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Anyone have any luck with Fentanyl Patches for nerve pain?

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Hi all :) here...still having tooo much pain on 2400mg

Neurontin and 30mg Elavil (for sleep mostly). Am waiting on a visit

with a specialist but it probably wont be until Feb. Thats a long time

from now pain wise. My daughter works with a girl whose Mother got good

relief from her nerve pain using Fentanyl patches. I vaguely remember

there were/are some problems with them (lawyer commercials on tv lol)

but was curious if anyone has tried them for TC and if they worked.

Thanks everyone, hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)

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Hello !

How are you? (other than being in pain :( am very sorry to hear that.)

No, I have not had personal experience with the Fentanyl patch for

treatment of neuropathy. I have used Lidocaine patch twice for lumbar

nerve/muscle pain with mixed sucess. While it initially " dulled " the

sharp dagger like sensation -- in the end it was not enough for me --

and I explored other narcotic pain medication as my intervention &


Have you tried searching the group database? The majority of

circumstances in which I've read, heard of Fentanyl patch being used is

in palliative treatment for cancer etc. Have you asked your doctor

about trying another neuropathy med such as Lyrica or Topamax? Lyrica

is manufactured by the same company that patented Neurontin and is

similiar yet different -- Topamax like Neurontin was initially used in

treatment of seizure disorders and epilepsy (as an anti-convulsant.)

While I had good luck initially with Neurontin, I had to stop taking it

in the end b/c of the side-effects -- and serious edema affecting my

feet, legs and rest of my body. Topamax worked for very well for the

first 10 days -- but on day 11 I broke out in terrible hives. I went

off it for 3 weeks and once again tried it but with same allergic

reaction. This is not to say it hasn't worked for others. Lyrica &

Topamax are a Tier 2 prescription drug and are not available in generic

form -- as the pharmaceutical companies have not " released " it for

generic use. If you're interested in trying other neuropathy

medications such as the above for mentioned I would suggest a trial run

with samples.

Right now, I am on COBRA and unfortunately (and quite maddening) BC/BS

will not cover any prescriptions until 2 months after -- meaning

January 2009. I did my own research on-line and contacted the

pharmaceutical manufacturers of two of the other medications I take,

not related to my neuropathy but a different condition and applied for

their patient assistance programs to receive my meds at little to no

cost for up to a year. Happily, I was approved! So -- never doubt there

are ways and means to stay on your meds - if financial

strains/struggles/no RX coverage is an issue.

I realize this is a somewhat " long-winded answer " to your question --

but felt it usual information to share. Keep your chin up! Never stop

asking questions ...

Much Love & Light to you ..


> Hi all :) here...still having tooo much pain on 2400mg

> Neurontin and 30mg Elavil (for sleep mostly). Am waiting on a visit

> with a specialist but it probably wont be until Feb. Thats a long


> from now pain wise. My daughter works with a girl whose Mother got


> relief from her nerve pain using Fentanyl patches. I vaguely remember

> there were/are some problems with them (lawyer commercials on tv lol)

> but was curious if anyone has tried them for TC and if they worked.

> Thanks everyone, hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)



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Thanks! I totally forgot about the group database lol....brainfog....I will look

in there :) I have tried Lyrica before but it gives me no better relief than the

Neurontin but costs ten times as much. Haven't tried the Topamax but I have

tried Cymbalta...seems like I can get a certain amount of pain relief and then

thats it, no matter what I am on. Very frustrating...am so very thankful for

getting some relief but wishing it was enough to allow me to go back to work and

to enjoy the things I used to...ie hiking, bicycling, motorcycling, horseback

riding etc. Big Sigh. Oh well, maybe Dr. Oro' will have some suggestions for me




Subject: Re: Anyone have any luck with Fentanyl Patches for nerve pain?

To: tetheredspinalcord

Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 2:34 AM

Hello !

How are you? (other than being in pain :( am very sorry to hear that.)

No, I have not had personal experience with the Fentanyl patch for

treatment of neuropathy. I have used Lidocaine patch twice for lumbar

nerve/muscle pain with mixed sucess. While it initially " dulled " the

sharp dagger like sensation -- in the end it was not enough for me --

and I explored other narcotic pain medication as my intervention &


Have you tried searching the group database? The majority of

circumstances in which I've read, heard of Fentanyl patch being used is

in palliative treatment for cancer etc. Have you asked your doctor

about trying another neuropathy med such as Lyrica or Topamax? Lyrica

is manufactured by the same company that patented Neurontin and is

similiar yet different -- Topamax like Neurontin was initially used in

treatment of seizure disorders and epilepsy (as an anti-convulsant. )

While I had good luck initially with Neurontin, I had to stop taking it

in the end b/c of the side-effects -- and serious edema affecting my

feet, legs and rest of my body. Topamax worked for very well for the

first 10 days -- but on day 11 I broke out in terrible hives. I went

off it for 3 weeks and once again tried it but with same allergic

reaction. This is not to say it hasn't worked for others. Lyrica &

Topamax are a Tier 2 prescription drug and are not available in generic

form -- as the pharmaceutical companies have not " released " it for

generic use. If you're interested in trying other neuropathy

medications such as the above for mentioned I would suggest a trial run

with samples.

Right now, I am on COBRA and unfortunately (and quite maddening) BC/BS

will not cover any prescriptions until 2 months after -- meaning

January 2009. I did my own research on-line and contacted the

pharmaceutical manufacturers of two of the other medications I take,

not related to my neuropathy but a different condition and applied for

their patient assistance programs to receive my meds at little to no

cost for up to a year. Happily, I was approved! So -- never doubt there

are ways and means to stay on your meds - if financial

strains/struggles/ no RX coverage is an issue.

I realize this is a somewhat " long-winded answer " to your question --

but felt it usual information to share. Keep your chin up! Never stop

asking questions ...

Much Love & Light to you ..


> Hi all :) here...still having tooo much pain on 2400mg

> Neurontin and 30mg Elavil (for sleep mostly). Am waiting on a visit

> with a specialist but it probably wont be until Feb. Thats a long


> from now pain wise. My daughter works with a girl whose Mother got


> relief from her nerve pain using Fentanyl patches. I vaguely remember

> there were/are some problems with them (lawyer commercials on tv lol)

> but was curious if anyone has tried them for TC and if they worked.

> Thanks everyone, hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)



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I have tried just about every med out there for neuropathy - neurontin,

imiprimine, Depakote, Tegretol (carbamepazine), Topamax, Lyrica, Keppra,

Cymbalta, . am I leaving any out??? LOL. All of them have at least 1

negative side effect. It is just a matter of finding the one that gives the

best pain control with the least amount of side effects. I have never had

one alleviate all of my neuropathy. There have been some that got closer

than others, but for the most part, I want one that just makes the pain

tolerable - so I can function in my day to day life. You know - keep the

pain down to a dull roar.

I took Topamax the longest out of all of them. It did really well, until I

had a compression fracture in April 2007. The only side effect was severe

problems with word-finidng. If you don't mind that it makes you sound dumb

as a box of rocks, then its not too bad. As annoying as it is and as it

sounds, it is a side effect I think you can get used to - I did. After a

year, I didn't realize exactly how hard of a problem I had. I could tell I

had the problem, but it wasn't until my compression fracture that I came off

of it. I didn't notice that it got better when I came off (changed to

Keppra), but when I went back to it, I noticed how much worse it got (then I

realized the improvement when I came off of it). On the positive side of

Topamax, one common side effect is weight loss. I was a size 14 and dropped

to a size 6. It was pretty quick (maybe over 6 mos?). Some people cannot

take it because they lose too much weight and don't stop losing weight (like

weight gain and Depkaote). My MD was about to pull me off of it, and my

weight eventually stabilized. I could eat anything and everything and stayed

a size 6. Unfortunately, paralysis changed all that. Oh well.

I think neurontin would do a good job with pain control, but I cannot stay

awake AT ALL when I take it. I can easily sleep 18+ hrs a day when I take

it. I don't remember having any pain when I was awake, but even when I was

awake, I was still pretty sleepy. In stead of alleviating the pain, maybe I

just slept though it - LOL. I even tried it twice, about 5 years apart -

same result.

The imiprimine (tricyclic) turned me into a zombie. I was really groggy.

When I wasn't sleeping, I was just out of it. There are parts of the 4 days

I took it that I cannot remember. On the third day, I developed a severe

headache, and that was the end of that.

Depakote worked well, but I put on 40 lbs in 6 months. Not everyone will

gain weight on Depakote, or may just gain the normal kind of weight gain

that can occur with meds that have weight gain as a side effect. The kind

that can be avoided for the most part with exercise and watching your diet

more closely. But some people will put on a massive amount of weight that

will not stop until the med is stopped. That was me. It can also make your

hair fall out. Not talking chemo patient and bald - just thin. But if you

already have really, super-thin, super-fine hair like me, then you really

can't afford to lose any.

I was prescribed Tegretol after my second and third surgeries for the severe

neuropathy that developed right after surgery. I have to say that it really

worked very well (and is VERY cheap, to boot). But I felt like I was running

in slow motion. Not drunk. Not the world running in slow motion, just me. It

was like being a 33 record in a world of 45s. And it was also noticeable to

others. I don't know anyone who took it that has had such a severe side

effect. They have experienced the typical mental slowing that most AEDs

cause, but nothing they weren't able to adapt to.

I changed from Topamax to Lyrica after my compression fracture. The Topamax

just didn't cut it with the severe increase in pain after the fracture, and

Lyrica was supposed to have a good reputation for pain control. It did work

like a charm. I think I may have had the least amount of pain when I was on

Lyrica than any other med for neuropathy. Unfortunately, after only 8 weeks,

I had gained so much weight that I couldn't wear clothes that I was wearing

the day before I started taking it. It also caused a lot of problems with

edema. I have enough problems with edema in my legs - they don't need any

help swelling from a med. Typically, if I am up all day, my legs will be

swollen when I go to bed. But after a nights sleep, the edema is gone when I

wake up (for the most part). But on Lyrica, it would take about 3 days of

bed rest for my legs to return to normal.

Then I changed to Keppra. This med probably had the least side effects, next

to Cymbalta. The only side effect I noticed was when I first started taking

it. The mfg warns of psychiatric problems (depression, suicidal feelings,

etc) when starting the med. Within about 4 days, I would be able to cry at

the drop of a hat - and not necessarily for any reason. I didn't feel

especially depressed, but more that my emotions were kind of out of whack.

The mfg says that this side effect should resolve over time - almost like a

strange, medication-induced PMS. And by the 4th week of taking it, the

emotional oddities were gone. By that point, my compression Fx had healed

and I decided I would just return to a med with side effects I was used to

and went back to Topamax. The pain control offered by Keppra was pretty

good. It wasn't as good as the Lyrica, but better than the Topamax (seeing

as the Keppra controlled the post-compression Fx neuropathy when Topamax


When I returned to Topamax, I got really annoyed with the verbal nonsense

coming out of my mouth and again, after the compression fx, it just didn't

provide the pain control that it once did, so I asked if there was anything

else I hadn't tried. Cymbalta was the only thing left. I have been on

Cymbalta for about a year now. It isn't the best pain control I've ever had,

but I am able to be functional. Some days are more painful than others, and

the pain typically increases with the amount of time I'm up. But the side

effect profile seems to be the smallest of any med I've ever been on. The

only side effect I've noticed is weight gain, and I'm not sure that's from

the med, exactly. My appetite has been through the roof. I'm sure if I

watched how much and what I'm eating and tried a little harder to get some

exercise it wouldn't' be the problem it is.

I hope these descriptions can give you some other ideas about meds to try to

control your neuropathy. One other thing about neuropathy control. I notice

that my neuropathy gets much worse when my spasms are out of control. If you

have spasms and aren't taking anything for them or they are not controlled

by what you are taking, it may be worth trying to improve the control of

your spasticity before trying to change your neuropathy meds again.

With regard to fentanyl, I've never tried them, but narcotics generally do

not control neuropathy (oral, transdermal or otherwise administered).

Narcotics just don't work well on the burning, numbness, tingling, stabbing,

electric- type pain that is neuropathy. They work well for other types of

pain. For example, besides the neuropathy in my legs and feet, I have

horrible back pain (also gets worse the longer I'm up - or rather, the

longer I'm in one position and when " up " in a wheelchair, sitting is pretty

much the only position and is difficult to get your back in another

position). But the oral narcotics I take work wonders for my back pain

(except for today, in which my back has been in quite a bit of pain, which

is unusual for me to be in this much pain), but they don't do squat for my

neuropathy. My MD did give me a sample of lidoderm patches to see how that

helped control my back pain (after the compression Fx). They didn't do

diddily, except fall off. I have a problem with getting adhesives to stick

to an area where I sweat excessively. On top of it, I'm allergic to

adhesives, so even with the problem I had getting it to stick, it still

caused me a rash. ao diddily, except fall off. x). They didnt'hes to see how

that helped control my ba but the

trying o hing to and went back to

Best of luck!


From: tetheredspinalcord

[mailto:tetheredspinalcord ] On Behalf Of Clement

Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 10:13 AM

To: tetheredspinalcord

Subject: Re: Re: Anyone have any luck with Fentanyl Patches for nerve


Thanks! I totally forgot about the group database lol....brainfog....I will

look in there :) I have tried Lyrica before but it gives me no better relief

than the Neurontin but costs ten times as much. Haven't tried the Topamax

but I have tried Cymbalta...seems like I can get a certain amount of pain

relief and then thats it, no matter what I am on. Very frustrating...am so

very thankful for getting some relief but wishing it was enough to allow me

to go back to work and to enjoy the things I used to...ie hiking, bicycling,

motorcycling, horseback riding etc. Big Sigh. Oh well, maybe Dr. Oro' will

have some suggestions for me :)


From: hollygolightly1916 <emaher1916@...

<mailto:emaher1916%40gmail.com> >

Subject: Re: Anyone have any luck with Fentanyl Patches for nerve


To: tetheredspinalcord


Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 2:34 AM

Hello !

How are you? (other than being in pain :( am very sorry to hear that.)

No, I have not had personal experience with the Fentanyl patch for

treatment of neuropathy. I have used Lidocaine patch twice for lumbar

nerve/muscle pain with mixed sucess. While it initially " dulled " the

sharp dagger like sensation -- in the end it was not enough for me --

and I explored other narcotic pain medication as my intervention &


Have you tried searching the group database? The majority of

circumstances in which I've read, heard of Fentanyl patch being used is

in palliative treatment for cancer etc. Have you asked your doctor

about trying another neuropathy med such as Lyrica or Topamax? Lyrica

is manufactured by the same company that patented Neurontin and is

similiar yet different -- Topamax like Neurontin was initially used in

treatment of seizure disorders and epilepsy (as an anti-convulsant. )

While I had good luck initially with Neurontin, I had to stop taking it

in the end b/c of the side-effects -- and serious edema affecting my

feet, legs and rest of my body. Topamax worked for very well for the

first 10 days -- but on day 11 I broke out in terrible hives. I went

off it for 3 weeks and once again tried it but with same allergic

reaction. This is not to say it hasn't worked for others. Lyrica &

Topamax are a Tier 2 prescription drug and are not available in generic

form -- as the pharmaceutical companies have not " released " it for

generic use. If you're interested in trying other neuropathy

medications such as the above for mentioned I would suggest a trial run

with samples.

Right now, I am on COBRA and unfortunately (and quite maddening) BC/BS

will not cover any prescriptions until 2 months after -- meaning

January 2009. I did my own research on-line and contacted the

pharmaceutical manufacturers of two of the other medications I take,

not related to my neuropathy but a different condition and applied for

their patient assistance programs to receive my meds at little to no

cost for up to a year. Happily, I was approved! So -- never doubt there

are ways and means to stay on your meds - if financial

strains/struggles/ no RX coverage is an issue.

I realize this is a somewhat " long-winded answer " to your question --

but felt it usual information to share. Keep your chin up! Never stop

asking questions ...

Much Love & Light to you ..


> Hi all :) here...still having tooo much pain on 2400mg

> Neurontin and 30mg Elavil (for sleep mostly). Am waiting on a visit

> with a specialist but it probably wont be until Feb. Thats a long


> from now pain wise. My daughter works with a girl whose Mother got


> relief from her nerve pain using Fentanyl patches. I vaguely remember

> there were/are some problems with them (lawyer commercials on tv lol)

> but was curious if anyone has tried them for TC and if they worked.

> Thanks everyone, hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)



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Jenn, Thank you so very very much! What a wonderful job you did of describing

these drugs for me (and others I'm sure). I understand what you mean about not

expecting total pain relief....down to a dull roar and having to pick what side

effect you can most tolerate. I have found on the Neurontin that it does fairly

well most days again as long as I am not too active (cant vacumn and do dishes

in the same day, I'm not talking tennis here) and am not in a car at all. Once I

get in a car, within two miles my pain pretty much doubles. Doesn't matter

whether I am driving, riding or even laying down on the back seat. I really miss

being able to travel and just drive wherever I want, whenever I want. I feel

like such a whimp! I have had lots of broken bones in my life and I was always

able to push through the pain. Had natural childbirth twice, once to a 9lb 2

oz'er and never uttered a sound. I feel like I should be able to push through

this pain...and I have

tried but it only lands me in bed totally miserable for days. Are the rest of

you able to push through your pain enough to work? Between my pain and my

brainfog I am unemployable. Unless I could find a job where I could work when

and for how long I wanted to, based on daily condition, that didn't require any

thinking LOL  The neurontin does cause brainfog, no doubt, I have trouble

word-finding and have gained about 40 pounds. I should definately try Topomax if

it causes weight loss! I am currently not taking any muscle relaxers, they make

me sleepy and the neurontin does enough of that, although I am able to stay

awake all day, a two hour nap in the afternoon does wonders :) I have just been

" dealing " with the spasms but I can definately see where they might cause more

neuropathy, clamping down on things. I should be hearing from Dr. Oro' soon...he

is reviewing my MRI's and history and hopefully has some words of wisdom for me.

I am not too hip on

injections or blocks of any kind, scared of arachnoiditis (not so sure I dont

have a little already). Having to see a psych tomorrow...been really down since

long term disability dropped me. Having no income and no ability to work sucks.

Very helpless feeling. I'm sure he is going to want to medicate me with

something. Maybe it will help. Sometimes you just get tired...I know if I can

hang in there I will get my 3 millionth wind. Thanks again Jenn for taking the

time to answer so thoroughly...I hope your back is not hurting so bad today...I

walked too much yesterday and am paying for it today.. Take care of you.      

From: hollygolightly1916 <emaher1916gmail (DOT) com

<mailto:emaher1916% 40gmail.com> >

Subject: Re: Anyone have any luck with Fentanyl Patches for nerve


To: tetheredspinalcord@ yahoogroups. com

<mailto:tetheredspi nalcord%40yahoog roups.com>

Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 2:34 AM

Hello !

How are you? (other than being in pain :( am very sorry to hear that.)

No, I have not had personal experience with the Fentanyl patch for

treatment of neuropathy. I have used Lidocaine patch twice for lumbar

nerve/muscle pain with mixed sucess. While it initially " dulled " the

sharp dagger like sensation -- in the end it was not enough for me --

and I explored other narcotic pain medication as my intervention &


Have you tried searching the group database? The majority of

circumstances in which I've read, heard of Fentanyl patch being used is

in palliative treatment for cancer etc. Have you asked your doctor

about trying another neuropathy med such as Lyrica or Topamax? Lyrica

is manufactured by the same company that patented Neurontin and is

similiar yet different -- Topamax like Neurontin was initially used in

treatment of seizure disorders and epilepsy (as an anti-convulsant. )

While I had good luck initially with Neurontin, I had to stop taking it

in the end b/c of the side-effects -- and serious edema affecting my

feet, legs and rest of my body. Topamax worked for very well for the

first 10 days -- but on day 11 I broke out in terrible hives. I went

off it for 3 weeks and once again tried it but with same allergic

reaction. This is not to say it hasn't worked for others. Lyrica &

Topamax are a Tier 2 prescription drug and are not available in generic

form -- as the pharmaceutical companies have not " released " it for

generic use. If you're interested in trying other neuropathy

medications such as the above for mentioned I would suggest a trial run

with samples.

Right now, I am on COBRA and unfortunately (and quite maddening) BC/BS

will not cover any prescriptions until 2 months after -- meaning

January 2009. I did my own research on-line and contacted the

pharmaceutical manufacturers of two of the other medications I take,

not related to my neuropathy but a different condition and applied for

their patient assistance programs to receive my meds at little to no

cost for up to a year. Happily, I was approved! So -- never doubt there

are ways and means to stay on your meds - if financial

strains/struggles/ no RX coverage is an issue.

I realize this is a somewhat " long-winded answer " to your question --

but felt it usual information to share. Keep your chin up! Never stop

asking questions ...

Much Love & Light to you ..


> Hi all :) here...still having tooo much pain on 2400mg

> Neurontin and 30mg Elavil (for sleep mostly). Am waiting on a visit

> with a specialist but it probably wont be until Feb. Thats a long


> from now pain wise. My daughter works with a girl whose Mother got


> relief from her nerve pain using Fentanyl patches. I vaguely remember

> there were/are some problems with them (lawyer commercials on tv lol)

> but was curious if anyone has tried them for TC and if they worked.

> Thanks everyone, hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)



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Hi ,

I was on a low dose Fentanyl patch for about 3-4 months following my last

c-spine surgery in Jan '07, the patch was to handle the chronic back pain that

I've experienced since by de-tethering surgery in Dec '04. In addition to

Fentanyl I take Lyricia for the neuropathy pain. While Fentanyl patch really

helped to reduce my pain level, I was somewhat in a fog, I had a hard time

concentrating on things. When I went back to work after surgery I realize I

couldn't stay on the patch. My pain management doctor took me off the patch and

switch me to Dilaudid (low dose) to handle the chronic back pain. I also take

baclofen to help with my muscle spasms. I've been very fortunate that I have a

good Pain Management doctor who has helped me reduce my pain level no only with

medication but PT, biofeedback and exercise. I still have plenty of bad days,

but now there are good days too.

Hopefully, your doctors will be able to find the right RX combo that will offer

you some relief. Everyone is different when it comes to how they react to meds,

and remember new drugs are coming out all the time that could help you. Hang in



----- Forwarded Message ----

To: tetheredspinalcord

Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 9:13:27 AM

Subject: Re: Re: Anyone have any luck with Fentanyl Patches for nerve


Thanks! I totally forgot about the group database lol....brainfog. ...I will

look in there :) I have tried Lyrica before but it gives me no better relief

than the Neurontin but costs ten times as much. Haven't tried the Topamax but I

have tried Cymbalta...seems like I can get a certain amount of pain relief and

then thats it, no matter what I am on. Very frustrating. ..am so very thankful

for getting some relief but wishing it was enough to allow me to go back to work

and to enjoy the things I used to...ie hiking, bicycling, motorcycling,

horseback riding etc. Big Sigh. Oh well, maybe Dr. Oro' will have some

suggestions for me :)


From: hollygolightly1916 <emaher1916gmail (DOT) com>

Subject: Re: Anyone have any luck with Fentanyl Patches for nerve pain?

To: tetheredspinalcord@ yahoogroups. com

Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 2:34 AM

Hello !

How are you? (other than being in pain :( am very sorry to hear that.)

No, I have not had personal experience with the Fentanyl patch for

treatment of neuropathy. I have used Lidocaine patch twice for lumbar

nerve/muscle pain with mixed sucess. While it initially " dulled " the

sharp dagger like sensation -- in the end it was not enough for me --

and I explored other narcotic pain medication as my intervention &


Have you tried searching the group database? The majority of

circumstances in which I've read, heard of Fentanyl patch being used is

in palliative treatment for cancer etc. Have you asked your doctor

about trying another neuropathy med such as Lyrica or Topamax? Lyrica

is manufactured by the same company that patented Neurontin and is

similiar yet different -- Topamax like Neurontin was initially used in

treatment of seizure disorders and epilepsy (as an anti-convulsant. )

While I had good luck initially with Neurontin, I had to stop taking it

in the end b/c of the side-effects -- and serious edema affecting my

feet, legs and rest of my body. Topamax worked for very well for the

first 10 days -- but on day 11 I broke out in terrible hives. I went

off it for 3 weeks and once again tried it but with same allergic

reaction. This is not to say it hasn't worked for others. Lyrica &

Topamax are a Tier 2 prescription drug and are not available in generic

form -- as the pharmaceutical companies have not " released " it for

generic use. If you're interested in trying other neuropathy

medications such as the above for mentioned I would suggest a trial run

with samples.

Right now, I am on COBRA and unfortunately (and quite maddening) BC/BS

will not cover any prescriptions until 2 months after -- meaning

January 2009. I did my own research on-line and contacted the

pharmaceutical manufacturers of two of the other medications I take,

not related to my neuropathy but a different condition and applied for

their patient assistance programs to receive my meds at little to no

cost for up to a year. Happily, I was approved! So -- never doubt there

are ways and means to stay on your meds - if financial

strains/struggles/ no RX coverage is an issue.

I realize this is a somewhat " long-winded answer " to your question --

but felt it usual information to share. Keep your chin up! Never stop

asking questions ...

Much Love & Light to you ..


> Hi all :) here...still having tooo much pain on 2400mg

> Neurontin and 30mg Elavil (for sleep mostly). Am waiting on a visit

> with a specialist but it probably wont be until Feb. Thats a long


> from now pain wise. My daughter works with a girl whose Mother got


> relief from her nerve pain using Fentanyl patches. I vaguely remember

> there were/are some problems with them (lawyer commercials on tv lol)

> but was curious if anyone has tried them for TC and if they worked.

> Thanks everyone, hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)



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