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Re: Nolo's SSDI Guide, ICD-9-CM

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You're right sw, SSA is not primarily oriented to disease causation but to

consensus medical standard-of-care diagnosis. The resources sent previously, the

Nolo's SSDI Guide and Medilexicon ICD-9-CM diagnostic codes, help navigate their

lingo. For the information of the resource restrained, SSA will provide medical

exam. As with all professionals, some are top notch, others lacking. It helps to

orient functional limitations and disease conditions into their lingo.

wiedb <wiedb@...> wrote:

The most important thing to remember is the Social Security DOESN'T

GIVE A DAMN about the mold.

They want to know what is wrong that keeps you from doing your job.

They don't care what caused it. How does your physicial condition keep

you from doing your job. If you pay to get a physchological exam done,

get a neuropsych done, preferably by one of the drs that have tested

toxic brains before.(Kilborn, Didrickson, Singer) Many ins policies

will cover these exams. They range from around $1500 & up.

Good luck.



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