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Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone had ever developed freckles on their

body and face because of implants? If so, what causes this? I

am getting a lot of these and I don't tan anymore. My skin is in

seriously bad condition; feckles, acne, dry, and now tiny holes on

my face. Beautiful huh?



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Hi Liz,

Did you used to spend a lot of time in the sun or tanning or even have a bad

sunburn as a child? Freckles and age spots can appear many years later.

Another cause for skin problems is toxins from within your body. I'd guess

your freckles are related to the sun and your other skin problems are toxin

related. Do you use any type of glycolic acid or retinol treatment to

slough off dead skin cells? If not, these could help the appearance of your

skin but you really want to get to the root of the problem to effectively

treat it.


> Hi everyone,


> I was wondering if anyone had ever developed freckles on their

> body and face because of implants? If so, what causes this? I

> am getting a lot of these and I don't tan anymore. My skin is in

> seriously bad condition; feckles, acne, dry, and now tiny holes on

> my face. Beautiful huh?


> Thanks,

> Liz






> Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by licensed

> health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed health care

> professional before commencing any medical treatment.


> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you.

> Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a

> happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing, two-time

> Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)


> See our photos website! Enter " implants " for access at this link:

> http://.shutterfly.com/action/



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Grace . . . something you (and anyone else) may try

for liver health is Milk Thistle . . Some of those

spots are called liver spots - an indication of your

liver health. Milk thistle is inexpensive and a good

addition to ones regular supplements.



--- graceinlve <graceinlve@...> wrote:

> Hi everyone,


> I was wondering if anyone had ever developed

> freckles on their

> body and face because of implants? If so, what

> causes this? I

> am getting a lot of these and I don't tan anymore.

> My skin is in

> seriously bad condition; feckles, acne, dry, and now

> tiny holes on

> my face. Beautiful huh?


> Thanks,

> Liz





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  • 4 years later...

Hi Bee -

This discussion on freckles has me very confused. I fully understand how moles

and skin tags, etc. can be signs of toxins, but I have never heard of freckles

being a sign of toxins? My husband and two of my daughters are natural red

heads and they each have many many freckles since birth ? It is my

understanding that these freckles are skin pigmentations that just come with

having light skin and red hair - and there is nothing they can do about them.

Are there different kinds of freckles ?

Thanks for any and all clarification or insight -


> >

> > Hi Bee and Moderators

> >

> > I am on your diet 100% but my husband isn't. Can I just ask something for

him (I am trying to get him on it bit by bit!). He has patches of dark freckle

on his upper cheeks, both sides, near his eyes that have become progressively

worse. When I met him he had NO freckles at all. We thought they were sun

related as we used to live in NZ and the sun is very harsh there. He has seen a

dermatologist and was given some cream to help the freckles fade. It hasn't

made much difference. I have convinced him to start taking coconut oil and put

it on his face too. Is there anything else he should try?


> +++Hi Priya,


> In addition to what Ed wrote, ensure your husband knows that freckles are

toxins coming out, and that people on this program have reported freckles



> In fact all skin abnormalities are toxins coming out, i.e. skin tages, moles,

warts, aging spots, rashes, acne, pimples, eczema and on and on the list goes.


> Cheers, Bee


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Hi Bee. I am having trouble with the statement that freckles have to do with

toxins coming out. I spend a great deal of time in the sun at the beach and my

freckles have increased and I believe it is because of that. I understand that

perhaps moles and skin tags, etc., might have to do with toxins and that makes

sense to me; they don't have anything to do with the sun.

I don't think I got less freckles this summer at the beach; I've been on the

diet since March. I use coconut oil regularly on my face and have been for

years. Perhaps the coconut oil does help to fade the freckles??? Then, I'll

certainly put more on my face than I already do.

I also have a friend who is very fair and has tons of freckles. I've known her

since we were young children and she has always had tons of freckles. I think

she was born that way. Her mother had tons of freckles, too. Seems hereditary to



> freckles and toxins and I think he's coming around to our way of seeing

> things.


> > In fact all skin abnormalities are toxins coming out, i.e. skin tages,

> > moles, warts, aging spots, rashes, acne, pimples, eczema and on and on the

> > list goes.

> >

> > Cheers, Bee

> >

> >

> >




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I am the only one out of my four siblings who gets freckles, since childhood. I

wonder if it's a susceptibility to radiation from the sun and in that case you

could say it is a sign of toxins coming out, is that what you mean Bee? I am

also the only one out of my siblings who has an issue with candida ... I'm

joining the dots here.




> Hi Bee. I am having trouble with the statement that freckles have to do with

toxins coming out. I spend a great deal of time in the sun at the beach and my

freckles have increased and I believe it is because of that. I understand that

perhaps moles and skin tags, etc., might have to do with toxins and that makes

sense to me; they don't have anything to do with the sun.

> I don't think I got less freckles this summer at the beach; I've been on the

diet since March. I use coconut oil regularly on my face and have been for

years. Perhaps the coconut oil does help to fade the freckles??? Then, I'll

certainly put more on my face than I already do.

> I also have a friend who is very fair and has tons of freckles. I've known her

since we were young children and she has always had tons of freckles. I think

she was born that way. Her mother had tons of freckles, too. Seems hereditary to





> >

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