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OT: Central Vision/Movement

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I'm just wondering if anyone else sees this with their child and if so, what types of things you have done to help:

My son has always had a problem with focusing and attending to something in front of him on a desk or table. When he can't escape the activity (like writing at a desk), he will not look directly at the paper, rather he looks to the side. He's a terrible writer because it's so difficult to get him to do this. Related to this "central vision" problem I think is the fact that he appears to be unable/unwilling to stick his tongue out straight. He substitutes the sound "fff" for the "th". He has no problem "reading" his books in his own space and looking centrally at the text/pictures.

When I mention this to the therapists, mostly I get "huh, that's interesting" and I have yet to get anyone to provide me with suggestions/exercises etc. I'm fairly certain this is not a mid-line issue because he crosses in other activities. Also, his vision has been evaluated and other than a slight near-sightedness, his vision and visual tracking is good.

It's obviously uncomfortable for him but he's not verbal enough to say so or to say why.

If you have experienced anything like this, what worked for you? Thanks! - Amy

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