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Copy: send and/or give to ALL your doctors and Congressman/woman & U.S. Senators... Letter Of information.. What was in Dow settlement for diseases and What was Not mentioned... Covered-up!!!

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This is from one of our silent sisters who has been

waging a battle to bring attention to our issues. You

can help by sending the following letter to everyone

you know who might be able to impact the implant

issue. - Thanks so much - Rogene



Who can we contact to get the help, we have requested

for over 20 years?

" WE ARE THE STUDY " : woman, and their offspring, who

are very sick must be tested for ionized platinum,

silicone toxicity, heavy metals, toxic chemicals,

bacteria, fungi, and biotoxins from mold to determine

why we are sick .

We are not getting help from the FDA, CDC, ASTDR, EPA,

or the Senate Health Committee on this issue.

" Implanted and injected women and their children have

been DENIED testing , because they do not have the

money and insurance will not pay for these special

tests "

Sick children born to implanted and injected mothers

have an array of diseases and disorders . Some have

been tested and have a high level of Ionized platinum.

We need help before more women and their unborn

children suffer needlessly.

One lady states:

I have been very sick for 12 years

* Blood, hair, nails, urine, fat, test ~ Platinum is

in the free highly oxidizing form (Ionized Platinum)

* Allergy test ~ Allergic to everything

* I have Severe Multiple Chemical Sensitivity in small

amounts of everyday chemicals

* Blood Test ~ Silicone Antibodies IGG, IGA, IGM, IGE

~ 10 in 3 and 20 in 1. Reference Range 0-10 ELISA

We want to know Why the FDA has " Done Nothing " about

all the information below?

Would you please Investigate!

For over forty years manufacturers have sold products,

such as silicone gel/saline, single-lumen (saline

mixed with silicone gel) and double-lumen

adjustable breast implants.

They have argued that silicone is safe even though,

regardless of whether the implant ruptures or not,

silicone leaks and migrates to every organ

in the body. The catalyst used to manufacture the

silicone for silicone gel and silicone elastomer for

gel-filled and saline-filled implants was

platinum chloride, a highly reactive molecule and

precursor to the chemotherapy agent cisplatin. Some

manufactures use Tin as a catalyst for saline-filled


It is recognized by the scientific community that

" platinum salts " (aka. chloroplatinic acid) and

silicone can cause systemic disease in humans as a

result of toxic and/or hypersensitivity reactions.



*Shelf-life and storage conditions for Intravenous

saline: 2 YEARS at a temperature NOT exceeding 25C

Saline Implants have leaky valves, shell defects

(rupture). Micro Organisms accumulate over many years.

As a result, over time, the closed space fills with a

complex mixture of bacteria, fungi, algae, and slimes.

Organisms Found In Such Environments Include:

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Pseudomonas Putida,

Streptococci, Spivarum, CoccidioidesImmitis, Papilloma

Viri, Herpes Simplex, Aspergillus Fumigatus,

Aspergillus Boufardi, Aspergillus Niger, Bacteroides

Fragillis, Curvularia, Staphylococci, Mycobacterium

Chelonei, Mycobacterium Fortuitum, Mycobacterium

Tuberculosis, Mycobacterium Avium, Alternaria Tenuis,

Rhodotorula Glutinis, Penicillium Notatum, Microsporum

Epidermophyton, Ricophyton, Candida Albicans, Proteus

Mirabillis, Propioni Bacterium Acne, Serratia

Marcescens as well as their metabolites and toxins.

Exposure to ionized platinum, silicone, heavy metals

and toxic chemicals cause such diseases as:

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Multiple Sclerosis,

Lupus, Connective Tissue Disease, Scleroderma,

Sjogren's Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Thyroid

disorder, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Leukemia, DNA

Changes, Immune Dysfunction, Autoimmune Disorder, Loss

of Memory, Loss of Smell and Taste, Organ

Calcification, Neurological Disorders.

Compounding the problem, ionized platinum and toxic

chemicals involved readily cross the placental

barrier. Unpublished research document that

significant amounts of ionized platinum are present in

the milk of nursing mothers, so even the unborn future

generations of poisoned mothers will be


Let's make sure that the chemicals we allow to be

placed in the human body will do no harm!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look

forward to hearing from you.



Something that should be brought before Congress

" what " in the implants is causing bone, tendons and

ligament damage. " WE ARE THE STUDY " : The woman, and

their offspring, who are very sick must be tested.

Can Ionized Platinum and silicone do this to the

body... what else may be causing or enhancing it?

The same problems are showing up on the saline group

website as on silicone group websites several years


Shoulder problems ... Spine damage

Dental problems... TMJ... teeth breaking ... infection

The women should list their manufacture so Congress

can see that they should investigate ALL of them also

Why the FDA allowed this to happen.

We have the same diseases as the silica miners plus a

long list of abnormal disorders... The Injected,

Silicone, Saline... Women & their Children


Oath: First, do no harm "

" Breast implants are very capable of

exerting/inducing/enhancing/ can 'turn on' the human

immune response by elevating the disease risk by

affecting the variants of certain key genes which is

NOT the cause of one's genetics but the cause of a

offending trigger being placed in the human body.


This Gallium Scan proves we have silicone in every


This is part of a letter from one lady:

None of my doctors or the specialists or Nuclear

technicians can believe I am still alive, let alone


I was injected with Radiation 2001 and had a

Gallium Scan. Not only weremy lungs totally outlined

and brilliant white from the radiation sticking to the

silicone in my lungs, my liver, my entire stomach, my

intestines - both upper and lower, my gall bladder, my

bladder. Every organ in my torso is totally inflamed

with Silicone.


All of our organs are showing calcification

This is part of a letter from one lady

Subject: Calcified Organs-FULL BODY SCAN--

Has anyone ever heard of different organs calcifying

or shrivelling up and disappearing altogether?

My liver, adrenal glands, coronary arteries, etc. are

showing calcification, the coronary artery part being

a separate and apparently serious condition.


NEW PEER REVIEWED STUDY: Lykissa and Maharaj (2006) on

Platinum Concentrations

Re: Lykissa and Maharaj (2006)

Note new research published on-line April 1, 2006 by

Analytical Chemistry, a peer-reviewed chemistry

journal. Although not available in the published

journal until May 1st, 2006, the research titled

" Total PlatinumConcentration and Platinum Oxidation

States in Body Fluids, Tissue, and Explants from Women

Exposed to Silicone and Saline Breast Implants by

IC-ICP-MS " may be read on-line at:


A summary of the research is provided by Chemical

Associated Neurological Disorders (CANDO) as follows:


Women exposed to silicone breast implants have

platinum levels that exceed that of the general

population, and the oxidation states of the platinum

indicate that the exposure may be toxic.

Ion chromatography-inductively coupled plasma-mass

spectrometry (IC-ICP-MS)was used to determine the

total platinum concentration and platinum oxidation

states in samples from women exposed to silicone and

saline breast implants. Samples included: whole

blood, urine, hair, nails, sweat, brain tissue, breast

milk, and explants.

Platinum in nine explanted silicone gel breast

implants were mainly in the +2, +4, and +6 oxidation

states. Platinum in seven whole blood and six breast

milk samples from women implanted with silicone breast

implants occurred mainly in the +2 and +4 oxidation

states. In contrast, the fluid from the two saline

breast explants did not contain detectable levels of


This peer-reviewed published study is the first to

document the various platinum oxidation states in

samples from women exposed to silicone breast

implants. Positive oxidation states indicate risk.


A complex platinum salt, hexachloroplatinate, has been

used in silicone gel-filled breast implants as A

catalyst in both the gel and envelope.

Platinum salt exposure has been associated with a

range of problems, from positive skin-patch tests

(indicating an allergic reaction) and contact

dermatitis, to more serious problems such as asthma,

immunogenicity, inhibitory effects on brain enzymes

(brain damage), neurotoxicity (nerve damage),

mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, and allergic

anaphylactic reactions.

Recent studies have shown that there are significant

amount of platinum in silicone breast implant gel and

envelopes. Platinum has been shown to leak

out and accumulate in the scar tissue and fat tissue

of women exposed to silicone breast implants.

Platinum in compounds that occur in oxidation states

other than zero (0) may be harmful to human health.

In the compound hexachloroplatinate, the

oxidation state of platinum is +4. No previous study

ever published actually analyzed a breast implant or

explant for the various forms of platinum.


The average amount of time the implants were in the

women's bodies was approximately fourteen years. The

average number of years the women were

explanted before the analyses were conducted was six


The surgically explanted silicone implants in the

study were all 2nd generation implants, from the

1970's through 1988, except for one more recent 3rd

generation " low-bleed " silicone gel breast explant.

Questionnaires were completed to provide information

regarding whether the women had been treated with

platinum-based chemotherapy drugs; had worked in

occupational settings where exposure to platinum may

have occurred; or had dental amalgams that contained



The average platinum concentration in samples from

women exposed to silicone breast implants was found to

be the following when compared to samples from

individuals with no known platinum exposure:

Hair samples 14 times higher

Nail samples 3 times higher

Breast Milk 100 times higher

Urine 60 - 1700 times higher

Our results indicate that platinum migrates from

silicone implants via the lymphatic and blood systems

into the urine, sweat, and breast milk, with deposits

and accumulation in hair and nails. Platinum,

including ionized forms of platinum, may persist years

after the silicone gel breast implants have been

removed. Like lead, platinum may accumulate in bone


The women did not have other platinum exposures that

could explain the results.

All silicone envelopes used in silicone, saline, and

in testicular implants catalyzed with ionized platinum

would be expected to degrade and depolymerize as they



Silicone gel breast implants are the most likely

source of the elevated total platinum levels, and the

reactive forms of platinum in women exposed to these


Chemically Associated Neurological Disorders (CANDO)

P.O. Box 682633

Houston, Texas 77268-2633




Please consider the following in support of platinum

causing systemic harm to the body:

1. Platinum is in cisplatin (a chemotherapy drug).

Cisplatin kills cancer cells but also has well

documented toxic side effects. Research in 1992

" Cisplatin Neurotoxicity: The relationship Between

Dosage, Time, and Platinum Concentration in Neurologic

Tissues, Tissues, and Morphologic Evidence of

Toxicity: states " The increasing histopathologic

toxicity, with an index of exposure to platinum,

suggest that it is retained indefinitely in an

actively neuro-toxic form. "

2. Canadian research 1995 by Templeton documenting

significant platinum found in silicone gel indicating

that the Pt catalyst used in polymerization is not

removed during the manufacturing process.

3. Dow notified the EPA of substantial risk to Dow

Corning 3-8015 Intermediate (Platinum #2). Proprietary

Dow Corning formulation indicates

3-8015 INT (Platinum2) contains chloroplatinic acid.

4. Baylor College of Medicine 1997 research found that

the rates at which both low molecular weigh silicones

and platinum were observed to leak from intact

implants could lead to significant accumulation within

lipid-rich tissues.

5. Research by Farago in 1997 presented at The Sixth

Nordic Symposium on Trace Elements in Human Health and

Disease used ICP-MS to measure platinum in blood and

urine of roadside workers, precious metal workers,

versus controls. The researches state that platinum

provides an excellent example of the significance of

speciation in metal toxicity. They further state that

the allergic response to platinum increases with

increasing number of chlorine atoms, one of the most

potent compounds being hexachloroplatinic acid.

Certain Pt compounds are known to be cytotoxic and

have mutagenic and carcinogenic effects, and to have

effects on microorganisms at very low concentrations.

6. Baylor College of Medicine 1999 research using

distillate which containedplatinum and cyclosiloxanes

indicated that these compounds are highly toxic and

produced extensive tissue injury and death in mice.

7. Plaintiffs' Supplemental Submission on the

Chemistry and Toxicology of Platinum was submitted to

the United States District Court MDL 926 on March 25,

1999 which included a letter from Ernest Lykissa,

Ph.D., forensic toxicologist, stating that the

platinum from breast implants was found to have a

valence of 6+ as in platonic acid.

8. German research by Flassbeck et al (2003) document

significant platinum levels were detected in fibrin

layer and fat tissue of two patients with prostheses.

9. Research has been submitted for publication and is

being reviewed documenting significant levels of

platinum in silicone breast implants implant gel,

elastomer, double lumen, foam, and corresponding

connective tissue of fifteen women who had their

breast implants removed.

10. Research is being written for publication which

speciates the platinum released from implants and in

the blood, urine, hair, nails, and sweat from

thirteen explanted women, their children born after

implantation, versus controls including children born

prior to implantation. Five out of the first eight

explants tested were found to contain platinum in the

oxidized form as high as 6+.

11. Independent research by the FDA and NIH found

increased risk of fibromyalgia, lung and brain cancers

in breast-implanted women.

12. Research is being proposed and funds raised to

determine if the platinum atom from breast implants

attaches to DNA in the same manner as the platinum in

cisplatin (which has a valence of 2+).

13. Unpublished research has been submitted to the FDA

documenting significant platinum was found in the

breast milk of an implanted mother.


234,187 Adverse Reports to FDA on Breast Implants ...

as of 30 Apr 2002


ABSTRACT: Silicosis and other occupational diseases

are still important even in the most developed

countries... * *In fact, at present, silica exposure

may be a risk factor for human health not only for

workers but also for consumers... Furthermore, this

exposure is associated with many other different

disorders besides pulmonary silicosis, such as

progressive systemic sclerosis, systemic lupus

erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis,

glomerulonephritis and vasculitis. The relationships

between these silica-related diseases need to be

clarified, but pathogenic responses to silica are

likely to be mediated by interaction of silica

particles with the immune system, mainly by activation

of macrophages. As regards renal pathology, there is

no single specific clinical or laboratory finding of

silica-induced nephropathy: renal involvement may

occur as a toxic effect or in a context of autoimmune

disease, and silica damage may act as an additive

factor on an existing, well-established renal disease.

An occupational history must be obtained for all renal

patients, checking particularly for exposure to

silica, heavy metals, and solvents.


CONSUMER AND MEDICAL PRODUCTS Silicones have been part

of the consumer industry for over 50 years. Because

they can be manufactured in various ways, silicones

appear in a wide variety of products that most of us

use everyday. Hairsprays, suntan lotions, and

moisturizing creams are just some of the consumer

products that contain one form of silicone called

dimethicone. The applications of silicone, whether

used as an oil, gel, or solid, are equally extensive

in the medical field. For example, the lubricating

qualities of silicones make them ideal for coating

surgical needles and suture thread, as well as the

inside of syringes and bottles used for the storage

of blood and intravenous medicines. Protective

silicone coatings have also been used in pacemakers

and heart valves.

Other medical devices utilizing silicones include:

artificial joints, catheters, drainage systems, facial

implants, tissue expanders, and breast implants.

Silicone products have been shown to be biocompatible,

reliable, flexible, and easy to sterilize, making them

an ideal choice for both implantable and

non-implantable medical devices.


Silica feared as'next asbestos'By Yvette Essen (Filed:


Silica sand, which is often turned into a gel and put

into handbags and electronic goods to soak up

moisture, has become the latest substance to join a

list of toxic products worrying underwriters. Aon, the

second-largest insurance broker, said individuals

extracting silica or working on manufacturing sites

may be overexposed to the product, which could lead

to silicosis - " a disabling, non-reversible and

sometimes fatal lung disease " .

Other problems can include lung cancer, pulmonary

tuberculosis, airway diseases, autoimmune disorders

and chronic renal disease. The broker has added silica

to its toxic substances database, which lists

materials troubling the insurance and reinsurance

industry. Asbestos and tobacco are also on the list,

as is toxic mould - a fungus that grows on walls and

carpets, and can lead to respiratory problems. Aon

said the potential forclass action is " possible " .

While there has been no medical evidence of a link

between silica gel and silicosis, reinsurers are

investigating whether exposure to silica sand could

lead to numerous insurance claims.

Mark Hewett, deputy chairman of Guy Carpenter, the

world's largest reinsurance broker, said his company

is conducting research into silica. He said: " It is a

common product in a natural environment but it starts

to get hazardous if it is cut and the dust particles

get in the air. The big question is, is it the next

asbestos? We think it is probably not but it raises a

number of similar issues. " Silica is used in the stone

masonry business, for glass production and pool filter

sand. Aon says ground silica is " ideal for plastics

and rubber, polishes and cleansers, glassfibre and

precision castings. " Fine-ground silica is a

high-quality filler used in paints and coatings. 2

July 2002: Insurers shun 'new asbestos' [toxic mould]

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