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Laser Acupuncture

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Some of you probably remember me stating that when I had my doctor

appointment last week that he " zapped " my bladder meridians with his

laser acupunture pen...

He did this because my bladder has been losing urin retention. I

had to wear incontenace pads and I am only 32. I assumed it was my

IC acting up since I hadn't taken any of my prescription medication

for it in months. I have refused any prescription medication due to

the confusion of my getting a diagnosis. Well I havent gone back to

my prescriptions because of fear of liver over-load. Anyway, it has

been a week since he " zapped " me and I haven't had to use any pads

at all. I wasn't convinced it was going to work, but the proof is

in my empty bathroom garbage container. He is convinced he can help

with my recovery after explant. He said he could zap my

liver/gallbladder meridians and also one for energy production. The

great part about this is he is my primary care physician and my

insurance covers his procedures. (Yea!) As far as my recovery

after explant, I guess I will have to see if it helps along with all

my detoxing I will be doing. Has any of you used acupuncture for

your symptoms?

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That is fantastic! . . . I'd never heard of laser

acupuncture! . . . Is it being done by many doctors?

I tried traditional acuncture early on, before I knew

it was my implants that were making me sick . . . I

felt a big surge of well-being after the first

treatment, then nothing!

I because convinced the therapists was more interested

in pushing herbs and making money, so I quit going.

All she talked about was money, money, money!



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Rogene, I am not sure if laser acupunture is common. My doctor just started doing it within the past year. In fact he tried a few times when I was first having symptoms in my writing arm and it didn't help at all. Maybe because he didn't know what he was treating yet. He also has help some lose weight and quit smoking. He has become an instant sensation here in Holland, MI. He is a small town doctor trying to keep up with the times, I guess. He went to a training seminar earlier last year, he is trying to gain experience, he still brings his meridian guide book in the examing room with him. I am sure he will be happy when he hears how well it worked for my incontenance. I am glad to have him, even though he didn't link my symptoms with my implants, he was very supportive when I showed him proof that it could be linked. He also isn't eager to prescribe medication, and is supportive of other

forms of altnernative healing. Anyway, I am sorry I can't help you out. Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: ,That is fantastic! . . . I'd never heard of laseracupuncture! . . . Is it being done by many doctors?I tried traditional acuncture early on, before I knewit was my implants that were making me sick . . . Ifelt a big surge of well-being after the firsttreatment, then nothing! I because convinced the therapists was more interestedin pushing herbs and making money, so I quit going.All she talked about was money, money, money! Hugs,Rogene

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Sounds like you have a winner there in Holland, MI ! It's

so wonderful to find good doctors who are willing to think outside

the box and help us in ways that are productive! That's great to

know that the laser acupuncture is working for you. I have heard

some comments recently (I think I actually included it in a post)

that acupuncture isn't recommended for us who are silicone

victims....unfortunately, I can't remember why that would be so, but

if anyone remembers the post, perhaps we can see what the reason

was. In any case, if it is working for you, then whose to say

acupuncture wouldn't be good for us?

I wish you continued healing!



> Rogene,


> I am not sure if laser acupunture is common. My doctor just

started doing it within the past year. In fact he tried a few times

when I was first having symptoms in my writing arm and it didn't

help at all. Maybe because he didn't know what he was treating

yet. He also has help some lose weight and quit smoking. He has

become an instant sensation here in Holland, MI. He is a small town

doctor trying to keep up with the times, I guess. He went to a

training seminar earlier last year, he is trying to gain experience,

he still brings his meridian guide book in the examing room with

him. I am sure he will be happy when he hears how well it worked

for my incontenance. I am glad to have him, even though he didn't

link my symptoms with my implants, he was very supportive when I

showed him proof that it could be linked. He also isn't eager to

prescribe medication, and is supportive of other forms of

altnernative healing. Anyway, I am sorry I can't help you out.



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