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Re: Re: vaccination to a 6 months old boy - with g6pd

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Here is the link.  Looks like it mostly applies to situations in which someone threatens to turn you in for neglect or something due to fact that parent doesn't vaccinate, if they have exemptions.  

http://vaccineinfo.net/harassment/index.shtml On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 5:58 AM, starsrocket wrote:


I did not know that, ! Do you have a reference to the actual law?? Would love to have it in my hip pocket....


> > **

> >

> >

> > Well, good luck with that. The only advice I could give is not to do it,

> > but to each his own. I never tell parents which way to decide. Evidently

> > one child already has an issue?

> >

> > Your child will either regress or not. There really is no way at present

> > to tell -- no easy way anyway. I could tell you that if either you or your

> > husband has ever had a vaccine reaction, then that's a red flag. I could

> > ask what your status is on holding titers to rubella. If you have been

> > vaccinated with MMR and do not hold titers to rubella, then you have the

> > same allele as I do and I think also the daughter of Dr. McCandless (I

> > think I read that in her book. I am not sure) but I have met other

> > mothers who have this allele, and their children too, regressed following

> > vaccination.

> >

> > I have also read research where the parents' ages play a role as well as

> > the birth order of the child. First born children tend to be born more

> > toxic than subsequent children. Moms unfortunately tend to dump their

> > toxins into the first born.

> >

> > Whether or not you have amalgam fillings in your mouth and also if you

> > have them and then also breast fed, could play a role in overall toxic

> > metal burden on the child.

> >

> > The sad part is that if your child is the one in the 100 who will regress,

> > once it is done, then it is done, and it is not easily undone, and the

> > complete financial burden for medical, therapeutic, and educational

> > intervention will be on your shoulders alone. You won't be alowed to sue

> > the doctor nor the drug companies.

> >

> > I have heard talk about giving vitamin A before the shots, but I don't

> > know the dosage. Maybe someone here can help on that. I will pray your

> > babies stay safe.

> >

> > Good luck.

> >

> >

> >

> >


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,Yes, I knew it was against the law, but it doesn't stop doctors or schools from doing it.  The parent has to press the issue.It is commonplace today for doctors to fire their patients for not being vaccinated.  I had my son pediatrician -- who KNOWS his history and that he has a lifetime medical exemption --STILL try to coerce me into giving my son the H1N1.  Idiot.  I still go there, but I have told my husbadn if anyone tries to re-vaccinate my son against my will, that is the day he will have to come and bail me out of jail.

We jsut recently had ONE case of whooping cough reported in a nearby town in our county.  The paper neglected to report that the child had been vaccinated but caught it anyway, and the mayor (who is a doctor) stated in the paper that it was " caused by the child coming in contact with a non-vaccinated child. "   He went on to say in the article, " These parents who do not vaccinate their children are a threat to us all. "

This is a man who took an OATH to uphold the laws of the state and our country in the position of mayor.  Yet, he threw individual rights out the window.  And now this one comment will cause prejudice.Does he even know statistics show that the cases of whooping cough have risen exponentially over the past twenty years with the number of vaccines given to children?   He never metnioned the countless numbersw of ADD, ADHD, nor autism that have occurred int he last twenty years here.  Nor did he mention how our county has one of the highest mercury emissions in the country (due to us having TWO cement plants in the county).

It is against the law for a doctor not to report a vaccine reaction to VAERS.  This is a FEDERAL law, and yet how many do?  Ours didn't even though ours son's reaction was immediate.  So I called the Justice Department to file a complaint.  They were apathetic.  Law are only as good as the people who are willing to enforce them unfortunately.  Since I couldn't sue her for the damage she did to my son, it would have been nice to have been able to have a civil suit based on failure to comply with federal law.  I was also adamant my son not recieve thimerosal, but she lied about that too, and still I was denied the right to sue for failure to disclose the contents for the vaccines.  And we got left with the 1,000,000 price tag in out of pocket costs and lost wages  it has taken get our son back just to the point where he is today.

I don't regret the loss of our life savings and everything we saved for and hope for (Ido it again to save him), but I am bitter about the denial of justice and the right for my son to be heard by a jury.  At the home school group we go to , the kids say the Pledge, and when they get to the part " and justice for all, " a little bit of vomit comes up.  What a joke.

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I hear you Haven!  I think that it is just going to take time to where parents start really studying the vaccine issues.  From what I have seen, there has already been more and more refusing vaccines.  We are fortunate because our pediatrician does not press us on the issue.  People need to start reporting the doctors and others who press them to vaccinate, even knowing that they have exemptions.  

I have been un-employed for the last 2 years, but was fortunate enough to have previously been a claims Adjuster and had heavy contact with doctors.  I am not afraid to tell them what I think or feel and mention the fact that we are doing things our way, not theirs.  I think that many parents don't realize that it is okay and their right to question and stand up to the doctors.  The only difference between doctors and parents is that doctors have the degree and most parents don't.  I'll never let a piece of paper dictate what we will or won't do with our kids when it comes to medical care.  

With the vaccines, all I had to do is read the Hannah Poling case and that was enough hard evidence for me!  


,Yes, I knew it was against the law, but it doesn't stop doctors or schools from doing it.  The parent has to press the issue.It is commonplace today for doctors to fire their patients for not being vaccinated.  I had my son pediatrician -- who KNOWS his history and that he has a lifetime medical exemption --STILL try to coerce me into giving my son the H1N1.  Idiot.  I still go there, but I have told my husbadn if anyone tries to re-vaccinate my son against my will, that is the day he will have to come and bail me out of jail.

We jsut recently had ONE case of whooping cough reported in a nearby town in our county.  The paper neglected to report that the child had been vaccinated but caught it anyway, and the mayor (who is a doctor) stated in the paper that it was " caused by the child coming in contact with a non-vaccinated child. "   He went on to say in the article, " These parents who do not vaccinate their children are a threat to us all. "

This is a man who took an OATH to uphold the laws of the state and our country in the position of mayor.  Yet, he threw individual rights out the window.  And now this one comment will cause prejudice.Does he even know statistics show that the cases of whooping cough have risen exponentially over the past twenty years with the number of vaccines given to children?   He never metnioned the countless numbersw of ADD, ADHD, nor autism that have occurred int he last twenty years here.  Nor did he mention how our county has one of the highest mercury emissions in the country (due to us having TWO cement plants in the county).

It is against the law for a doctor not to report a vaccine reaction to VAERS.  This is a FEDERAL law, and yet how many do?  Ours didn't even though ours son's reaction was immediate.  So I called the Justice Department to file a complaint.  They were apathetic.  Law are only as good as the people who are willing to enforce them unfortunately.  Since I couldn't sue her for the damage she did to my son, it would have been nice to have been able to have a civil suit based on failure to comply with federal law.  I was also adamant my son not recieve thimerosal, but she lied about that too, and still I was denied the right to sue for failure to disclose the contents for the vaccines.  And we got left with the 1,000,000 price tag in out of pocket costs and lost wages  it has taken get our son back just to the point where he is today.

I don't regret the loss of our life savings and everything we saved for and hope for (Ido it again to save him), but I am bitter about the denial of justice and the right for my son to be heard by a jury.  At the home school group we go to , the kids say the Pledge, and when they get to the part " and justice for all, " a little bit of vomit comes up.  What a joke.

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Yes!  I have done nothing since this happened but read, research, care for my child.... I think I have only read three books " for fun "   in the last ten years.  Everything else has been autism, vaccines, biomed, chelation, education related.  It is hard for me to understand why a parent would risk vaccinating, but I can just give them some facts and then they have to decide for themselves.  but I would not wish what we have gone through on anyone!

The mere realization that parent scannot sue doctors or drug companies for damages would have been enough for me not to vaccinate, but no one told me that.  We were in the 5000 families int he Omnibus procedings, but then all got booted out.  I found this legal document on line that basically makes it look like we recanted, but we did not.  It made me boiling mad!  Why don't they just tell the truth and put a document up that says the Suprmene court decided not to hear us?  They never looked at our evidence.

What I fear, , is that the future will bring a time when we shall have to hide or run to protect our children from being re-injured.  I don't rust enough in anything anymore to believe it won't come to edicts demanding the force vaccination of everyone.  The drug companies are in possession of some of the most deadly bacteria and viruses on earth " for research purposes. "   If their profits drop too low?....  When you've already maimed a whole generation of children and covered it up.....what is left that that entity won't do?

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