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Silicone Immune Toxicity Syndrome

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Unfortunately, the Edelson Center has closed - IMHO,

due to political pressure because of their work.



Silicone Immune Toxicity Syndrome

From The Edelson Center


It is estimated that since 1962, between one and two

million women have had silicone breast implants to

enhance their physical appearance. Some 30 years

later, thousands of women are second guessing the

wisdom of this choice because they are now suffering

with a new illness, silicone toxicity and immune

dysfunction syndrome. This major health problem arose

because of failure at many levels to protect the well

being of humans in our world. I think it is important

to understand a little bit about the silicone implant

itself, which is covered by a shell or the envelope

which is made of silicone in the form of a

semi-permeable membrane.

I think the big problem here was that it was thought

that this membrane would keep the silicone inside the

bag. It does not and the silicone leaves the bag and

is found outside of the silicone implant. As a matter

of fact, it has been found all over the body, not just

in the capsules surrounding the implant. The silicone

is picked up by scavenger cells (macrophages) of our

immune system and carried around the body. Various

things happen where the exact mechanisms are unknown,

but there is definite immune system dysregulation that

occurs leading to a new syndrome. I think that this is

an important point.

Until now, researchers have been trying to link this

silicone disaster with old diseases of the autoimmune

type like scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, and

Lupus. In fact, they will never be able to link this

problem to those diseases because we have the new

disease and they are not looking at it in that way. I

will go on to describe the characteristics of the new

disease, but to try and link them to the old disease

will get you nowhere. I don't know why researchers

think that this is the direction to follow.

I think that in addition to the immune system being

dysregulated. (I won't go into the details which

explain how that happens), there is the onset of

molecular damage called free radical or oxidant injury

that occurs from the silicone being in the body. This

causes another set of symptoms that are part of the

syndrome. There are so many possible symptoms that the

patient experiences. We will mention only the major

ones. They are:

Peripheral neuropathy

Central neural toxic neuropathy

Cervical and axillary lymphadenopathy




Night sweats

Hair loss

Abdominal pain

Pulmonary hypersensitivity with dyspnea

Emotional instability

Joint and tendon pain

Multiple chemical sensitivities

Food and inhalant sensitivities

Skin problems

As I said, these are the major symptoms and there are

others. When a patient suffers with the above type

symptomatology and also has a history of breast

implants, one should do a thorough evaluation looking

at the comprehensiveness of an environmental history

and physical examination. One should rule out diseases

like Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, etc.

Studies of the immune system includes T-cell silicone

immune study, silicone antibodies, complete auto

immunity studies, immunoglobulin investigation, immune

complex studies, biochemical profiles, fungal and

bacteriological studies and skin testing. In addition,

more complex studies might include PET, SPECT, beam,

and EMG studies of the nervous system, as well as

pulmonary function tests, MRIs of the breasts, and

comprehensive digestive, and pancreatic studies if so

indicated. The therapy for these patients needs to be

directed at the flaws that are found in the patient's

biochemistry and immune systems. Just to mention a few

of the areas that should be looked into as far as

therapy, one would include:

Dietary management

Exercise advice

Intravenous nutritional therapy for detoxification and


Oral nutritional supplementation

Immunotherapy to chemicals, foods, inhalants, and

silicone if necessary

Environmental and chemical controls of the

individual's home and place of business

Varied immune modulation techniques including:

Thymus therapy

Intravenous gamma globulin


Transfer factor depending on the individual's specific


This is a very complicated illness and should only be

taken care of by people with the comprehensive

background in dealing with toxic environmental

materials and their effects on the human organism.

With this knowledge, these patients can be helped

greatly in achieving a normal life again. It just

takes time, patience, and hard work. The answer to

this disease is not the use of drugs for the symptoms

that occur.

Continue reading for more information on the impact of

Silicone Toxicity on system functioning.


There are several forms of the chemical in breast

implants that can cause a problem in the human

organism. & nbspSilicon (Si) is the basic element and

probably causes immune system changes. & nbspSilica or

SiO2 (chemical formula) is the form it is mined from

the earth. & nbspSilicone gel is a synthetic material

containing 38% silicon. & nbspThe silica is 45%


There is slow leakage ( " bleeding " ) of the silicone gel

from the implants through the semi-permeable membrane

envelope and also into and through the capsule that

surrounds the implants. & nbspThis is picked up by the

microphages (scavenger cells) of our immune system and

is broken down inside these cells which travel all

over the body. & nbspThe gel breaks down inside these

cells, which travel all over the body. & nbspThe gel

breaks down into Silica and Silicon which causes an

immune system dysregulation. & nbspThus, there are

antibodies produced against the silicon and also

against the silicon and protein complex (organ

systems) so that you get autoimmune illness.

As well, there is also damage that is not related to

the immune system, because the silicone gel causes

oxidants (damaging molecules) to be produced that

directly damage our cell walls, DNA, and enzyme

systems. & nbspAll of this adds up to slowly-developing

chronic debilitating illness affecting every organ

system of the body.


There are so many possible symptoms that the patient

may experience. I shall only mention the major ones

here. & nbspAlmost any symptom can be related to this

syndrome, either directly or indirectly.

Peripheral Neuropathy (weakness, tingling, numbness,


Central Neurotoxic Neuropathy (cognitive difficulties,

memory problems, hyperactivity, attention deficits)

Cervical and axillary enlarged or painful lymph nodes

Fibromyalgia (multiple tender areas)

Myositis (painful inflamed muscles)


Night sweats

Hair loss

Abdominal pain

Pulmonary hypersensitivity (shortness of breath, etc.)

Emotional instability

Joint and tendon pain

Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

Food and inhalant sensitivities

How Is This Syndrome Evaluated?

1. In-depth history (including details of

implant problems)

2. Physical examination

3. Studies to rule out other conditions such as

Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, etc.

4. Various laboratory studies:

o Immune studies (Complex)

o T-Cell Silicone Immune Study

o Fungal or Bacteriological Studies (if


o Biochemical profile

o Skin testing (if needed)

5. Address each organ system damage individually

depending on patient's complaints

o Brain: PET, SPECT, BEAM, EMG, etc.

o Pulmonary: PFT

o Rheumatological: Snyovial Fluid

o Breast: MRI, Xeromammography

o GI: Digestive studies, pancreatic malfunction

o Immunological: Chemical Antibodies, Silicone

Antibodies, T-Lymphocyte subpopulation, Activated

Lymphocytes, Lymphocyte Immune Function, Natural

Killer Cells and Activity, Immune Complexes,

Complement Levels, ANA, Autoantibody Analysis (Myelin,

Striated Muscle, Thyroid, Skin Antibody, Collagen

Antibody), Skin Testing (chemicals, foods, etc.).

Immunological And Non-Immunological Damage

Damage to the immune system leads to various

autoimmune situations. & nbspDirect damage from free

radical oxidant molecules leads to diffuse organ

system damaging effects


1. Diet: Organic, High alkaline,

semi-vegetarian, moderately high protein

2. Exercise: Moderate low-impact (daily)

3. Intravenous nutritional therapy:

o Detoxification

o Antioxidant

4. Nutritional supplementation (oral)

5. Immunotherapy

o Chemicals

o Foods

o Silicon

o Inhalants

6. Envvironmental and chemical controls

7. Immune modulation

o Transfer factor


o Immune stimulants: Thymus, herbals, etc.

o Intravenous Gamma Globulin

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