

Associated Press, By Neergaard - 14 April 2005

In a surprising turnaround, federal health advisers

yesterday recommended allowing silicone-gel breast

implants to return to the U.S. market after a 13-year

ban on most uses of the devices - but only under

strict conditions that will limit how easily women can

get them........


FDA panel backs breast implants from one maker

New York Times - 14 April 2005 - By Gardiner

GAITHERSBURG, Md., April 13 - Silicone breast implants

made by a California company should be available to

women who undergo cosmetic breast surgery, a federal

advisory panel voted on Wednesday, rejecting arguments

about serious health problems. The panel chairman

called the 7-to-2 vote to approve an application by

the company, the Mentor Corporation, unexpected. On

Tuesday, the panel voted, 5 to 4, to reject a similar

application from the Inamed Corporation......



No scientific consensus on silicone breast implants

Health Risk or a Woman's Choice?

USNews.com, By Querna

healthbriefs@... - 25 april 2005

Both Carolyn Wolf and Michele Columbo came to the Food

and Drug Administration's advisory panel meeting on

breast implants last week with strong feelings about

the availability of silicone implants.......


Breast implant maker accused of cover-up

Associated Press, May 23, 2005

WASHINGTON - Two former employees of a breast-implant

manufacturer alleged the company covered up high

rupture rates and workers were so fearful of bosses

finding defective implant parts that they hid the

parts in the ceiling. The allegations are contained in

a 2003 lawsuit against the Mentor Corp..


Whistleblowers " Implant Manufacturer engaged in

Cover-Up "

May 25, 2005 , Newsinferno.com

Two former employees of Mentor Corp., a manufacturer

of breast implants, have come forward with allegations

that the company covered up evidence of high rupture

rates and that workers would hide defective parts in

the ceiling to avoid detection by their superiors.

These former employees claim that senior executives in

the company told them to destroy reports detailing

high rupture rates and that packaging for the implants

was sometimes infested with fleas. The actual rupture

rates far exceeded those reported to authorities

according to one of the whistleblowers. A criminal

investigation of Mentor was closed in 2002 and

recently the company won a recommendation from federal

scientific advisors that it be permitted to resume

sales of its implants under certain conditions.


http://www.yourlawyer.com/articles/read/9807 )

Silicone suits crawl along

Thousands await money years after implant maker

pledged $2.35 billion

Dallas Morning News, Texas, By Sherry son -


28 May 2005

It's been 25 years since Dintino [statement of

Dintino - FDA Panel Hearings - October 2003 -



] got silicone breast implants and more than a decade

since she sued the manufacturer, Dow Corning Corp.,

believing the devices made her sick. But she and tens

of thousands of other women haven't received a penny

despite the promise of a $2.35 billion settlement by

the implant maker in the mid-1990s. The company began

compensating breast implant wearers last June after

emerging from Chapter 11 bankruptcy. But most of the

women are still waiting...



'DIY' breast implants may be on the horizon

March 28 2005

London - A revolutionary technique using stem cell

research could soon allow women to choose breast

enhancements made of living tissue instead of


http://www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1 & click_id=31 & art_id=vn200503280808319\


Fungal contamination in breast implant surgery:

A rare, preventable complication

Cosmetic Medicine/Plastic Surgery News - 03 Jun 2005

Contact - Steve Baragona sbaragona@...


Infectious Diseases Society of America


Although apparently uncommon, fungal contamination of

saline-filled breast implants is readily preventable,

according to a study in the July 1 issue of The

Journal of Infectious Diseases, now available online.

The key steps are to use closed systems for filling

the devices and to adhere to the strict moisture

control and operating room ventilation standards in

force at major hospitals.......


Breast Implant Claims

M. Frailich smflawcorp@...

Owner of the Law Offices of M. Frailich

A Professional Law Corporation, has been a practicing

attorney for the past 25 years. Mr. Frailich has

specialized in Personal Injury Litigation and Breast

Implant Class Action claims, and has obtained more

then $75,000,000 in settlements on behalf of his

clients. Mr. Frailich is presently specializing in

handling Breast Implant Class Action Claims, and has

successfully settled over 600 claims. He is able to

assist any claimants who do not understand if they are

eligible to receive any compensation in the Class

Action or who are having problems settling their

implants claims with the Claims Board.......


Breast, Implant Rupture

eMedicine.com , June 10, 2005

L Hallett, MD, Consulting Staff, Department of

Radiology, Riverview Hospital

......An estimated 1-2 million patients, or

approximately 1% of the adult female population, have

breast implants. The incidence of implant rupture

increases over time. One recent study revealed that

the median lifespan of a SGBI is 16.4 years. In that

study, 79.1% of implant were intact at 10 years; the

percentage decreased to 48.7% at 15 years........


Study: Silicone breast implants may be contaminated

REUTERS HEALTH, By Will Boggs, MD - 15 July 2005

NEW YORK - Five cases of fungal contamination of

saline-filled breast implants were likely caused by

poor infection control measures during the implant

procedures and in the operating room, according to a

report. According to investigators, black sediment was

seen in the implants of five women who had undergone a

second surgery to correct various problems they were

having with their breast implants. A fast-growing

fungus found in soil called Curvularia fungus was

isolated from the saline in the removed implants, Dr.

n A. Kainer marion.kainer@..., from the

Tennessee Department of Health in Nashville, and

colleagues report in The Journal of Infectious




Mentor shares advance on FDA letter

AP - By Wallance Witkowski - Business Writer - July

29, 2005

Shares of medical device maker Mentor Corp. opened

above their 52-week high and kept climbing Friday

after the company received an " approvable letter " from

the Food and Drug Administration to bring silicone-gel

breast implants back to the market after 13 years....


Regarding Petitions to Block

FDA Approval of Silicone Gel Breast Implants

Public Citizen's Health Research Group - Statement of

Sidney M. Wolfe, M.D.,

August 9, 2005

The fundamental questions are: (1) Are silicone gel

breast implants safe, and (2) Have the companies done

studies that provide reasonable assurance of safety as

required by FDA regulations and guidances?.....


1988: Public Citizen files a petition to ban silicone

gel breast implants....

1992: FDA moratorium on silicone gel implants....

1998: Public Citizen testimony before Instituteof


1999: IOM Recommendations..


FDA urged to hold off on approving silicone-gel


By Rita Rubin, USA TODAY - 10 August 2005

[ Health and Behavior Reporters - kthomas@...


A coalition of health advocacy groups urged the Food

and Drug Administration on Tuesday to refrain from

approving silicone-gel breast implants until the

manufacturer provides long-term data about the

devices' safety..


Tits for Tat

Bush's FDA moves forward on approving silicone breast

implants but still stalls on emergency contraception

by Weinstein - 15 August 2005

When a federal Food and Drug Administration advisory

panel recommended the approval of one company's

silicone gel breast implants this spring—even though

some women had testified that the gel oozed out of

their eyes, ears, and nipples—one word kept coming

up over and over again: choice. A panelist told The

New York Times that it was important to give women a

choice of implants......


Mother tells how hospital removed Healthy breast

News Scotsman - JAMES HALL - 5 Sep 2005

A MOTHER has revealed how she had a healthy breast

removed after being wrongly diagnosed with cancer.

Marjory , 52, was told by doctors - over the

phone - that she had a rare and aggressive form of

cancer and that she needed a mastectomy. Less than a

month later, doctors at Raigmore Hospital, Inverness,

admitted they had been looking at another patient's

tissue sample and made a mistake. It took nearly two

years for Highland Acute Hospitals NHS Trust to offer

Mrs just £44,000 compensation..


FDA endorses 2d firm on Silicone Implant sales

Boston Globe, Massachusetts. 22 September 2005

By Diedtra , Globe Staff -


The Food and Drug Administration yesterday told a

second manufacturer it is willing to approve wider

sales of its silicone gel-filled breast implants....



MPs call for removal of

Health Canada's breast-implant panel members

Eggertson eggerts@... with files from

Sally Murray, CMAJ

November 8, 2005; 173 (10). doi:10.1503/cmaj.051329.

Opposition MPs are calling on Health Canada to remove

members of an expert advisory panel on breast

implants, or to suspend the panel's work, because at

least 3 members have ties to manufacturers of the

medical devices....


Reprieve For Breast Implants

Their safety is unproved, but it's tough to ban

something already used by 2 million U.S. women - TIME,

By Michale D. Lemonick - Nov 11, 2005


Zonyl Packaging Whistle-blower:

DuPont Knows Food-Packaging Risk

Jack Kaskey jkaskey@... Bloomberg News, 17

nov 2005

DuPont Co., the third-largest U.S. chemical producer,

is tainting candy, butter, popcorn and baked goods

with a potentially cancer-causing chemical that seeps

out of grease-resistant packaging, a former company

scientist said yesterday...................


'Gummy Bear' Breast Implants Inch Closer To U.S.

Makers Hope Silicone Implants Will Be Approved In U.S.

November 22, 2005

BETHESDA, Md.- A new type of breast implant already

available in other countries may soon be making its

way to the United States....


Want breast implants? Do research first

Knight Ridder Newspapers, By Garloch


Dec. 02, 2005

Naked from the waist up, Sharon Eller endured the

medical exam by avoiding the eyes of two men staring

at her breasts. Dr. J.P. Riou backed up for a better

look. He tipped his head toward Sharon's husband,

Maurice, and pointed out that her right breast hung

lower than her left. Women's breasts rarely match, the

plastic surgeon said. But he could fix



Breast reconstruction with implants:

no survival disadvantage

Nature Clinical Practice Oncology (2005) 2, 64doi:

10.1038 / ncponc 0089

Responding to concerns about the possible adverse

effects of breast implants after mastectomy, Le et al.

have recently published the results of their large,

population-based study. Breast implants did not appear

to confer any survival disadvantage; in fact, the

long-term risk of breast cancer mortality was lower in

women with implants than in those without... [Full

text available with e.g. Personal subscription ]


Blowing the whistle on Mentor

PUBLIC RADIO, 5 December 2005

Silicone breast implants are stirring up controversy

again. An ex-employee of implant maker Mentor claims

the company misrepresented safety data and chose not

to fix a problem with their implants. From the Health

Desk at WGBH, Helen Palmer reports - LISTEN to this

story -


0:00:01:09.0 & end=00:00:03:16.0

FDA Not Concerned by Mentor Claims

LATIMES, December 6, 2005, from Reuters

Allegations from a former Mentor Corp. engineer about

possible leakage from the company's silicone breast

implants are not a concern to regulators weighing

whether to approve expanded sales, a Food and Drug

Administration spokeswoman said Monday..........

http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-mentor6dec06,1,7265271.story?ctrack=1 & cset\


Did Mentor only fix some implants ?

December 6, 2005

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) - The maker of a silicone

breast implant awaiting final approval from the Food

and Drug Administration allegedly sought to limit

leaks of silicone oil from sample implants sent to

doctors' offices, but no adjustments were made to

devices that would actually be implanted in women,

according to a published report...


New Findings on Mentor Corporation Reveal

Further Disdain for Women's Health

NOW.org, December 6, 2005

News that breast-implant manufacturer Mentor Corp.

corrected a malfunction in the samples it provides to

doctors—but did nothing to repair the implants that

will be placed in women's bodies—provides further

proof that the company puts profits first, and that

the FDA must take decisive action against Mentor to

protect women's health and safety, said National

Organization for Women President Kim Gandy......


Breast-implant 'bleeds' studied

Implant Maker Fixed Samples Only

Informer Highlighted Problem With Silicone Devices,

Which Await FDA Approval

The Washington Post, By Marc Kaufman

kaufmanm@..., Staff Writer

December 6, 2005

WASHINGTON - Mentor Corp., which hopes to win Food and

Drug Administration approval soon to sell its

silicone-gel breast implants for general cosmetic use,

faced a problem last year as it prepared to distribute

to doctors the demonstration models that prospective

customers would try on for size: The implants

sometimes left behind an unsettling slick of silicone






Whistleblower Alleges Defects in Silicone Implants

Feminist Daily News Wire - December 7, 2005

A former employee of Mentor Corporation, manufacturer

of silicone breast implants, came forward this week

alleging that the company corrected leakage defects in

doctors' samples, but not in implants intended for use

in women's bodies. The whistleblower sent a letter to

the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which issued

an approvable letter for the implants in July, stating

" I am very concerned about the safety of women using

these breast implants if they were to become widely

available as an FDA-approved product, " reports the

Washington Post................


Study suggests infections can cause childhood cancer

Associated Press - Dec. 12, 2005

LONDON - Common infections that affect mothers and

babies may trigger certain types of childhood cancers,

researchers said today......


42 U.S. Senators hold Stock in Pharma

Up To $16 Million In Drug Company Stock Investments


42 U.S. Senators Out of Vaccine Vote, Says FTCR

13 december 2005

Carmen Balber - carmen@...

Court - jamie@...


SANTA MONICA, Calif., Dec. 13 /U.S. Newswire/ --

Forty-two U.S. Senators hold stock in pharmaceutical

companies even as they vote on legislation to benefit

the drug industry, according to an analysis released

today by the nonprofit, nonpartisan Foundation for

Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR). The Senate is

expected to vote this week on an eleventh-hour

amendment to immunize vaccine makers for dangerous

drugs. Senators should not participate in votes from

which they will financially benefit, said



Multimillion-Dollar Penalty Against DuPont Sets a


DuPont fined for hiding Teflon dangers.

Randall Chase rchase@...

The Associated Press - 15 december 2005

DuPont Co. has agreed to pay $10.25 million in fines

and $6.25 million for environmental projects to settle

allegations by the Environmental Protection Agency

that the company hid information about a toxic

chemical used to make the nonstick coating





National Silicone Implant Foundation:


" If they can do a federal investigation on, DuPont;

who's behind holding up a federal investigation into

the Breast Implant / asbestos / gulf war, etc, scam

and cover up, that's harmed millions of us ? We have

the data an evidence to prove, Dow Chemical and the

rest of the Breast Implant Manufactures all lied an

are Guilty ! Including, Judges, the Science Panel and

ton's of other's involved in this crime against;

human's used as guinea pigs without our Informed

consent. What do they call the toxic chemicals used in

breast implants, duh ? Many are banned because they

are carcinogenic. To bad the rats and beagles, Dow

used can't blab cuz they all croaked, but, we can

exposed Dow's evil bogus lies. The Toxic chemicals in

breast implants cross the placenta barrier to the

children. Dow, knew too, and chose to poison You and

our children for money $$ !! "

Study suggests viral infection cancer link

Scientist " Colds or mild flu trigger a certain form of

cancer in susceptible children "

16 December 2005

A study of 3000 childhood cancers spread across five

decades has revealed distinct " space-time " clusters

for a form of childhood leukaemia, indicating that

viral infections are playing a role. A pre-existing

abnormality must also have been present in the

infected children. ............


DuPont won't say how C-8 is formed

The Wilmington News Journal, By Jeff Montgomery


18 December 2005

The Environmental Protection Agency wants to know a

lot more about the fate and breakdown of chemicals the

DuPont Co. makes or sells for use at its Chambers

Works plant in New Jersey and other sites around the

globe to make nonstick, nonstain, grease-repellent




Complications Common With Postmastectomy Breast


Arch Surg 19 december 2005; 140:1152-1159.

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Reconstructive breast

implantation performed after mastectomy to treat

breast cancer is associated with a high rate of

adverse events that often require surgical

intervention, results of a prospective study



Women who undergo reconstructive breast implantation

frequently develop short-term complications

JAMA and Archives Journals, Howser, 19 December


Almost one-third of women who underwent reconstructive

breast implantation after mastectomy had at least one

short-term complication in the chest or breast area,

with one in five women requiring additional surgery,

according to a study in the December issue of Archives

of Surgery, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.


Breast Implant Complications Frequent, Study Finds

CONSUMER AFFAIRS, December 19, 2005

Almost one-third of women who underwent reconstructive

breast implantation after mastectomy had at least one

short-term complication in the chest or breast area,

with one in five women requiring additional surgery,

according to a study in the December issue of Archives

of Surgery. The most common complications were

infection, blood clotting, seroma (collection of serum

in the tissues) and skin perforation. Forty-nine

percent of these complications occurred within three

months and 67 percent within six months.........


Breast Augmentation: A Public Health Perspective

By Zuckerman, PhD - dz@...

National Research Center for Women and Families -




http://www.coolnurse.healthology.com/printer_friendlyAR.asp?b=coolnurse & f=surger\

y & c=risks_breastsurgery

Statement of Dr. Zuckerman,

Ph.D. President, National Research Center for Women &


Reconstructive Breast Implantation After Mastectomy

for Breast Cancer

WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 2005 - PRNewswire - Dr.

Zuckerman, Ph.D. issued the following statement

regarding today's release of the article

" Reconstructive Breast Implantation After Mastectomy

for Breast Cancer " in the journal Archives of Surgery:


http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104 & STORY=/www/story/12-19-200\

5/0004236711 & EDATE=

Settlement reached between DuPont and EPA

Great Lakes Radio Consortium, Michigan. 19 December


The Environmental Protection Agency says DuPont hid

information about the dangers of a chemical used to

manufacture Teflon. The allegations prompted an

investigation by the EPA, and now, the company will

pay 16.5 million dollars to settle the complaint. The

EPA says it's the largest administrative penalty it

has ever won......


Implants, mastectomies linked to problems

Study: Post-mastectomy implants pose an added risk

By Lindsey Tanner ltanner@... - Associated Press -

Dec. 20, 2005

CHICAGO - Breast implants in women who have undergone

mastectomies often result in complications that

require more surgery, a study in Denmark has

found.........The study appears in the December issue

of Archives of Surgery. It was paid for by the

institute, which receives funding from the Dow Corning

Corp., a former maker of silicone breast




Women Who Can't Get Breast Implants Have Another


WBAL Channel.com - December 27, 2005

BALTIMORE -- One in eight women will develop breast

cancer, according to health experts. Those who have

mastectomies often have breast reconstruction,

reported WBAL-TV in Baltimore. Now women might have

another reconstruction option. Three years ago,

Kathleen was diagnosed with breast cancer. After

a mastectomy, she opted for a breast implant, but

later began having neck pain. " I also was experiencing

a lot of tightness on the right side of my torso,

which is where I had the mastectomy and

reconstruction, " said....


Change of Address

Washington Post, December 29, 2005

Barie Carmichael , Dow Corning's former top

communications official, is joining APCO Worldwide as

a senior counselor. At Dow Corning, Carmichael worked

with APCO to devise " the global turn around strategy

for the complex and emotional silicone breast implant

controversy and . . . managing communication involving

Chapter 11, layoffs, restructuring and regulatory

issues, " according to an APCO release.

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