Guest guest Posted January 22, 2006 Report Share Posted January 22, 2006 While not everybody will buy into this, it's interesting nevertheless. . . Reminds me of Edgar Casey. Has anyone heard of, or know this woman? This article was written by Eeken in the Netherlands . . . The same man who has been compiling the implant history messages. Rogene ------------------------------ Acting and living in and out of Reality (based on (human, feelable) evidence), or, in and out of Believe-Conviction (non-evidence-based) ? " Every sickness can be healed, but not every sick-person " By Eeken bc. [ a free-lance writer, a simple soul, just a concerned citizin ] EUROPE, The -'NO-voter'- Netherlands, 4 june 2005 By Eeken bc. [A free-lance writer. Just a concerned citizen. A simple soul] Dutch psychic-healing-medium Jomanda ( ) One of a unique kind, Jomanda has been giving healings for 27 years. She is born with certain paranormal combined gifts of nature. Ability's, which only a few people in the world possess. Jomanda is clairaudient, second-sighted (remote viewing), has clear-feelings (precognition). The greater part is clear-knowing. Jomanda can heal (mass of) people e.g. through her voice (radio, Tv), hands, at distance or by her energised water. She has healed and given (financial - see Jomanda's World Children foundation) aid to people around the world in many countries, such as Ireland, Sweden, Belgium, France, Poland, Switzerland, Mallorca, Madeira, Moldavia, U.S.A, Canada, Honduras, Peru, Japan, Curacao, Aruba, Israel, Saudi-Arabia, South-Africa, Ethiopia and Ghana. In some countries she is allowed on intensive cares in hospitals. (Translated) Quotes / transscript / footage-text Jomanda (out of intervieuws ) => Why is Jomanda a medium ? (Source - dutch Tv-programme 'Barend & Witteman' B & W, 13 may 1999, host Sonja Barend) [sonja- " Why are you the chosen one ? " ] - [Jomanda] - " I think that I have had many many past lives, I know for sure, who contribute to a kind of mental, spiritual growth with ended up in having this task. You are born with it " -[sonja- " It is not for everybody ?] " -[Jomanda] - " No, there are many many people who can pass through an intuitive development. There are also many people who can feel, know, hear and see certain things. That is a fact. Everybody, every person in fact has something. Everybody has pre-feelings " -[sonja - " But why this very special for you ? Have a clue ?] " -[Jomanda] - " Well,No, but I know that at that moment I was able to pick up the serene, pure. So alll these lifes which I have been able to suffer, because every person has incredible many lifes, and if you go through that, eventualt spiritual growth, than you get such a task but then you must take care that the pure-ity, sereen, clearity - line is followed which is meant for that. Is very important. " -[sonja-'Has Holland become to small for you ? ] " -[Jomanda] - " Yes, I think the Netherlands is spoilt, also with many econimical-wellbeing, and I think that if you have such a task, that you have to help people also somewhere else optimally. Abroad in foreign countries, last year I was in Honduras, and I was allowed to go my free way in a hospital, and the doctors did not know where the pain was coming from with one patient, and that patient in his sickbed got so happy, and the pain went away, everything was spiritually-operated (by the Divine World), and disappeared " . Psychiatric Clinic's (source - Dutch Tv-programma 'Big Entertainer Club', RTL4, 18 march 1999) - [Jomanda]- " Furthermore I work outside Netherlands, abroad, I am allowed much easier to get into hospitals. Overhere in the Netherlands you have some kind of threshold to get over, while abroad I can walk over intensive cares " - [Threshold?] - " I think struggle against doctors, while it is during the years a little bit improved, but it is really struggle agianst walls, and not getting any further " - [ Due to Unbelieve?] - " I think people are afraid, that there territory is touched, while that is not true, because there will always be sick people, also in psychiatric-clinics, as I have stated before, I am allowed to do much about taking away negativity / entities from people, which is very succesfull. It seems impossible to get into psychiatric-clinic's. People just stop me, while many many people are behind iron-bars, and maybe it is thus too simple to solve somethings through the Divine World through me as medium to rescue, free these people, because the physicians are yet not able to do anything, but I am stopped, I can not go through them, and I am very sorry about that " Psychiatric Patient (source- dutch Tv-programme 'Mark Klein Essink & Co.', RTL4, 29 may1995)- [interviewer - " I listened to your radio-programme last sunday, there was a woman who was in deep psyhcological trouble and you (Jomanda) answered / message 'I can not help it, I am getting, that you have to go hoela-hoepen or skipping with a rope for 3 weeks', the woman became very quit, she could have said 'I jump from a bridge to kill myself'] - Jomanda - " It has been very nice afterwards, there were many reactions about this, from people who do yoga and people from within the psychiatric-clinics who said 'This is very good, that you gt that message, because if you jump, dan you jump something lose, one way or another, and something happens which is just needed'. Regular Medicine & Feelings (source - dutch Tv-programme 'Het Levenslied', KRO?, 29 aug 1995, conversation with prof. Bob Smalhout) [Jomanda] - " There are doctors, not all, who see people as a number, and that a patient feels, I think the doctor has to ask the patient what they themself think about their disease, what they themself think of a treatment, because mostly it is forced upon, I hear that a lot, people who say 'I have to do that, or else.....', the feelings of that person is the most important, if that person e.g. inner feels that 'I do not want or have to take that treatment', than you can think about it 10 times, but the doctor must give space to think about it, if the patient follows its feelings, it is okay I think, if that patient thinks 'No I must not do that treatment', than the doctor has to respect that, and should not think ' well, yes, but I think that that patient must follow that treatment', you can not force that upon people. At my healings, I think people get a confirmation of one's own feelings, because they can sit there with a question and get a intuition, inner-inspiration, inner-suggestion, sometimes also like 'You have to go to the doctor', 'You do have to take that treatment', they than do feel 'I have to do it or not do it', but when they see their own feeling confirmed, I think it will strengthen them in their thoughts " To be, or Not To be Healed - That is the question " One person does, another does not " (source- dutch Tv-programme 'RondomTien', NCRV, 15 febr 1994, Violet Falkenburg) [Jomanda]- " There are many people who do not cure, heal. Imagine that everybody could be healed, that would be a revolution on earth, that is not the intention, it is possible for one person, for another not, every sickness can be healed, but not every sick-person, there are many people with soul-pain/smart, soul-agony,anguish, mental suffering, and than you come onto another territory, wich dates from past-lives. It is also possible that people get a bit of acceptation and that is also a form of healing " " Every sickness can be healed, but not every sick-person " ( source-dutch tv-programme 'Mark Klein Essink (MKE) 'Heb ik dat', RTL4, march? 1999) [Jomanda]- " That is correct, not evrybody is open for that, you have blockades which you yourself uphold or call onto yourself, you can always get into negative atmospheres, you can always do things, which you in your innerself know that you should not do them, but still do them because they are fun and a pleasure " - [MKE - But you state that every sickness, everything, also cancer, whatever, can be healed? " ] -[Jomanda] - " Really, yes, really everything is cure-able through energy, nothing is impossible, which does not mean the same that that will happen to everybody. When there once again is a disease which is once more not cure-able, than if something is found for that, a cure, than there will once more come another new disease which will not be cure-able again. It always is the circle of the human-body, we all have all cells in us (of all diseases) and when we act, or treat it negatively, we feed these cells in a negative way, and we develop a disease - [MKE - But are you saying that a person with cancer, which is cure-able, but if that person does not heal, that the sick-person does not want to heal himself?] - [Jomanda] - " No, some things are pre-set in life, to be born is living and dying, people sometimes expect from me, they think 'Jomanda touches me and I am cured', but it is not that way at all, at the doctor when you come in and get medicne or pills you are also not cured right away, you have to undergo a process, and every human has to under go a process in the body, for the good, or for the worse, so if that is a disease or some kind of mental problem, does not matter, but everything can be healed " . Past Lifes - " Every sickness can be healed, but not every sick-person " (2) (source - dutch Tv-programma ' Het Levenslied', KRO?, 29 aug 1995, a conversation with prof. Bob Smalhout) [Jomanda] - " I am convinced of that. Sometimes I get a clue from a patients past lives. For example, once I said to a gentleman 'Well, Sir, do you know you have been a fighting-boxer in a past life ?', the man looked at me and replied ' I have always had pain in my hands, but no body is able to find anything'. I replied 'Than that pain will disappear' and the core was struck, the un-conscience recognised it and he was instantly cured, healed of the pain in his hands. I believe absolutely in Life after this life, to be born is living and dying, but the soul lives on. If life would only be this life, it would have no purpose. I think people have to learn, we are here to learn, I think that than the soul will get richer and I think if you go about life very well, listen well to your body, and try to be honest to yourself and your fellow-human, that on that moment you realise that you are growing, and that is very important. A lesson, you pay for death, you do not get it free. You pay it with your life " How does Healing work ? (source - dutch Tv-programma ' Het Levenslied', KRO?, 29 aug 1995, a conversation with prof. Bob Smalhout) [Jomanda] - " In my work it is very different than a paranormal-healer. Normally one uses it's own energy. I do not use my own energy. It happens through me. The positive energy that comes from me, will strick the core of the person / patient, and thereby things can happen. Thus the positive energy which comes into the body, goes at battle with the negative energy in the body, which can be a complaint, a disease, another kind of problem, a fear, a negative thought, is negative energy. The battle good-evil, gives way to possible improvement or to healing " . Child-Miracle (source - dutch Tv-programme 'Hier en Nu', NCRV, 28 dec 1992) [interviewer who was present at a Jomanda-healing that day]- " Jomanda, many things have happened, I have a question, in the beginning there was a mother with a little girl, and the mother on your healing-stage took the girl by the legs and was swinging the girl around, very hard around. I found that terrifying " [Jomanda] - " Yes, It looks that way. That is a little girl without brains, and the doctors are puzzled, that the child is eating and sitting, while it does not have those functions " [interviewer]- " When it happened at first, what did you think yourself? " [Jomanda] - " A short moment wierd, then I look, but then I get the feeling in and over me that it is okay, and than I am not allowed to interfere and have to leave it (to the Divine World), and when you afterwards see such a child suddenly sitting and can take bites of food, which is impossible, because the doctors are standing and looking with big eyes, because the brains are not there, those functions are not there, and when it does happen it is a riddle " Treatment from the Divine World (source - dutch humor Tv-programme 'Jensen !', Yorin, 28 march 2002 - see , suggestiesjensen@... (for suggestions), every-day-DJ Jensen - Jensen@... ) [Jomanda] - " ...Treatment, people during this interview in the audience can experience things, like sticking to one's chair, due to treatment by the Divine World, once some one experiences that do not be afraid... " - [ Jensen] - " Maybe this is not the just audience from Jensen to say this to " -[Jomanda]- " In fact it just is " -[Jensen]- " I understand what you mean, but you also know what it is, these are all listeners from me, and they already have their own medium, every day and every morning " .....[Jomanda]- " I can see there by that boy in the audience energy fromout his under-backside, right side, going upwards, which means that thare is a weak spot, of a pain, or something else what is happening this moment, due to which he is getting warm....[Jensen to the boy]- " Do you have back problems ? " -[boy ]- " Yes, that is correct, my back " ......[Jomanda also sees something wth at a girl in the audience with stiped shirt, something by her neck, head - the girl denies that she has a problem there].....(..).....[Jomanda 1x-time- spontanously lateron in the interview to the audience]- " Is anyone sticking to their chair, due to treatment by the Divine World through my medium ? " - [no-one reacts, answers] - [Jensen]- " Who is stuck? Is anyone stuck ? Jomanda, leave them alone, they are listerners from me and they have no problems, they are in a high conscience-level, have a beautiful life, countryside, horses, much food, champagne, great lives, leave them alone.... " [Jomanda 2x-time lateron in the programme- again spontanouly speaking to the audience]- " Is there still no one stuck to their chair ? -[Jensen with raising his voice]- " Now, stop it, no-one is stuck here, everybody is lose and relaxed " ...(...)...[Jomanda 3x, at the end of the show]- " Is there still no one stuck ?-[Jensen]- " I am stuck little by little, due to your / these comments from you, I will close the show quickly, I have had it, fed up with this blue fairy " NOTE - The day afterwards Jensen has been telephoned by 2 girls, who afterwards felt quilty, with their announcement that they indeed were stuck to their chairs, and the one girl did have neck-problems. Jensen consequently invited Jomanda in his radio-programme to pass these confirmations to Jomanda and his listeners as rectification. Miraculous Healing ( source - dutch Tv-programme 'De week van Tineke de Groot' , NCRV, 9-13 oct 1995, with quests Jomanda and dutch author, 'people-attendant' and Jomanda-co-host radio-presentator Willem Jan van de Wetering - see ) [Willem Jan van de Wetering] - " I have brought with me a file-map of the past 3 weeks with reactions from Jomanda-radio-listeners. These are thus things which happen at home while people listen to Jomanda. For example- A man is sitting in a restaurant in Soest listening to the radio which was on radio-'Noordzee', so the man suddenly hears Jomanda. The man has broken his little-finger when he was 4 years old at 3 places, thus a misformed little finger. The man suddenly gets a terrible pain in his hand. He screams outloud. And suddenly miraculously the little finger is straight and he can move it again. Well, that man ofcourse is standing on our doorstep the next morning saying 'Look, what happened' with showing medical-photographs that the little finger was before indeed broken. That are insane events.. And so every week something happens " - [Jomanda] - " I do not know what is allowed to happen. When you hear the people's stories....... A few days ago, came a man utp me, he pulled out his shirt and sais 'Here, look, from you radio-programme last sunday'. He had a huge scar (from a spiritual-operation performed by the Divine World), and he says to me 'I can move eveything again, thank you, I was just reading a book because I do not believe in you'. I replied 'That you must likewise not do, what is allowed to happen, in that you may find knowing, so you will not have to believe', and his wife was listening, he was anguished about that, that non-sense, and at one time he feels a pain in his back, that something is happening there. These people come to me to tell me these healing-events, so that is at the same time prove and advertisement, the people who really do not believe and with them something happens. They do not believe, but do have experienced it. I always have one great whish a very crowded hall, with only a very skeptical audience, of unbelievers, who just are mad at and angry with me. Let them then yet experience it " Child Miracle-Healing (source- dutch Tv-programme 'RondomTien', NCRV, 15 febr 1994, Violet Falkenburg) [VF] - " Hello Mrs Schierboom, when your son was born, he seemed very sick. What was wrong ? -[MS]- " He had the disease of recklinghouse? and in a severe bad way. Thereby he has several diseases and disorders " -[VF]- " How long did they say he would life ? " -[MS]- " That was not really to predict, with recklinghouse, but the forsights were very sad " -[VF]- " But an indication has been given, with a few years you should have been very happy and gratefull. How old is now ? -[MS]- " Yes, and he is 4,5 years old " -[VF]- " What has happened ?' -[MS]- " We met medium Jomanda 3 years ago and that has done great deeds for us but especially for him " -[VF]- " What is exactly been healed with , if you can call it that ? " -[MS]- " He had 2 brain-tumors and the one which was the most threathening danger has disappeared, they can not find anymore " -[VF]- " On the photograph's (X-rays) that were taken ? " -[MS]- " Yes " - [VF]- " First had 2 braintumors and now only 1 ? " -[MS] - " Yes " -[VF]- " And there was also a warning for epilepsy-attacks ? " -[MS]- " Yes, those should have had years ago already and he still does not have them " -[VF]- " And did you go with to Jomanda in Tiel or did it occur in another way ? " -[MS]- " We went every time to Jomanda in Tiel, every week in the beginning and lateron every two weeks " -[VF]- " And I have understood that Jomanda telephoned you sometimes ? " -[MS]- " Yes, one and a half year ago, when it suddenly went worse with , which Jomanda could not have know because I did not have personal contact with Jomanda then, and then Jomanda suddenly telephoned me 'Se had gotten the message from the Divine World that is was going worse with ', and Jomanda asked me if she was right, and she was right. We just had had that morning the information that 's sickness was spreading, and was also now starting in his back, and Jomanda said 'I have got the message that I must help him personally', and that she has done for weeks, every day, she treated trhough the telephone " -[VF to ]- " , when Jomanda called you, what did she do ?' -[]- " throw away the 'aaaaauuuw' " -[VF]- " Did that happen, ? and how old are you ? " -[]- " nnnjaa, and next moth I will nicely become this " ( sticks up 5 little fingers). 10 Commandments (source - dutch interview about the '10 Commandments'-dutch newspaper 'Trouw', A.Visser, 25 july1998 - ) (1) [Commit adulttery] Jomanda - " Ah, the bible is yet written by people ? I do not know if Jesus also had the same thought about this Commandment. The man must have had more girlfriends and I know for sure that he has done, been up to stuff, mischiefs wich are not written in this book. That Jesus was a great psychic, medium, is also not in the bible. If people see some one get out of a wheelchair at my healings, they do not believe it, but they were not there when Jesus walked over water, and that they do believe. That is twisted, kinked ? You must not take the texts so literally. The church determines that you can not divorce. But if, when you find out that you are done together, you will block the other, if you maintain, uphold that marriage for even one more day " (2) Jomanda - " I have no God for sight. But if you do want to name the Heavens, than say: LOVE. Everything is and turning about love " " My country is the world, and my religion is to do Good " < Paine > Paine (1737-1809) - political writer, patriot and pamphleteer of the American Revolution, political philosopher and freethinker influenced the Founding Fathers of the American Revolution and the French Revolution. Paine condemned the practice of slavery and wrote - e.g. " The Rights of Man " , " The Age of Reason " " In God we Trust " ? How about mankind ? PS. (1) Wheel-chair Miracle Dutch Health-Care-Inspection under the determined leadership of the most mighty individual in dutch healthcare, cardiologist and fierce Jomanda-critic Herre Kingma, a member of dutch-quackbuster (believe-conviction) organisation 'Vereniging Tegen de Kwakzalverij', started a criminal-like inquiry due to the death of famous dutch actrice Sylvia Millecam, who had treatment from e.g. Jomanda. During these inquiry-conversations an example came to word. It was about someone with serious back-problems (lesion) who after a Jomanda-treatment stood up out of the wheelchair. A present investigator-doctor replied to Jomanda and others present " I know you are telling the truth, because that was my patient " . The concluding-whole-nation-misleading-inquiry-report mentioned nothing of this miracle. Instead Herre Kingma made information to our Public-Prosecution-Ministry to criminally prosecute Jomanda. Dutch Healthcare Inspection E-mail - Dutch Head-Inspection of Healthcare Herre Kingma - Hi.Higz@... Jomanda's Wheel-chair Miracle -Source (1) Dutch newspaper 'Algemeen Dagblad' (AD)-interview with Jomanda (24 dec 2004) AD journalist Allard Besse - E-mail - a.besse@... & ED=ola & PRD=20y & SEC=%2A & SO=% 2A & SORT=date & FDOC=0 (for access to AD-site-1x costless registration-login as 'abonnee') - Source (2) / hearsay - " Inspector Herre Kingma is a rancorous feud against Jomanda, he has seen someone (a girlfriend of a sister or something like that) get out of a wheelchair due to Jomanda " [ Note - quote 'competence' dutch Health Inspection - " ...formally the Minister of Health is responsible for the activities of the Health Inspection. The dutch Parliament can adress the Minister on this............ " ] Ps. (2) My Registered Letter (18 april 2004, 19 mei 2004) to Dutch Minister of Health Hans Hoogervorst (one of) MY QUESTION - like in a sense - " Are you prepared to bear (personal) responsibility and liabilty, when in the near future will come out that Jomanda's treatments are healing and curing, as thousands of people worldwide can testify and experience, during 26 years, but what willingly and knowingly is not heard and seen by the dutch Healtcare-Ministry, for a huge damage-claim, by the dutch population, due to - (a) negligence, dereliction of duty: (not paying attention to Jomanda, her treatments and her performed miracles not taking Jomanda serious, ignoring her, not doing research (due to the 17th century pact Vatican pact with the Royal Society never to make a study of forces in the universe that are beyond our five physical senses - so-called spiritual matters, which had become a habit now a days ???) for 27 years) ( withholding the people, the nation the true facts (contradicting media) about Jomanda: © and thus thereby withholding millions of people, a whole nation from a chance on a cheaper and saver cure, medicine, treatment, which could reduce suffering- and euro-costs, in light of the 'Principles of Proper, decent Government', article 22 of dutch constitution ('The government must take meaures to advance public health') and the fundamental rights of man (manifest United Nations) in which is spoken of 'advancing social progress and a higher living-standard in greater freedom'', what is also confirmed by our Queen Beatrix in her yearly speech ? " ANSWER - Ministry of Health Date - 15 july 2004, Reference - IBE/BO-2500197, Subject - Jomanda " ......I have never withholded information from the dutch peoples about Jomanda nor have I forbidden the dutch people to visit Jomanda. Therefore I see no ground for a damage-claim " . Yours faithfully, The Minister of Health On behalf of, the director Innovation and Ethics drs. N.C. Oudendijk Dutch Ministry of Public Health - Minister Hans Hoogervorst - E-mail - cie.vws@... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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