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Re: Bone Age Test

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Jack had an x-ray of his wrist when he was 18mths old to determine his bone

age. It showed that his bone age was 12mths i.e 6mths behind. I still have to

speak to the endo about it but Jack's paed has said that her understanding of

it is that it shows that Jack has the potential to be bigger/taller . If his

bone age had been the same as his chronological age it would mean that his

genes have determined his size and that he was always supposed to be this

size. Does that make sense? I don't know if I have explained it properly.

Elaine mum to Elise(7yrs) & Jack(22mths) CHaRGE


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, I'm not sure how it'll affect her yet, I just got the letter in the mail

yesterday. Dr. Blake had a copy sent to me for my records. I haven't discussed

it with anyone yet. All I know is we have our first endo appt in August {grrr,

I wanted to take the summer off!}:) I think there are quite a few here on the

list that have seen an endo before, they could better answer your endo


It didn't upset us to much getting this info, just another day in the life...:)

We say to each other now, the only thing that would crush us now is death.

Sounds pretty somber, but I don't think there's anything now we can't handle

when it comes to Miss Kennedy.

Mom to Kennedy 15 mos old CHARGEr, 9, 8, and wife to Graeme

New Brunswick, Canada

Visit the " Weir's homepage " at: http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palms/5716

ICQ #1426476


Sorry to hear about the results of the test. It's so hard to find out new


I've never heard of the Bone Age Test and I was just wondering how this

affects Kennedy and what they will do about this new information? Is there

something they can do to help this? Has she seen an endocrinologist before?

Josh hasn't been to one yet but I think the genetisist recommended it. When did

other kids first see the endocrinologist? I'm not really familiar with the

problems in this area yet because we havn't faced any of them yet.

mom to (3 months) CHarGE, and (2 years)

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I kind of got what you explained, I think I'll understand better when we

actually go to the endo. I see her ped. at the end of May, so I'll be

asking some questions there too.

Mom to Kennedy 15 mos old CHARGEr, 9, 8, and wife to Graeme

New Brunswick, Canada

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ICQ #1426476

>From: JMurraybel@...



>Jack had an x-ray of his wrist when he was 18mths old to determine his bone

>age. It showed that his bone age was 12mths i.e 6mths behind. I still have


>speak to the endo about it but Jack's paed has said that her understanding


>it is that it shows that Jack has the potential to be bigger/taller . If


>bone age had been the same as his chronological age it would mean that his

>genes have determined his size and that he was always supposed to be this

>size. Does that make sense? I don't know if I have explained it properly.


>Elaine mum to Elise(7yrs) & Jack(22mths) CHaRGE




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Dr. Kim Blake prompted the test {I have to excitedly squeal here - I'm SO

lucky to have her...} In April she noticed Kennedy's weight was going up {21

lbs}, but she was still at the same height she was in January {28.5 inches}.

She didn't want her to become " short and fat " . I'd rather get this over

with now than let it develop into something worse as she gets older.

Mom to Kennedy 15 mos old CHARGEr, 9, 8, and wife to Graeme

New Brunswick, Canada

Visit the " Weir's homepage " at:


ICQ #1426476




>What prompted the bone age test? What is Kennedy's size? Aubrie is 17

>mos, 17+ lbs, 30+ inches. Can they tell bone age from a chest xray?

>Aubrie is having such problems with weight gain that I can't help but

>wonder if she has an endo problem. We have no explanation for the

>weight issues -- except now, of course, that we're weaning from the tube

>and she doesn't have a huge appetite...



>mom to Aubrie (17 mos) CHaRgE and (7 yrs), wife to DJ, in IL





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>4th International CHARGE Syndrome Conference, Houston, Texas, July

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Aubrie's long and thin, so I guess this is one thing we can rest easy about for

the time being, eh?


Graeme & Weir wrote:



> Michele,

> Dr. Kim Blake prompted the test {I have to excitedly squeal here - I'm SO

> lucky to have her...} In April she noticed Kennedy's weight was going up {21

> lbs}, but she was still at the same height she was in January {28.5 inches}.

> She didn't want her to become " short and fat " . I'd rather get this over

> with now than let it develop into something worse as she gets older.


> Mom to Kennedy 15 mos old CHARGEr, 9, 8, and wife to Graeme

> New Brunswick, Canada


> Visit the " Weir's homepage " at:

> http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palms/5716

> ICQ #1426476


> >

> >

> >-

> >What prompted the bone age test? What is Kennedy's size? Aubrie is 17

> >mos, 17+ lbs, 30+ inches. Can they tell bone age from a chest xray?

> >Aubrie is having such problems with weight gain that I can't help but

> >wonder if she has an endo problem. We have no explanation for the

> >weight issues -- except now, of course, that we're weaning from the tube

> >and she doesn't have a huge appetite...

> >

> >Michele

> >mom to Aubrie (17 mos) CHaRgE and (7 yrs), wife to DJ, in IL

> >westml@...

> >

> >

> >------------------------------------------------------------------------

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> >4th International CHARGE Syndrome Conference, Houston, Texas, July

> >23-25, 1999.

> >For information about the CHARGE Syndrome Foundation or to become a member

> please contact marion@....

> >


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> 4th International CHARGE Syndrome Conference, Houston, Texas, July

> 23-25, 1999.

> For information about the CHARGE Syndrome Foundation or to become a member

please contact marion@....

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My daughter Aubree is 14 years old and we have just been informed that we

need to go

have an xray of her hand. Since Aubree has not had a menstrual cycle, they

said she

can take growth hormones that will help her grow taller. Aubree is now a

little of

4', which the genetic doc. said she will not get much taller, because the

family is

not real tall anyway. But Aubree does need to get a little taller, it

seems her

legs are really long (wish I had them).


Skeeter - Husband

Aubree 14 Years (CHaRgE)

Rhoni 16 Years



> To: CHARGEonelist

> Subject: Re: Bone Age Test

> Date: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 11:26 PM



Sorry to hear about the results of the test. It's so hard to find out

new stuff.

I've never heard of the Bone Age Test and I was just wondering how

this affects Kennedy and what they will do about this new information?

Is there something they can do to help this? Has she seen an

endocrinologist before? Josh hasn't been to one yet but I think the

genetisist recommended it. When did other kids first see the

endocrinologist? I'm not really familiar with the problems in this area

yet because we havn't faced any of them yet.

mom to (3 months) CHarGE, and (2 years)

Graeme & Weir wrote:

> Hi all,I just got a letter back from the diagnostic imaging dept with

> the results of Kennedy's bone age test she had done in April. Thought

> some of you might be interested. BTW, a bone age test is simply done

> by doing an x ray of their wrists.I'll type the letter, it's not too

> long.BOTH HANDS FOR BONE AGE:This bone age determination has been made

> using the Radiographic Atlas of Skeletal Development of the Hand and

> Wrist by Greulien and Pyle.The bone age corresponds to the standard of

> less than 3 months. There is ossification of the capitate. There is

> no ossification of the hamate.The patient's chronological age is 14

> months. The standard deviation for 12 months is 1.77 months. This

> places the patient's bone age well below two standard

> deviations.OPINION:The patient's bone age is retarded. It is greater

> than two standard deviations below the mean. <that's it>Anyway, just

> thought you might find it interesting, we were a little surprised, but

> hey, she's textbook CHARGE, every letter, and just about every side

> possibility too so not TOO surprised. Dr. Blake suggested we have

> this test done, I don't think I would've thought of it without her,

> Kennedy just seemed to be growing okay to me. <little do I know>...

> Anyhow, hi ho hi ho, it's off to ENDO we go!

> Mom to Kennedy 15 mos old CHARGEr, 9, 8, and wife to Graeme

> New Brunswick, Canada Visit the " Weir's homepage " at:

> http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palms/5716

> ICQ #1426476

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We have gotten 's bone age wrist x-ray done 3x, as if you want to begin

growth hormones, you must do it before their bone plates fuse.

apparently still has lots of room. As his growth hormones test normal, we

are waiting, possibly testosterone will be needed in a couple of years (he's

12). I hope he grows, this has always been a big concern of mine, but with

normal growth hormones, they say it's just part of the syndrome, and he can

still grow for a longer period of time and hopefully catch up. Barbra M

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Gosh!! What's 's lifetime maximum if I may be so nosey?? I worry about

that with Peyton. What happens when these guys are adults and they've used

up all their insurance?? Medicaid? Just curious.

Corrie mom to Peyton CHARGE and ?

Re: Bone Age Test


A bone age done on at a bit over two years old

showed that he was 14 months.. yep.. 10 months

behind... and my endo can't see why I want him tested

for GH... he's supposed to see her again in a month or

so.. got a new endo this time.. we'll see what happens..

ly I have this thought in the back of my head they

dont' want to test him cause if he needs GH it's covered

under our ins and what HMO wants to put out $16,000 a

year on a kid that is already into them for over a million..




Mom to Dawn 20, Ken 9 ADHD, and 7 CHARGE.

Cobb California

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, I'm not very clear on why this test is necessary? could you explain?

is 15 mos and is about at a 8 mos level in her activity's except

speech, still waiting...if her bone age was 6 mos behind would it make things

normal for her & do they ever catch up?


Wife to ,

Mom to (4) Kaitlynn(21/2) & (15mos)


Don't rest too easy...comfortably, but not too easy. You never know what's

gonna pop up with these guys. As far as tests go, this wasn't too bad {just

had to get her to hold her hands still}. I always think it never hurts to

rule out this stuff by doing the test and getting it over with.

Mom to Kennedy 15 mos old CHARGEr, 9, 8, and wife to Graeme

New Brunswick, Canada

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4th International CHARGE Syndrome Conference, Houston, Texas, July

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For information about the CHARGE Syndrome Foundation or to become a member

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  • 2 weeks later...
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What was the bone age test for? I must have missed something. What were

they trying to learn from doing it?

Anne Vanderbloemen mom of 2 CHARGE

Madison Wisconsin

P.S. This is to Everybody: I forgot, do you capitalize the letters of CHARGE

that your kid currently has, lowering the case when the condition is repaired

or resolved, or do you capitalize the letters your kid was born with, or

what? I asked this once a long time ago but I forgot the answer...duh...

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>What was the bone age test for? I must have missed something. What were

>they trying to learn from doing it?

>Anne Vanderbloemen mom of 2 CHARGE

>Madison Wisconsin


Dr. Blake wanted the test done as she felt Kennedy's weight was going up but

not her height. She wanted it also as part of a work-up for our first endo


Mom to Kennedy 15 mos old CHARGEr, 9, 8, and wife to Graeme

New Brunswick, Canada

Visit the " Weir's homepage " at:


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's weight is also going up faster than her height. It is finally

starting to catch up, she is at the bottom of the chart on her weight and

almost here with her height, its taken us along time to get here. At 6 mos

she was only 6 pounds. What can they learn from a bone age test and what

purpose does it serve?

Cathie, Jeff and CHARgE almost 4

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