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DNA Forensic Mold Detection

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DNA Forensic Mold Detection

Main Category: Respiratory / Asthma News

Article Date: 22 Apr 2007 - 7:00 PDT


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Medical News Today Sun, 22 Apr 2007 8:14 AM PDT

Extensive research conducted by the US EPA, using State-of-the-Art

DNA forensics, has established the Environmental Relative Moldiness

Index, otherwise known by the acronym ERMI. The ERMI study narrowed

down the total number of critical mold species to 36 indoor-

indicator mold species. Furthermore, the 36 species were subdivided

into two very different groups of mold (fungal) species; these

included the Group 1 and Group 2 molds. The Group 2 molds were found

to be common in most homes and in low concentrations. Occupants

living and working in indoor environments that contained

predominantly Group 2 molds were healthy and suffered few

respiratory related illnesses, nor did the building structures

suffer leaks and water intrusion.

However, Group 1 molds were much less benign, and occupants of these

homes and environments suffered significant respiratory and asthma

related illnesses. Moreover, Group 1 molds were significantly

correlated to water intrusion due to poor construction or leaking

pipes. Furthermore, EPA scientist and other reputable scientific

investigators have amassed a body of published scientific research

that conveys a major paradigm shift in the way mold samples are both

collected and analyzed.

Currently 99% of all mold samples are collected from the air.

Inspectors pump air, often for as little as 5 minutes, onto a sticky

device called a spore-trap (not unlike flypaper). They send the

spore trap to a lab for analysis, and the lab spits back a report,

based on the shape and size of the spores they see. It is important

to keep in mind, that a mold cannot be identified as belonging to a

particular species using a spore trap analysis, regardless of how

much training or how many degrees a spore trap analyst has.

Unfortunately, many of the group 1 and group 2 mold spores are small

and round and all get lumped into a common small-round spore trap

grouping called Asp/Pen. Hence, neither an ERMI score nor any

substantial conclusion can be drawn from spore trap analysis.

The EPA solved this problem by using good science to make major

breakthroughs in both mold sampling and analysis.

First, the EPA identified the best technology, to date, to identify

mold. That technology is called quantitative PCR or qPCR for short.

Quantitative PCR is used in many fields of science, such as genetics

and cancer research. The qPCR technology directly probes the DNA of

mold with 99.9% accuracy to detect which species of mold are present

and how many spores of each species are contaminating the indoor


Secondly, the EPA used qPCR to probe the DNA of molds from the

various reservoirs in homes. Surprisingly, they found air to be a

poor correlate for detecting group 1 mold contamination (the water

intrusion/asthma molds). So they looked elsewhere, and found that

every indoor environment harbors a stable mold reservoir; that

reservoir was dust.

Moreover, the dust held an historical account of indoor mold. Hence,

indoor dust has a historical moldy tale to tell, which is read from

mold DNA. Sometimes that tale is the sorrowful account of leaky

roofs, windows or pipes (the DNA identifies many group 1 mold

species), other times it is a story of a happy dry home (common

group 2 mold species).

All buildings have dust and by analyzing the DNA in that dust for

mold, all skeletons come out of the closet. And those skeletons,

whether good or bad, are reflected in the EPA's ERMI index. The ERMI

index is just a score based on the amounts of group 1 (water

intrusion) versus group 2 molds (common).

The ERMI score from DNA analysis of dust lets a building or home

owner know whether their home has group 2 molds and is similar to

the rest of the healthy homes identified in the EPA studies, or if

it is infested by group 1 mold species, where water intrusion and

respiratory problems are common.

By: A. Sobek, Ph.D.

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