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Re: Re: Autism & Vit. D

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Unbelievable...sometimes it feels like we're living in the twilight zone.

Subject: Re: Autism & Vit. DTo: mb12 valtrex Date: Saturday, December 27, 2008, 2:56 PM

re Vit DI entered the fray on Vit D and autism in an unusual way, as i was searching the effects of vaccine aluminum on metabolism. As a good friend of mine, a retired pediatrician was defending false shaken baby cases, he asked me to review some xrays and in short order, i realized that the textbooks and peer reviewed science on what constitutes "battered child fractures" was nothing more than nutritional deficiencies, Vit K, C and D. So here is where it got real interesting. It appears that a large number of kids with bruises, bleeds in the head, SIDS, fractures are a combination of vaccine reactions setup by horrible nutrition policies by our old friends at the AAP, FDA, etc etcThe prevalence of Vit D deficiency in the US is epidemic, a black mom, who breast feeds will have an infant with Vit D def, almost a guarantee... ..sun is the major factor, mom and baby. of course the AAP

wasn't happy enough endorsing mercury, they had to restrict sunshine in the first 6 months and call for sunblock after that. Sunscreen reduces Vit D skin conversion by 97%Even in white moms who breastfed, their kids have a very high prevalence of D deficiency, in the neighborhood of 4-20%, depending on the study.There is ample evidence that what mom takes while pregnant and what baby takes in multivitamin is FAR TOO LITTLE. Mom may need as much as 6,000 D3 and baby 2,400 D3 daily. The AAP endorces 400 IU daily, just doubled the recommendation after years of criticism, still not nearly enough, especially for those at risk.Aluminum is a notorious inhibitor of Vit D and K metabolism on many fronts.....the signs and symptoms of Vit D deficiency and aluminum toxicity are in fact very similar. Early infancy hypovitaminosis D presents as hypocalcemia, spasms, choking, seizures, failure to thrive, gut

distenstion/ dysmotility, myoclonus, etc. This of course includes SIDS. So I have no doubt that the doses in vaccines is contributory. Doses of aluminum hydroxide at 60 mcg/kg is known to be bone and brain toxic. Via vaccines, kids get 75 and 250 mcg/kg at birth and at 2 months from the vaccine schedule! One Boston study looked at 380 health newborns and found D deficiency in 40%. Of those kids that tested positive, xrays showed 30% had demineralized bone and 7.5% had overt rickets! This is appalling and another proud moment for our pediatric community. I am not convinced that Vit D is an independent risk factor for autism, but rather a biomarker for aluminum effect. Regardless, I would suggest sunshine in the summer and Vit D3 year around. Cod liver oil has some D, so balance with what you are giving your kids from all sources. Sadly, only about 30% of dairy has any Vit D in it at all, the

fortification has been apparently pulled back, unbeknownst to many.

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