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Psych Evaluations, comments

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In the last couple of weeks there has been alot of discussion on

psychiatric and psychological evaluations, that has me a bit

concerned some of you might be doing it for the wrong reason. So let

me try to explain our reasoning when Sharon had her's done.

Within the last couple of years the symptoms of mold exposure and

serious illnesses that these toxins cause, the information is much

easier to locate and accessable. Of course this is excellant, it may

help prevent serious injury to some and get a proper diagnosis in a

timely manner, so treatment can begin. The key now, that many are

beginning to realize, is prevention, not only pertaining to

continuous adverse health affects, but also preventing this from

occurring within our indoor environment or limiting it.

It took me about 3 years to find out what may be causing my wifes

symptoms, but yet nothing was definate and many misdiagnosis. What

had confirmed a strong possibility were the tests that were

preformed by Dr.Lipsey, not only on my house but her place of

employment. Maybe at that time I was thinking a little different

than most, but my main focus was on my wife's condition, as it

continued to deteriorate. I was not interested or considering any

type of litigation or filing a claim, that alone was not going to

help my wife. Dr.Lipsey had said something to me in the very

beginning prior to testing my house and her place of employment. He

said, you know KC, this could go against you and possibly hurt you

down the road if you do decide to file a claim.

Again, this kind of threw me, because to me, that was the last thing

on my mind and least important in what I was trying to determine. My

answer was, I don't care. I just want to find out the truth, what

was making my wife ill. If it's my house, so be it, but if it's her

place of employment, they need to be informed and it needs to be

corrected. Were other employees informed, NO.

This was the same reason to see many neurologists and finally one of

the best, Dr. Singer (neuropsychologist/neurotoxicologist)

and I am not saying this to promote anyone, these were the

professionals I saw. I wanted the most accurate results by the best

in the field, no matter what the outcome and these were the people

that I was aware of at that time.

I didn't go into these physicians offices with an agenda that might

happen sometime in the future, I wanted to know how and possibly if

anything had caused her symptoms. That was my main focus and always

has been. Was I concerned about social security or litigation down

the road, heck no. I wanted to know if it was environmental how

these toxins effected her.

Not only how it effected her neurologically, but I also wanted to

know how it affected every organ in her body, which I know today I

will never find out.

So in order to obtain true results of the damage, if there was any,

she had to answer everything honestly. By doing so, this let me know

what course of action I needed to take as far as medical treatment.

We were not going in looking for any one particular results, we just

wanted the truth. The sames goes for all the other doctors we have

seen and filing the claim didn't come till much later, as she was

fired illegally and that is when I started searching for attys, not

for the exposure, but for the illegal termination. When I received

concrete evidence of her exposure and was backed into a corner is

when we filed a claim for her injuries.

So all these psych evaluations (total of 3) were done for different

reasons. First one, to determine if there was any injury and if it

was permanent. (There was and it is.) Second one, for SSI and they

came to the same conclusion and their final report was very

powerful. And the third one, for workmen's comp, and we knew what

the out come of that one was going to be, since they had informed us

upon leaving the office. Basically he told her she was a liar even

before administering all the tests or reviewing the ones taken


Sorry for my reasoning being so long. But her condition was much

more important to me than anything else and what she was exposed to.

Which I will never find out the levels she was exposed to of molds

and bacteria, since the HVAC system had been completely redone

before we could have it tested, not to mention they prevented us

from getting testing done for 3 years. This is more aggreviating and

upsetting than anything, because they prevented me from establishing

a cause and getting my wife to the correct physicians as soon as


What we have found out going through all these evals:

DO NOT fake anything.

Be yourself and do your best. If you are " sick " that day so be it.

Do not answer the questions thinking what may or may not work for

you. This is a sure fire way of screwing the whole thing up. These

type of doctors know how to spot someone who is not being honest.

If you don't know the answer or can't remember it, don't guess at


Most importantly, just be you and do your best period....

Hope this helps,


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