Guest guest Posted January 8, 1999 Report Share Posted January 8, 1999 This is an article I was sent earlier today. It may or may not be true, I don't know, but I would not rule it out. This came from a y2k alert at Jay ------- Y2K Alert - 1/8/1999 - National Guard to test nationwide Y2K mobilization NATIONAL GUARD TO TEST NATIONWIDE Y2K MOBILIZATION WorldNetDaily is now reporting on a topic we've received numerous e-mails on -- but haven't been able to confirm yet. As WorldNetDaily reports, " The National Guard is planning its first national mobilization of troops since 1940 in preparation for civil unrest resulting from the Y2K millennium bug. " (Link below.) Essentially, the National Guard needs to test whether they can organize the troops if telecommunication systems are down. Troops may be needed to quell riots, transport citizens, and deliver emergency food, water and medical supplies. The story continues, " The plan as it is now being designed, will be a mock mobilization of all 480,000 members of the National Guard in all 54 states and territories. Exercise COMEX/MOBEX will be conducted without telephone, radio, or television to get the word to all guard members. " WorldNetDaily was also able to get some opinions from various military officials on this topic: " WorldNetDaily spoke with several full-time guard members who work at the national level. Each is an officer, and each is concerned that the public is not being properly informed of the extent and seriousness of problems -- including civil liberties issues -- associated with the Y2K computer bug. " " I've taken an oath, and I don't see some of the senior folks following through on their oath, " explained one officer of his reasons for making this known. " Not only is my oath to the Constitution, but it's to the people. As far as I'm concerned, the faster and sooner people are educated on this stuff the less panic will ensue. " PLANS MIRROR Y2KNEWSWIRE PREDICTIONS As reported in the story, many of the predicted actions to be taken by the Clinton administration and the National Guard mirror our own predictions: " The logistics of such a mobilization are significant. The Clinton administration will argue that the National Guard can be used as a national police force, in spite of the Posse Comitatus Act. FEMA and other federal agencies will also be involved in COMEX/MOBEX. Orders will be given without the use of standard communications. The country will be divided into seven different regions. Plans include imposing restrictions on civilian travel and limits on bank withdrawals, according to sources. " Read the story at: READER MAIL CONFIRMS NATIONAL GUARD PLAN [actual reader e-mail sent to tips@...)] I am a C2 (Command and Control) person with NGB in Wash DC. This is going to happen, they are currently working on the Public Affairs guidance. On May 1-2, 1999 the National Guard is going to conduct Exercise COMEX/MOBEX. In short this is a nation-wide recall of ALL 480k+ Guardsmen. This will be simulated COMM-Out, in other words the standard method of recall ie: telephone is not an option. The driver for this exercise is Y2K. The purpose is to test whether or not the Guard can be recalled with a Mobilization Order (MO) during COMM-Out. The MO in this case will be a simple phrase to determine where the holes in the system are. This will NOT be an actual MO. Significance 1. The National Guard has NEVER performed a national test of the system. Individual units or States do perform tests of their systems internally, on an annual basis, with standard methods ie: telephone. Each unit has a recall plan with backup system: Radio/Television then house to house. In theory, the system should work. 2. The last time there was full mobilization was 1940 with the National Guard being absorbed by the Army in preparation for WWII. 3. Mobilizing the Guard is big-doings, even thinking about it is big-doings. Parts of the Guard were Mobilized for Berlin Airlift, Korea, Berlin Wall, Pueblo Crisis, Vietnam, Desert Storm and units are rotating through Northern/Southern Watch, Bosnia, Haiti etc, but never the WHOLE thing. When you recall almost a-half-a-million troops that are embedded in every career field expect to disrupt parts of society. 4. The President can only recall 200k and that requires an Executive Order declaring a National Emergency. Full mobilization requires Congressional input. 5. The Guard can be mobilized in one of two ways: Federal and State. When recalled for State status, The Guard falls under the control of the individual Governors and laws of the individual States. When recalled for Federal status, the Army Guard becomes part of the US Army and the Air National Guard becomes part of the USAF. This depends upon the wording of the recall order, they can be used " to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions " (U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 15). Because of the " execute the Laws of the Union " it can be argued that Posse Comitatus does not apply. Outcome Logistically, we have a nightmare situation regarding recall. Most Guard units are comprised of personnel that live in a surrounding area of the unit, but that can include crossing State lines. During this exercise I can promise you that the nationwide numbers will be 95%+ personnel contacted and ready to respond. In the Real World a COMM-Out situation compounded with rolling or otherwise brownout/blackout -a 25% attrition rate, for the 72 hour recall period. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? [commentary] The government is gearing up for a nationwide deployment of troops that we haven't seen since World War II. A national emergency will almost certainly be declared before troops are deployed. The US Constitution will again be hotly debated as the Clinton administration attempts to deploy the National Guard as a " national police force. " But attrition will be high. The predictions above conclude that approximately 25% of the guardsmen will be a no-show. If Y2K turns out to be worse than most people now think, expect that to increase to 50%. That will leave the National Guard with approximately 240,000 troops: just a quarter-million troops. Divide that among the 120 largest cities and you end up with only 2,000 troops *per city*. " Spread too thin " takes on new meaning here. Will the National Guard really have the resources to stop riots? Will they have the resources to actually reach people that need help? The bottom line here is easy: don't depend on the National Guard to save your ass. Get prepared now. Follow the advice of the American Red Cross and FEMA. Stockpile the supplies you can afford and that you think are necessary. Read our " Risk matrix " at ....and draw your own conclusion about preparedness. FEMA URGES PUBLIC TO GET READY NOW! The federal government has now officially warned the public to get ready for Y2K. Two days ago, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) published a strong warning, saying, " Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) officials are urging the emergency management, fire and emergency services communities and the public to get ready now for Y2K. " " It is very important that counties, municipalities, school districts and other organizations that have not yet begun to work on Y2K issues, start now, " FEMA Deputy Director Mike said. " While some failures will be minor annoyances, some may have more serious consequences. " The publishing of this warning is a major, positive step forward in the federal government's stance on Y2K and it stands in stark contrast to FEMA's earlier attitude about the rollover -- which was, essentially, that FEMA was only responsible for cleaning up disasters, not preventing them. But all that has changed now. FEMA is getting tough on Y2K, and they're not afraid to warn the public. AMERICAN RED CROSS, FEMA, WHO'S NEXT? First the American Red Cross told people to stockpile a week's worth of supplies. Now FEMA is directly urging the public to prepare. The preparedness activities carried on in secret by citizens afraid of being called " whackos " and " extremists " is now mainstream, and the open discussion of Y2K preparedness is spreading fast. The embracing of common-sense Y2K preparedness by both the American Red Cross and FEMA has all but obliterated the arguments that doing nothing is okay. That these two organizations, which are given the responsibility of savings lives during times of crisis, would embrace the reality of potential Y2K disruptions has granted the issue more credibility than all the Norths and Y2KNEWSWIREs combined. Until now, it has been remarkably easy to get away with name-calling and whacko-bashing on the Y2K-aware people who were taking precautions. But now, thanks to these actions by the Red Cross and FEMA, do-nothing Y2K skeptics find themselves at odds with mainstream preparedness, not to mention common sense. The FEMA statement goes on to say, " Every community, every organization and every individual has an obligation to learn more about their vulnerabilities and take action to prevent potential problems before they occur. " said. " Potential problems need to be identified and addressed now. " THE BOTTOM LINE If you are not yet preparing for Y2K by stockpiling a reasonable amount of food, water, medicine, heating supplies and cash, you are finding yourself at odds with urgent preparedness advice from two national organizations that specialize in saving lives and cleaning up disasters. WHO IS STANDING IN THE WAY OF SAVING LIVES? Furthermore, to ridicule those who are preparing for Y2K, or to attempt to prevent individuals from preparing, is a highly irresponsible act that may ultimately cost lives. Research firms, government officials, journalists and individuals who had urged people to do nothing are now being seen as part of the problem, not the solution, and they are rightfully being viewed as naive optimists that ultimately harmed the safety of the American people by standing in the way of urgent preparedness action. Think about this, folks: would the National Guard be testing a nationwide call, simulating telecommunications being completely down, if Y2K wasn't serious? Would the American Red Cross and FEMA be urging the public to prepare if Y2K wasn't serious? Would thousands of companies be spending literally billions of dollars repairing this if it wasn't serious? Connect the dots here. This isn't rocket science. Y2K is real, it's coming, and if you don't prepare now, you might find yourself holed up in a shelter somewhere, completely dependent on the National Guard for your food, water and heat. Make the National Guard's job easier. Prepare now, and encourage your neighbors to do the same. FEMA Announcement at: - Y2KNEWSWIRE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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