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Flax meal and oil and the prevention/treatment of cancer

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We've discussed flax seed and flax seed oil before . .

.. I found this very interesting! - Rogene


Flax meal and oil and the prevention/treatment of


The following Blog essays were written on June 8 and

9, 2005, on the Grouppe Kurosawa web site. These

essays present solid evidence that nutritional or

dietary factors can not only prevent but successfully

treat breast and other cancers.


A Single Flax Seed Muffin Per Day Reduces Her2

Expression by 71% in Women With Breast Cancer After

Only 32 Days.

This is the single most astonishing scientific article

I have ever read. I would like to thank from

the GK Discussion Group for putting the Bug up my butt

about the wonders of flax seed and its oil. I grind up

flax seed and put it on yogurt all the time, but I had

NO idea the stuff was this powerful.

I have a full copy of this scientific paper and the

data are truly remarkable. In brief, women newly

diagnosed with breast cancer were given a daily single

muffin to eat that contained 25 grams of ground flax

seeds. Controls got a wheat muffin. After a little

more than 30 days, the women eating the single muffin

per day saw the cell growth index of their breast

cancer cells decrease by 34%, the expression of the

dreaded cancer growth receptor Her2 (c-erbB2) decrease

by 71%, and the apoptosis or self-suicide index of

their breast cancer cells increase by 31%. If a new

drug did this, the company's stock would increase 500

fold in one day and the news would be all over the

newswires. These results weren't attained by a drug,

but by one of God's Medicines, good ole dirt cheap


Isn't this amazing? In one month, one muffin a day

caused 31% of the cancer cells, on average, to die.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/queryd.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstr\

act & list_uids=15897583

Here is the real interesting part. Both the flax oil

and the natural lignan precursors in flaxseed were

necessary to achieve these results. Flaxseed contains

100 to 800 times more lignan precursors than any other

plant food in the vegetarian diet. Lignans are

produced in the intestines by bacteria that convert

the flax precursors into different lignan molecules.

These lignans then readily enter the blood. There is

an exact correlation between the amount of flaxseed

ingested and the amount of lignans found in the blood.

This means that consuming more flaxseed can increase

the levels of anti-cancer lignans in the blood.

What do lignans do? ly, the list goes on and on.

They compete with estrogen for binding to its

receptors, they are anti-angiogenesis factors (they

stop blood vessel growth into tumors), etc. I will do

a more complete computer search in the next few days.

What is really exciting is that flaxseed kills breast

cancer cells regardless if they possess estrogen

receptors or not. This means the flaxseed protocol is

NOT particular to estrogen dependent breast cancer. In

fact, it is probably not particular to breast cancer

at all. It's looking more and more like a general

cancer preventative and treatment, and for pennies per

day. This is amazing...

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/queryd.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstr\

act & list_uids=15849746

In the following study human breast cancer cells

implanted into immune deficient mice were

substantially growth inhibited if the mice were fed

flaxseed. This study shows that flaxseed induced the

downregulation of insulin like growth factor 1, and

epidermal growth factor in these cells, two major

growth factors for cancer cells of all types. This is

similar to the downregulation of the Her2 receptor

reported in the first study. Of further note, the

incidence of metastasis of these breast cancer cells

to the lungs was reduced by 89%. And the hits just

keep on coming...

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/queryd.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstr\

act & list_uids=12588699

Angiogenesis is the growth of blood vessels. Simple.

But the growth of blood vessels into tumors provides

them with food, and oxygen and removes waste so its a

process that should be stopped if at all possible.

Tumor cells secrete angiogenesis factors such as VEGF,

or vascular endothelial growth factor, which induces

the formation of blood vessels into the tumors. Half

the cancer-based scientific community, it seems that

many anyway, is trying to turn off this process. Well,

here is the bad news for the biotech

community...flaxseed inhibits cancer metastasis and

does so partially through the inhibition of VEGF

release from cancer cells. Incredible!!

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/queryd.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstr\

act & list_uids=12142076

In the final study, flaxseed products were shown to

reduce the metastasis of melanoma cells, one of the

MOST metastatic of all cancers. Clearly, flaxseed

inhibits the growth of all cancer cells, some more

than others perhaps. In the future, you are going to

see more and more studies on the use of flaxseed to

both prevent and treat a wide variety of cancers. The

revolution has cleary begun and you heard it all here

first. Hang on for the ride...

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/queryd.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstr\

act & list_uids=10424786

Now, its muffin making time.

Flaxseed Lignan Precursors

In the previous post, I cited some very exciting

evidence that flaxseed meal, baked into muffins, could

actually kill a substantial number of breast cancer

cells in newly dignosed women. This careful study was

done in women and confirmed by before and after

biopsies. I absolutely cannot think of anything more

exciting for the preventation AND treatment of breast


This Blog is to provide a little background

information on what is going on biochemically.

Flaxseed contains the highest concentrations of

different lignan precursors molecules than any other

plant. When these precursors are eaten, bacteria in

the gut convert them into biologically active

molecules like the phytoestrogens enterodiol and

enterolactone. These are the biologically active

lignans and they are rapidly transported across the

intestinal wall into the blood.

There are animals called " germ-free " , kept in highly

clean facilities, that have NO bacteria in their

bodies...anywhere. When these rats are fed flaxseed,

the active lignans are not made. Clearly, bacteria are

turning flaxseed precursors into powerful natural


http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/queryd.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstr\

act & list_uids=12270221

It stands to reason that for flaxseed to be of maximal

benefit, we need to take care of our gut bacteria.

This sounds like a dumb comment but it isn't. The

scientific evidence is clear. If you take antibiotics

on a routine basis, smoke, have frequent bowl

movements, or eat a great deal of fat, your intestinal

bacteria will be killed. If you cannot drop your fat

intake, stop smoking, or stay off " the pot " , you will

need to consume acidophyllus milk or live culture

yogurt. This is a must. Besides, you need the calcium

for proper health anyway. If you are lactose

intolerant, you can purchase capsules of free dried

intestinal bacteria.

There is a huge scientific database on the role of

lignans in health. Most of these studies have been in

animals or epidemiological studies in humans. These

human studies are statistical. For example, a group of

people in an area in Germany or elsewhere may be

studied for their intake of flaxseed and other grains

and the future incidence of cancer they might


In general, lignans protect against breast cancer in

premenopausal women. There really is no protection for

postmenopausal women or for men with respect to

prostate cancer. Clearly, lignans are blocking the

estrogen II receptor and protecting against hormone

dependent breast cancers. Great news.

But the news is actually better than you think. These

statistical studies followed people in their usual

routine. This means the scientists did not tell them

what to eat. They just recorded what they eat. Most

people do NOT eat flaxseed or even use flax oil. They

eat other grains that contain 100-800 times LESS

lignan precursors. Next, there is a difference between

preventing a disease and treating one.

The grains these people ate were probably at a MUCH

lower level than the 25 grams of flaxmeal consumed by

the breast cancer women. Yet these lower levels were

associated with a reduction in estrogen dependent

cancers. There was no protection against

postmenopausal breast cancers or prostate cancer.

Clearly, only low levels of lignans need to be present

to block the estrogen II receptor. BUT, the lignans in

flaxmeal DO kill estrogen negative breast cancer

cells. They also kill melanoma cells and probably many

other types as well. Its a question of dose, my


The more flaxmeal you consume, the more lignans enter

the body. This is what the Canadian scientists did. 25

grams of flaxseed contains a huge amount of lignan

precursors. Why not take 50 grams of flaxseed a day in

the form of muffins or smoothies (see next blog)? The

stuff is definitely not toxic and it could save your

life no matter what kind of cancer you have. It is

very clear that these lignans are blocking powerful

growth factor receptors like EGF, Her2, Insulin like

growth factor-1, and VEGF, the hormone responsible for

stimulating blood vessels into tumors. These lignan

effects have nothing to do with estrogen. It just so

happens they are incredibly effective at blocking

estrogen II receptors at very low doses. They also

appear to be weak aromatase inhibitors.

Some smoothie recipes to follow that use flaxmeal.

Very yummy.

Flaxmeal Smoothies

Here are some delicious flax meal recipes compliments

of , a member of the Grouppe Kurosawa

Discussion group.

Keep in mind that 25 grams of flaxseed is about 1/8 of

a cup or 4 tablespoons. These seeds MUST be ground as

fine as possible in a coffee grinder. Flaxseed

contains a great deal of oil so the consistency of the

meal will not be like flour. But it must be ground

into the finest meal possible. Otherwise, our friends,

the gut bacteria, will not be able to convert the

pre-lignans into active lignans.

As I said previously, eat as much flaxmeal as you

like, especially if you have cancer. It can only help

you. I have been grinding up flaxmeal and putting it

on live culture yogurt for years. I had no idea I was

a trailblazer. Also, buy some flax oil. It's only sold

in health food stores and must be refrigerated. Also,

do NOT grind up flaxseed and put it in a jar for

storage, even in the frig. Grind up what you need

fresh. I am worried about the flax oil in the meal

going bad. Just color me cautious.

Here are 's recipes. There are some

additional references at the end. If you have new

recipes to contribute, contact me at


Chocolate Smoothie

8-12 oz. organic chocolate milk

1/8 cup flaxseeds ground into meal in a coffee grinder

1 tblsp (non-lignan) flaxseed oil

crushed ice

Concord Grape Smoothie

8-12 oz. Concord grape juice (or other non-citrus

fruit juice)

1/8 cup flaxseeds ground into meal in a coffee grinder

1 tblsp (non-lignan) flaxseed oil

crushed ice

add any type of other/frozen berries as desired

Cherry Power Smoothie

1/2 cup grape juice1/2 cup cherry juice (optional)1

1/2 cups frozen, dark cherries

1 sliced banana

1 cup plain organic yogurt (active culture)

1/4 cup ground flaxseed

2-4 tblsp flaxseed oil

2 tblsp raw wheat germ

1-2 tblsp honey

Put everything in a blender, blend 2 minutes. Makes 2

tall glasses.

Pineapple-Strawberry Smoothie

1 1/2 cups chilled pineapple juice

1/8 cup flaxseed ground into meal

2 tblsp flaxseed oil

8 tblsp organic yogurt

10 frozen strawberries

crushed ice

In a blender, combine ingredients in the order listed

and puree to a smooth consistency, adding crushed ice

as needed.

Breakfast Muesli

1/8 cup flaxseeds ground in a coffee grinder

1 tblsp (non-lignan) flaxseed oil

½ cup of cottage cheese

Add any or all:

coarsely ground flaxseed

shredded coconut

diced apples or other fresh fruit

sliced bananas

chopped walnuts or other nuts (not peanuts)

diced dates, raisins or other dried fruit

(If you use fresh or canned pineapple, you must eat

the Muesli right away because the acid in pineapple

causes the oil to taste bitter if not eaten


Photo of prepared Muesli:


Inexpensive coffee grinder:


Good reports/feedback re this blender:


Johanna Budwig: Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook


Johanna Budwig: Flax Oil As a True Aid Against

Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer and Other Diseases


The Flax Cookbook: Recipes and Strategies for Getting

the Most from the Most Powerful Plant on the Plane


Flaxseed Oil Kit—How to Grind Your Own Delicious



The Flaxmeal Revolution Has Begun. Volunteers Wanted

The only way to prove the efficacy of flaxmeal as a

true treatment protocol for a wide variety of cancers

and leukemias is to test it in volunteers. Grouppe

Kurosawa is the only organization that can conduct and

coordinate these tests in a timely manner, and at no

real cost to anyone.

There is no shortage of men and women out there,

across the world, that either refuse modern medical

treatment or have no access to medical treatment at

all. We want volunteers from this category to test the

efficacy of flaxseed dietary products on cancer and

other diseases. Flaxseed cannot be found in most

grocery stories in the US. But it can be found in

almost all health food stores, as can flax seed oil.

I bought some flaxseed a week ago and the organic form

cost $1.45 a pound USD. Flax oil is more expensive,

but it's used in very small quantities. It is not

absolutely necessary to use flax seed oil anyway since

the freshly ground meal contain substantial qualtities

of oil.

The idea that inexpensive, common flax seed meal and

oil is that powerful against breast cancer growth is

frankly a difficult concept to grasp. I am obviously

great believer and promotor of natural medicines, but

I never expected to see data like that reported by

those wonderful Canadian doctors. I had to read their

scientific paper three times and I STILL couldn't

believe it. I am now semi-buried in scientific

abstracts and papers on the subject of natural lignans

and health. Now I believe it, the data doesn't lie.

The clouds in my mind are clearing.

We need medical volunteers and we need chef

contributors to formulate flaxmeal and oil recipes

that even children will readily consume. Remember,

childhood cancer/leukemia is one of our major

priorities, but children aren't going to eat anything

that tastes bad.

So let's get going. Contact me at



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