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Re: Re: Merck Manual

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I, too, am being sent by SS to a psychologist next week. What is it they are

looking for? I know I'n not crazy but the illness, the chronic pain, fatigue

and not being able to work sure has me upset, anxious and pretty down in the

dumps. Do they want you to be depressed, anxious, etc. so they can just say

it is all in your head and then deny you benefits. I've never been to a

psychologist so I have no idea what to expect. What kinds of things are they

going to be doing? My paper from SS says bring the child with you and all

medications and that the appt. may take 2-3 hrs.!! I think they sent the wrong

letter. The other Dr. they have me seeing is a physiotherapist, the info they

sent me doesn't even have the correct office phone # for me to use and the

directions they sent are all wrong!! Makes me wonder if they really want me to

find the guy!?!!!!!!


Rhonda, I don't think it's much to worry about. you do some tests that

basically are to deturmine what state of mind your in. they may

diagnose anixity and depression or PTSD. if you know or think you have

mcs and the room that you do the tests in is bothering you, I would

tell them about it. I was still in moldy enviroment when they did my

testing. thought I had did well on written quwstions but maybe not. at

that time I had just found out about mold in one house but was liveing

back in the first one and hadn't really realized the mold problem there.

all my symptoms ran together and i didn't have a clue to what had been

happening to me all those years. was still believeing my doctor and

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We all know the term paid whores...so let me give a readers digest version

of how I got SS under the diagnosis of toxic encephalopathy.

1. DEMAND that they provide you WITH a " professional " who understands

your illness. I DEMANDED that they give me o someone with medical

background npt astupid liberal arts degreed " professiona; " who was on

their " payroll " aka list of porviders.

2. Deamdn they give you that persons CV, CEU's and all courses in A & P,

neurology, and medical sciencws, not the generic stuff you get as an


3. DEMAND they tell you HOW many people they TREATED, evaluted with your

problem. If none, then that perosn is NOT wqualified to evaluate ypu.

4. They state if they do not give you someone who is qualifed then you

will charge them with medical malpractice and go to the news media....SSA

does NOT like publicity.

5. Call your federal rep (senator/congresisonal rep) thats what they are

there for.

6. Demand to deal with a REAL person not a clerk/ontact person who is

giving you the so call " requirements.

7. I MADE them give me the opportunity to QUESTION who they wanted me to

go to. We went OUTSIDE of thier list of paid whores. I got a board

certified phd in neurotoxicology to do my eval. I interviewed him and

then agreed he was acceptable and they made arrangements to pay him. NOw

you have to understand the system. Each claimaint is allocated something

like 260 or so for them to sp[end on you. SO of course the cheapest

whpres are the psychologists.

8. This guy specialized in traumatic brain injuries and I know the chems

hit the CNS with me.

9. He did not know the tests to be done and I provided him with the info

and he agreed the tests were useful in determining my disability.

10. I made him be fragrance free etc. We spent a couple of times talking

and I was ME. NO act just me and my usual attitrude towards things. Then

we did the tests in a fairly neutral environment. I DID NOT look to

appear sick or anything like that.

11. He was very interested in TE as he really never dealt with it in his

practice but knew about it.

12. I did the tests to the best of my ability as I wanted him to see I

WAS able to function in a netural environment. I DID keep asking him nhow

I was doing as I was very concerned that my ability was coming through.

13. After we did the testing I DEMANDED that he come and watch me get

" whacked " he resisted but I forced the issue. I told him UNLESS ypu see

how things affect me you can not truly make a valid determination. So we

went on a tour of the apt complex so I could find something to trigger me.

I started to react by mubbling, and stumbling on wprds. He asked what is

it, I told him it was laundry stuff and of course he didn't notice

anything, I was now getting spacy and starting to not be able to respond

as fast as I was previsouly. We turned a corner and he noticed the smell,

so he did see I smelled at a higher level then him. I stayed there and

got sicker in front of his eyes. I was in my doe in the headlights look,

unable to speak as the words didn;t want to come out, it was if I knew

what I wanted to say but was missing the step in my brain to say them. By

now I was literally tripping on blades of grass. He determined it was

time for me to get out opf there.

14. We was concerned that I was sick and wanted to be sure I could

reverse it. I DEMANDED that he retest me to see the loss of

functionability and we did.

15. I was not able to recreate that " block " testas I did before and I was

not able to talk in the manner he was used to seeing me perform.

16. His report stated that my performance was impaired with the chemcials

and my ability was very clearly defined.

17. I had been complaining from our initial talk I felt like I was

getting dumb/stupid as I knew I had a iq of 140 something and now things

would not process or come across as such. His testing detrermined that my

iq tested at I think 117 or 119 but my ability to understand and explain

abstract concepts was higher than I tested, but he could not verify it was

previous;y at 140+.

18. There was no doubt that the cheicals did have an effect on my

cognitive ability. THerefore, it was NOT PSYCHOLOGICAL and I was awarded

SS under toxic encephaloapthy. Woth requirements of bieng in a work

environment that was chemcially neutral. THat I was stressed over having

an illness that is not understood by most people.

19. Try to stand up foryourself and hold off until you can get a REAL

person who can give you a honest independent evaluation. Be yourself and

let them see how it affects you.

20. Most of the paid whores are looking to see if they can peg you as

being depressed as that gives them the abiloty to call these illnesses

everything but what they truly are. Everything is a statistic with them.

21. THey know claimiants are DESPERATE for $ and they force you to hold

out and accept whatever diagnosis they give you so you can receive

benefits. It SUCKS what they do and get away with.

22. THe paidwhores look to see how you are dressed, are you dirty,

dishelved, are you " derpessed " looking or acting, Are you taking care of

hygiene, feeding yourself, able to do normal daily acitivites.

> Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2007 19:50:26 EST From: ssr3351@... Reply-To:

> Subject:

> Re: [] Re: Merck Manual



> I, too, am being sent by SS to a psychologist next week. What is it they are

> looking for? I know I'n not crazy but the illness, the chronic pain, fatigue

> and not being able to work sure has me upset, anxious and pretty down in the

> dumps. Do they want you to be depressed, anxious, etc. so they can just say

> it is all in your head and then deny you benefits. I've never been to a

> psychologist so I have no idea what to expect. What kinds of things are they

> going to be doing? My paper from SS says bring the child with you and all

> medications and that the appt. may take 2-3 hrs.!! I think they sent the


> letter. The other Dr. they have me seeing is a physiotherapist, the info they

> sent me doesn't even have the correct office phone # for me to use and the

> directions they sent are all wrong!! Makes me wonder if they really want me to

> find the guy!?!!!!!!


> Sue


> Rhonda, I don't think it's much to worry about. you do some tests that

> basically are to deturmine what state of mind your in. they may

> diagnose anixity and depression or PTSD. if you know or think you have

> mcs and the room that you do the tests in is bothering you, I would

> tell them about it. I was still in moldy enviroment when they did my

> testing. thought I had did well on written quwstions but maybe not. at

> that time I had just found out about mold in one house but was liveing

> back in the first one and hadn't really realized the mold problem there.

> all my symptoms ran together and i didn't have a clue to what had been

> happening to me all those years. was still believeing my doctor and







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What is PTSD? If you say you are depressed is that in my favor or not?


he should spend quite a bit of time talking to you, this is when you

tell him what you've been through. yes, you may get diagnosed with

PTSD, they do put you on disability for that. and if they do it's

nothing to be embaressed about. the cause can be more physilogical

than pychological with mold illness.

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You are a smart man Joe, DL...Huh. Never would of thought of that.


joseph salowitz <josephsalowitz@...> wrote:

You can read the entire Merck Manual, including the psychological

test,online,for free, by going to www.merckmedicus.com, and registering

as a doctor. It perfectly legal to do so, as long as you don't pretend

to be a doctor, when sharing the information you learn, with others.

This web site provides free access to many medical texts. When you

register, they may ask you, online, for your license number and the

state that issued the license. Enter your real driver's license number

and state. Or any other valid license, as they do not

specify " physician's " license.

Once registered, look on the right side of their home page for " Merck

Manual Professional Edition, and click on it. On the next page that

opens, click on " psychiatric disorders " on the left side of the page.

On the next page that opens, click on " approach to the patient with

mental complaints " . On the next page that opens, click on " medical

assessment of patient with mental symptoms " .

This is the page with the test. You can print it out, but,

unfortunately, there does not seem to be a way to save it to your

computer, or email it. There is no mention of mold, mycotoxins, or

multiple chemical sensitivities, as a possible cause of mental

disorders. So, if you are waiting for a doctor, who does things " BY THE

BOOK " , to recognize their connection to mental disorders, don't hold

your breath. Holding your breath would probably make you fail the test.

But, you might get lucky, and find a doctor who can think outside the

box, or " outside the book " , who will see the connection. Good Luck.



> I think the wriiten tests basically deturmine if your well rounded in

> the mental area. several differents tests. one may be to determine if

> you are a lier. things like that. all i remember is that in report he

> said i was very well rounded, didn't exagerate, and was very

> truthful. than deturmined more from the interview what he diagnosed

> me with. i do remember one written test that asked questions about

> how i felt so that one may of been more to do with diagnoseing

> illness. sorry i was pretty out of it than and don't remember that

> much about it.I would stress that the main thing is to be truthful.---


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Post Tramatic Stress Disorder.


ssr3351@... wrote:

What is PTSD? If you say you are depressed is that in my favor or not?


he should spend quite a bit of time talking to you, this is when you

tell him what you've been through. yes, you may get diagnosed with

PTSD, they do put you on disability for that. and if they do it's

nothing to be embaressed about. the cause can be more physilogical

than pychological with mold illness.

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Marcie, what do they base PTSD on? Do I tell them I'm depressed about not

working, loss of income, stressed about my CHRONIC illness, only 55 and my life

as I knew it is gone forever. Love my kids and husband and can't do what I

used to do. Can't even attend business & military functions with my husband.

Difficult going to funerals and many other places including church!!


Post Tramatic Stress Disorder.


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I am so sorry. I am younger and I feel the same. But HOPE--never give up your

HOPE! sending good luck to you and postive thoughts your way, Jane

I truly mean that too.

ssr3351@... wrote:

Marcie, what do they base PTSD on? Do I tell them I'm depressed about not

working, loss of income, stressed about my CHRONIC illness, only 55 and my life

as I knew it is gone forever. Love my kids and husband and can't do what I

used to do. Can't even attend business & military functions with my husband.

Difficult going to funerals and many other places including church!!


Post Tramatic Stress Disorder.


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I feel exactly the same way, Sue--even to go to the grocery & the bank, etc., on

one day is often about ALL I can do. The fatigue of my illness is so

overwhelming sometimes, I have to come home & sleep half the afternoon--I hate

that! I used to be a VERY active person, working full time, & even going

dancing 2 nites a week.....till I awoke one morning in SEVERE pain, & could

hardly move my legs. The story never ends......this isn't a bad dream. Its a


Take care, & God bless & help us all!!

Re: [] Re: Merck Manual

I am so sorry. I am younger and I feel the same. But HOPE--never give up your

HOPE! sending good luck to you and postive thoughts your way, Jane

I truly mean that too.

ssr3351@... wrote:

Marcie, what do they base PTSD on? Do I tell them I'm depressed about not

working, loss of income, stressed about my CHRONIC illness, only 55 and my


as I knew it is gone forever. Love my kids and husband and can't do what I

used to do. Can't even attend business & military functions with my husband.

Difficult going to funerals and many other places including church!!


Post Tramatic Stress Disorder.


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It's just like a King story ONLY IT ISN " T A



I feel exactly the same way, Sue--even to go to the grocery & the bank,

etc., on one day is often about ALL I can do. The fatigue of my illness is so

overwhelming sometimes, I have to come home & sleep half the afternoon--I hate

that! I used to be a VERY active person, working full time, & even going

dancing 2 nites a week.....till I awoke one morning in SEVERE pain, & could


move my legs. The story never ends......this isn't a bad dream. Its a true


Take care, & God bless & help us all!!

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One of these days, maybe he'll write a novel about US, Sue!

Wouldn't THAT be a trip?!

Re: [] Re: Merck Manual

It's just like a King story ONLY IT ISN " T A



I feel exactly the same way, Sue--even to go to the grocery & the bank,

etc., on one day is often about ALL I can do. The fatigue of my illness is so

overwhelming sometimes, I have to come home & sleep half the afternoon--I hate

that! I used to be a VERY active person, working full time, & even going

dancing 2 nites a week.....till I awoke one morning in SEVERE pain, & could


move my legs. The story never ends......this isn't a bad dream. Its a true


Take care, & God bless & help us all!!

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Yes, it would, !!! A frightening nightmare that would scare everyone

to death!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of these days, maybe he'll write a novel about US, Sue!

Wouldn't THAT be a trip?!

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VICTORIA ????????????

Re: [] Re: Merck Manual

Yes, it would, !!! A frightening nightmare that would scare everyone

to death!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of these days, maybe he'll write a novel about US, Sue!

Wouldn't THAT be a trip?!

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I don't know, but someone has to listen someday soon!!! I took a copy of Dr.

Shoemaker's book to the local hospital library. Even if just one Dr. picks

it up and reads it would be one more person that knows about the illness!!!!!!

I also gave one to my local Dr. I keep trying and will not give up!!!



VICTORIA ????????????

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Does Dr. Shoemaker offer quantity discounts on Mold Warriors?

I think that his book would be a good gift for all different sorts of


On 1/16/07, ssr3351@... <ssr3351@...> wrote:



> I don't know, but someone has to listen someday soon!!! I took a copy of

> Dr.

> Shoemaker's book to the local hospital library. Even if just one Dr. picks


> it up and reads it would be one more person that knows about the

> illness!!!!!!

> I also gave one to my local Dr. I keep trying and will not give up!!!


> Sue



> VICTORIA ????????????



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LiveSimply wrote:

> Does Dr. Shoemaker offer quantity discounts on Mold Warriors?


When I was last in his office, when leaving, they offer them for 15.00

each when paying your bill

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I'm not completely sure. My memory is shot, but I think he gives a discount

on a case. I know I bought a case and brought them home then some I sold

and others I donated. I felt it was my contribution to a very good cause. The

local hospital libraries are a good place to start and then your local Drs.

and ANYONE who is willing to read it!! I even sold one to the place where I get

my haircut! They leave it out with the magazines for people to read.

I think it would be great if we came up with a brochure for the sick

building group with info and mold facts that we could download and print. That


we all could print them hang them up in libraries, give them to Drs. offices

any place where the public has to sit, wait and READ!!!! Trifold would be great

to fold, keep them in the car and take them everywhere you go!!


Does Dr. Shoemaker offer quantity discounts on Mold Warriors?

I think that his book would be a good gift for all different sorts of


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I think the $15 is just a one time deal for patients.


LiveSimply wrote:

> Does Dr. Shoemaker offer quantity discounts on Mold Warriors?


When I was last in his office, when leaving, they offer them for 15.00

each when paying your bill

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Re: [] Re: Merck Manual

I don't know, but someone has to listen someday soon!!! I took a copy of Dr.

Shoemaker's book to the local hospital library. Even if just one Dr. picks

it up and reads it would be one more person that knows about the illness!!!!!!

I also gave one to my local Dr. I keep trying and will not give up!!!



VICTORIA ????????????

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