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Thanks Sue

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Blue Sky pop at the health stores tastes good, does not have sugar or phosphoric acid.

Kay Heizer

Thanks Sue

We all thank you for stepping out and saying something about the use of the wrong sweeteners. Mel and I got off this diet-pop, and artificial sugars along time ago. Someone asked " Then what do we use?. Well ! It isn't all honey either. We only use raw, sugar, or try not to use any at all. It is hard when one has grown up with a sugar bowl sitting on the table, and another on a shelf at easy reach in the kitchen. We very seldom drink pop anymore..and we do read labels that use in the ingredients artificial anything..or that with red dyes for coloring. Actually after we've been limiting sugar in most our foods we don't even misses it..just like salt, we use herbals. We've found that in berries that the natural sweetener is enough. One has got to get their taste buds back to a normal, in order to notice the difference..and it doesn't happen over night either.

Now when we visit family and friends, they just all know that we don't use to much sugar..however Mel is one that is still working on breaking his habit of it. And when we go to restaurants we try to order foods that we know hasn't a trace of sugar. We order tea/lemon without..and if we have to use it is very sparingly. Usually we substitute and ask for a pure fresh juice.

Don't get me wrong..it is a very hard habit to break. But when a baby comes into our home, if we'd had never offer to them sugar, they would have grown up not knowing the difference. But when we begin to feed them lollypops, ice-cream, candies and pop, etc we have now changed their natural taste buds. As for Mel and I we were raised on cutting teeth, and controlling the colic crying by our parents giving us what they called the " Sugar tit " , and for some of you older folks you know what I'm talking about. But for this younger generation, I will explain the fake Titty satisfier. It was a piece of cloth about 2 inch square, and in the cent of it was put, at least 1 tsp cane-white, or brown sugar. ( I had preferred the brown, so I'm told )..This was tied securely with a strings, and tied around the neck. then whenever I fussed or got on my parents or nerves of others that lived in our house hold ..Wham-0, they would pop that fake tit, with the flavor of sugar in my mouth. This was nothing more than today's pacifier, except in another version. Now I must also say I'm guilty of this with my own 6, because being a young girl barely 17 and having children, I had been taught this was the thing to do..( You know those ole folks remedies..where some worked, some didn't, and we were not anymore wiser than we are now in using some of them ). Then as we grew up, guess what, Doctor's, bless some of them, and some good honest nurses that had seen what this Tit had done to old children, put a stop to this method fast.And Dentist also found that it damaged not only the teeth but also the gums. This is why today so many of us down through the years, or before maturity, had rotting teeth, and bad breath. One dentist asked me even of recent what I had sucked on as a child. " I was almost to embarrassed to tell him, but he already seemed to know that I had had plenty of sugar, and foods as a child that hadn't been always the best for me. Today my mothers excuses are still the same. " We didn't know any better either. And when money was scarce, we had to do with what we had to do with. " or she gets on this rations of food stamps, that they had no choice but to buy what was available. So dear friends, we are still today, no better off then back then. But today we have research going for us. We have people like you and me fighting to keep our bodies healthier..and we are together though other's and our own mistakes, that of for forefathers and foremothers learning. I only regret that my age is catching up, and I may only have a few more years left to help fight.. for the generation's rights, behind me, and those soon coming. Bless the Lord, and your many friends, if you are on this list young enough to take heed while we still have this site to use. I'm learning and I intend to go on learning as long as I have air Breath to breathe.Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there. Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv

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  • 3 years later...

woohoo - loose jeans feel great - until they fall down and you moon the neighbors LOL

Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose.

- Lyndon B.

Thanks Sue

Thanks Sue,I will be grateful that I can't see those horrible numbers.I'll go by my jeans which have been getting a little loser on me.Thanks,Lillian

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  • 2 years later...
  • 5 months later...

Cheryl, I'm glad I can be of some help even if it is just to talk and offer

support. I often describe this whole mold thing like a King story only

it isn't a novel!!! It is the living nightmare from hell. I agree with you

about helping yourself so then you can help your children. I had horrible

memory & concentration problems. I couldn't remember my students names and had

trouble spelling 5th grade words. I was terrified that they would go home and

tell their parents.

So far my memory hasn't gotten any worse. I have applied for SS who just

sent me for a neuropsych evaluation. I didn't do well at all and was amazed at

just how much memory I have lost. I'm 55 yrs. old but at times feel like I'm

85!! Honestly, I am doing so much better and don't want to frighten you. I

still take the CSM 2x a day, Welchol 2x a day, Trental 3x aday and Procrit

(which has been a tremendous help) twice a week. The Procrit has helped my

memory, C4a, fatigue and muscle/joint pain.

If you need any help filling out the paper work from Dr. Shoemaker's office

just let me know. .I remember filling it out 4 yrs. ago and I couldn't even

understand what I was doing. I'm also sure some of it has changed since then.

Did you take many things from the other house into your condo? Many times

you can cross contaminate if you do. Where do you live?I'm in land and know

of two very good inspectors. One here in MD another in VA.

Take care and let me know if you want to talk. Remember there is light at

the end of the tunnel and I'm here to help you out. First thing you need to do

is get the paperwork done and sent back ASAP. I don't know how long the wait

is for an appointment but that way you can wait to hear from them to schedule.

He really is a terrific Dr., very bright, compassionate and understanding!!


Thank you so much Sue, for the information & encouragement! I've

read " My House Is Killing Me " , " Mold Guide Handbook " , and I just

started both of Dr. Shoemakers books. I'm really worried about my

sons, but I can't really help them til I help myself b/c I'm barely

able to care for myself, lately. Not having any support at home is

just another stressor. You say you'll never be 100%; is that the

brain function part? Once this started affecting my brain, I went

down hill fast. Our neighbors, here at the condo, even asked my

husband if I have cancer! Like thanks a lot for making me think

about that! I have to admit, I do look like one. :( I'm still

trying to figure out how the fibers(everywhere in home & in/on my

skin)fit into all this; unless, it's fungal hyphae, a parasite assoc.

w/Lyme dz. or just the unidentifiable Morgellons fiber...probably a

combo of all three. I refused to go back to the house at the end of

summer, so I enrolled the kids in school here at the condo. Don't

know what I'm going to do next fall b/c my husband's sick of living

in a condo, but b/c he doesn't believe me, he hasn't pursued any

remediation. It's like he's waiting for me to tell him what to do,

but I can't b/c the investigators didn't tell me the source of our

molds. Sue, thnx again!



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Thank you so much Sue, for the information & encouragement! I've

read " My House Is Killing Me " , " Mold Guide Handbook " , and I just

started both of Dr. Shoemakers books. I'm really worried about my

sons, but I can't really help them til I help myself b/c I'm barely

able to care for myself, lately. Not having any support at home is

just another stressor. You say you'll never be 100%; is that the

brain function part? Once this started affecting my brain, I went

down hill fast. Our neighbors, here at the condo, even asked my

husband if I have cancer! Like thanks a lot for making me think

about that! I have to admit, I do look like one. :( I'm still

trying to figure out how the fibers(everywhere in home & in/on my

skin)fit into all this; unless, it's fungal hyphae, a parasite assoc.

w/Lyme dz. or just the unidentifiable Morgellons fiber...probably a

combo of all three. I refused to go back to the house at the end of

summer, so I enrolled the kids in school here at the condo. Don't

know what I'm going to do next fall b/c my husband's sick of living

in a condo, but b/c he doesn't believe me, he hasn't pursued any

remediation. It's like he's waiting for me to tell him what to do,

but I can't b/c the investigators didn't tell me the source of our

molds. Sue, thnx again!



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