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Insurence Companies (con. from BP & Pain)

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I forgot to answer the question concerning the docttor and why she

refused to give me higher doses of pain medication. Sorry!

I could kick myself. I used to be up to date and know all the laws

and legalities. I have been told because of rising preminums a large

number of primary doctors have taken some kind of step down from the

level of drugs they can/will prescribe. And in some cases it's not

just the pain meds that are involved.

In this particular doctor's case, she had signed a statement

agreeing to not prescribe anything over the lowest type of pain med.

(I can't remember the level sorry), and nothing as far as an opiate.

In my own case, because of all the years I've had to medicate, I have

a hard time taking oral medication. When they came out with the 3-day

patches they were a blessing.To give an idea, I was one of the first

to help test ibprofen and naprozen in extremely high doses along with

everything else I was given at the time. (I want my spell check!@).

The duragesic patches are the closest I can come to being pain free

and walking, but until a year or so ago, I was often told they were

just prescibed for cancer patients, though I've used them for years!

Stepping off my porch.Sorry guys. This subject gets me going. lol


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