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Good Evening Ladies, My family has seen me deteriorate for almost a year. They have shared in my grief of not knowing what is making me so sick. I got the pleasure of sharing my new revelations and also my plans to explant with my sister over lunch. I had the same information that I took to my doctor's appointment last week. I also brought along pictures of some of your explants I got from this site. She was sooo quiet for a while. Then she paid for my lunch and thanked me. She shared that her and her new husband have been discussing her getting implants. He really didn't think she needed them, but she wanted them. He was willing to buy them for her. However, my presentation convinced her that the risks were too great to overlook. I offered to let her take my packet of information home with her and she said she didn't need them. She was sure she didn't want them

now. I know we all go through things for a purpose. If this was my only purpose (to keep my sister safe) it is well worth all the pain and monetary expenses. Thank you all for helping me gain the knowledge to help my sister.

DSL Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less

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, you are doing something positive with something that has

been quite damaging to your health. I've been spreading the message

as well, hoping that in some small way I can prevent others from

going through what we've gone through. If our own government won't

help us, then we have to do the work they are unwilling to do. I'm

glad that your sister listened to you. A friend of my sister's is

getting implants next month and turned a deaf ear to my sister when

told of my implant related issues, however perhaps there will be

others who will listen.



> Good Evening Ladies,


> My family has seen me deteriorate for almost a year. They have

shared in my grief of not knowing what is making me so sick. I got

the pleasure of sharing my new revelations and also my plans to

explant with my sister over lunch. I had the same information that

I took to my doctor's appointment last week. I also brought along

pictures of some of your explants I got from this site. She was

sooo quiet for a while. Then she paid for my lunch and thanked me.

She shared that her and her new husband have been discussing her

getting implants. He really didn't think she needed them, but she

wanted them. He was willing to buy them for her. However, my

presentation convinced her that the risks were too great to

overlook. I offered to let her take my packet of information home

with her and she said she didn't need them. She was sure she didn't

want them now. I know we all go through things for a purpose. If

this was my only purpose (to keep my sister safe) it is well worth


> the pain and monetary expenses.


> Thank you all for helping me gain the knowledge to help my






> ---------------------------------

> DSL Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less


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- I know, I wish someone cared enough to develop a test so

that everyone could be tested for sensitivity. I found slides on

the FDA site for Mentor's new silicone implant, and I was surprised

to see they actually reported how many people complained of joint

pain after implant. However, I'm sure it was explained away or

considered an acceptable risk factor - one of the studies had about

15 people out of 225 (or so) complaining of joint pain after

implant, or 8%. Then when anyone complains of joint pain after

implant outside a study, we're told that there's no proof of

implants causing illness.


> >

> > Good Evening Ladies,

> >

> > My family has seen me deteriorate for almost a year. They


> shared in my grief of not knowing what is making me so sick. I


> the pleasure of sharing my new revelations and also my plans to

> explant with my sister over lunch. I had the same information


> I took to my doctor's appointment last week. I also brought along

> pictures of some of your explants I got from this site. She was

> sooo quiet for a while. Then she paid for my lunch and thanked


> She shared that her and her new husband have been discussing her

> getting implants. He really didn't think she needed them, but she

> wanted them. He was willing to buy them for her. However, my

> presentation convinced her that the risks were too great to

> overlook. I offered to let her take my packet of information home

> with her and she said she didn't need them. She was sure she


> want them now. I know we all go through things for a purpose. If

> this was my only purpose (to keep my sister safe) it is well worth

> all

> > the pain and monetary expenses.

> >

> > Thank you all for helping me gain the knowledge to help my

> sister.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > DSL Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or


> >







> Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given

by licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or

licensed health care professional before commencing any medical



> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians

mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own

decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a

better world. " - Linus ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954,

Chemistry; 1963, Peace)


> See our photos website! Enter " implants " for access at this link:

> http://.shutterfly.com/action/



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- how wonderful to already know the purpose for what you

have been through! My eleven year old son last night at dinner said

he wished he could take my pain for a day so that he could see what

it felt like. Thank God for supportive famlies.



> Good Evening Ladies,


> My family has seen me deteriorate for almost a year. They have

shared in my grief of not knowing what is making me so sick. I got

the pleasure of sharing my new revelations and also my plans to

explant with my sister over lunch. I had the same information that

I took to my doctor's appointment last week. I also brought along

pictures of some of your explants I got from this site. She was

sooo quiet for a while. Then she paid for my lunch and thanked me.

She shared that her and her new husband have been discussing her

getting implants. He really didn't think she needed them, but she

wanted them. He was willing to buy them for her. However, my

presentation convinced her that the risks were too great to

overlook. I offered to let her take my packet of information home

with her and she said she didn't need them. She was sure she didn't

want them now. I know we all go through things for a purpose. If

this was my only purpose (to keep my sister safe) it is well worth


> the pain and monetary expenses.


> Thank you all for helping me gain the knowledge to help my






> ---------------------------------

> DSL Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less


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Dr. Shanklin, in Memphis, TN, does have a test for

silicone hypersensitivity. . . Not that that would

work guarantee safety because, we usually develop

sensitivities after an exposure period.

Plus, no test is going to predict if an implant is

contaminated before or after it's implanted. . . They

do know that patients whose doctors who observer very

strict sterility standards have fewer complications.

The valves of all saline implants used for years were

defective - even after the manufacturer knew of the

defect. This allowed body fluids to enter the implant.

Nevertheless, as an implant ages, materials leach out

of the implant shell and get distributed throughout

the body. What these are, and where they go is

variable. One of the most dangerous materials that is

known to leach out over time is platinum! Ionized

platinum is one of the most potent neurotoxins there


Dr. Melmed demonstrated several implants before the

FDA by attempting to stretch a new implant . . . then

an older, explanted implant, and finally an old

explanted implant. The oldest implant literally pulled

apart in front of the FDA. They called a recess to

decontaminate the area!



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In my opinion, the reason the manufacturer's and

plastic surgeons have gotten away with putting these

toxic bags in women for so long is that we've been

reluctant to talk about breast implants with other


If we hadn't felt they were our personal secret, and

if, once we knew they were making us sick, we hadn't

become ashamed and guilt laden, things would be much


When you think about it, women have been getting sick

for over 40 years as a result of breast implants!

STILL, the FDA is allowing them to be put in more

women! The money interests keep the media from warning

women . . . Instead, they present try to present

implants as " fair and balanced " . . . STILL, no

studies of sick women have been done!

Every time I've been in a group of women and have

brought up the implant subject, I've been amazed at

the response! . . . More women know they're dangerous

now than in the past, but they think Saline's are

safer than gel. They all know women with implants who

are sick - but seldom have they made the connection.

Many of them know children born to implanted women who

are having unusual health problems.

For those of you who are new, you can't imagine the

amount of time and energy that has gone into trying to

get breast implants off the market until safety can be

proven! . . . I've been to Washington, D.C. twice,

written to congressmen/women repeatedly, and I send

information to the FDA several times a week (at

least!). Others have done much more than I have! We

need all the help we can get. . . . I hope all of you

will find something YOU can do to help spread the


I ask that each of you, after you're explanted and

getting better that you contact every doctor who

hasn't been able to help you. Let them know that

you've found the answer and the problem IS breast

implants! Calling is good . . . a written letter -

with a copy to the state medical association would be

even better.

Also . . . There is a MedWatch report that is intended

to be filed for EVERY diagnosis resulting from a

medical device. You should have received a message to

access one when you joined . .. but you access one

through the archives, or with a web search. This

report was supposed to be mandatory - but doctors

didn't use it, so they removed the mandatory

requirement! . . . But you can file your own! There

are thousands of reports already filed on breast

implants. They haven't changed anything . . . . but

when push comes to shove, the reports are there and

somebody will be responsible for ignoring them!

God Bless,


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You are right Rogene, If doctors, FDA, and the media wont share our stories...it is up to us to talk one woman at a time. If that is what it takes. I wonder if the idea of the manufacturerers is to get the PS and the mediea to take the focus off the silicone shell. When I asked my PS about the risks before my implant he said the risks were in the gel leaking. "Now they have saline, so if it leaks it will be safely absorbed." He never even addressed the risks involved with the shell. We need more women to talk about their illnesses from saline also. Everyone here is doing just that. We need to get the word out that we react to the shell first then we react to whatever it is filled with. Thank you Rogene for your dedication to us, Rogene S <saxony01@...>

wrote: In my opinion, the reason the manufacturer's andplastic surgeons have gotten away with putting thesetoxic bags in women for so long is that we've beenreluctant to talk about breast implants with otherwomen.If we hadn't felt they were our personal secret, andif, once we knew they were making us sick, we hadn'tbecome ashamed and guilt laden, things would be muchdifferent.When you think about it, women have been getting sickfor over 40 years as a result of breast implants!STILL, the FDA is allowing them to be put in morewomen! The money interests keep the media from warningwomen . . . Instead, they present try to presentimplants as "fair and balanced" . . . STILL, nostudies of sick women have been done!Every time I've been in a group of women and havebrought up the implant subject, I've

been amazed atthe response! . . . More women know they're dangerousnow than in the past, but they think Saline's aresafer than gel. They all know women with implants whoare sick - but seldom have they made the connection.Many of them know children born to implanted women whoare having unusual health problems. For those of you who are new, you can't imagine theamount of time and energy that has gone into trying toget breast implants off the market until safety can beproven! . . . I've been to Washington, D.C. twice,written to congressmen/women repeatedly, and I sendinformation to the FDA several times a week (atleast!). Others have done much more than I have! Weneed all the help we can get. . . . I hope all of youwill find something YOU can do to help spread theword!I ask that each of you, after you're explanted andgetting better that you contact every doctor whohasn't been able to help you. Let them

know thatyou've found the answer and the problem IS breastimplants! Calling is good . . . a written letter -with a copy to the state medical association would beeven better.Also . . . There is a MedWatch report that is intendedto be filed for EVERY diagnosis resulting from amedical device. You should have received a message toaccess one when you joined . .. but you access onethrough the archives, or with a web search. Thisreport was supposed to be mandatory - but doctorsdidn't use it, so they removed the mandatoryrequirement! . . . But you can file your own! Thereare thousands of reports already filed on breastimplants. They haven't changed anything . . . . butwhen push comes to shove, the reports are there andsomebody will be responsible for ignoring them!God Bless,Rogene

Photos Got holiday prints? See all the ways to get quality prints in your hands ASAP.

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What your PS didn't tell you (did he know?) is that

even on the shelf, in a sealed bottle, saline has a

two-year shelf life. . .

Put in the body in a semi-permeable shell, at body

temperature, what in the @#$%^ makes them think it's


We know women who have developed toxic shock (some

died) when their contaminated saline implant ruptured

and set dangerous bacteria loose in their body!

The whole issue is insane . . . Those with the gold

are making the rules!

One thing that keeps implants on the market is the

fact that there are NO SAFE IMPLANTS of any kind! . .

.. Once breast implants fall, many other implants will

become suspect.

The difference is that most other implants are

intended to save a function, or a life AND these

implants are used later in life. Presumably, the

person will outlive the expected lifetime of the

implant. . .

Something I question is if we need a life/function

saving implant at some point, will our body tolerate

them - or will we be so sensitized to the materials

that other implants won't be an option?



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Thanks for sharing! I am so glad your sister changed her mind too.

My sister got her implants before me, and continues to deny that any

of her symptoms are implant related. She isn't sick like I was, but

has many many aches and pains. She just says it is old age.

Hugs, Kathy


> Good Evening Ladies,


> My family has seen me deteriorate for almost a year. They have

shared in my grief of not knowing what is making me so sick. I got

the pleasure of sharing my new revelations and also my plans to

explant with my sister over lunch. I had the same information that

I took to my doctor's appointment last week. I also brought along

pictures of some of your explants I got from this site. She was

sooo quiet for a while. Then she paid for my lunch and thanked me.

She shared that her and her new husband have been discussing her

getting implants. He really didn't think she needed them, but she

wanted them. He was willing to buy them for her. However, my

presentation convinced her that the risks were too great to

overlook. I offered to let her take my packet of information home

with her and she said she didn't need them. She was sure she didn't

want them now. I know we all go through things for a purpose. If

this was my only purpose (to keep my sister safe) it is well worth


> the pain and monetary expenses.


> Thank you all for helping me gain the knowledge to help my






> ---------------------------------

> DSL Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less


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Great job !

That is such a good feeling to know that what we have gone through

can help other women avoid the same fate. If that is all the reward

I get, that is worth it to me, and I am sure you feel the same way.

I am so happy for you that your sister heard you and took that to

heart. Alot of women don't want to hear it and blow our suffering

off. Your sister is a smart woman! And you are a very loving


Be blessed!



> Good Evening Ladies,


> My family has seen me deteriorate for almost a year. They have

shared in my grief of not knowing what is making me so sick. I got

the pleasure of sharing my new revelations and also my plans to

explant with my sister over lunch. I had the same information that

I took to my doctor's appointment last week. I also brought along

pictures of some of your explants I got from this site. She was

sooo quiet for a while. Then she paid for my lunch and thanked me.

She shared that her and her new husband have been discussing her

getting implants. He really didn't think she needed them, but she

wanted them. He was willing to buy them for her. However, my

presentation convinced her that the risks were too great to

overlook. I offered to let her take my packet of information home

with her and she said she didn't need them. She was sure she didn't

want them now. I know we all go through things for a purpose. If

this was my only purpose (to keep my sister safe) it is well worth


> the pain and monetary expenses.


> Thank you all for helping me gain the knowledge to help my






> ---------------------------------

> DSL Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less


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That is the sweetest thing! Your son sounds like a very sensitive

young man! He will make a wonderful husband to a lucky young lady

someday, I am sure!


> >

> > Good Evening Ladies,

> >

> > My family has seen me deteriorate for almost a year. They


> shared in my grief of not knowing what is making me so sick. I


> the pleasure of sharing my new revelations and also my plans to

> explant with my sister over lunch. I had the same information


> I took to my doctor's appointment last week. I also brought along

> pictures of some of your explants I got from this site. She was

> sooo quiet for a while. Then she paid for my lunch and thanked


> She shared that her and her new husband have been discussing her

> getting implants. He really didn't think she needed them, but she

> wanted them. He was willing to buy them for her. However, my

> presentation convinced her that the risks were too great to

> overlook. I offered to let her take my packet of information home

> with her and she said she didn't need them. She was sure she


> want them now. I know we all go through things for a purpose. If

> this was my only purpose (to keep my sister safe) it is well worth

> all

> > the pain and monetary expenses.

> >

> > Thank you all for helping me gain the knowledge to help my

> sister.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > DSL Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or


> >


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  • 4 years later...

Its been 6 years for me in a mold free environment and Im still sick


In a message dated 12/13/2010 8:00:13 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

grimes@... writes:

Is her place better than where you are currently living?

If so, go for it.

Mycotoxins or not, whether they can survive 15 years or not,

whether the original mycotoxins and all the other " stuff " is still

there or not.

Even if they are they will be mixed in with the intervening 15 years

of normally occurring, always present, molds and mycotoxins and

" stuff " which will be indistinguisable from the original.

There's no such thing as an absolutely pristine perfect place - but

you can find a better place. If you feel better then it is better.

Carl Grimes

Healthy Habitats LLC


Hi, im thinking of sharing with a woman but she came from a wdb 15

years ago and kept everthing. I. Just wonder would the mycotxins etc

have denatured by now or would they wtill be arou d since spores would

possible be around. I hate all this i reallydontknow what to do, also is

there really any point throwing my current clothes and bedding away if

she did not herself? Im loving in mould house now and chemical house

so im hoping that by at least getting away from chemicals helps me most.

My life sux. Cant live in tent because of my colitis and food intolerance

and i just cant deal with it emotionally. God please someone help me. Im

30 what is the point of 30 or 40 more years like this?


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you cannot base one getting well on weither they took or left their belongings.

to many other things come into play, not everyone is injured at the same levels,

re-accureing infections could be the result of whats in the body, not whats on

the belongings, ect.


> Thanks carl,


> When i say she kept everything, she did not clean any of it either, just

grought it, soft furnishings, paper and all.


> i'll have no way to knowuntil i travel the 500ks and try it out. It should be

very goodchemical wise so that is something and in that way it willbebetter than

here, there is mould here and people here have some signs of mould illness too.

She herself is very sick and though she doesnt realise it to me its classc mould

symptomology, cfs, burning skin, sore joints, fungal infecrions, whether thats a

result of existing mold and mycotoxins i just dont know. It does cross my mind

that if her place was clean she would be well now some 15 years later but

perhaps her high chemical load and other exposures keeps her ill. Some people

say that of the ones that got better they are the ones who left everything

behind, those who took all their stuff are still sick 15 years later.


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sorry to hear that, I started getting sick from WDB exposure around 30.

does this lady not have any understanding of her exposure and advoidance of the

many things that might keep her in a chronicly very ill state?

if she doesn't chances are that there will be many other possable chemicals in

the environment that might bother you regardless of if the belongings are still

a problem or not.

I agree with Carl, it doesn't really sound like a good place to be, if this lady

has not gotten the knowledge to help herself to any level of relief or recovery,

it just doesn't sound good.


> Hi, im thinking of sharing with a woman but she came from a wdb 15 years ago

and kept everthing. I. Just wonder would the mycotxins etc have denatured by

now or would they wtill be arou d since spores would possible be around. I hate

all this i reallydontknow what to do, also is there really any point throwing my

current clothes and bedding away if she did not herself? Im loving in mould

house now and chemical house so im hoping that by at least getting away from

chemicals helps me most. My life sux. Cant live in tent because of my colitis

and food intolerance and i just cant deal with it emotionally. God please

someone help me. Im 30 what is the point of 30 or 40 more years like this?


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Sorry, i shoild make myself much much clearer.

She has neen chemically sensitive most of her life. That is the chemicals i

refer to... She grew up in a rural environment and was aerial sprayed when

young numerpus times, but was mostly ok then developd cfs at age 21 from

glandular fever that others also caught but she continued ro overwork herself 2

jobs, uni, was athletic (tried to 'push through it') and never got better,

perhaps due to earlier chemical burden. She had chemical exposures from her work

as a nurse. The exposure in the wdb tipped her over the edge. She then found a

chemical free, mould free hpuse in town then they started spray painting next

door she lived next to tjat for 7 years and got physically assaulted repeatedly

by them when she tried to take action against it (illegal).

Then moved to her current house and recovered a little so that she could work 3

hours a week in the office and 15 hours from home, whilst bringing up her kids

alone. So i guess the continuing bad health immune disfunction and cfs could be

related to all those other stresses and set backs. Her current home has never

had leaks and is chemical free, though there is clutter. My room had been a

storage room for years but has now been vacuumed out. It is quite a chemical

free home.


> sorry to hear that, I started getting sick from WDB exposure around 30.

> does this lady not have any understanding of her exposure and advoidance of

the many things that might keep her in a chronicly very ill state?

> if she doesn't chances are that there will be many other possable chemicals in

the environment that might bother you regardless of if the belongings are still

a problem or not.


> I agree with Carl, it doesn't really sound like a good place to be, if this

lady has not gotten the knowledge to help herself to any level of relief or

recovery, it just doesn't sound good.

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