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was wondering

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does any body else have like a heat rash or some some kind of

dermatitis type rash on thier back, up the back of thier neck and back

of the head? and often have night sweats in these area's weather your

laying on your back or not? or did you have this while in your moldy

environment? and it seamed to clear up some but can get worse again

with reaccureing infections? or even somewhere else on thier body?

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  • 4 months later...
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Crystal:When my son was little (he's now seven), he did have a few issues (didn't crawl, but "army crawled" (on belly, using forearms), and probably rolled over later than some (I know he wasn't rolling at 5 months -- I can't remember when he sat unassisted, we used an exersauser a lot). His pediatrician wasn't too concerned. When he was 5, he had some "pencil grip" issues, and we did OT for those. In the OT evaluation was found to have mild hypotonia (low muscle tone) -- which is neurological, but muscles can be trained, too. He was breech and big, and didn't move too much inside me, which is why his head was long and narrow (scaphocephalic/dolchiocephalic), and why we banded him. His low tone was probably why he didn't move much inside of me. You don't say how old your little one is right now. That she is trying to crawl is great -- and if she qualifies, OT/PT will help her gain the skills she needs as sh

e grows. Low tone can occur on its own, or it can occur with other issues -- and a geneticist can be the best in helping narrow down the cause -- but many times, there is only a diagnosis of hypotonia. There is a great parents board on iVillage which is dedicated to hypotonia, and it has moms with children of all ages - you might want to peek in there, and you could always register (it's free) to post in order to get some feedback. http://messageboards.ivillage.com/iv-ppchdhypotonBy the way, when I say neurological, I don't mean that her head shape is the reason that the low tone is occuring, but that it is an issue that resides in the brain communicating with the muscles. Please also note that though there are a lot of "syndromes" out there, that most children end up with the diagnosis of Benign Congenital Hypotonia -- hypotonia (low tone) from no known cause.

BR>Take care.mom to Quinn, born 11/99, DOCband Grad 10/00>------- Original Message ------->From : Crystal Dawn[mailto:crazy828753@...]>Sent : 6/6/2007 9:25:17 AM>To : Plagiocephaly >Cc : >Subject : RE: Was wondering>>I was wondering if any ones elses little ones had to see a Geneticistcause my Daughters Ped is wanting her to see a Geneticist so that any chromosome defects can be ruled out . She has weak muscle tone...her muscle tone is that of a 3 month old mostly she has to work harder than most babies her age with sitting and learning to crawl . She now can sit a bit unsupported and is getting better at that everyday but is still struggling with crawling though. you can see how frustrated she is when she can't do it . So I have been telling Her Ped this and

her Ped wants to rule out what she can . Cause she doesn't think that her head shape is fully responsable for it. For more plagio info

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The craniofacial dr we saw was also a Geneticist.

 Jen and Luli - 18 mo.

Left Tort - Right Plagio - Hanger Band Grad - CA

tallulah jayne


Was wondering

I was wondering if any ones elses little ones had to see a Geneticist

cause my Daughters Ped is wanting her to see a Geneticist so that any

chromosome defects can be ruled out . She has weak muscle tone...her

muscle tone is that of a 3 month old mostly she has to work harder than

most babies her age with sitting and learning to crawl . She now can

sit a bit unsupported and is getting better at that everyday but is

still struggling with crawling though. you can see how frustrated she

is when she can't do it . So I have been telling Her Ped this and her

Ped wants to rule out what she can . Cause she doesn't think that her

head shape is fully responsable for it.

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: thanks for responding my daughter is 7 months old btw. She is still in the age range for learning to crawl and sit up but its how she is doing it what concerns my ped and I . She is getting in home PT starting the 21st of this month. The Early Childs Intervention's PT that came with the slew of people that evaluated her Development said that PT will take care of the muscle tone weakness...she described it as "floppy" tone. The PT that came out with Early Child Intervention also mentioned her length could be a factor but with musle tone weakness there are more than one factors to it. My Daughters Ped is an old fashioned lady that believes that mothers senses are something to follow and look into what the mother is worried about and so far she has done just that and I am greatful for it. Not many have such great Peds as my daughter does and thats sad . To explain more about my daughters situation health wise it may be best to start from the start

when I was pregnant with her. Every thing went fine in my pregnancy till the 25th week I was in premature labor and went to the L & D and they stopped it thankfully was on bed rest for a few weeks then things seemed fine again . at my 28th week check up they told me she was head down and that it was odd that she had turned already but not un common and that she was all cramped up also ( her head was near my pelvis back to my left hip butt at my ribs feet at my right hip and she stayed that way till she was born ) . Then again at 33 weeks I was in premature labor again and again it was able to be stopped . few weeks of bed rest and all was fine till I was 36 weeks I was having active labor contractions but not dilating past 3cm the Dr blew it off as early stages of labor so I suffered with Active Labor contractions and no dilation for 3 weeks . Then when I was 39.6 weeks my body took all it could take and was trying to make the placenta die which was

comming off my uterus rupturing if you will so the L & D told me to rush there to be induced. I went in at 3 am got the pitocin at 11am they broke my water at 5 pm and I didn't have her till 8:36 pm....even though I was on high dose of pitocin in the pit drip I wasn't dilating as fast and there was talk of a emergancy c section due to the fact I wasn't dilating past 6 cm in hours and her head was lodged stuck from the position she was in the womb ( which was to the left) but one nurse suggested to let my bed be raised into a sitting position before they prepped a OR and thats what un lodged my daughters head and within 3 pushes she was out. <tnt@...> wrote: Crystal:When my son was little (he's now seven), he did have a few issues (didn't crawl, but "army crawled" (on belly, using forearms), and probably rolled over later than some (I know he wasn't rolling at 5 months -- I can't remember when he sat unassisted, we used an exersauser a lot). His pediatrician wasn't too concerned. When he was 5, he had some "pencil grip" issues, and we did OT for those. In the OT evaluation was found to have mild hypotonia (low muscle tone) -- which is neurological, but muscles can be trained, too. He was breech and big, and didn't move too much inside me, which is why his head was long and narrow (scaphocephalic/dolchiocephalic), and why we banded him. His low tone was probably why he didn't move much inside of me. You don't say how old

your little one is right now. That she is trying to crawl is great -- and if she qualifies, OT/PT will help her gain the skills she needs as sh e grows. Low tone can occur on its own, or it can occur with other issues -- and a geneticist can be the best in helping narrow down the cause -- but many times, there is only a diagnosis of hypotonia. There is a great parents board on iVillage which is dedicated to hypotonia, and it has moms with children of all ages - you might want to peek in there, and you could always register (it's free) to post in order to get some feedback. http://messageboards.ivillage.com/iv-ppchdhypotonBy the way, when I say neurological, I don't mean that her head shape is the reason that the low tone is occuring, but that it is an issue that resides in the brain communicating with the muscles. Please also note that though there

are a lot of "syndromes" out there, that most children end up with the diagnosis of Benign Congenital Hypotonia -- hypotonia (low tone) from no known cause.BR>Take care.mom to Quinn, born 11/99, DOCband Grad 10/00>------- Original Message ------->From : Crystal Dawn[mailto:crazy828753 ]>Sent : 6/6/2007 9:25:17 AM>To : Plagiocephaly >Cc : >Subject : RE: Was wondering>>I was wondering if any ones elses little ones had to see a Geneticistcause my Daughters Ped is wanting her to see a Geneticist so that any chromosome defects can be ruled out . She has weak muscle tone...her muscle tone is that of a 3 month old mostly she has to work harder than most babies her age with sitting and learning to crawl . She now can sit a bit unsupported

and is getting better at that everyday but is still struggling with crawling though. you can see how frustrated she is when she can't do it . So I have been telling Her Ped this and her Ped wants to rule out what she can . Cause she doesn't think that her head shape is fully responsable for it. For more plagio info

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Crystal:It's great that you have a pediatrician who listens to a mother's gut -- that doesn't happen too often. Oh, many peds will do as a mom (or dad) requests, but may question the parent or make it difficult to have a normal conversation. Our pediatrician is actually very nice, it just never came up in our well-checks about how Quinn was mobile (what kind of crawling he did) -- or that when he walked, he always was on his toes (and almost always ran instead of walked) -- or that when he did stairs, he did one leg at a time for a long time -- this was all in hindsight after we got involved with OT, and as we found additional things going on, which for him, are related to a relatively rare connective tissue disorder. At the time, I believed (and I still believe) that all babies are different, are on different timetable. Since he was a happy baby, and definitely got to where he wanted to go with his army crawl, we never brought it up as a "concern" - because it wasn't. By the time he was 10 months old he wanted to walk with us (with us holding his hands) -- he never used furniture like this, just us. *smile*You had a traumatic and difficult time of it those last few weeks -- possibly some of what happened when she was getting in position was related to the low tone, and possibly not. Quinn was breech and they tried to invert him but it didn't work. The plan was to give me an epidural and try again after I was in labor, so I could deliver vaginally, but I got toxic a couple of weeks before he was due, so he was a c-section. It still took several pulls to get him out. Babies with low tone are probably more likely to have issues with plagio or inuterine constraint plagio. Some of the "floppiness" will get better with therapy -- but the tone will always be a little different than a person who doesn't have low tone. The more the muscles are

used, the better.... a lot of times babies and toddlers will compensate for the muscles that don't work as well, and parent/doctors don't notice it until it's a habit that is harder to break, so it's good that you are all on board with this.It sounds like at 7 months you are getting a lot of support and help for your daughter! Good for you and your pediatrician for being pro-active! The hardest part is doing the extra exercises (we never had to do stretching for tort, but with OT, we've had to do a lot of activities at home). But any thing that you can do to work with your daughter will be good. I hope the visit with the geneticist goes well for you.------- Original Message -------From : Crystal Dawn[mailto:crazy828753@...]Sent : 6/6/2007 4:57:27 PMTo : Plagiocephaly Cc : Subject : RE: Was wo



thanks for responding my daughter is 7 months old btw. She is still in the age range for learning to crawl and sit up but its how she is doing it what concerns my ped and I . She is getting in home PT starting the 21st of this month. The Early Childs Intervention's PT that came with the slew of people that evaluated her Development said that PT will take care of the muscle tone weakness...she described it as "floppy" tone. The PT that came out with Early Child Intervention also mentioned her length could be a factor but with musle tone weakness there are more than one factors to it. My Daughters Ped is an old fashioned lady that believes that mothers senses are something to follow and look into what the mother is worried about and so far she has done just that and I am greatful for it. Not many have such great Peds as my daughter does and thats sad . To explain more about my daughters situation health wise it may be best to start from the start when I was pregnant with her.

Every thing went fine in my pregnancy till the 25th week I was in premature labor and went to the L & D and they stopped it thankfully was on bed rest for a few weeks then things seemed fine again . at my 28th week check up they told me she was head down and that it was odd that she had turned already but not un common and that she was all cramped up also ( her head was near my pelvis back to my left hip butt at my ribs feet at my right hip and she stayed that way till she was born ) . Then again at 33 weeks I was in premature labor again and again it was able to be stopped . few weeks of bed rest and all was fine till I was 36 weeks I was having active labor contractions but not dilating past 3cm the Dr blew it off as early stages of labor so I suffered with Active Labor contractions and no dilation for 3 weeks . Then when I was 39.6 weeks my body took all it could take and was trying to make the placenta die which was comming off my uterus rupturing if you will so the L & D told me to rush there to be induced. I went in at 3 am got the pitocin at 11am they broke my water at 5 pm and I didn't have her till 8:36 pm....even though I was on high dose of pitocin in the pit drip I wasn't dilating as fast and there was talk of a emergancy c section due to the fact I wasn't dilating past 6 cm in hours and her head was lodged stuck from the position she was in the womb ( which was to the left) but one nurse suggested to let my bed be raised into a sitting position before they prepped a OR and thats what un lodged my daughters head and within 3 pushes she was out.

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: Thanks again for another Reply and words of encouragment . Its good to hear things from people other than your fam or friends or the health officials that you deal with often . I know I am a worry wart but I rather be a worry wart and be on top of things than anything else LOL. Yeah Her ped asks all those mobility questions and such on development since she was born with positional plagiocephaly . not that positional plagiocephaly will interfear with that but with babys you never know what will effect them and its good to go down the list and rule things out to get her the best help possible for the areas she actually needs help rather then go with the hit and miss theory . I can't wait for the PT to start so that they can show me those little tricks that I can do when they aren't here to strengthen her muscle tone. I have things like a Tummy Time Mat, just recently got her a ball to play with (helps with hand sensitivity issues as well as eye and

hand coordination ) she loves it btw , she has all sorts of lil toys that have differant textures to help again with those sensitivity issues . I do tons of Tummy time less time in the swing and bouncy and excersaucer as usual , I co sleep with her so I alternate the sides she sleeps on through out the night to insure she isn't on one side or the other for 2 long, since she sits up I sit her in the floor and play with her for about 20-30 mins a day (she only topples over when distracted now LOL ) she gets up on her hands but when I place her on her knees she still will sprawl them back out (much like a frog LOL) since she has out grown the baby bath insert and loves to splash I ordered her a baby bath seat so that should help with the plagio and muscle tone a bit (gets her used to sitting a bit more) I have an over all good baby she never complains unless she absolutly wants or needs something , she doesn't even make complaints when specialist or Dr's move her around

and do all sorts of weird things to check on stuff she will just coo and smile and laugh at them LOL. So I am blessed. and a boastful mother LOL. <tnt@...> wrote: Crystal:It's great that you have a pediatrician who listens to a mother's gut -- that doesn't happen too often. Oh, many peds will do as a mom (or dad) requests, but may question the parent or make it difficult to have a normal conversation. Our pediatrician is actually very nice, it just never came up in our well-checks about how

Quinn was mobile (what kind of crawling he did) -- or that when he walked, he always was on his toes (and almost always ran instead of walked) -- or that when he did stairs, he did one leg at a time for a long time -- this was all in hindsight after we got involved with OT, and as we found additional things going on, which for him, are related to a relatively rare connective tissue disorder. At the time, I believed (and I still believe) that all babies are different, are on different timetable. Since he was a happy baby, and definitely got to where he wanted to go with his army crawl, we never brought it up as a "concern" - because it wasn't. By the time he was 10 months old he wanted to walk with us (with us holding his hands) -- he never used furniture like this, just us. *smile*You had a traumatic and difficult time of it those last few weeks -- possibly some of what happened when she was getting in position was related to the low tone,

and possibly not. Quinn was breech and they tried to invert him but it didn't work. The plan was to give me an epidural and try again after I was in labor, so I could deliver vaginally, but I got toxic a couple of weeks before he was due, so he was a c-section. It still took several pulls to get him out. Babies with low tone are probably more likely to have issues with plagio or inuterine constraint plagio. Some of the "floppiness" will get better with therapy -- but the tone will always be a little different than a person who doesn't have low tone. The more the muscles are used, the better.... a lot of times babies and toddlers will compensate for the muscles that don't work as well, and parent/doctors don't notice it until it's a habit that is harder to break, so it's good that you are all on board with this.It sounds like at 7 months you are getting a lot of support and help for your daughter! Good for you and your

pediatrician for being pro-active! The hardest part is doing the extra exercises (we never had to do stretching for tort, but with OT, we've had to do a lot of activities at home). But any thing that you can do to work with your daughter will be good. I hope the visit with the geneticist goes well for you.------- Original Message -------From : Crystal Dawn[mailto:crazy828753 ]Sent : 6/6/2007 4:57:27 PMTo : Plagiocephaly Cc : Subject : RE: Was wo ndering : thanks for responding my daughter is 7 months old btw. She is still in the age range for learning to crawl and sit up but its how she is doing it what concerns my ped and I . She is getting in home PT starting the 21st of this month. The Early Childs Intervention's PT that came with the slew of

people that evaluated her Development said that PT will take care of the muscle tone weakness...she described it as "floppy" tone. The PT that came out with Early Child Intervention also mentioned her length could be a factor but with musle tone weakness there are more than one factors to it. My Daughters Ped is an old fashioned lady that believes that mothers senses are something to follow and look into what the mother is worried about and so far she has done just that and I am greatful for it. Not many have such great Peds as my daughter does and thats sad . To explain more about my daughters situation health wise it may be best to start from the start when I was pregnant with her. Every thing went fine in my pregnancy till the 25th week I was in premature labor and went to the L & D and they stopped it thankfully was on bed rest for a few weeks then things seemed fine again . at my 28th week check up they told me she was head down and that it was

odd that she had turned already but not un common and that she was all cramped up also ( her head was near my pelvis back to my left hip butt at my ribs feet at my right hip and she stayed that way till she was born ) . Then again at 33 weeks I was in premature labor again and again it was able to be stopped . few weeks of bed rest and all was fine till I was 36 weeks I was having active labor contractions but not dilating past 3cm the Dr blew it off as early stages of labor so I suffered with Active Labor contractions and no dilation for 3 weeks . Then when I was 39.6 weeks my body took all it could take and was trying to make the placenta die which was comming off my uterus rupturing if you will so the L & D told me to rush there to be induced. I went in at 3 am got the pitocin at 11am they broke my water at 5 pm and I didn't have her till 8:36 pm....even though I was on high dose of pitocin in the pit drip I wasn't dilating as fast and there was talk of a

emergancy c section due to the fact I wasn't dilating past 6 cm in hours and her head was lodged stuck from the position she was in the womb ( which was to the left) but one nurse suggested to let my bed be raised into a sitting position before they prepped a OR and thats what un lodged my daughters head and within 3 pushes she was out.

Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debatein the Answers Food Drink Q&A.

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Hi and Crystal: My baby also was diagnosed low muscle tone from birth. They have done genetic test, scans, brain ecos and having found a specific cause. The most probable is that she didn’t have a lot of space to grow because I have a big fibroid. She started fisio when she was 4 months old, and army crawled for months at the beginning. Now she is one year and starting to walk and plagio has been reduced from 12

mm to 5mm. Crystal was an extenuating pregnancy! You seem very brave to me. Crystal Dawn <crazy828753@...> escribió: : thanks for responding my daughter is 7 months old btw. She is still in the age range for learning to crawl and sit up but its how she is doing it what concerns my ped and I . She is getting in home PT starting the 21st of this month. The Early Childs Intervention's PT that came with the slew of people that evaluated her Development said that PT will take care of the muscle tone weakness...she described it as "floppy" tone. The PT that came out with Early Child Intervention also mentioned her length could be a factor but with musle tone weakness there are more than one factors to it. My Daughters Ped is an old fashioned lady that believes that mothers senses are something to follow and look into what the mother is worried about and so far she has done just that and I am greatful for it. Not many have such great Peds as my daughter does and thats sad . To explain more about

my daughters situation health wise it may be best to start from the start when I was pregnant with her. Every thing went fine in my pregnancy till the 25th week I was in premature labor and went to the L & D and they stopped it thankfully was on bed rest for a few weeks then things seemed fine again . at my 28th week check up they told me she was head down and that it was odd that she had turned already but not un common and that she was all cramped up also ( her head was near my pelvis back to my left hip butt at my ribs feet at my right hip and she stayed that way till she was born ) . Then again at 33 weeks I was in premature labor again and again it was able to be stopped . few weeks of bed rest and all was fine till I was 36 weeks I was having active labor contractions but not dilating past 3cm the Dr blew it off as early stages of labor so I suffered with Active Labor contractions and no dilation for 3 weeks . Then when I was 39.6 weeks my body

took all it could take and was trying to make the placenta die which was comming off my uterus rupturing if you will so the L & D told me to rush there to be induced. I went in at 3 am got the pitocin at 11am they broke my water at 5 pm and I didn't have her till 8:36 pm....even though I was on high dose of pitocin in the pit drip I wasn't dilating as fast and there was talk of a emergancy c section due to the fact I wasn't dilating past 6 cm in hours and her head was lodged stuck from the position she was in the womb ( which was to the left) but one nurse suggested to let my bed be raised into a sitting position before they prepped a OR and thats what un lodged my daughters head and within 3 pushes she was out. <tnt@...> wrote: Crystal:When my son was little (he's now seven), he did have a few issues

(didn't crawl, but "army crawled" (on belly, using forearms), and probably rolled over later than some (I know he wasn't rolling at 5 months -- I can't remember when he sat unassisted, we used an exersauser a lot). His pediatrician wasn't too concerned. When he was 5, he had some "pencil grip" issues, and we did OT for those. In the OT evaluation was found to have mild hypotonia (low muscle tone) -- which is neurological, but muscles can be trained, too. He was breech and big, and didn't move too much inside me, which is why his head was long and narrow (scaphocephalic/dolchiocephalic), and why we banded him. His low tone was probably why he didn't move much inside of me. You don't say how old your little one is right now. That she is trying to crawl is great -- and if she qualifies, OT/PT will help her gain the skills she needs as sh e grows. Low tone can occur on its own, or it can occur with other issues -- and a

geneticist can be the best in helping narrow down the cause -- but many times, there is only a diagnosis of hypotonia. There is a great parents board on iVillage which is dedicated to hypotonia, and it has moms with children of all ages - you might want to peek in there, and you could always register (it's free) to post in order to get some feedback. http://messageboards.ivillage.com/iv-ppchdhypotonBy the way, when I say neurological, I don't mean that her head shape is the reason that the low tone is occuring, but that it is an issue that resides in the brain communicating with the muscles. Please also note that though there are a lot of "syndromes" out there, that most children end up with the diagnosis of Benign Congenital Hypotonia -- hypotonia (low tone) from no known cause.BR>Take care.mom to Quinn, born 11/99, DOCband Grad

10/00>------- Original Message ------->From : Crystal Dawn[mailto:crazy828753 ]>Sent : 6/6/2007 9:25:17 AM>To : Plagiocephaly >Cc : >Subject : RE: Was wondering>>I was wondering if any ones elses little ones had to see a Geneticistcause my Daughters Ped is wanting her to see a Geneticist so that any chromosome defects can be ruled out . She has weak muscle tone...her muscle tone is that of a 3 month old mostly she has to work harder than most babies her age with sitting and learning to crawl . She now can sit a bit unsupported and is getting better at that everyday but is still struggling with crawling though. you can see how frustrated she is when she can't do it . So I have been telling Her Ped this and her Ped wants to rule out what she can

.. Cause she doesn't think that her head shape is fully responsable for it. For more plagio info

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I am not brave more of a worry wart and scaredy cat than ne thing !! LOL my Daughter will get on her hands but she positions her legs like a frog (sprawls them out) even when I put her on her knees she will go back to the frog legs again LOL. was cramped in there from 28 weeks till I had her. She was pretty long for my frame I guess . I am short but not skinny by all means so I thought she would have had room in there LOL. she was 20 1/4 inches and 7 pounds 2 oz at birth...she still to this day is a very long baby she is now 31 inches and 16 pounds 12 oz.a ez <susanamartinezmeyers@...> wrote: Hi and Crystal: My baby also was diagnosed low muscle tone from birth. They have done genetic test, scans, brain ecos and having found a specific cause. The most probable is that she didn’t have a lot of space to grow because I have a big fibroid. She started fisio when she was 4 months old, and army crawled for months at the beginning. Now she is one year and starting to walk and plagio has been reduced from 12 mm to 5mm. Crystal was an extenuating pregnancy! You seem very brave to me. Crystal Dawn <crazy828753 > escribió: : thanks for responding my daughter is 7 months old btw. She is still in the age range for learning to crawl and sit up but its how she is doing it what concerns my ped and I . She is getting in home PT starting the 21st of this month. The Early Childs Intervention's PT that came with the slew of people that evaluated her Development said that PT will take care of the muscle tone weakness...she described it as "floppy" tone. The PT that came out with Early Child Intervention also mentioned her length could be a factor but with musle tone weakness there are more than

one factors to it. My Daughters Ped is an old fashioned lady that believes that mothers senses are something to follow and look into what the mother is worried about and so far she has done just that and I am greatful for it. Not many have such great Peds as my daughter does and thats sad . To explain more about my daughters situation health wise it may be best to start from the start when I was pregnant with her. Every thing went fine in my pregnancy till the 25th week I was in premature labor and went to the L & D and they stopped it thankfully was on bed rest for a few weeks then things seemed fine again . at my 28th week check up they told me she was head down and that it was odd that she had turned already but not un common and that she was all cramped up also ( her head was near my pelvis back to my left hip butt at my ribs feet at my right hip and she stayed that way till she was born ) . Then again at 33 weeks I was in premature labor again and

again it was able to be stopped . few weeks of bed rest and all was fine till I was 36 weeks I was having active labor contractions but not dilating past 3cm the Dr blew it off as early stages of labor so I suffered with Active Labor contractions and no dilation for 3 weeks . Then when I was 39.6 weeks my body took all it could take and was trying to make the placenta die which was comming off my uterus rupturing if you will so the L & D told me to rush there to be induced. I went in at 3 am got the pitocin at 11am they broke my water at 5 pm and I didn't have her till 8:36 pm....even though I was on high dose of pitocin in the pit drip I wasn't dilating as fast and there was talk of a emergancy c section due to the fact I wasn't dilating past 6 cm in hours and her head was lodged stuck from the position she was in the womb ( which was to the left) but one nurse suggested to let my bed be raised into a sitting position before they prepped a OR and thats what un lodged my

daughters head and within 3 pushes she was out. <tnt@...> wrote: Crystal:When my son was little (he's now seven), he did have a few issues (didn't crawl, but "army crawled" (on belly, using forearms), and probably rolled over later than some (I know he wasn't rolling at 5 months -- I can't remember when he sat unassisted, we used an exersauser a lot). His pediatrician wasn't too concerned. When he was 5, he had some "pencil grip" issues, and we did OT for those. In the OT evaluation was found to have mild hypotonia (low muscle tone) -- which is neurological, but muscles can be trained, too. He was breech and big, and didn't move too much inside me, which is why his head was long and narrow (scaphocephalic/dolchiocephalic), and why we banded him. His low tone was probably

why he didn't move much inside of me. You don't say how old your little one is right now. That she is trying to crawl is great -- and if she qualifies, OT/PT will help her gain the skills she needs as sh e grows. Low tone can occur on its own, or it can occur with other issues -- and a geneticist can be the best in helping narrow down the cause -- but many times, there is only a diagnosis of hypotonia. There is a great parents board on iVillage which is dedicated to hypotonia, and it has moms with children of all ages - you might want to peek in there, and you could always register (it's free) to post in order to get some feedback. http://messageboards.ivillage.com/iv-ppchdhypotonBy the way, when I say neurological, I don't mean that her head shape is the reason that the low tone is occuring, but that it is an issue that resides in the brain

communicating with the muscles. Please also note that though there are a lot of "syndromes" out there, that most children end up with the diagnosis of Benign Congenital Hypotonia -- hypotonia (low tone) from no known cause.BR>Take care.mom to Quinn, born 11/99, DOCband Grad 10/00>------- Original Message ------->From : Crystal Dawn[mailto:crazy828753 ]>Sent : 6/6/2007 9:25:17 AM>To : Plagiocephaly >Cc : >Subject : RE: Was wondering>>I was wondering if any ones elses little ones had to see a Geneticistcause my Daughters Ped is wanting her to see a Geneticist so that any chromosome defects can be ruled out . She has weak muscle tone...her muscle tone is that of a 3 month old mostly she has to work harder than most babies her age

with sitting and learning to crawl . She now can sit a bit unsupported and is getting better at that everyday but is still struggling with crawling though. you can see how frustrated she is when she can't do it . So I have been telling Her Ped this and her Ped wants to rule out what she can . Cause she doesn't think that her head shape is fully responsable for it. For more plagio info

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Hi .It's hard going through all of those things when a baby is so little, isn't it? Are they saying that the inuterine constraint caused the low tone -- or the plagio? In our case, Quinn was dxd with Hypermobility Type Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which can have low-tone (hypotonia) associated with it, and thus, can contribute to inuterine (or post birth) head shape issues. That's a great reduction in head shape assymetry!Good luck with everything.. ------- Original Message -------From : a ez[mailto:susanamartinezmeyers@...]Sent : 6/7/2007 4:51:55 AMTo : Plagiocephaly Cc : Subject : RE: Was wondering

Hi and Crystal:

My baby also was diagnosed low muscle tone from birth. They have done genetic test, scans, brain ecos and having found a specific cause. The most probable is that she didnÂ’t have a lot of space to grow because I have a big fibroid. She started fisio when she was 4 months old, and army crawled for months at the beginning. Now she is one year and starting to walk and plagio has been reduced from 12 mm to 5mm.

Crystal was an extenuating pregnancy! You seem very brave to me.

Crystal Dawn <crazy828753@...> escribió:


thanks for responding my daughter is 7 months old btw. She is still in the age range for learning to crawl and sit up but its how she is doing it what concerns my ped and I . She is getting in home PT starting the 21st of this month. The Early Childs Intervention's PT that came with the slew of people that evaluated her Development said that PT will take care of the muscle tone weakness...she described it as "floppy" tone. The PT that came out with Early Child Intervention also mentioned her length could be a factor but with musle tone weakness there are more than one factors to it. My Daughters Ped is an old fashioned lady that believes that mothers senses are something to follow and look into what the mother is worried about and so far she has done just that and I am greatful for it. Not many have such great Peds as my daughter does and thats sad . To explain more about my daughters situation health wise it may be best to start from the start when I was preg

nant with her.

Every thing went fine in my pregnancy till the 25th week I was in premature labor and went to the L & D and they stopped it thankfully was on bed rest for a few weeks then things seemed fine again . at my 28th week check up they told me she was head down and that it was odd that she had turned already but not un common and that she was all cramped up also ( her head was near my pelvis back to my left hip butt at my ribs feet at my right hip and she stayed that way till she was born ) . Then again at 33 weeks I was in premature labor again and again it was able to be stopped . few weeks of bed rest and all was fine till I was 36 weeks I was having active labor contractions but not dilating past 3cm the Dr blew it off as early stages of labor so I suffered with Active Labor contractions and no dilation for 3 weeks . Then when I was 39.6 weeks my body took all it could take and was trying to make the placenta die which was comming off my uterus rupturing if you will so the L & D told me to rush there to be induced. I went in at 3 am got the pitocin at 11am they broke my water at 5 pm and I didn't have her till 8:36 pm....even though I was on high dose of pitocin in the pit drip I wasn't dilating as fast and there was talk of a emergancy c section due to the fact I wasn't dilating past 6 cm in hours and her head was lodged stuck from the position she was in the womb ( which was to the left) but one nurse suggested to let my bed be raised into a sitting position before they prepped a OR and thats what un lodged my daughters head and within 3 pushes she was out. <tnt@...> wrote:

Crystal:When my son was little (he's now seven), he did have a few issues (didn't crawl, but "army crawled" (on belly, using forearms), and probably rolled over later than some (I know he wasn't rolling at 5 months -- I can't remember when he sat unassisted, we used an exersauser a lot). His pediatrician wasn't too concerned. When he was 5, he had some "pencil grip" issues, and we did OT for those. In the OT evaluation was found to have mild hypotonia (low muscle tone) -- which is neurological, but muscles can be trained, too. He was breech and big, and didn't move too much inside me, which is why his head was long and narrow (scaphocephalic/dolchiocephalic), and why we banded him. His low tone was probably why he didn't move much inside of me. You don't say how old your little one is right now. That she is trying to crawl is great -- and if she qualifies, OT/PT will help her gain the skills she needs as sh e gr

ows. Low tone can occur on its own, or it can occur with other issues -- and a geneticist can be the best in helping narrow down the cause -- but many times, there is only a diagnosis of hypotonia. There is a great parents board on iVillage which is dedicated to hypotonia, and it has moms with children of all ages - you might want to peek in there, and you could always register (it's free) to post in order to get some feedback. http://messageboards.ivillage.com/iv-ppchdhypotonBy the way, when I say neurological, I don't mean that her head shape is the reason that the low tone is occuring, but that it is an issue that resides in the brain communicating with the muscles. Please also note that though there are a lot of "syndromes" out there, that most children end up with the diagnosis of Benign Congenital Hypotonia -- hypotonia (low tone) from no known cause.BR>Take care.mom to Quinn, born 11/99, DOCband Grad 10/00>------- Original Message ------->From : Crystal Dawn[mailto:crazy828753 ]>Sent : 6/6/2007 9:25:17 AM>To : Plagiocephaly >Cc : >Subject : RE: Was wondering>>I was wondering if any ones elses little ones had to see a Geneticistcause my Daughters Ped is wanting her to see a Geneticist so that any chromosome defects can be ruled out . She has weak muscle tone...her muscle tone is that of a 3 month old mostly she has to work harder than most babies her age with sitting and learning to crawl . She now can sit a bit unsupported and is getting better at that everyday but is still struggling with crawling though. you can see how frustrated she is when she can't do it

.. So I have been telling Her Ped this and her Ped wants to rule out what she can . Cause she doesn't think that her head shape is fully responsable for it. For more plagio info

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