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Re: would it be accurate to asume that

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Just shooting from the hip, but my best guess would be it's an immune

disfunction. This disease seems to affect every organ in the body,

including the brain. So like all the other organs that behave in

adverse ways while under stress the brain is no exception. So I would

hypothesize whatever is happening to your heart and lungs and liver

and digestive track is also happening to your brain.

Interesting thing I have noticed is that mental stress put's me into

total discombobulation. Things like finances especially. Or problem

solving skills. Or difficult mental chores. I think if you could trick

your brain into not being stressed the episodes could be minimized. I

have tried playing this game on myself and always failed to overcome

the fog. Unless I just sit down and say I have to do this no matter

what and than when I forget that I am stressed the fog seems to go

away or is minimized.

Another way to look at it is if you were to restrict the flow of fuel

to your carburetor and push the gas to the floor the engine would

sputter. As long as you drive slowly and don't make any sudden demands

for power from the engine their is adequate fuel and it seems to run

normally. Take newspaper, I can read it and not experience difficulty.

Because my brain is not stressed and actually into whatever I am

reading about. Their is no stress or sense of a difficult task and the

demand on the brain doesn't cause any difficulty or " brain fog "

Physics and astronomy the same thing, because I enjoy it and am into

it. Although if I start going over my bank statements and bills I go

into a tailspin.

Don't mention this to MD's, they will interpolate this as

psychological and the idea that it's rooted in or because the brain is

traumatized in the first place will fly right over their heads.

On Fri, 19 Jan 2007 20:03:14 -0000, you wrote:

>everytime you suffer a mcs attack and brain fog comes on, that it is

>presure on the brain causesing brain fog?

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, the prefrontal cortex is damaged with mold/myco exposure.

this article that live just posted makes perfect sence to me. I

called it distraction, they call it interference. even though this

testing was done on people with out prefrontal cortex damage the

effects of the testing they did can explain what has happened to our

prefrontal cortex. and I can tell you that a mcs hit can severely

effect the part of the pf cortex that helps us control intrusive

thoughts and/or getting distracted, and even without takeing a hit it

is affected to a certain extent so this is the permanent damage and a

mcs hit makes it worse. maybe this is part of the reason why I was

diagnosed with ptsd right after my exposure caused toxic brain injury

and because I didn't have a clue than of what all my exposure did to

me, I was not practiceing advoidence so this effect was in a constant

state. again, nothing psychological about it, it was brain damage,

but of corse I also was haveing psychological effects, I was

suffering extreme pain, it would be imposable not to have

psychological effects with that. and anyone on this board who really

has suffered damage from mycotoxin exposure is lieing if they say

they are not suffering some psychological effects from what they have

been through. haveing said that, there is also alot of physilogical

stress going on here that is tottally unstated or reconized by


Controlling confusion -- Researchers make insight into memory,



> MADISON -- Why do we forget? Do memories decay on their own, or are

> they harmed by interference from similar memories? Using a technique

> called " transcranial magnetic stimulation " (TMS), brain researchers


> the University of Wisconsin-Madison may have found the answer.


> Although the notion of decay makes sense, Brad Postle, assistant

> professor of psychology at UW-Madison, says it may be inaccurate.


> " Psychologists have known for decades that the intuitive notion of

> decay is probably less of a factor in forgetting than is

> interference, " he says. Interference occurs, he says, when " other

> remembered information disrupts, competes with or confuses the

> information that you want to remember. "


> Interference is always present, Postle says, but we don't always

notice it.


> " An obvious case is like yesterday, when a friend was telling me his

> cell phone number but actually gave me his home phone number, " he

> says. Another scenario is equally familiar: we get most details of


> story right, but misidentify the source. Or we remember that the

> quotation comes from Shakespeare, but we name the wrong play.


> " Interference is also often to blame, " says Postle, " in cases when


> simply can't remember something. "


> If blocking interference is so important to a good memory, where -


> how - does that blocking occur " In a study published in the

> Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on the week of Dec.


> 2006, Postle - together with Guilio Tononi of the UW-Madison School


> Medicine and Public Health, and Eva Federoes, a researcher in the

> UW-Madison department of psychology - studied how part of the


> prefrontal cortex can reduce the disruptive effects of interference.

> The prefrontal cortex is responsible for complex thought.


> From brain scans, scientists already knew that the sub-region under

> study, called the inferior frontal gyrus, or IFG, is active when

> volunteers take memory tests while confronting interference. But was

> the IFG essential to controlling interference, or was it just

> contributing more brain horsepower to complex memory tasks " To


> that question, the researchers temporarily disrupted the IFG using

> TMS, a noninvasive technique that shows potential for treating

> depression and other disorders.


> " TMS is a technique that allows the induction of a current in the

> brain using a magnetic field that passes through the scalp and the

> skull safely and painlessly, " says Tononi, a pioneer in refining the

> technique for brain research. " TMS can be used to briefly 'scramble'

> neural activity in the underlying brain area for a short time,

> typically a second or so. This scrambling is fully reversible, and

> after the pulsing, the targeted brain area becomes fully functional

> again. "


> Neuroscientists have traditionally identified the roles of


> parts of the brain by studying people with brain injury. TMS allows

> them to do a similar study on healthy volunteers, Tononi says.


> " The great advantage for researchers, " he says, " is that one can


> whether a given brain area is causally involved in producing a given

> behavior, but as soon as the current is turned off, the brain


> to normal. "


> In the current study, volunteers read a group of letters ( " F, B, P,

> X " ), and were asked a few seconds later whether a particular letter

> had appeared in the most recent group ( " Did you just see a 'Z' " " ).


> this type of test, having seen a " Z " in the string-before-last


> interference that makes the task more difficult. The subjects take

> longer to respond, and are more likely to incorrectly say " yes. "


> The research set-up was designed to be a simplified version of many

> everyday memory challenges, says Postle. Without a good sorting

> mechanism, our brains would be utterly confused by the vast amount


> observations, ideas and memories that we have stored away. We might,

> for example, dial the phone number of the friend we just called


> than the one we intended to call.


> In previous studies of interference, the IFG consistently lit up in

brain scans, showing that it does something when the memory tries to

> deal with interference. But the IFG could simply be contributing


> type of generic processing power to the task, says Postle.


> However, the new study proved that the IFG is essential to blocking

> interference, he says, because accuracy plummeted when the IFG got a

> brief jolt of magnetic stimulation at the exact moment when the

> subject was confronting confusion.


> Eventually, Postle hopes that locating the site of specific memory

> operations in the brain may help the millions of people with


> memories. " Understanding how the brain controls interference may be


> first step to helping people with memory problems, " he says.


> The precise system used to target the magnetic pulse has many other

> applications in neuroscience research and treatment, Tononi

adds. " TMS

> can be used not only to disrupt brain activity, but also to change


> If applied repeatedly, TMS can strengthen certain circuits that have

> become pathologically weak, " he says.


> TMS is already being tested to treat severe depression, one of the

> most serious psychiatric illnesses. In studying this treatment, he

> adds, " It is important to be able to target TMS exactly to the right

> area for each individual brain, just as we did in this study. "

> ###



Tenenbaum, (608) 265-8549, djtenenb@...


> >everytime you suffer a mcs attack and brain fog comes on, that it


> >presure on the brain causesing brain fog?


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, . let me try to explain how the brain damage happened as I

see it. the second house caused overload, the liver could not detox,

high amounts of many toxic molds there and voc's. the cns/spinal

infecton and vascular effects caused my brain to swell. this swelling

caused my ear canals to close almost shut. there had to be a outlet

for the csf build up in my brain. it was comeing out my nose and

draining down my throat. my nose ran constantly and had sores in and

around it and my throat was raw.(at the first house my nose was dry

and burned) while in the house not much could drain from the ears so

it came out the nose and down the throat.but going outside would

relieve the pressure enough that my ear canals opened a little and it

would than flow more out my ears. I remember thinking " where was all

this water comeing from, it was strange and I though it was liquid

from my sinuses but couldn't understand why it looked like water,

because the csf had passed certain barriers in the head and drained

from my ears, nose and down my throat it relieved pressure in my

spine and head so I had relief from both headackes and back pain

caused by exposure, at the expence of brain injury which included

effects to my vision. after getting out of this home and a month of

staying with my daughter I moved back into the first home still not

realizeing there was toxic molds there,where once again the extreme

back pain and headackes suffered there before returned even more

severe than before. now I had had sinus infections in this first

house and mucus was yellow and green but never like water. I had no

allergy symptoms and still dont. well have to cut this short, my

daughter needs to use the puter.

> >

> > >everytime you suffer a mcs attack and brain fog comes on, that


> is

> > >presure on the brain causesing brain fog?

> >


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Thank you for everything you have done! You have a lot of guts to come out

in the open and tell other people about what you have been through and its

implications for you..

You have helped all of us tremendously with this stuff you track down and

your thoughts, which have certainly helped me understand things I didn't

before, tremendously.

Like this ear stuff.. some of which happened to me too.

Just so you should know, important people have told me that they think that

stuff you find has a lot of value in it.. (not my words, those of one of the

primary real-life researchers on this subject!) and they ARE getting read

widely, and also passed on, at least by me, to off-list but still involved

people who can really use them! I am sure other people are doing that too.

Thank you!

You are beginning to have a cult following in the scientific community.. ;)

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Your problem sounds a lot worse than anything I have ever experienced.

Did have sinus pressure but no headaches or indication that it was

affecting the brain. Also had areas that felt like chemical burns on

my scalp and in my ears. Besides being alarming this was nothing


Had a cat scan done years ago and I have a polyp in my sinus cavity

but this they said was common and nothing to worry about.

n Sat, 20 Jan 2007 21:14:48 -0000, you wrote:

>, . let me try to explain how the brain damage happened as I

>see it. the second house caused overload, the liver could not detox,

>high amounts of many toxic molds there and voc's. the cns/spinal

>infecton and vascular effects caused my brain to swell. this swelling

>caused my ear canals to close almost shut. there had to be a outlet

>for the csf build up in my brain. it was comeing out my nose and

>draining down my throat. my nose ran constantly and had sores in and

>around it and my throat was raw.(at the first house my nose was dry

>and burned) while in the house not much could drain from the ears so

>it came out the nose and down the throat.but going outside would

>relieve the pressure enough that my ear canals opened a little and it

>would than flow more out my ears. I remember thinking " where was all

>this water comeing from, it was strange and I though it was liquid

>from my sinuses but couldn't understand why it looked like water,

>because the csf had passed certain barriers in the head and drained

>from my ears, nose and down my throat it relieved pressure in my

>spine and head so I had relief from both headackes and back pain

>caused by exposure, at the expence of brain injury which included

>effects to my vision. after getting out of this home and a month of

>staying with my daughter I moved back into the first home still not

>realizeing there was toxic molds there,where once again the extreme

>back pain and headackes suffered there before returned even more

>severe than before. now I had had sinus infections in this first

>house and mucus was yellow and green but never like water. I had no

>allergy symptoms and still dont. well have to cut this short, my

>daughter needs to use the puter.



>> >

>> > >everytime you suffer a mcs attack and brain fog comes on, that


>> is

>> > >presure on the brain causesing brain fog?

>> >



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I don't want to offend anyone but the subject line is messed up lots

of times. No biggie. If I can say one thing Jeanne sends out lots of

great posts but there are so many, and they are very detailed. Lots

of times I don't read them, cuz I try to read everything in detail

and understand it but sometimes there are so many articles and there

is no time to read them all. Is there a way to give us an indication

what an article is about or if it is very important, or a paragraph

about the article so we can tell what it is about. Lot of times

there is just a link and there are so many. Not that I don't mind

reading and no insult to anyone, just want to determine what an

article covers somewhat. Don't mean to step on anyone toes. :)


--- In , LiveSimply <quackadillian@...>



> Jeanine,


> Thank you for everything you have done! You have a lot of guts to

come out

> in the open and tell other people about what you have been through

and its

> implications for you..


> You have helped all of us tremendously with this stuff you track

down and

> your thoughts, which have certainly helped me understand things I


> before, tremendously.


> Like this ear stuff.. some of which happened to me too.


> Just so you should know, important people have told me that they

think that

> stuff you find has a lot of value in it.. (not my words, those of

one of the

> primary real-life researchers on this subject!) and they ARE

getting read

> widely, and also passed on, at least by me, to off-list but still


> people who can really use them! I am sure other people are doing

that too.

> Thank you!


> You are beginning to have a cult following in the scientific

community.. ;)




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, I know subject lines are often missed up, often the subject

changes without the heading changeing. hard for new people to follow

some times. Barb already had a post on her subject on vision and

brain fog going. I started a new one related to my subject on mcs and

brain injury and barb not only changed heading but also the subject.

my subject had nothing to do with hers as mine was related to mcs and

brain injury and brain fog with mcs. I dont care if someones changes

or adds to the heading or changes heading if subject within has

changed. but when its a different subject you should start a new link

not change some else and the subject. on posting articles, sorry, but

I do what I can. my vision is not the best and for a while my

keyboard wasn't the best. again I can only do so much and leave the

rest up to people in the group helping thierself. I don't save all

these links to my harddrive where I can copy and paste, I save them

to my web 2.0 that way if my old puter goes down thier not lost,

thats why I only can post the link. the leadline is usually the name

of the link. there is no way I could save them all. some times I also

list what to put in your search to bring up that link and others

witch also gives a clue of topic. again, I can only do so much, the

rest is up to who ever is interested enough to explore it, and sadly,

some are not interested or don't believe just how sick you can get

with exposure because they can only see what they have been through

even though they may not even realize the extent of thier illness

yet. the brain fog barb may be refering to may be damage to the

prefrontal cortex which I suffered to in my first home which is a

form of brain injury and toxin exposure that affects the brain may

also effect the eyes. when your brain swells to the point of csf

leaks you may suffer another from of brain injury that effects your

short term memory and increase prefrontal cortex disfunction and some

have experienced brain damage to the point that they have to relearn

things like how to tie thier shoes. again sorry about the links but

I'm sick like everyone else here and I can only do so much.

> >

> > Jeanine,

> >

> > Thank you for everything you have done! You have a lot of guts


> come out

> > in the open and tell other people about what you have been


> and its

> > implications for you..

> >

> > You have helped all of us tremendously with this stuff you track

> down and

> > your thoughts, which have certainly helped me understand things I

> didn't

> > before, tremendously.

> >

> > Like this ear stuff.. some of which happened to me too.

> >

> > Just so you should know, important people have told me that they

> think that

> > stuff you find has a lot of value in it.. (not my words, those of

> one of the

> > primary real-life researchers on this subject!) and they ARE

> getting read

> > widely, and also passed on, at least by me, to off-list but still

> involved

> > people who can really use them! I am sure other people are doing

> that too.

> > Thank you!

> >

> > You are beginning to have a cult following in the scientific

> community.. ;)

> >

> >

> >

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When you change subject, you are supposed to change heading. When I

hit the reply key, message posted with my name, so did not change your

message. People do this all day long. Wrong thing I did was mention

it and then you got the idea I was making a point of it but I wasn't.

Just my version of subject lines such as " Re: WAS: diaper rash/ NOW:

safety pins " or similar styles of changing subject lines. I won't do

that again if it makes you feel I am trying to stop discussion on your



> Barb already had a post on her subject on vision and

> brain fog going. I started a new one related to my subject on mcs


> brain injury and barb not only changed heading but also the subject.

> my subject had nothing to do with hers as mine was related to mcs


> brain injury and brain fog with mcs.

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ok barb, and you do this with all your posts so nothing out of the

norm here. and ofcorse your never wrong.

> >

> > Barb already had a post on her subject on vision and

> > brain fog going. I started a new one related to my subject on mcs

> and

> > brain injury and barb not only changed heading but also the


> > my subject had nothing to do with hers as mine was related to mcs

> and

> > brain injury and brain fog with mcs.


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Jeanine, what do you mean you save articles on your web 2.0. I am not

organized with my links and articles. Thats for any info.

> > >

> > > Jeanine,

> > >

> > > Thank you for everything you have done! You have a lot of guts

> to

> > come out

> > > in the open and tell other people about what you have been

> through

> > and its

> > > implications for you..

> > >

> > > You have helped all of us tremendously with this stuff you


> > down and

> > > your thoughts, which have certainly helped me understand things


> > didn't

> > > before, tremendously.

> > >

> > > Like this ear stuff.. some of which happened to me too.

> > >

> > > Just so you should know, important people have told me that


> > think that

> > > stuff you find has a lot of value in it.. (not my words, those


> > one of the

> > > primary real-life researchers on this subject!) and they ARE

> > getting read

> > > widely, and also passed on, at least by me, to off-list but


> > involved

> > > people who can really use them! I am sure other people are


> > that too.

> > > Thank you!

> > >

> > > You are beginning to have a cult following in the scientific

> > community.. ;)

> > >

> > >

> > >

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it's a downloadable feature of and you can place a button on

your toolbar and when you want save a article just save to my web

useing button. you can tag saves, ect. I thank it's listed under

features or you can search " myweb 2.0 " and " myweb 2.0 download "

I think theres a new one called my web beta too. pretty easy to get

started, you can share with others or keep them private.

> > > >

> > > > Jeanine,

> > > >

> > > > Thank you for everything you have done! You have a lot of


> > to

> > > come out

> > > > in the open and tell other people about what you have been

> > through

> > > and its

> > > > implications for you..

> > > >

> > > > You have helped all of us tremendously with this stuff you

> track

> > > down and

> > > > your thoughts, which have certainly helped me understand


> I

> > > didn't

> > > > before, tremendously.

> > > >

> > > > Like this ear stuff.. some of which happened to me too.

> > > >

> > > > Just so you should know, important people have told me that

> they

> > > think that

> > > > stuff you find has a lot of value in it.. (not my words,


> of

> > > one of the

> > > > primary real-life researchers on this subject!) and they ARE

> > > getting read

> > > > widely, and also passed on, at least by me, to off-list but

> still

> > > involved

> > > > people who can really use them! I am sure other people are

> doing

> > > that too.

> > > > Thank you!

> > > >

> > > > You are beginning to have a cult following in the scientific

> > > community.. ;)

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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I grab the little icons in the address bar just to the left of the

addresses, and drop them into a folder of my choice. I hate using the

favorites menu because gate's doesn't give me any choice as to where

they go and I don't like keeping things on my c: drive in case it

crashes and I have to reinstall windows. Also it's a pain in the but

to use the menu and the choices they give you. Don't know how many

times windows has crashed and I lost all my favorites though. Maybe

now they give you the option of where to put favorites which might

make it more palatable to me but they already caused me to take

matters into my own hands.

Once you've made your own folders and categorized them in the place of

your choice it's just a matter of backing them up with all your other

important files.

What I like is the convenience. I simply drag and drop. I even

categorize everything in different sub folders, Mold, mcs, computer,

venders,medical sites, etc. Works really well.

On Sun, 21 Jan 2007 22:36:58 -0000, you wrote:


>it's a downloadable feature of and you can place a button on

>your toolbar and when you want save a article just save to my web

>useing button. you can tag saves, ect. I thank it's listed under

> features or you can search " myweb 2.0 " and " myweb 2.0 download "

>I think theres a new one called my web beta too. pretty easy to get

>started, you can share with others or keep them private.--- In

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, explain that to me again, what icon on the address bar. To

the left of the address bar I see the arrow button. That Jeanine, I

am trying to figure what works best for me with all this info.


> >

> >it's a downloadable feature of and you can place a button on

> >your toolbar and when you want save a article just save to my web

> >useing button. you can tag saves, ect. I thank it's listed under

> > features or you can search " myweb 2.0 " and " myweb 2.0

download "

> >I think theres a new one called my web beta too. pretty easy to


> >started, you can share with others or keep them private.--- In


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I think he means the Icon in front of the http " on the other side. I

hope you can move soon , that sounds like a scary place to stay.

sorry, sinuses are getting to me bad today.

> >

> > >

> > >it's a downloadable feature of and you can place a button


> > >your toolbar and when you want save a article just save to my


> > >useing button. you can tag saves, ect. I thank it's listed under

> > > features or you can search " myweb 2.0 " and " myweb 2.0

> download "

> > >I think theres a new one called my web beta too. pretty easy to

> get

> > >started, you can share with others or keep them private.--- In

> >


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