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Re: You aren't going to believe this!!! (Okay... yes, you will!!!)

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Dawn, You are my hero today. I am so proud of you. It is these "1 on 1" experiences that make it all worth while. I have had a few since I realized it was my salines making me sick. Keep up the good work! da7ofus <dawnsusan@...> wrote: In my search for a surgeon I called a in Miami from your list Dr. Barroso. He DOES do en bloc, for the record. It's the onlytype of explant he does when possible.Anyway, I was speaking with the

receptionist/coordinator. When sheasked him if he did en bloc, he assumed I had old silicone implantsand she wanted to confirm that. I told her that, no, I had saline, and they were only a year old, but I was having some related healthproblems. She asked me what kind and I told her (the usual we in thisgroup are all familiar with). She told me there was NO WAY thatautoimmune disorders were related to implants. Instead of bristling,I said something like," Well, I have been reading a lot about it,talked to a few surgeons who have actually confirmed my exact symptomsare similar to those many women have, etc, and that a lot of womenreally improve once they get their implants out. Even bloodworkimproves." She said there was no literature to prove it. I said, "aucontraire!" Then she asked me to send her links to what I am learningbecause she herself had saline implants put in four years ago, and twoyears ago, SHE WAS

DIAGNOSED WITH LUPUS. She has always been told theywere unrealted and hasn't questioned it.Not only did I possibly reach one suffering woman, but it may actuallyreach and convince that surgeon she works for!Welp, I dun did sumpin' good today.Dawn in FLDawn

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