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illegal construction - 4

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Hillard Berry

From: Ken Moulton

E-mail: hillard_berry@...

Phone: 580-

Date: April 9, 2007 1211 SW


310 NW 6th

Lawton, OK 73501

Suite 200 E-mail:


OKC, OK 73102

Number of pages including cover sheet___2______:

I am writing to you in follow-up to our 41 minute phone conversation

we just completed. I, again, want to thank you for calling and remind

you, again, that you are the first person from HUD to call me since I

filed my formal complaint in June 2006 against Habitat and the City

of Lawton.

As I stated in our conversation, due to the many failures of HUD to

do anything since my complaint from over nine months ago, things have

gotten out of control. As I stated, we are now forced to live in our

home in Lawton in fear due to the recent threatening action I


While it is good that HUD Community Planning and Development, your

area, is finally starting to contact us, we fear it is too little and

too late. Too much damage to our home has been allowed to continue by

the lack of due diligence by HUD, the City of Lawton and Habitat for

Humanity. The threats are the scariest and most frightening thing for

our Family.

I suggested that what HUD needs to do is to put all of the

information, that I have provided, on a chart in a time line manner.

This would show a pattern of failure by Lawton, Habitat and HUD to

respond in any form of timely or professional manner. The leaking

roof first reported in June 2006 that is still leaking is just one

proof of failure.

I, also, told you of the issues of reported identity theft and

illegal attempts to access my VA and Army medical and financial

records. This is not something done by accident but is done on

purpose. It is a Federal Crime.

It is for all of the potential illegal and criminal issues that I

told you of, and have been reported in my many communications to HUD,

that I suggested that HUD ask the US Attorney or FBI to become

involved and investigate. They have subpoena and search warrant power

to get Habitat and Lawton files.

As I told you, in response to your question of our safety, I think

the Federal Government needs to re-locate our Family and belongings

to a comparable new handicapped home in an area outside of the

Southwest in that HUD in Oklahoma and Texas, as well as in

Washington, have failed in their fiduciary responsibility.

As I told you, we learned after moving here that this area where we

were placed is considered a very high high crime area. I further told

you that we have had to call the Police when gun shots were fired

outside our bedroom windows. It appears that complaints were made

about this being an illegal and Predatory practice and that Habitat

and a member of the City worked to keep it quiet.

While I am ready to work with you, I think a Federal Law Enforcement

Agency is now required. Too much has been allowed to happen to us due

to the many ongoing and documented failures of HUD, the City of

Lawton and Habitat.

There were many other issues of possible illegal and/or criminal acts

that we discussed that are too numerous to mention here. Suffice it

to say that the issues are many and very serious.

A final note, perhaps you need to read all of the information that I

have provided to HUD before you do anything. A complete review of all

of the information, including the report by State Licensed Architect

Strider, should be done so all issues are known.

As I mentioned to you, and in my many communications to HUD, we

demand that only State or Federal Licensed Structural Engineers,

Architects and construction experts be used. We will not allow

anybody associated in any manner with Habitat in that is a conflict

of interest. We gave Habitat ten months to make required repairs and

they failed.

If we allow unlicensed and un-qualified people to make repairs to our

home our homeowners insurance and manufacturers warranties will be

voided. Due to the improper installation, in violation of the written

instructions in the owners manuals, of some items, some warranties

have already been voided.

Thank you.

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