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Sil. Breast Implants - Overview II

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Overview - Part II

Silicone Breast Implants

By F. Eeken bc. (reply, comment, info. Eeken_04@... )

a non-professional investigative writer: just a concerned citizen.

Europe, The Netherlands, january 2005


Compound from Breast Implants Linked to Cancer

Author(s) - P.Park, P. Brown - New Scientist, 11 May 1991



Dow Corning Papers Show Fears of Implant Problems

By Malcolm Gladwell - The Washington Post - February 11, 1992.

Dow Corning Corp. on Monday released internal memos, letters, and documents that revealed a history of worries that the company's silicone breast implants could rupture under certain circumstances and that the silicone could "bleed" through the outer shell of the prosthesis into the patient...

Dow Corning Bankruptcy Filing Impedes Silicone Implant Cases



In Breast Implants Scandal,

Where was Dow Corning's Concern for Women?

May/June 1994 - By W. Singer, Co-Editor-in-Chief of ethikos




( From my Overview I) What Dow Knew.. & ..When Dow Knew It

Fact Long Suppressed About The Dangers of Silicone!


APPENDIX / NOTES from above article at the bottom -

(1) Request for Applications Testing on Dow Coming Silica,"Sept. 1, 1954 (TDCH- 1-55)

Quote can be Found in -

"Cosmetic Use of Injection Silicone Oils; Approved Material with Unapproved Procedure.Time to Ban "Off-Label" Use?" http://leda.law.harvard.edu/leda/data/727/Tilleman05.html


(2) "The Physiological Assimilation of Dow Coming 200 Fluid." by Chenoweth 1956

Quote can be Found in -

"Concealing from FDA Fraud / Misrepresentation"


Quote also Found in -

"Plaintiffs' supplemental submission in response to manufactures' submission and in response to the November 10 and 11 Panel Meeting"



(3) Letter from Ethel Mullison, staff associate, Dow Coming Center for Aid to Medical Research, to Dr. Cronin, Jan. 24, 1961

Quote can not exactly be Found in -

"Court Documents: Manufacturers' Internal Memos"


Quote can not exactly be Found in -

"Chronology of FDA activities Related to Breast Implants - May 28, 1976..........." http://www.implants.clic.net/tony/Report/05.htm



(4) Letter from Harry Dingman to Food and Drug Administration. Nov.7, 1964 (M35009-012) 'The Physiological Assimilation of Dow Coming 200 Fluid," 1956

Quote can not exactly be Found in -

"The Following Documents are the Proof that Breast Implants are Intoxicating Human Beings" .



(5) "Siliconoma: Another Cutaneous Response to Dimethylpolysiloxane," by Ben-Hur, 1965

Can be Found in -

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list_uids=5845695 & dopt=Citation


(7) Two-year study with Silastic Memory Implants TX-202A and TX202B in Dogs." April 20, 1970 (F462-483)

Can be Found in -

http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=nv & vol=114nvadvopno155 & invol=2



Mayo Study:

One in Four Women Need Surgery for Breast Implant Problems

WASHINGTON, March 1997 -- A new Mayo Clinic study adds to a body of evidence demonstrating that a large percentage of breast implants create problems that later require surgery. Of these, the second most common was rupture -- when the implant splits open within the body.


Lifestyle Must Be Considered In Evaluating Breast Implant Safety

CHICAGO -- May 27, 1997 --To accurately assess the safety of breast implants, researchers need to factor in lifestyle characteristics that may contribute to the risk of developing an illness, according to an article in this week's issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)...


Studies Find No Link Between

Silicone Implants and Connective Tissue Diseases

SAN FRANCISCO, CA. -- September 17, 1997 -- Further strengthening the apparent clean bill of health recently given silicone breast implants, the most recent Western Journal of Medicine, to be released today, reports no evidence linking silicone breast implants with connective tissue diseases such as scleroderma, lupus and vasculitis..

http://www.docguide.com/dg.nsf/0/21561153a5f84ff4852565150072903d?OpenDocument & Click=


Dow Corning Siloxane Research Program:

An Overview and Update

Medical Device & Diagnostic Industry Magazine - May 1999

Started in 1993, an ongoing series of studies examines the acute and long-term safety of exposure to the fundamental building blocks of many silicone materials...


Silicone adjuvant breast disease: a new condition?

A DGReview of :"A Case Series Survey of Silicone Breast Implant Patients"

Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - 16 december 1999 - By Mark Greener

Symptoms experienced by some women following breast implants may reflect a new, possibly autoimmune, disease, a recent survey of cases suggests.



Women With Breast Implants At Higher Risk

Of Serious Conditions: Presented at NCI

Most previous investigations have been funded by breast implant manufacturers or others with a financial interest in the outcome

WASHINGTON, DC -- April 25, 2001 -- New findings from the largest independent study of women with breast implants, led by National Cancer Institute (NCI) researcher Dr. Louise Brinton, reveal the women suffer significantly higher rates of brain cancer and respiratory-tract cancer when compared to other female plastic surgery patients. The rates also are higher when compared to the general population.



Silicone-Related Symptoms

Increase One Year Following Breast Implant

A DGReview of : "A Prospective Study on Silicone Breast Implants and the Silicone-Related Symptom Complex" - Clinical Rheumatology - 23 july 2002 - By Anne MacLennan

Complaints from women of silicone-related symptoms, particularly Sjogren's and RA/Raynaud's, increase in the year after breast implantation...



Study Finds No Long-term Health Effects from Breast Implants

BETHESDA, MD -- October 1, 2004 -- Researchers at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health, found no convincing evidence that breast implants have an effect on the development of subsequent connective tissue disorders (CTDs). The results are reported in the October 1, 2004 issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology.*

http://www.docguide.com/news/content.nsf/news/8525697700573E1885256F20006E9BB0?OpenDocument & subsid=FDE48C5AAAA580E785256BD5007E630B & lan=English


Women Who Undergo Reconstructive Breast Implantation

Frequently Develop Short-Term Complications

CHICAGO, IL -- December 21, 2005 -- Almost one-third of women who underwent reconstructive breast implantation after mastectomy had at least one short-term complication in the chest or breast area, with one in five women requiring additional surgery, according to a study in the December issue of Archives of Surgery, one of the JAMA/Archives journals...

http://www.pslgroup.com/dg/256202.htmZie en hoor je vrienden met MSN Messenger 7.5 klik hier

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