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Re: Plan that works...

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At 06:59 AM 10/08/99 -0600, you wrote:

>1. Exercise 40 minutes a day.

>2. Limit carb intake.

>3. Figure out what your limits are by measuring BG levels an hour after


>4. Do not make your regimen restrictive to the point that cravings cause you

to fall from your plan.

>5. Keep a record of pertinent data (bg levels, food, weight, blood pressure


>6. Exercise (I may've mentioned this already but it's important).

>7. Try to offset carbs with protein.


>Works for me, good luck.


That type of plan worked for me also !! I also recommend it.

Liz Heide


DRClub is a list for people to share RECIPES and NUTRITIONAL information

(including Herbs) that are suitable for Diabetics. Both Low and High Carb

Recipes are welcome.

Join the Diabetic Recipe Club (DRC)


Before and After


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> <<<This works for me too; especially the part about not making the regimen

> restrictive to the point that cravings set in. I " indulge " in a small amount


> something I really like (ice cream, chocolate, a small cookie, etc.) every


> As long as I keep the serving small it presents no problem and keeps me from

> feeling deprived all the time.>>>


You bet... Crucial for me to since I used to live on " treats " . Cutting them out

completely would have quickly failed.

> <<<As well as offsetting carbs with protein, adding in a large salad or


> servings of non-starchy vegetables helps me keep my BG in control, even though


> eat a moderate amount of carbs.>>>

Works that way for me too.

> <<<By following this plan, I have lost over 50 pounds and I think that has

> contrbuted the most to my gaining control. Losing weight can be the best


> you can do for yourself.>>>

I lost 42 pounds and felt really great about it. I buy cat litter in 40 pound


and now when I carry them in from the car I cannot believe I used to carry that

much poundage around on my frame..

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>I lost 42 pounds and felt really great about it. I buy cat litter in 40

pound bags

>and now when I carry them in from the car I cannot believe I used to carry


>much poundage around on my frame..

Since we have four dogs, I buy dog food in 50 pound bags, and you're right,

I simply can't believe I actually carried that much weight around on me!

However, one downside to losing weight is all the loose skin I've been left

with. I have batwings on my arms and my neck is now all wrinkly, not to

mention my flabby abdomen. I exercise (a lot), but nothing seems to work

at toning things up. I did discover that I actually have a collarbone, hip

bones and ribs after I lost weight. I had *never* seen myself with ribs,

etc. It's a new experience.

Sandy J.

Type 2, D & E

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In a message dated 8/10/99 8:42:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

bluemoon@... writes:

<< I had *never* seen myself with ribs,

etc. It's a new experience. >>

Wow, congratulations! That is so great. The only ribs I know about are

either pork or beef. LOL! I can't even imagine seeing my own ribs someday.


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> <<<However, one downside to losing weight is all the loose skin I've been

> left with. >>>

Hi Sandy,

Yes, but still preferable to the weight.

I read somewhere that rubbing the skin with vitamin E helped with loose skin.

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In a message dated 8/11/99 5:49:36 AM Pacific Daylight Time, WHIMSY2@...


<< Sounds like you're a fairly new diabetic...how long? Did you discover

Bernstein on your own? How long have you been following his program? And

you're doing it strictly -- i.e. 6-12-12 program? So how much do you weigh

now and how much have you lost? What were your numbers before Bernstein and


I'm curious because while a lot of us consider him the best source of

information about low carbing, I don't think many of us have been able to

follow him strictly...Vicki


Yes, Vicki, I am a " new " diabetic. I suspected it for a few years though. I

was just diagnosed the early part of July/99. I found out about Bernstein

from another list. Someone mentioned his name and I did a web search and wah

lah....the rest is history! LOL! I am doing it strictly, yes..6,12,12 or

close enough anyway. At my last dr. visit I weighed 277. At a previous dr.

appt. in June I weighed 296. I only weigh myself at the doctors office. Too

many years of obsessive yo-yo dieting. Now I tell myself to eat healthy for

the insides, not for looks and that a 2 lb loss each visit is OK! Well, you

can see it was more than that! = ) My numbers before Bernstein were between

64 & 192. I was on Glyburide (5 mg) for two weeks. The day I had the 64 I

had stopped my morning banana after reading Bernstein and no fruit! Once I

started following Bernstein full time, I stopped the meds. My numbers when

I started his plan were 89-126. This past week they have been under 100. = )


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In a message dated 99-08-11 14:13:56 EDT, you write:

<< Now I tell myself to eat healthy for

the insides, not for looks and that a 2 lb loss each visit is OK! >>

Hi, Meniowl, that's terrific...this is one of the most important things to

remember...we're not just talking about " losing weight " then going off the

diet and back to old habits afterwards; we're talking about a WOE (way of

life). And as long as we keep this in mind we've taken a Giant Step Forward!

How does your doc and the rest of your diabetic team feel about Bernstein and

low carbing? Has he given you any static? Or are the results impressing him

enough to recommend this to others? Some of us are lucky enough to have

supportive health professionals; others have to fight it all the way. But we

can support each other here. Vicki

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In a message dated 8/11/99 12:39:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time, WHIMSY2@...


<< How does your doc and the rest of your diabetic team feel about Bernstein


low carbing? Has he given you any static? Or are the results impressing him

enough to recommend this to others? Some of us are lucky enough to have

supportive health professionals; others have to fight it all the way. But


can support each other here. Vicki


Well, my doctor had never heard of Bernstein, so I showed her the book (I

brought it with me) and she was busy writing it down in my file. She was so

impressed with my numbers, I mean in such a short time (three weeks) the

numbers were waaaayyy down. Now, when I went to the newbies class for

diabetics the " dietitian " was still advocating the higher carbs and very

little protein and almost no fat way of eating. Only when she came to us one

on one and was looking at my book of numbers did I tell her what I was doing.

She looked at my book and exclaimed, " OH, YOU ARE DOING FANTASTIC. " Then I

mentioned that, " Yes, I am following Dr. Bernstein's plan, you have heard of

him haven't you? " LOL! She responded that she had and that his carb numbers

were very strict and that in time I might want to add more. I just politely

smiled. Truth is, in time I may, but for now I am OK.

And yes, I am glad we are all here to support one another, for sure.


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> Hoo-ray! That's terrific...Dawn! How long did it take you to lose the

> 123 lbs? And yes, a web-site would be great.

It's been about 13 months since I finally started getting serious about

getting my health back. I moved to the UK at the end of July 1998 and

started my " new way of living " then. I was 16 pound lighter than my

heaviest at that point, but rest was lost from there.

I admit I'm a bit at a loss as to what to say when people tell me I'm

inspirational; and the more I continue to lose the more I hear it. Don't

get me wrong, I enjoy the limelight - but I feel pretty much like the girl

I've always been, so sometimes I don't think I've done anything that

deserves so much attention. I can pull out my old photos and old jeans

and see that I'm not the same person I used to be, but sometimes when I

look in the mirror, I still see the same me. I guess it takes the mind a

lot longer than the body to get used to such a change.

But then there are days like today, when I met with my doctor for my

annual diabetic review, and I can compare my numbers and see what a

difference. (8.1 vs 5.0!) She said she's very proud of me for what I've

accomplished this past year. She even gave me the green light when I told

her my husband and I were thinking of having a child next year - now

that's something I NEVER could have considered a year ago!

I am still thinking about getting in touch with the local diabetes

association and seeing if there is something useful I could do

volunteer-wise. I really want people to know that control is very

possible, if it matters to you. If *I* can do it, I know others can.



When your mom is mad at your dad, don't let her brush your hair.


http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~dawnsue/ is currently under

reconstruction....proceed with caution and watch for falling rocks

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> About the loose skin, my sister (non-diabetic) had a stomach banding

> opertation 5 years ago. After she lost a tremdous lot of weight she had

> several rounds of cosmetic surgery to tighten up the loose skin, and she

> looks really good.

I give her lots of credit for bravery - the main reason I am not

considering surgery is that I know it hurts like hell for quite a while

afterwards - especially when it's done on the thighs, which is where I'd

want it.

I spoke to my doctor about it today, and she said that I am doing all I

can*, and to just be patient. I'm not that old (33), but carrying around

all that weight (between 280-304) for over 10 years was a lot to ask of my

skin. I think I will hope for the best and work on adopting your attitude

about it. After all, between the two options, I'll take the baggy kneed

elephant look over the beached whale look anytime. ;-)

[* " doing all I can " means regular cardio exercise and strength training,

and taking zinc supplements. I think I'll start using Vitamin E

moisturizer as it can't hurt.]



When your mom is mad at your dad, don't let her brush your hair.


http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~dawnsue/ is currently under

reconstruction....proceed with caution and watch for falling rocks

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In a message dated 08/20/1999 8:40:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

ottercritter@... writes:

<< And as a person whose weight ha yo-yo'd for years,

it is hurtful when you see yourself being devalued, just because you are at

the upper reaches of your weight. Inside, we are still the same people ...

still just as funny and decent. It is too bad so much emphasis is placed on

thin bodies. It is especially hard for women to struggle with weight loss. >>


AMEN to this sister! No truer words were ever spoken.


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Dawn wrote:

<< I spoke to my doctor about it today, and she said that I am doing all I

can*, and to just be patient. >>

I agree, Dawn. You are only 33. Your skin should still have lots of

elasticity. I have heard that over time ... six months or even a year ...

your skin can slowly shrink back. You can always consider cosmetic

procedures if you are still not completely satisfied.

You are one terrific inspiration to the rest of us! And I agree with your

insights about yourself. And as a person whose weight ha yo-yo'd for years,

it is hurtful when you see yourself being devalued, just because you are at

the upper reaches of your weight. Inside, we are still the same people ...

still just as funny and decent. It is too bad so much emphasis is placed on

thin bodies. It is especially hard for women to struggle with weight loss.


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Hi Dawn,

What an incredibly informative site you have. I stayed there for a long

time and enjoyed every minute. I have also bookmarked it as I want to

return to it.

I look forward to hearing from you again. Hope you are having as nice a day

over there as we are here in British Columbia, Canada.


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