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WorldWeDream.org needs your support

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WorldWeDream.org is a nonprofit. The mission of WorldWeDream.org is to change

the world through inspiration and compassion. WorldWeDream believes that

everyone, including people with disabilities, should be given a fair chance to

contribute in the community to the best of his or her potential.


We foster inspiration and compassion in society through stories that focus on

one's abilities rather than incapacities. These stories, created by the public,

help dispel myths that people have about disabilities and inspire people with

disabilities to excel in what they do best. They also inspire people without a

disability to transcend their limits and play an important backstage role in

helping disabled people become more successful.

WorldWeDream also enhances the chances of people with special needs and/or an

underprivileged background to find more appropriate jobs by creating video

resumes at absolutely no cost. Video resumes usually span one to three minutes

and allow job applicants to highlight certain soft skills such as communication,

presentation, and leadership abilities. A video resume concisely and uniquely

explains their skills and accomplishments that directly relate to a prospective

employer. These resumes help our clients stand out among common job applicants

and thus increase their chances of job or college acceptance. Video resumes are

also great for employers as they can quickly discover a job applicant's soft

skills and other abilities which are otherwise difficult to unearth from

traditional resume.


This dream cannot be successful without YOUR help. You can help in following


1. You are invited to share your true life experiences, especially

involving people with capabilities challenges, through stories, pictures, and

videos. These anecdotes can be about anything that made you think differently

about a certain disability and/or the people with the disability.

2. You can also help by sponsoring awards for story contests that we are

planning to organize for students ranging from grades 1 to 12. More information

regarding the story contests can be found at www.worldwedream.org.

3. Spread word about our services. Please download our brochure from our

website <link> and distribute them in your workplaces, post them in local

libraries and other community places, or any other method that you prefer so

that more people are aware of WorldWeDream and its ambitious goal.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at



Shubhankar Jain

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