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More important information to share on MSH

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Here is the reply to my question that I asked about the MSH diagnosis: Q. Since being tested initially, have you been> getting treatment? How has it worked? A: I think this is very important. We all know thatanyone can be allergic to the chemicals in theimplants, but look at the information coming in onbioxtoxins. I have talked to some new women who havehad my exact type and style of implant, and we allhave the same symptoms. Could it be manufacturingquality, could pathogens be inside during the process? Could mold spores from the outside get inside theimplant? I don't know. I just got my bloodwork back last week. When I gotthe MSH results, I just sobbed, the levels were solow. I talked to a mother of three today who isbedridden with a Fibromyalgia diagnosis, and her MSHis the same level as mine.

Look at the the effects of low MSH: Fatigue, Weakness, Aches, Memory, Focus Trouble, ConcentrationDifficulty,Trouble Learning, Trouble Finding Words,Headache, Light Sensitivity, Red Eyes, Blurred Eyes, Blurred Vision, Tearing, Sinus, Cough, Shortness ofBreath, Abdominal Pain, Diarrhea, Joint Pain, MorningStiffness, Numbness, Tingling, Cramps, Unusual Pain, Ice Pick Pain, Lightening Bolt Pain, Metallic Taste, Vertigo (Sense of Spinning), Disoriented, SkinSensitivity, Excess Thirst, Frequent urination, Static/Shocks, Sweats, Mood swings, Temperaturevariation, Appetite swings ---- How many of these have we all had? I'm down to 3 or 4, versus the 13 that I had.Having the HLA biomarker and low MSH mean thatexposure will cause illness, once exposed. UseLabcorp only for MSH testing.I'm going in next week and I've asked to do a nasal culture in my nose to see if thereis any staff antibiodic-resistant growth in there. That is the next step in Mold Warriors beforetreatment begins. A positive culture means that NOtreatment will work. You'll just keep gettingreinfected. Dr. Kolb purchased the VSC system, and I recommenddoing it in person rather than over the internet. chronicneurotoxins.com, you can purchase the test, butI question the reliabilty of it due to differentmonitors and room lighting,etc.I'm probably going to start with Butyrate, work on theOmegas. The wrong ratio will cause more problems,we've all been focused on the threes. I will look atthe IV treatment and see what my budget is at thatpoint. I also have a prescription for CSM. Please get the word out.__________________________________________________

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