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this list and rachel

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cheryl and i worked hard to have a open list ..a haven for people in pain...

now when rachel nrought this to the list a while ago i told her to take it

to me off list not to any other members...so u who werent here when this

started quite some time ago dont judge anyone please and dont judge me either

rachel has attacked me ..my husbands character .. and i still have not removed

her ....tommie and chelle have been nothing but kind to everyone here all this

is because rachel sent tommie a box of food then told the list twice to

embarrass her.... then demanded it back and the postahe...yet when rachell


get ssi and her husband didn't work for years she whined on this list until

people sent her money and if u choose to send someone something that's your

choice but many on the list were coming to me about it we have a girl on this

list who joined at 17 she is 23 now a college gradute who has RSD caused by

a hernia operation she is getting married this christmas and never posts

just reads and talks to me privately she has never had a pain med because

drs think she is to young ...so she lives on..

as for u rachel dont attack my members on or off list cuz i dont think many

would leave with you because they dont have any reason to trust you ...ive

seen u do this time and again and im done with it ..I may not post a lot but i

read them all and i am aware whats going on


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In a message dated 9/3/2008 5:54:57 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

starlyin@... writes:


seen u do this time and again and im done with it ..I may not post a lot but


read them all and i am aware whats going on

I totally agree with everything that Rose states here. I have been offline

for a few days and didn't even know all this went on. Seems as if every time

something like this goes on, is always involved in it. Although I

post even less than Rose (lol) I DO try to keep up with the members. I want

to tell everyone on this group that Rose has put up with a lot of heartache

and total CRAP from this list, and I do not appreciate her being put down for

not getting involved. As she said, we started this group to have a place to

come to and share our problems...and the ONLY rule has been to bring NO PAIN

to anyone else. I think it is time to discontinue all this BS and settle down

and bring good things to each other.



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