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OT:Think Sugar is Good for You

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Think Sugar is Good for You

DentalPlans.com - Dania,FL


Think sugar is good for you? Think again. Nutritionally speaking,

sugar is sugar is sugar, whether it is white table sugar, maple

sugar, or a natural alternative. Sugar is a broad term applied to a

large number of carbohydrates present in many plants, some man made

elements and characterized by a very sweet taste. I love sweet

things. In fact I could almost say, take away my sugar and you take

away my happiness. Well, maybe I am sounding a bit over dramatic,

but for some of us addicts, sugar could be considered one of the 5

food groups, right? So why is sugar so devastating to our health?

The various names for sugar are fructose, maltose, dextrose, cane

sugar, turbinado, organic sugar, brown sugar, raw sugar, high

fructose corn syrup, and corn syrup, just to name a few. Most sugars

are is produced naturally and commonly found in fruit, milk, and

sugar cane.

Despite their immense popularity, sweeteners, particularly table

sugar, have generated their share of sour publicity because of

health concerns. Many experts believe that sugar is the main cause

of diabetes, hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. However, sugar is

really only the catalyst to these diseases, as we will see in a

moment. The effects of sugar are more damaging than all other

narcotics combined; it is a long term chemical poison. Even though

unbleached cane sugar is considered by some to be more healthful

than white table sugar, it should still be avoided as much as

possible. It's not really as simple a matter of figuring out what

kinds of sugar to eat and when, in order to lose weight, build

muscle and protect your health. When you discover the sinister

nature of the effects of sugar on the body, you will think again

before consuming that soda or candy bar, or really anything else for

that matter, because so many things do in fact contain their fair

share of sugars.

The most abundant type of sugar is glucose. High blood sugar

(hyperglycemia) means that the level of sugar (glucose) in your

blood is above your target range. The body breaks down sugar into

the sugar you find in your blood (glucose). How your body uses

glucose is the primary energy source needed for our bodies to work,

and it is the only reliable source of energy for the brain. In most

people, the body responds when glucose level is low by increasing

the amount of certain hormones which break down glycogen to make

more glucose.

Sucrose is a disaccharide--that is, it's composed of two simple

sugar units, in this case, glucose and fructose. Sucrose is the

sugar that is commonly sold in our supermarkets, as it is easily

extracted from sugar cane or sugar beet. Sucrose, the sugar refined

from sugar cane and sugar beets, has no greater adverse effect on

body function than any of the other sugars. Other forms of sucrose

are beet sugar, maple sugar, and raw sugar. Other sugars such as

fructose (in fruit and honey), lactose (in milk), and maltose (in

grains) are natural substances with nutritional value.

Excess sugar that is not burned off, is stored as fat, which is why

we gain weight from eating too much sugar. Trying to stop eating

sugar is as hard as quitting smoking or drinking coffee. Believe me

I know. It's important to keep an eye on how much we're eating,

because sugar often goes hand in hand with high fat products such as

doughnuts and bread. But it can even be in products that claim to be

Low fat. Significant amounts of sugar are even spaghetti sauce and


The nutritional leaching caused by sugar can give rise to intense

food cravings and eating binges, as the body seeks to replenish the

nutrients 'stolen' from it by sugar. Since sugar is 'nutritionally

naked', the body must 'borrow' the missing vitamins, minerals and

other synergistic nutrients required to metabolize sugar from its

own tissues. To spot hidden sugar, you should get into the habit of

reading the nutritional information listed on food.

Research shows that the etiology of most human diseases is caused by

a systemic fungal infection. And guess what? Fungus feeds, thrives

and breeds off of sugar. Here are just a few symptoms of an

overgrowth of fungus in the body; Anxiety, Arthritis, Cancer,

Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Gout,

Hyperactivity, Indigestion, Memory Loss, Obesity, Panic Attacks,

PMS, Sinus Infections, and Tooth Decay just to name a few. Cut off

it's food supply and the fungal infection dissipates and so do many

of the symptoms and even the disease itself. It's really quite

amazing how the body can heal itself given the right environment to

do so.

Natural sugar is an important source of carbohydrates, the body's

primary energy source. But too much sugar can lead to feeding a

systemic fungal infection which is the chief culprit in many

diseases and degenerative conditions. Because fungus is a parasite,

it must have a food source, that is why sugar seems so addictive,

and habit forming. The bottom line is you need to know where your

sugar is coming from and how much you are ingesting on a daily

basis. Keep it natural and your body should assimilate it properly

and you will probably remain healthy. But if you load up on table

sugar, brown sugar, and high fructose corn syrup and you're in for a

battle of your life. Kill the sugar habit before it kills you.


Sugar is as addictive as nicotine or alcohol

Sugar depresses the immune system, thus allowing many diseases an

opportunity to take over

Author: By info@... (Mellisa McJunkin)

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