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Important message from Cindy

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Thanks for sending this e-mail. Appreciated.

I personally believe, in the medical community there

really should be great concern when breast implant

children (those mothers & offspring exposed to past

breast implant LOT numbers as well) are NOT fully

tracked...because these kids (of all ages) are being

misdiagnosed...therefore the medical community is not

seeing the truth of how disease/syndromes/mutations

may be elevated by the variants of certain key genes

exerted/induced/enhance/ " turned on " by offending

triggers like silicone gel breast implants/saline

breast implants or whatever type of breast implant lot

number that is placed in the human body over the time

factor of exposure...as the offspring takes " hits " via

fetal cells. Breastfeeding really is just extra

" hits " .

Also, many (women, mothers who opted for the devices)

rather not accept that their breast implants could /

might have or did harm their offspring...because women

( I know I did) for the most part want the breast

implant to be a success within her body.

But, (sadly) the fact of the matter IS: no breast

implant will ever be able to embrace the human body,

the immune response because NO BREAST IMPLANT (the

so-called new cohesive gel included) is NOT, was NOT

crafted/nor tailored to those variants of certain key

genes that are being expressed/induced/exerted/

" turned on " which IS NOT the " cause " of one's genetics

but rather the " cause " of placing in a very offending

so-called medical device that should NOT be in the

body because of the issues of sensitivity, an adverse

reaction, the exerting of the human immune response

and/or death...also mutations, gene expressions of the

offspring as well...This is extremely bad medicine and

self-serving to allow as well, I believe. This is

complete failure of upholding one's oath of First, do

NO harm when all of this medical bushwhacking could be

PREVENTED in the first place.

....so the breast implant companies, plastic surgeons

and the FDA, IOM, NCI, NIH, others in medicine/science

and research and disease organizations are really

living a lie of deception in medicine, science and

research....sadly, the human body is still going to

continue to speak volumes in new patients and new

faces who opt for the devices...and speak great

volumes via the placental barrier through fetal cells

when the offspring takes " hits " as well...further

damning, mutating generations to come, I believe.

I can even say that I did not want to accept that my

breast implants were the problem in the 1970's and

1980's even though I was seeing odd health

problems...it was like Pandora's Box had opened up on

my children and I...others around me noted it, but I

was in denial, just like industry, the FDA and plastic

surgeons are to date....I ALWAYS heard my mother tell

me that she truly believed that my implants were

causing ill health in myself and in our children

because what she observed with the rashes, fevers,

swallowing issues, eye infections, allergies and so

forth WAS NOT NORMAL like in what we all presented

with over time...Even my mother-in-law made

comments...then others did too.

After was born and I saw her skin, tiny

hands/feet and looked at my skin (I had the same skin

that presented with---but after the mastectomy

of breasts with implants attached my skin reversed

along with symptoms) ... I knew that I really messed

up opting for the breast implants in 1976...so that's

when I REALLY started to look at studies, and

information to inform/educate myself....I HAVE done my


Women who opted for breast implants were lied to with

massive deception so that the medical community could

go on with business as usual...with breast implants...

Now days all I can say...is I hope that Deb Pettitt

gets the funding she needs because someone needs to

take a look at the variants of certain key genes that

are being elevated into whatever disease risk...there

is far MORE than one gene

exerted/induced/enhanced/ " turned on " , so I have noted

in our own family.

This is why I personally questioned HLA-typing (our

family was HLA-typed in 1998 in a fetal cells in

scleroderma study) as I personally questioned (HLA,

DNA, RNA) and chimerism/microchimerism with

offspring....which silicone gel breast implants were

included in MY VALID concerns & what I was looking at.

All breast implant exposed women are all really

dealing with a two hit theory....and breast implants

can open up a REAL Pandora's Box of disease within the

human body because of the varied chemical adjuvancy of

breast implant lot numbers I have always believed.

I wrote about this in my IOM letter dated May 30, 1998

which was sent to them at their Public Meeting-Safety

of Silicone Breast implants July 24, 1998 (that

meeting was a joke and cover up about the truth on

breast implants and the real harm to exert)...

.....and I will continue to say what I have in what I

have written about, because it is true and worthy

knowledge: " an adjuvant is a substance that can

enhance the immune response to a foreign material

(such as protein) Remember enhance (TURN ON) a foreign

material (silicone - THE CATALYSTS TOO) such as a

protein - which protein excesses are common in many

diseases, primarily those that stimulate the immune

system, such as lupus, myeloma and similar

conditions....SIMILAR conditions like RA, multiple

sclerosis, scleroderma, diabetes/insulin resistance,

polymyositis /dermatomyositis, other diseases of

autoimmunity, bone dysplasias, other neurological

issues, learning problems with the offspring and

more....breast implants ARE, DO and HAVE opened a huge

Pandora's Box on the human immune response...and one

should NOT get too stuck on which disease but rather

THE FACT that breast implants EXERT/ENHANCE/INDUCE

/TURN ON the human immune response.

So keep in mind when the FDA (who made that free will

choice to sell their souls to industry) the FDA (when

they give approval for silicone gel breast implants)

will actually be giving their approval for

EXERTING/INDUCING/ " TURNING ON " the human immune

resposne with all types of breast implants which were

NOT crafted/ nor tailored to the variants of certain

key genes to avoid sensitivity, adverse reactions, the

exerting of the human immune response and/or

death...also, via the placental barrier as well. Since

when is is good medicine to EXERT/ " TURN ON " the human

immune response? Gosh, they are exerting the immune

response with VIOXX/BEXTRA...and this is not the

" cause " of one's genetics either...its a " two hit "

theory in the works.

I thought the ART OF MEDICINE was suppose to PREVENT

the _expression of disease within the human

body...Well, so much for upholding their oath of

First, do NO harm with a breast implant.

The FDA does not need to give approval to any type of

breast implant...because when they give approval for

this device the FDA WILL be giving approval to exert

the human immune response which is planting a bad seed

in the body. If they want to place the devices on the

market then go ahead....but without approval, to use

at one's own risk.

MUCH MORE studies & finding need to be done in a

truly dispassionate manner to uphold the oath of

First, do no harm with silicone gel breast

implants...they are a Pandora's Box devices and need

to be BLACK BOX to the max & these devices ARE NOT

safe with offspring either. There needs to be mention

of this in black boxing of breast implants that

mothers are using the devices at the risk of health

issues on their offspring.

Take care, Fuchs-sey

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