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Article on Lyme disease

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Quite a few implant women have been diagnosed with

Lyme Disease . . . rightly or wrongly. It may be a

good idea to understand what is involved! - Rogene


Subject: ARTSOB...Re: Lyme goes unreported

(Canada)l treatment, then he will develop permanent

nerve damage, from this corkscrew-shaped

bacteria....Re: my answer to Blumenthals staffer's

email to me Date: Friday, March 10, 2006 15:28:46




" This is a controversial area, " said Dr. Harvey

Artzab of Canada's Public Health Agency. " There's room

for debate as to whether the tests are legitimate

tests. "

Health Canada, National Microbiology Laboratory,

Zoonotic Diseases and Special Pathogens, Canadian

Science Centre for Human and Animal Health, Manitoba,

Winnipeg, Canada. mike_dre...@...

Artsob, Head of the Level 4 Labs in Canada:

http://www.science.gc.ca/default.asp?Lang=En & n=3968F0F5-1 & edit=off

Can J Vet Res. ** 1986 ** January; 50(1): 42-46.

Arbovirus infections in several Ontario mammals,

1975-1980. H **Artsob,*** L Spence, C Th'ng, V

Lampotang, D ston, C MacInnes, F Matejka, D Voigt,

and I Watt


The fact of the matter is that the CDC's test for Lyme

(Dressler/Steere) is bogus. It was not validated

according to the rules of a scientific validation.

However, Yale's Flagellin Method *is* a validated

method according to the rules (Specific, Accurate,

etc). The specificity is nearly 100% or could be made

100% if primers were used for all borreliae and not

just burgdorferi. Obviously flagellin is the most

abundant antigen and therefore antibody. Everyone

agrees that it is the earliest (41 kD) to show up.

The accuracy is 94.4% at least.

Here's the Yale test:

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & ...

Here's the Yale patent claim for the accuracy and

specificity of that test:

http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1 & Sect2=HITOFF & d=P...

Here is Yale's LYMErix patent:

http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1 & Sect2=HITOFF & d=P...

And here is Yale, 4 days after applying for the

LYMErix patent, explaining how LYMErix would not work

(Oct 11, 1994) because of " selection pressures " - which

is the same thing as declaring it a relapsing fever


http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & ...

Artsob is works for the Canadian equivalent of the

CDC, and has published with CDC.

Here is the scientific fraud and racketeering

complaint filed against Yale and related criminals:

http://actionlyme.org/USDOJ_COMPLAINT_RICO.htm Look

at the difference in the blots on page 3. The CDC

and Yale arbitarily decided there would be different

serological " disease definitions. " One new

definition is " Lyme disease " which is an arthritis in

a knee and is associated with a high concentration of

antibodies, or is an inflammatory disease.

" Lyme borreliosis " is what Lenny Sigal describes here,

opposite the Munchausen's page, on the bottom left:


" Lyme borreliosis " actually means a borreliosis caused

by a borrelia that has OspA on it, usually from a hard

bodied tick. OspA means Lyme. All borrelioses are

permanent brain infections:


What these criminals have done with this Lyme disease

testing fraud is, for example, to state that " It is

illegal for anyone to declare an elephant, if the

object with the long trunk and big thin ears weighs

less than 200 tons. If the object with the long trunk

and big thin ears weighs less than 200 tons may not be

called an elephant. "

People with chronic Lyme tend to no longer make

antibodies to the lipoproteins because, since this is

a chronic infection, the body is continually hit with

new antigens, a they are sloughed off the bug, in what

Alan Barbour called " Bacterial Star Wars " although

what he meant was probably more like flak.

Here is Alan Barbour saying that in another way:

http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1 & Sect2=HITOFF & d=P...

" 2.1 Methods of Treatment

An important aspect of the invention is the

recognition that Borrelia VMP-like sequences recombine

at the vls site, with the result that antigenic

variation is virtually limitless. Multiclonal

populations therefore can exist in an infected patient

so that immunological defenses are severely tested if

not totally overwhelmed. "

Most people who have late chronic neuroborreliosis and

*if* they have 41 kD or flagellin antibody, and *if*

you look in their mouths and they do not have severe

periodontal disease, or syphilis, which Steere says is

easy to differentially diagnose, that person has Lyme


Steere on the issue of testing for Lyme, before he

decided to defraud the public and the journals, for

whatever reason:

http://www.pubmedcentral.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pubmed & pubmedid=...

Print it out and read it thoroughly.

Sorry if I duplicated any email addresses here. The

fact is, how many times do I have to say the same

thing before people have enough self respect to see if

I am right about what the criteria are for a

scientific method validation?

Just google it. Or call the FDA and ask them to

explain it to you. As soon as you have done that, you

will see that I am right and that you can't believe a

single thing Yale or the CDC says about anything. You

might then take it upon yourselves to then call the

FDA again and ask them what the hell they think they

are doing, approving a vaccine with a test that does

not meet the FDA's or *ANYONE's* criteria for a valid

analytical method? CDC themselves reported in the GAO

investigation that their test is only 30% accurate for

early Lyme.

The fact is, it is AT BEST 25% accurate, and Imugen

reported that it was 14% accurate in 1994.

Therefore CDC's method for the blood test diagnosis of

Lyme borreliosis misses 86 to 75% of the cases, by the

CDC's own publication, the Dearborn booklet, from


They all should be fired immediately.

Kathleen M. Dickson

23 Garden Street

Pawcatuck, CT 06379


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