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Re: Re: vaccinations and autism experts

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, thankyou for your thoughts, I appreciated them. I donor believe my daughter has issues due to vaccines but do respect those who have seen that in their children. We ate all here to support one another, let us show everyone respect regardless of their beliefs....CarolynSent from my iPhone

Our story is very similar to Haven's story. In addition to being a concerned parent, I have spent the past 25 years in the medical industry, and 12 years of college in the science field with degrees in both immunology and virology. I may not be an 'expert' but I can tell you that I have researched every facet of my son's medical condition which I now know is a neuroimmune disorder with regressive autism as a symptom. We have stopped the regression, and his immune system is finally recovering after 4 long years of treatment.

I am fortunate that I have the opportunity to interact with very bright physicians across multiple specializations in hospitals throughout the country for my career. We speak often about my son, and they send me the latest research articles from time to time (that I have already read) but they don't have many answers.

Who are the autism 'experts?' The parents who have spent the past several years seeking the highest level of treatment and recovery for their child. My education and experience did not prepare me for treating my son's regression. I shouldn't have to educate a pediatrician about PANDAS or cd4/cd8 testing for immune function. They should have learned that in medical school, correct? I recently spoke to the head of a prominent medical school in Texas, and asked him what part of the curriculum is dedicated to teaching physicians how to treat the flood of patients they are now seeing with autism. He sadly shook his head (his grand-daughter has autism) and said, "Unfortunately, there is not much to teach medical students. We don't know what causes autism. We don't have enough research based, FDA cleared treatments to have credibility within AMA, despite that as parents we are seeing results with evidence based interventions such as a clean diet and supplements which build the immune system and heal the gut."

The autism 'experts,' physicians and researchers, still don't know the cause of the autism and within that classification is a diverse group of patients. Emory University has found that 10-15% of 'autism' is genetic. The other larger percentage is thought to be epigenetic.

NIH has an ongoing 10 year investigation for over 1000 chemical compounds that may contribute to autism, either independently or in groupings. The average infant cord blood sample contains over 600,000 chemicals. It's like finding a needle in a haystack.

I can tell you I will never back down from researching the answers and possible treatments after I witnessed the stark regression in my son immediately following his one year 'well baby' appointment that forever changed his life. Was it vaccines? Was it a compromised immune system prior to getting vaccines? Was it a viral infection combined with the vaccines? Was it a course of Augmentin, a double ear infection, 8 vaccines given all in one week? I may never know, but my focus in recent years has been to focus on his recovery- not what happened back in 2001. I cannot change that, I cannot force our bankrupt government to invest in autism research, and I cannot hold anger and frustration toward an ignorant medical establishment. I have to work in collaboration with thought leaders and experts and be a champion for my son.

Until we have substantial research and evidence that vaccines are not contributing to neuro-inflammation in a subset of children, we cannot rule out this possibility. If you really believe the studies that have found no connection between autism and vaccines, perhaps you should put on your investigative hat and really examine the flaws in the 14 studies. I have. So did the late Dr. Bernadette Healy.

As educated and intelligent parents, I hope we can at least agree that we need to support one another until we find a cause and treatment.

That's why I'm part of this great TAA group and have been for many years. I don't post much, but I do read the posts. Thanks to for calming the flames from our debates when they get a bit too heated.

Please continue the discussion but not personal attacks on list members. Intelligent and objective debate opens minds and challenges our thinking. Further, we should all question our understanding of the 'truths' we have been told by the media, the government and scientists. If you stop seeking the truth, you risk becoming myopic and stubborn.


> >

> > ,

> >

> > I’m sorry the posts have upset you, but there is no reason to shut down debate. That is precisely what this list

> > is for and the topic is very pertinent.

> >

> > Some of us find the anti-vaccine posts quite helpful and constructive. Why don’t you just ignore them?

> >

> > There are many posts on here I don’t find helpful, but why should I tell the posters to stop posting? It’s

> > their right and I imagine other people find them helpful.

> >

> > Give us a chance and you’ll find this list is a great place to get lots of good advice.

> >

> > Marilyn

> >



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Does anyone know the frequency of occurrences of moderate to severe autism in children who have had no vaccinations? My 6 year old granddaughter has received all of her vaccinations and has been diagnosed with moderate autism... although moderate sounds like such a mild word as she is almost totally dysfunctional. My daughter has now chosen not to vaccinate her 9 month old, and she still has not found a pediatrician willing to support her in her decision. If anyone knows of a pediatrician in the Waco area, we would appreciate his/her name. Thanks,Sharon

, thankyou for your thoughts, I appreciated them. I donor believe my daughter has issues due to vaccines but do respect those who have seen that in their children. We ate all here to support one another, let us show everyone respect regardless of their beliefs....CarolynSent from my iPhone

Our story is very similar to Haven's story. In addition to being a concerned parent, I have spent the past 25 years in the medical industry, and 12 years of college in the science field with degrees in both immunology and virology. I may not be an 'expert' but I can tell you that I have researched every facet of my son's medical condition which I now know is a neuroimmune disorder with regressive autism as a symptom. We have stopped the regression, and his immune system is finally recovering after 4 long years of treatment.

I am fortunate that I have the opportunity to interact with very bright physicians across multiple specializations in hospitals throughout the country for my career. We speak often about my son, and they send me the latest research articles from time to time (that I have already read) but they don't have many answers.

Who are the autism 'experts?' The parents who have spent the past several years seeking the highest level of treatment and recovery for their child. My education and experience did not prepare me for treating my son's regression. I shouldn't have to educate a pediatrician about PANDAS or cd4/cd8 testing for immune function. They should have learned that in medical school, correct? I recently spoke to the head of a prominent medical school in Texas, and asked him what part of the curriculum is dedicated to teaching physicians how to treat the flood of patients they are now seeing with autism. He sadly shook his head (his grand-daughter has autism) and said, "Unfortunately, there is not much to teach medical students. We don't know what causes autism. We don't have enough research based, FDA cleared treatments to have credibility within AMA, despite that as parents we are seeing results with evidence based interventions such as a clean diet and supplements which build the immune system and heal the gut."

The autism 'experts,' physicians and researchers, still don't know the cause of the autism and within that classification is a diverse group of patients. Emory University has found that 10-15% of 'autism' is genetic. The other larger percentage is thought to be epigenetic.

NIH has an ongoing 10 year investigation for over 1000 chemical compounds that may contribute to autism, either independently or in groupings. The average infant cord blood sample contains over 600,000 chemicals. It's like finding a needle in a haystack.

I can tell you I will never back down from researching the answers and possible treatments after I witnessed the stark regression in my son immediately following his one year 'well baby' appointment that forever changed his life. Was it vaccines? Was it a compromised immune system prior to getting vaccines? Was it a viral infection combined with the vaccines? Was it a course of Augmentin, a double ear infection, 8 vaccines given all in one week? I may never know, but my focus in recent years has been to focus on his recovery- not what happened back in 2001. I cannot change that, I cannot force our bankrupt government to invest in autism research, and I cannot hold anger and frustration toward an ignorant medical establishment. I have to work in collaboration with thought leaders and experts and be a champion for my son.

Until we have substantial research and evidence that vaccines are not contributing to neuro-inflammation in a subset of children, we cannot rule out this possibility. If you really believe the studies that have found no connection between autism and vaccines, perhaps you should put on your investigative hat and really examine the flaws in the 14 studies. I have. So did the late Dr. Bernadette Healy.

As educated and intelligent parents, I hope we can at least agree that we need to support one another until we find a cause and treatment.

That's why I'm part of this great TAA group and have been for many years. I don't post much, but I do read the posts. Thanks to for calming the flames from our debates when they get a bit too heated.

Please continue the discussion but not personal attacks on list members. Intelligent and objective debate opens minds and challenges our thinking. Further, we should all question our understanding of the 'truths' we have been told by the media, the government and scientists. If you stop seeking the truth, you risk becoming myopic and stubborn.


> >

> > ,

> >

> > I’m sorry the posts have upset you, but there is no reason to shut down debate. That is precisely what this list

> > is for and the topic is very pertinent.

> >

> > Some of us find the anti-vaccine posts quite helpful and constructive. Why don’t you just ignore them?

> >

> > There are many posts on here I don’t find helpful, but why should I tell the posters to stop posting? It’s

> > their right and I imagine other people find them helpful.

> >

> > Give us a chance and you’ll find this list is a great place to get lots of good advice.

> >

> > Marilyn

> >



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Sharon a susceptible child can develop autism without vaccination. Fever can trigger autism. The question is, how many children today diagnosed with autism were triggered by vaccination. It’s not whether or not vaccines can cause autism. The question is how many children have autism due to vaccination.

The former head of the CDC who is now head of Merck has recently stated that vaccines can cause autism if the reaction results in fever which vaccines do often cause.

It was obvious with my son that something happened in the ped office. He is now recovered from a once severe diagnosis, but still has a 2 inch rash at the injection site. His regression was very clear. I’m sure there are many cases where the regression and immune symptoms aren’t as obvious as a “one time event.†Thus folks aren’t making the connection. Some children can develop signs weeks after vaccination and have a slow decline in skills that isn’t as obvious. Some children die after vaccination. A spectrum of damage is happening from this medical procedure.

As for what to tell your daughter. You might remind her that all medical interventions have a risk of injury or death so her personal research will be vital. We all believed that our medical experts did this work for us. We have now uncovered that this isn’t the case.

It was easy for me to make the connection that possibly my medical experts didn’t know when I took my sick child in with frothy diarrhea, loss of function, etc....and they handed me a brochure for OT. Medical experts should conduct a medical investigation. When my second baby had a very high fever with vaccination and then began to stare, flap, tics, GI, asthma I stopped vaccination though the “experts†at Texas Children’s literally yelled at me. No proper investigation has been done, yet I was bullied into further medical procedures that have risk of injury or death as all medical procedures do.

That little 9 month old baby will do well to stay away from the current standard american diet. Every medical procedure from Tylenol to antibiodics must be questioned as they can impair immune function, liver function, etc...... I’d implement the same interventions with the 9 month old as I would the child already affected.

In my family the asthma, seizures, and autism are gone. Thankfully I didn’t listen to the experts.

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- do you have a link for this?  Thanks, Gail " The former head of the CDC who is now head of Merck has recently stated that vaccines can cause autism if the reaction results in fever which vaccines do often cause. "

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1 & feature=endscreen & v=17E1ORNFomg

Medicine progresses when we keep asking questions. Let’s not forget that the science is being interpreted by HUMANS. Medicine is being developed by HUMANS. Not a different class of perfect species. We do not understand how vaccination affects every child under multiple different circumstance.

Nobody tested my children prior to or after vaccination to understand what’s going on. Now a bunch of us are taking our lives to research, open schools, to save our kids all while being called anti-fanatics.

The Holocaust never happened, The A-bomb never happened, The towers didn’t fall, Smoking didn’t cause cancer, and Monsanto isn’t happening....surely mass medical procedures aren’t making some kids sick. Of course medical experts fully understand the design of the human body and how it interacts with artificial stimulation of the immune system while using contaminants and adjuvants. No way should we have to take into account individual uniqueness.

The president of the AAP says on national news “we know to never vaccinate a sick child.†Well that memo didn’t get to my pediatrician’s office. My son had a fever. Why am I not allowed to question this? I chose to move on and save my son. Some like the Polings had the intellect and connections to fight the system. However their energy went largely towards proving, not recovering. Not that I judge their work. All of us are just doing what we are led to do when this happens. But I’m making the point that if more of us weren’t in the daily fight to save our kids....we could be in the daily fight to change the system. I’m 7 years in and now run my own Montessori School and provide a body ecology diet each day for my children. 8 years ago I simply dreamed of soccer and Disney trips. We’re not fanatics.

My once non verbal son just ran into our home saying “hi guys†with a fully connected face/neurology. My kids just got back from an hour long pond adventure alone 6 & 8 while I continue to set up our Montessori Homeschool. Now they are upstairs building houses out of cardboard boxes and snacking on organic apples. A few years ago he only interacted with shapes. Maybe the experts who diagnosed him as severely autistic were wrong. That’s what we hear now. No wonder we all appear to be “crazy.â€

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,How is Montessori working out for your kids? Are you a certified teacher? Is this something you are doing out of the house or are you opening a school?I'm a Montessori certified teacher for ages 3-6. I also worked as a senior therapist for at a day treatment center for ABA. I have always felt like ABA and Montessori would be a very good mix for many of the kids with an ASD.Anyhow there is a Facebook group I found called MEFA. Montessori Education For Autism. You might be interested in joining!I would really be interested to hear what you are doing! My son is in PPCD right now. I'm not thrilled with the PPCD program but he does enjoy going and has made great progress due to early intervention starting when he was 16 months old. Yes, I caught the signs early and didn't wait.I'm back in college hoping to get my degree in psychology and go through the BCaBA certification program and maybe eventually a masters so I can earn my BCBA. Sincerely,Sent from my iPhone

http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1 & feature=endscreen & v=17E1ORNFomg

Medicine progresses when we keep asking questions. Let’s not forget that the science is being interpreted by HUMANS. Medicine is being developed by HUMANS. Not a different class of perfect species. We do not understand how vaccination affects every child under multiple different circumstance.

Nobody tested my children prior to or after vaccination to understand what’s going on. Now a bunch of us are taking our lives to research, open schools, to save our kids all while being called anti-fanatics.

The Holocaust never happened, The A-bomb never happened, The towers didn’t fall, Smoking didn’t cause cancer, and Monsanto isn’t happening....surely mass medical procedures aren’t making some kids sick. Of course medical experts fully understand the design of the human body and how it interacts with artificial stimulation of the immune system while using contaminants and adjuvants. No way should we have to take into account individual uniqueness.

The president of the AAP says on national news “we know to never vaccinate a sick child.†Well that memo didn’t get to my pediatrician’s office. My son had a fever. Why am I not allowed to question this? I chose to move on and save my son. Some like the Polings had the intellect and connections to fight the system. However their energy went largely towards proving, not recovering. Not that I judge their work. All of us are just doing what we are led to do when this happens. But I’m making the point that if more of us weren’t in the daily fight to save our kids....we could be in the daily fight to change the system. I’m 7 years in and now run my own Montessori School and provide a body ecology diet each day for my children. 8 years ago I simply dreamed of soccer and Disney trips. We’re not fanatics.

My once non verbal son just ran into our home saying “hi guys†with a fully connected face/neurology. My kids just got back from an hour long pond adventure alone 6 & 8 while I continue to set up our Montessori Homeschool. Now they are upstairs building houses out of cardboard boxes and snacking on organic apples. A few years ago he only interacted with shapes. Maybe the experts who diagnosed him as severely autistic were wrong. That’s what we hear now. No wonder we all appear to be “crazy.â€

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,You wrote a beautiful reply, and I applaud you.  As with most of us, we focus on healing our children, but for me, I must also do what I can to prevent what I believe will happen in the future.I believe this issue will divide our nation, and even in some cases dangerously so.  I would take action now, in a " war of words " against a system that is moving toward teh denial ofmedical freedom in this country.  We have already seen this happening in California with its desire to inoculate both boys and girls with Guardasil without informing parents, and we have seen it try to take root in Colorado with an ammendment to make it illegal to practical natural nutritional health (thankfully this amendment did not pass.

But this is not the end of the fight, only the beginning.  Special interests groups will continue to try to get control and funnel us all down their desired cattle shoot to their way of treatment.  We all know this is true of any cancer treatment available in this country at major hospitals.  Your choices are cut, bur, and poison; and insurance companies will not cover any other form of treatment.

In addition to healing my son, home schooling him, fighting for less environmental concerns(at present the Keystone XL pipeline), I am compelled to try to impart the importance for all of us push for medical freedom.

Dr. Rush, one the signers of the Declaration of Independence, pushed for a Constitutional Amendment guaranteeing medical freedom.  Our forefathers did not heed his warning, and Dr. Rush stated that if we did not guarantee this under the Constitution, then we would arrive at a medical dictatorship.  This is where we are today.

If we sit by and worry only about today and about the present, a dark future may wind up at our door.  Parents who now abstain from vaccination and/or state that vaccines played a roll in the triggering of autism in their children are already vilified in the media -- both in the news and even on Big Pharma funded television shows such as " House " and " Private Practice. "   A character on Private Practice played the " hero " when he force vaccinates a child with MMR against the mothers wishes.  And of course they also made measles look more like leprosy and of course they made one of the non-vaccinated children die.  This is the EXCEPTION in the reality of life and not the general rule.  Children who succumb to these benign illnesses most often do so if they were immuno compromised to begin with or suffer a more serious secondary infection, but they don't report that.

Dr. Rush declared, “The

Constitution of this Republic should make special provision for medical

freedom. To restrict the art of healing to one class will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic…Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution; the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship and force people, who wish doctors and treatments of their own choice, to submit to only what the dictating outfit offers.The Constitution of the Republic should make a Special provision for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom. " The proposed wording for the Dr. Rush Amendment in individual states is:“The

People and any lawful inhabitant, resident, or sojourner of the state of (Your state) shall have freedom of choice and practice of any health or medical care modalities as they deem in their own personal best interest and judgment.”If it passes in an adepquate amount of State judiciary, then it can get added to the US constitution and the proposed wording is:“The

People of the United States of America and anyone lawfully residing or sojourning therein shall have freedom of choice and practice of any health or medical care modalities as they deem in their own personal best interest and judgment.”Everyone, right now can do their part in urging their stae senators to pass this amendment and add it to state constitutions.  then we go on to have it added to the US.

I believe this should be an " inalienable right " and we should right this wrong that was done during the revolutionary period in our history.You can learn more about it here:http://www.rush2013.com/

The only part I disagree with is that anyone could practice medicine and I do think we need some kind of certification process or governing body, but it would open the door for holistic practitioners, and it would end government medical mandates.  Then if they want us to take their vaccines, they will have to make them non-toxic and safe and prove efficacy.


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Hi , yes I’m lower elementary trained and trained at the Houston Montessori Center (AMS).

We just moved from TX to Ohio. We are in the middle of nowhere and so my best option is to open my own homeschool. It’s coming along nicely. I feel confident that other kids will find their way here.

Montessori would not have recovered my son. In our case, biomedical intervention combined with therapy was necessary. Heal the body, and then apply therapies for his needs with a healthier body.

Montessori done properly is in my mind the proper way to educate humans. In my mind the current educational system in this country isn’t designed to educate humans. It’s a factory model. That said, I don’t think that Montessori is always done properly. Also though I believe that a child with needs as severe as what my child once had are best met 1:1. We ran 1:1 home programs from 18 months old-7 yrs old.

I have no doubt that my kids would do well in the public school system now. However I believe best that they move from concrete to abstract, have a strong emphasis on peace education, and that they aren’t slaves to a system that indicates what milestones should be met and when. So Montessori it is for my kids. Mostly I feel the need to protect them from environmental dangers like further vaccination, and the standard american foods. It’s safer for me to keep my kids at home.

I like ABA and it was certainly necessary in our home. However in our case we needed different therapies at different times. We also ran a Son-Rise playroom for 3+ years. We did a session of Brain Balance also. In the end, none of these therapies would have been effective if our son had been so ill. Body Ecology Diet, and other immune building biomed interventions were key for his recovery.

There are many ways to get to the result that we did. For us it was a sequence of intensive interventions over 7 years. We stayed open and ended up in places we never dreamed.

If anyone had told me 10 years ago that I’d be living in Ohio, drinking Super Vitality from body ecology diet, while setting up a Montessori elementary school in my basement I would have had to pick up my jaw off the floor. 10 years ago I was going through a Mcdonalds drive through, getting my flu shot, and headed home from a long day of teaching in the inner public city in Houston.

I think it’s great that you have ideas about your future. We all will go out into the world using our gifts to make important changes. Stay open though.....there is no ONE way. For many kids on the spectrum, a combination of approaches will be needed. Montessori is very misunderstood. I think because not all Montessori is done properly. Again personally, I don’t feel that PPCD or Montessori is right for a kid with autism. I think they need 1:1 for a period of time. I’d like to see a child enter the Montessori before age 5 as mine did. However if a child is wandering around a classroom, I don’t believe they are ready. True Montessorians may disagree.....but I’m not sure they understand the flood of kids coming in on the spectrum these days.

My vote is ABA for dietary changes, biomedical interventions.....then move towards a Son-Rise playroom that is set up to resemble a Montessori environment......Eventually move the child to a Primary Montessori environment....before 5....so that they can stay through 6 before entering Montessori Elem as mine are. My daughter is 6 and in her last year of Primary (Kindergarten). My son is 8 and in his 2nd year of lower elem.

Both are on grade level and developing typically now.

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I have the same dream in my community. Can you share the steps to get started

setting up a program at home. The LEA is a joke and our budget doesn't cover



Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone


>Hi , yes I’m lower elementary trained and trained at the Houston

Montessori Center (AMS).


>We just moved from TX to Ohio. We are in the middle of nowhere and so my best

option is to open my own homeschool. It’s coming along nicely. I feel

confident that other kids will find their way here.


>Montessori would not have recovered my son. In our case, biomedical

intervention combined with therapy was necessary. Heal the body, and then

apply therapies for his needs with a healthier body.


>Montessori done properly is in my mind the proper way to educate humans. In

my mind the current educational system in this country isn’t designed to

educate humans. It’s a factory model. That said, I don’t think that

Montessori is always done properly. Also though I believe that a child with

needs as severe as what my child once had are best met 1:1. We ran 1:1 home

programs from 18 months old-7 yrs old.


>I have no doubt that my kids would do well in the public school system now.

However I believe best that they move from concrete to abstract, have a strong

emphasis on peace education, and that they aren’t slaves to a system that

indicates what milestones should be met and when. So Montessori it is for my

kids. Mostly I feel the need to protect them from environmental dangers like

further vaccination, and the standard american foods. It’s safer for me to

keep my kids at home.


>I like ABA and it was certainly necessary in our home. However in our case we

needed different therapies at different times. We also ran a Son-Rise playroom

for 3+ years. We did a session of Brain Balance also. In the end, none of

these therapies would have been effective if our son had been so ill. Body

Ecology Diet, and other immune building biomed interventions were key for his



>There are many ways to get to the result that we did. For us it was a

sequence of intensive interventions over 7 years. We stayed open and ended up

in places we never dreamed.


>If anyone had told me 10 years ago that I’d be living in Ohio, drinking Super

Vitality from body ecology diet, while setting up a Montessori elementary school

in my basement I would have had to pick up my jaw off the floor. 10 years ago

I was going through a Mcdonalds drive through, getting my flu shot, and headed

home from a long day of teaching in the inner public city in Houston.


>I think it’s great that you have ideas about your future. We all will go

out into the world using our gifts to make important changes. Stay open

though.....there is no ONE way. For many kids on the spectrum, a combination

of approaches will be needed. Montessori is very misunderstood. I think

because not all Montessori is done properly. Again personally, I don’t feel

that PPCD or Montessori is right for a kid with autism. I think they need 1:1

for a period of time. I’d like to see a child enter the Montessori before

age 5 as mine did. However if a child is wandering around a classroom, I

don’t believe they are ready. True Montessorians may disagree.....but I’m

not sure they understand the flood of kids coming in on the spectrum these days.


>My vote is ABA for dietary changes, biomedical interventions.....then move

towards a Son-Rise playroom that is set up to resemble a Montessori

environment......Eventually move the child to a Primary Montessori

environment....before 5....so that they can stay through 6 before entering

Montessori Elem as mine are. My daughter is 6 and in her last year of Primary

(Kindergarten). My son is 8 and in his 2nd year of lower elem.


>Both are on grade level and developing typically now.





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Well the steps I’ve taken are to run home ABA, home Son-Rise, and then train at the Montessori center in Houston. For me this was a 7 yr process. Prior to this I taught in the public elementary schools in TX and PA.

I’m just taking all of my years of experience and implementing it in my home just as I would if I had a classroom. I have all the areas of the curriculum represented with all the montessori materials. We’ll be up and running again on Monday (we’ve moved from TX to OH), and I hope to bring in more students. The elementary child really thrives best with lots of social opportunities.

I didn’t believe that the current system would catch up soon enough, so to me....it’s easier to just open my own school than to fight a system. I don’t blame the system....I used to be part of that system. Back then I believed in what I was doing. I see things differently now.

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Well geez we’d have a darn good school between the two of us! At some point my kids will go to another school. For now I’m trained and this is a good fit/foundation for them. Glad to hear that your daughter is doing so well. I don’t like PPCD, but I also don’t believe there is only one way. All kids and families have different needs. You are wise to do what is best for all involved.

I never believed that I wanted my son to go as far as he could within autism. I wanted him to be typical. I think your intention is really important in the end result. I think that many decide that their child can’t do it. There is a level of acceptance that is important with autism. But acceptance for where they are, doesn’t mean acceptance that they will stay. I had a balance of accepting and understanding where my son was, while also believing he’d go all the way. I guess since I experienced my son being typical as a baby I just wanted that back. I didn’t believe it was lifelong.

Son-Rise is big into this type of thinking/belief etc..... We ran a Son-Rise program, but I was a “belief†type of girl before I ever learned of this therapy approach. I knew right from the beginning that we’d be a family that would make it. I decided that.

Since autism involves improper immune function dietary changes must go deeper than GFCF. It’s important to understand diet as a tool for proper immune function. Take away foods that feed infections (since the immune system isn’t functioning properly) and add foods that stimulate immune function. I’m no expert....but I stuck with this line of thinking. I may not be an immune expert....but I was a dietary expert and a true expert in getting my children to do this diet. Body Ecology Diet is a crazy amt of work. At one point I had my son on coconut oil, cultured vegetables, Natto, raw yolks etc....... Not fun with a toddler while the rest of the world eats goldfish or french toast sticks.

With autism, I have found that many kids are on diets, but that these GFCF diets are still just replicating the standard american diet. There are so many processed GF cookies, chicken nuggets, waffles etc.....out there. For my son anyway, he was just addicted to these new favorites. I didn’t believe the idea was to mimic what Americans are eating. I believed the idea was to change their inner ecosystem. Get the GI repopulated with good flora.

But the work paid off. Somehow my son healed and found his way out of autism. I guess we stopped the progression and then applied the right sequence of therapies to get him to catch up.

I love to hear what you are doing with your son. It’s a great gift that you have the background that you do. So you understand how to manage his time when he is at home. This is a lot like Son-Rise and a great sensory approach. For us, ABA was vital in implementing diet etc..... This shit gets really trick and hard. I couldn’t have done it alone...we used Spectrum of Hope to help us.

I’m sure I use a little bit of ABA everyday still. Some days I’d love to have an ABA session or Son-Rise playroom for my husband.

Your son and daughter may benefit from Brain Balance. For us combined with other interventions at the time (son-rise/body ecology diet) it was the last step in really turning our son on. Your ADD daughter would likely benefit right now. Your son will need to be further along in his recovery to really benefit from BB.

Tonight my son said “mommy, Taylin came running to you when she was 1 because she was scared, but I’m doing that now at 8 when I’m scared because I’m just learning all of this now. But I was really good at reading when I was little.†He’s very aware that his brain has changed. Listening to him express his journey is very interesting to me. He hugged me recently and said “I was so mad to eat all those foods, but I’m glad you took care of my body, I was just so mad.â€



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