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Re: Diabetes/Guilt/Anger/Depression - Very Long!

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Thank you for posting this one! What a precise summary of lots of

sensations and feelings I have been going through. I went through this same

list as a child with asthma, but it's been a while, and now I am revisiting

all of them with the diabetes diagnosis. My main image is standing in the

women's room last Saturday during an all day workshop, waiting for other

people to leave so I could test myself privately, because I didn't want to

" come out " just then to a bunch of people I didn't know....

I am printing this one out...


At 09:15 AM 02/09/2000 -0500, you wrote:

>From: WHIMSY2@...


>Excellent forward from another list...from Vicki



>How to Deal with the Shame and Guilt of Diabetes



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In a message dated 00-02-09 10:32:39 EST, you write:

<< My main image is standing in the

women's room last Saturday during an all day workshop, waiting for other

people to leave so I could test myself privately, because I didn't want to

" come out " just then to a bunch of people I didn't know.... >>

Gee, Jan, I ALWAYS do my testing - and insulin dosing - in public. I'm not

ashamed of my diabetes - it's just a disease like any other - and it's an

opportunity to educate people. Also, almost everyone seems to know someone

else with it or have a relative with it . Well, maybe it's because I'm an

extrovert... Vicki

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Ok, Naomi, so another person is giving you advice - puh-leeze don't hit


Could you write all that to each of your family and friends after you've

taken some deep breaths? We humans seem to be always expert at everything,

and most of it simply comes from caring and wanting to help. Maybe you

could tell them that you understand that and appreciate their caring, but

that this is your disease and only you can know what's best for it.

Just a thought, and thanks for venting. It's why we're here, dear.




Breeding Premium Oldenburgs,

and fancy sport ponies.


Re: Diabetes/Guilt/Anger/Depression - Very Long!



>Oh my dear,


>You hit the nail right on the head! My biggest problem at this point is

>ANGER! Grrrrrrr! Pardon my crude expression but " Confucius say better to

>be pissed off than pissed on! "


>I am sick and tired of everyone trying to tell me how to eat. I test, and

>test, and test, and inject 2 x daily AND I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING. I really

>don't want someone who has read ONE LOUSY ARTICLE on diabetes or who has

>attended a 1 hour lecture from a diabetic instructor to try and tell me how





>I know that they love me and mean well but they don't know diddly squat

>about what I'm going through and I'm just mad as I can be over some of the

>stupid advice they try to give me. You can't tell them anything. They

>think they know everything and yet I spend at least 8 hours daily on my

>computer (not counting the many hours reading books and articles) on

>everything I can find that I feel will be beneficial to my fight against



>One of my sons even had the audacity to say that I couldn't possibly feel

>bad all of the time and everyone is tired of hearing about my problems. NO

>I DON'T FEEL BAD ALL OF THE TIME ....but he doesn't know that because he

>doesn't even call but maybe once every 2 weeks. He really doesn't want to

>know how I feel and is in total denial about my heart problems and my

>diabetes. I told him if he wants to know anything about my health he can

>call my doctors because I'm not telling him anything else! If I have a

>problem I'll call 911...I won't bother any of my family!!!


>O.K. I'm through blowing my top. Isn't that a relief??? I'm sure it is!


>wouldn't want to hear it either but I 'm just so doggoned mad over some of

>the very things you brought up......I'm certain that not only is my blood

>sugar up but so is my blood pressure. These well meaning friends and


>really can't imagine the damage they are doing to us when they give their

>unsolicited advice. Maybe we should just print this article and hand it to

>them when we see they are about the begin.


>Thanks for your well written article and for listening to me before I blow

>my head gasket! It's bad enough when we are in denial but when our family

>and friends just can't seem to accept it.....that's just too much!


>Love you all,



>Naomi (Tootie)


>P.S., I'm so burned up this morning I even had to use my spell check


>I know I was really screwing up.

> 'cause I can't see through the tears!


> Diabetes/Guilt/Anger/Depression - Very Long!



>> From: WHIMSY2@...


>> Excellent forward from another list...from Vicki



>> How to Deal with the Shame and Guilt of Diabetes


>> When one becomes ill with any disease whether it's diabetes or lupus or

>> even cancer, well-wishers come out of the woodwork to offer advice.

>> There are some generic types of conversations that you can expect,

>> however when you hear the words, they still sting. They have an

>> interesting response in the person they are meant to " cure " , and that is

>> shame and guilt and sometime just plain anger. To give you examples,

>> please allow me to use my life, but you can substitute your family,

>> friends, and acquaintances.

>> The first is the " kind " friend who tells you that if you would just pray

>> more your disease would be cured, as if we all haven't turned to our own

>> interpretation of a higher power to ask, " Why? " and " How Can I Cope? "

>> The underlying hypothesis is that their religion is the correct one and

>> that they, therefore, know the secret of health. Also with that comes

>> the underlying thought that maybe you are being punished by their

>> powerful higher power for some sin (remember the frightening statements

>> about those who were dying from AIDS?). If you haven't heard these

>> thoughts, you will at some time in the course of your coping with

>> diabetes. It reduces your trials and lancet sticks 4-6 times a day,

>> injections, exchange counting, daily exercise, and fears, to nothing.

>> The simple answer is the correct one and you must feel shame and guilt

>> for not being good enough to know it. I react to these conversations

>> with anger that someone I know thinks in such simplistic, black and

>> white ways, but also with sympathy for them as life is so much better

>> when you actually have to think things through for yourself and you

>> control your destiny. I rarely argue because they tend to have recipe

>> type answers which just make me more angry.


>> My favorite is the " magic cure " that I was too dumb to have read about.

>> Once when we were writing a book, one senior editor, supposedly an

>> intelligent person, called and asked why we had not included, in the

>> medical section of the book, that cinnamon could cure diabetes. I called

>> and left her a message that if there was any verifiable and replicated

>> scientific research that proved this, that every diabetic would walk

>> around with a cinnamon sticks in the mouth. Want to feel guilty? Have

>> your loved ones scour newspapers and journals on a daily basis and then

>> call you with the new cures. When you don't jump or when it doesn't

>> work, how sad they are. Their efforts double. You must read the

>> articles, get the calls, e-mails, etc., and stifle you frustration as

>> they love you and want you to be healthy. I am convinced this is a true

>> statement, but they are also looking to regain control of their lives by

>> making you not sick. Don't fall for this one. Once when I was first

>> diagnosed and I had figured out how to control by blood glucose levels,

>> we took our first trip to visit my family since DDay (Diabetes Day).

>> They had been destroyed by my diagnosis and as I said before, these

>> loving, but controlling people were uncomfortable with my testing

>> materials, syringes, schedules, and new eating style. We arrived in time

>> for dinner. There were 20-some people around that table and the

>> conversation and looks made my blood glucose level zoom. Next morning

>> after we left to go on with our trip, I took my blood glucose level and

>> wonder of wonders, it had gone back to normal. As for the articles in

>> the paper and magazines, if you will just set limits about the nature of

>> what sells printed materials, the intelligent friend or family member

>> will stop. It is a waste of time. If something really important happens,

>> we'll all know and we'll be the ones celebrating.


>> Another favorite is the person who tells you about all their relatives

>> and friends who have had terrible complications from diabetes as if we

>> wake up each morning and think to ourselves, " how can I ruin my health

>> today so that I can go blind, lose a foot, or have a heart attack? "

>> Listening to these people is a very long " low " and does not help anyone.

>> After the first few words, we all tune the conversation out as it very

>> depressing or we go into denial mode think that will never happen to me.

>> Underneath, we may well feel ashamed that we have the same disease that

>> causes these catastrophes, and lots of anger that we are listening to

>> this diatribe. Be brave and tell this person that you're not sure the

>> topic of conversation can help, and that you do what you can to control

>> your diabetes.


>> One thing I know is that shame and guilt can make us depressed, that is,

>> to feel hopeless and helpless. Let's talk about what these look like and

>> what to do when they occur. First let's look at denial. As I said

>> before, denial is a normal reaction. If you don't believe me, watch an

>> overweight person eat for just one day and then ask them what they

>> ingested that day. Many will not remember standing at the counter eating

>> a half gallon of ice cream. The trouble with denial and diabetes is that

>> it stops you from learning what you need to know for your own care. It

>> may well help us from becoming overwhelmed by terrible things in our

>> lives, but when used inappropriately it can become a family affair

>> allowing your spouse to think that diabetes is not serious, thus setting

>> you up for cheating on your diet, not taking your meds, or not becoming

>> an expert on diabetes. What does denial sound like?


>> One bite won't hurt me. I'll go to the doctor later. My diabetes isn't

>> serious, I don't take insulin shots, just pills. The pains will goes

>> away, the sore will heal, my eyes will clear. These thoughts lead to

>> more dangerous thoughts like: There isn't any healthy food at work. It's

>> too hard to pack a lunch. It's too expensive to care for myself. I can't

>> ask my family to change the way they eat, and I don't want to eat alone.

>> I'll only smoke 3 cigarettes a day to keep my weight down.


>> Read enough? How do your control the destructiveness of denial in your

>> life? The first thing is to make sure that your significant other knows

>> about this disease. You must become an expert yourself and then share

>> the information. They must know that helping you remain healthy is a

>> loving kindness, not an intrusion. To tell the truth, your diet should

>> be theirs and so your taking care of yourself will make them more

>> healthy, so guilt be gone.


>> Now let's look at anger. Being ashamed of being different, perhaps

>> " weak " , can make anyone angry. When this happens, we rage at our new

>> life which is full of finger lances, meds, special times to eat, and

>> carbo counting, as well as exercise and a daily time table. Many feel

>> our positions in our families change. We are now less of a man or woman

>> and have become the invalid of the group. Denial may well raise its ugly

>> head. What happens then is that the anger allows one to not care for

>> your diabetes, and thus their lives do not change, but when this occurs

>> the blood glucose levels become out of control and the person feels

>> worse physically, thus making them even more angry. And so the cycle

>> goes on. How to stop the cycle is not always easy, but the first thing

>> is to figure out exactly what is making you angry and how are you

>> allowing this anger to rule your life. You can do this on a daily basis

>> by asking yourself what made you angry on that day. Look for

>> similarities. Is it others' comments, carrying around your supplies,

>> falling asleep after meals, missing out on foods you used to like? How

>> do you handle these situations? Do you feel hopeless or helpless even

>> after you think you have responded to the situation? Have you accepted

>> your diabetes or are you still at sea about your ability to cope on a

>> daily basis with a chronic disease? How can you help yourself? For one

>> thing, don't expect to learn to live with this disease overnight.


>> Keep a journal about your days and make sure you reread these pages each

>> week. You'll see your growth. Exercise. It makes anger abate. It's those

>> endorphins you read about. Work at remaining you and not being just a

>> diabetic so that you can enjoy your friends, work, social occasions, and

>> family. Talk about how angry you are with some persons you trust. Don't

>> do this all the time or you'll soon find your list of friends dwindle,

>> but as you learn to live with diabetes, others will understand what you

>> deal with 24 hours a day and they will begin to respect you rather than

>> pity you, and this will add to your own self worth and decrease your

>> anger. This does not mean to become hypoglycemic on purpose. The same

>> will happen as they watch you care for yourself and your dedication to

>> eating well and caring for yourself. I can't tell you how much easier it

>> is to ask for donations from friends when they have spent time with you,

>> and respect isn't bad. If worse comes to worse, go get help. No one

>> should live that anger or rage for much of their lives. It's

>> debilitating.


>> Finally, let's deal with depression for a bit. We have discussed this

>> many times on this web site, but let's go over the symptoms one more

>> time. Have you lost the sense of pleasure and interest in things? Have

>> your eating or sleep patterns changed? Are you eating more or less, can

>> you fall asleep, do you get up in the middle of the night or are you

>> very tired all the time? Have you lost your energy? Do you feel guilty?

>> Is life not worth it? Are you nervous too much of the time? Do you note

>> a loss of concentration? If you have these symptoms, do get help. If you

>> see a physician, they can rule out other diseases like thyroid disease,

>> side-effects of other drugs and effects of drug or alcohol abuse. The

>> good thing about depression is that it can be helped both by medications

>> and by talk therapies or both, and since a large portion of Americans

>> will be treated for depression during their life times, you will

>> certainly not be alone. Just don't wait to get help. Depression will

>> fuel your poor self care. It's hard to take care of diabetes when you

>> are not sleeping, or sleeping all day, gaining weight, raging at others

>> and yourself or thinking of overdosing.


>> OK. You know what can happen to you when you deal with shame, guilt and

>> anger. You have an idea of what to do. The new year and new Millennium

>> are here. Let's start it out with caring for ourselves. We expect to see

>> you here for many years, at least for the next hundred or so. Thanks in

>> advance for making it a better life for yourself. You count.


>> ---------------------------

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My daughter is graduating in May with a Masters in Health Management, and is

abolutely opposed to low carb (and overweight as well). So, you hit in

right on the head, Carolyn, - wait 'til she gets it.




Breeding Premium Oldenburgs,

and fancy sport ponies.


Re: Diabetes/Guilt/Anger/Depression - Very Long!





>I hope you feel better now. Sounds like you needed to get all that out.

>Now take a deep breath and repeat " I'm not alone, I'm not alone " . Being

>supportive is what this group is here for.


>I have a daughter who thinks she is so smart just cause she took a few

>medical classes. I can't wait till she is in the boat with us. She is

>genitacally predisposed to become diabetic so it won't be long. We will


>how smart she is then.


>Carolyn Kaminski






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Oh my dear,

You hit the nail right on the head! My biggest problem at this point is

ANGER! Grrrrrrr! Pardon my crude expression but " Confucius say better to

be pissed off than pissed on! "

I am sick and tired of everyone trying to tell me how to eat. I test, and

test, and test, and inject 2 x daily AND I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING. I really

don't want someone who has read ONE LOUSY ARTICLE on diabetes or who has

attended a 1 hour lecture from a diabetic instructor to try and tell me how



I know that they love me and mean well but they don't know diddly squat

about what I'm going through and I'm just mad as I can be over some of the

stupid advice they try to give me. You can't tell them anything. They

think they know everything and yet I spend at least 8 hours daily on my

computer (not counting the many hours reading books and articles) on

everything I can find that I feel will be beneficial to my fight against


One of my sons even had the audacity to say that I couldn't possibly feel

bad all of the time and everyone is tired of hearing about my problems. NO

I DON'T FEEL BAD ALL OF THE TIME ....but he doesn't know that because he

doesn't even call but maybe once every 2 weeks. He really doesn't want to

know how I feel and is in total denial about my heart problems and my

diabetes. I told him if he wants to know anything about my health he can

call my doctors because I'm not telling him anything else! If I have a

problem I'll call 911...I won't bother any of my family!!!

O.K. I'm through blowing my top. Isn't that a relief??? I'm sure it is! I

wouldn't want to hear it either but I 'm just so doggoned mad over some of

the very things you brought up......I'm certain that not only is my blood

sugar up but so is my blood pressure. These well meaning friends and family

really can't imagine the damage they are doing to us when they give their

unsolicited advice. Maybe we should just print this article and hand it to

them when we see they are about the begin.

Thanks for your well written article and for listening to me before I blow

my head gasket! It's bad enough when we are in denial but when our family

and friends just can't seem to accept it.....that's just too much!

Love you all,

Naomi (Tootie)

P.S., I'm so burned up this morning I even had to use my spell check because

I know I was really screwing up.

'cause I can't see through the tears!

Diabetes/Guilt/Anger/Depression - Very Long!

> From: WHIMSY2@...


> Excellent forward from another list...from Vicki



> How to Deal with the Shame and Guilt of Diabetes


> When one becomes ill with any disease whether it's diabetes or lupus or

> even cancer, well-wishers come out of the woodwork to offer advice.

> There are some generic types of conversations that you can expect,

> however when you hear the words, they still sting. They have an

> interesting response in the person they are meant to " cure " , and that is

> shame and guilt and sometime just plain anger. To give you examples,

> please allow me to use my life, but you can substitute your family,

> friends, and acquaintances.

> The first is the " kind " friend who tells you that if you would just pray

> more your disease would be cured, as if we all haven't turned to our own

> interpretation of a higher power to ask, " Why? " and " How Can I Cope? "

> The underlying hypothesis is that their religion is the correct one and

> that they, therefore, know the secret of health. Also with that comes

> the underlying thought that maybe you are being punished by their

> powerful higher power for some sin (remember the frightening statements

> about those who were dying from AIDS?). If you haven't heard these

> thoughts, you will at some time in the course of your coping with

> diabetes. It reduces your trials and lancet sticks 4-6 times a day,

> injections, exchange counting, daily exercise, and fears, to nothing.

> The simple answer is the correct one and you must feel shame and guilt

> for not being good enough to know it. I react to these conversations

> with anger that someone I know thinks in such simplistic, black and

> white ways, but also with sympathy for them as life is so much better

> when you actually have to think things through for yourself and you

> control your destiny. I rarely argue because they tend to have recipe

> type answers which just make me more angry.


> My favorite is the " magic cure " that I was too dumb to have read about.

> Once when we were writing a book, one senior editor, supposedly an

> intelligent person, called and asked why we had not included, in the

> medical section of the book, that cinnamon could cure diabetes. I called

> and left her a message that if there was any verifiable and replicated

> scientific research that proved this, that every diabetic would walk

> around with a cinnamon sticks in the mouth. Want to feel guilty? Have

> your loved ones scour newspapers and journals on a daily basis and then

> call you with the new cures. When you don't jump or when it doesn't

> work, how sad they are. Their efforts double. You must read the

> articles, get the calls, e-mails, etc., and stifle you frustration as

> they love you and want you to be healthy. I am convinced this is a true

> statement, but they are also looking to regain control of their lives by

> making you not sick. Don't fall for this one. Once when I was first

> diagnosed and I had figured out how to control by blood glucose levels,

> we took our first trip to visit my family since DDay (Diabetes Day).

> They had been destroyed by my diagnosis and as I said before, these

> loving, but controlling people were uncomfortable with my testing

> materials, syringes, schedules, and new eating style. We arrived in time

> for dinner. There were 20-some people around that table and the

> conversation and looks made my blood glucose level zoom. Next morning

> after we left to go on with our trip, I took my blood glucose level and

> wonder of wonders, it had gone back to normal. As for the articles in

> the paper and magazines, if you will just set limits about the nature of

> what sells printed materials, the intelligent friend or family member

> will stop. It is a waste of time. If something really important happens,

> we'll all know and we'll be the ones celebrating.


> Another favorite is the person who tells you about all their relatives

> and friends who have had terrible complications from diabetes as if we

> wake up each morning and think to ourselves, " how can I ruin my health

> today so that I can go blind, lose a foot, or have a heart attack? "

> Listening to these people is a very long " low " and does not help anyone.

> After the first few words, we all tune the conversation out as it very

> depressing or we go into denial mode think that will never happen to me.

> Underneath, we may well feel ashamed that we have the same disease that

> causes these catastrophes, and lots of anger that we are listening to

> this diatribe. Be brave and tell this person that you're not sure the

> topic of conversation can help, and that you do what you can to control

> your diabetes.


> One thing I know is that shame and guilt can make us depressed, that is,

> to feel hopeless and helpless. Let's talk about what these look like and

> what to do when they occur. First let's look at denial. As I said

> before, denial is a normal reaction. If you don't believe me, watch an

> overweight person eat for just one day and then ask them what they

> ingested that day. Many will not remember standing at the counter eating

> a half gallon of ice cream. The trouble with denial and diabetes is that

> it stops you from learning what you need to know for your own care. It

> may well help us from becoming overwhelmed by terrible things in our

> lives, but when used inappropriately it can become a family affair

> allowing your spouse to think that diabetes is not serious, thus setting

> you up for cheating on your diet, not taking your meds, or not becoming

> an expert on diabetes. What does denial sound like?


> One bite won't hurt me. I'll go to the doctor later. My diabetes isn't

> serious, I don't take insulin shots, just pills. The pains will goes

> away, the sore will heal, my eyes will clear. These thoughts lead to

> more dangerous thoughts like: There isn't any healthy food at work. It's

> too hard to pack a lunch. It's too expensive to care for myself. I can't

> ask my family to change the way they eat, and I don't want to eat alone.

> I'll only smoke 3 cigarettes a day to keep my weight down.


> Read enough? How do your control the destructiveness of denial in your

> life? The first thing is to make sure that your significant other knows

> about this disease. You must become an expert yourself and then share

> the information. They must know that helping you remain healthy is a

> loving kindness, not an intrusion. To tell the truth, your diet should

> be theirs and so your taking care of yourself will make them more

> healthy, so guilt be gone.


> Now let's look at anger. Being ashamed of being different, perhaps

> " weak " , can make anyone angry. When this happens, we rage at our new

> life which is full of finger lances, meds, special times to eat, and

> carbo counting, as well as exercise and a daily time table. Many feel

> our positions in our families change. We are now less of a man or woman

> and have become the invalid of the group. Denial may well raise its ugly

> head. What happens then is that the anger allows one to not care for

> your diabetes, and thus their lives do not change, but when this occurs

> the blood glucose levels become out of control and the person feels

> worse physically, thus making them even more angry. And so the cycle

> goes on. How to stop the cycle is not always easy, but the first thing

> is to figure out exactly what is making you angry and how are you

> allowing this anger to rule your life. You can do this on a daily basis

> by asking yourself what made you angry on that day. Look for

> similarities. Is it others' comments, carrying around your supplies,

> falling asleep after meals, missing out on foods you used to like? How

> do you handle these situations? Do you feel hopeless or helpless even

> after you think you have responded to the situation? Have you accepted

> your diabetes or are you still at sea about your ability to cope on a

> daily basis with a chronic disease? How can you help yourself? For one

> thing, don't expect to learn to live with this disease overnight.


> Keep a journal about your days and make sure you reread these pages each

> week. You'll see your growth. Exercise. It makes anger abate. It's those

> endorphins you read about. Work at remaining you and not being just a

> diabetic so that you can enjoy your friends, work, social occasions, and

> family. Talk about how angry you are with some persons you trust. Don't

> do this all the time or you'll soon find your list of friends dwindle,

> but as you learn to live with diabetes, others will understand what you

> deal with 24 hours a day and they will begin to respect you rather than

> pity you, and this will add to your own self worth and decrease your

> anger. This does not mean to become hypoglycemic on purpose. The same

> will happen as they watch you care for yourself and your dedication to

> eating well and caring for yourself. I can't tell you how much easier it

> is to ask for donations from friends when they have spent time with you,

> and respect isn't bad. If worse comes to worse, go get help. No one

> should live that anger or rage for much of their lives. It's

> debilitating.


> Finally, let's deal with depression for a bit. We have discussed this

> many times on this web site, but let's go over the symptoms one more

> time. Have you lost the sense of pleasure and interest in things? Have

> your eating or sleep patterns changed? Are you eating more or less, can

> you fall asleep, do you get up in the middle of the night or are you

> very tired all the time? Have you lost your energy? Do you feel guilty?

> Is life not worth it? Are you nervous too much of the time? Do you note

> a loss of concentration? If you have these symptoms, do get help. If you

> see a physician, they can rule out other diseases like thyroid disease,

> side-effects of other drugs and effects of drug or alcohol abuse. The

> good thing about depression is that it can be helped both by medications

> and by talk therapies or both, and since a large portion of Americans

> will be treated for depression during their life times, you will

> certainly not be alone. Just don't wait to get help. Depression will

> fuel your poor self care. It's hard to take care of diabetes when you

> are not sleeping, or sleeping all day, gaining weight, raging at others

> and yourself or thinking of overdosing.


> OK. You know what can happen to you when you deal with shame, guilt and

> anger. You have an idea of what to do. The new year and new Millennium

> are here. Let's start it out with caring for ourselves. We expect to see

> you here for many years, at least for the next hundred or so. Thanks in

> advance for making it a better life for yourself. You count.


> ---------------------------

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Oh Naomi --- you are really getting the business from your family.

My mother quietly sighs " Well, dear, I think it is just your allergies. I

think you are just allergic to other things now. It will go away " Uh, no,

ma, this is NOT allergies. This goes way beyond allergies....


At 12:51 PM 02/09/2000 -0600, you wrote:



>Oh my dear,


>You hit the nail right on the head! My biggest problem at this point is

>ANGER! Grrrrrrr! Pardon my crude expression but " Confucius say better to

>be pissed off than pissed on! "


>I am sick and tired of everyone trying to tell me how to eat. I test, and

>test, and test, and inject 2 x daily AND I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING. I really

>don't want someone who has read ONE LOUSY ARTICLE on diabetes or who has

>attended a 1 hour lecture from a diabetic instructor to try and tell me how




>I know that they love me and mean well but they don't know diddly squat

>about what I'm going through and I'm just mad as I can be over some of the

>stupid advice they try to give me. You can't tell them anything. They

>think they know everything and yet I spend at least 8 hours daily on my

>computer (not counting the many hours reading books and articles) on

>everything I can find that I feel will be beneficial to my fight against



>One of my sons even had the audacity to say that I couldn't possibly feel

>bad all of the time and everyone is tired of hearing about my problems. NO

>I DON'T FEEL BAD ALL OF THE TIME ....but he doesn't know that because he

>doesn't even call but maybe once every 2 weeks. He really doesn't want to

>know how I feel and is in total denial about my heart problems and my

>diabetes. I told him if he wants to know anything about my health he can

>call my doctors because I'm not telling him anything else! If I have a

>problem I'll call 911...I won't bother any of my family!!!


>O.K. I'm through blowing my top. Isn't that a relief??? I'm sure it is! I

>wouldn't want to hear it either but I 'm just so doggoned mad over some of

>the very things you brought up......I'm certain that not only is my blood

>sugar up but so is my blood pressure. These well meaning friends and family

>really can't imagine the damage they are doing to us when they give their

>unsolicited advice. Maybe we should just print this article and hand it to

>them when we see they are about the begin.


>Thanks for your well written article and for listening to me before I blow

>my head gasket! It's bad enough when we are in denial but when our family

>and friends just can't seem to accept it.....that's just too much!


>Love you all,



>Naomi (Tootie)


>P.S., I'm so burned up this morning I even had to use my spell check because

>I know I was really screwing up.

> 'cause I can't see through the tears!


> Diabetes/Guilt/Anger/Depression - Very Long!



>> From: WHIMSY2@...


>> Excellent forward from another list...from Vicki



>> How to Deal with the Shame and Guilt of Diabetes


>> When one becomes ill with any disease whether it's diabetes or lupus or

>> even cancer, well-wishers come out of the woodwork to offer advice.

>> There are some generic types of conversations that you can expect,

>> however when you hear the words, they still sting. They have an

>> interesting response in the person they are meant to " cure " , and that is

>> shame and guilt and sometime just plain anger. To give you examples,

>> please allow me to use my life, but you can substitute your family,

>> friends, and acquaintances.

>> The first is the " kind " friend who tells you that if you would just pray

>> more your disease would be cured, as if we all haven't turned to our own

>> interpretation of a higher power to ask, " Why? " and " How Can I Cope? "

>> The underlying hypothesis is that their religion is the correct one and

>> that they, therefore, know the secret of health. Also with that comes

>> the underlying thought that maybe you are being punished by their

>> powerful higher power for some sin (remember the frightening statements

>> about those who were dying from AIDS?). If you haven't heard these

>> thoughts, you will at some time in the course of your coping with

>> diabetes. It reduces your trials and lancet sticks 4-6 times a day,

>> injections, exchange counting, daily exercise, and fears, to nothing.

>> The simple answer is the correct one and you must feel shame and guilt

>> for not being good enough to know it. I react to these conversations

>> with anger that someone I know thinks in such simplistic, black and

>> white ways, but also with sympathy for them as life is so much better

>> when you actually have to think things through for yourself and you

>> control your destiny. I rarely argue because they tend to have recipe

>> type answers which just make me more angry.


>> My favorite is the " magic cure " that I was too dumb to have read about.

>> Once when we were writing a book, one senior editor, supposedly an

>> intelligent person, called and asked why we had not included, in the

>> medical section of the book, that cinnamon could cure diabetes. I called

>> and left her a message that if there was any verifiable and replicated

>> scientific research that proved this, that every diabetic would walk

>> around with a cinnamon sticks in the mouth. Want to feel guilty? Have

>> your loved ones scour newspapers and journals on a daily basis and then

>> call you with the new cures. When you don't jump or when it doesn't

>> work, how sad they are. Their efforts double. You must read the

>> articles, get the calls, e-mails, etc., and stifle you frustration as

>> they love you and want you to be healthy. I am convinced this is a true

>> statement, but they are also looking to regain control of their lives by

>> making you not sick. Don't fall for this one. Once when I was first

>> diagnosed and I had figured out how to control by blood glucose levels,

>> we took our first trip to visit my family since DDay (Diabetes Day).

>> They had been destroyed by my diagnosis and as I said before, these

>> loving, but controlling people were uncomfortable with my testing

>> materials, syringes, schedules, and new eating style. We arrived in time

>> for dinner. There were 20-some people around that table and the

>> conversation and looks made my blood glucose level zoom. Next morning

>> after we left to go on with our trip, I took my blood glucose level and

>> wonder of wonders, it had gone back to normal. As for the articles in

>> the paper and magazines, if you will just set limits about the nature of

>> what sells printed materials, the intelligent friend or family member

>> will stop. It is a waste of time. If something really important happens,

>> we'll all know and we'll be the ones celebrating.


>> Another favorite is the person who tells you about all their relatives

>> and friends who have had terrible complications from diabetes as if we

>> wake up each morning and think to ourselves, " how can I ruin my health

>> today so that I can go blind, lose a foot, or have a heart attack? "

>> Listening to these people is a very long " low " and does not help anyone.

>> After the first few words, we all tune the conversation out as it very

>> depressing or we go into denial mode think that will never happen to me.

>> Underneath, we may well feel ashamed that we have the same disease that

>> causes these catastrophes, and lots of anger that we are listening to

>> this diatribe. Be brave and tell this person that you're not sure the

>> topic of conversation can help, and that you do what you can to control

>> your diabetes.


>> One thing I know is that shame and guilt can make us depressed, that is,

>> to feel hopeless and helpless. Let's talk about what these look like and

>> what to do when they occur. First let's look at denial. As I said

>> before, denial is a normal reaction. If you don't believe me, watch an

>> overweight person eat for just one day and then ask them what they

>> ingested that day. Many will not remember standing at the counter eating

>> a half gallon of ice cream. The trouble with denial and diabetes is that

>> it stops you from learning what you need to know for your own care. It

>> may well help us from becoming overwhelmed by terrible things in our

>> lives, but when used inappropriately it can become a family affair

>> allowing your spouse to think that diabetes is not serious, thus setting

>> you up for cheating on your diet, not taking your meds, or not becoming

>> an expert on diabetes. What does denial sound like?


>> One bite won't hurt me. I'll go to the doctor later. My diabetes isn't

>> serious, I don't take insulin shots, just pills. The pains will goes

>> away, the sore will heal, my eyes will clear. These thoughts lead to

>> more dangerous thoughts like: There isn't any healthy food at work. It's

>> too hard to pack a lunch. It's too expensive to care for myself. I can't

>> ask my family to change the way they eat, and I don't want to eat alone.

>> I'll only smoke 3 cigarettes a day to keep my weight down.


>> Read enough? How do your control the destructiveness of denial in your

>> life? The first thing is to make sure that your significant other knows

>> about this disease. You must become an expert yourself and then share

>> the information. They must know that helping you remain healthy is a

>> loving kindness, not an intrusion. To tell the truth, your diet should

>> be theirs and so your taking care of yourself will make them more

>> healthy, so guilt be gone.


>> Now let's look at anger. Being ashamed of being different, perhaps

>> " weak " , can make anyone angry. When this happens, we rage at our new

>> life which is full of finger lances, meds, special times to eat, and

>> carbo counting, as well as exercise and a daily time table. Many feel

>> our positions in our families change. We are now less of a man or woman

>> and have become the invalid of the group. Denial may well raise its ugly

>> head. What happens then is that the anger allows one to not care for

>> your diabetes, and thus their lives do not change, but when this occurs

>> the blood glucose levels become out of control and the person feels

>> worse physically, thus making them even more angry. And so the cycle

>> goes on. How to stop the cycle is not always easy, but the first thing

>> is to figure out exactly what is making you angry and how are you

>> allowing this anger to rule your life. You can do this on a daily basis

>> by asking yourself what made you angry on that day. Look for

>> similarities. Is it others' comments, carrying around your supplies,

>> falling asleep after meals, missing out on foods you used to like? How

>> do you handle these situations? Do you feel hopeless or helpless even

>> after you think you have responded to the situation? Have you accepted

>> your diabetes or are you still at sea about your ability to cope on a

>> daily basis with a chronic disease? How can you help yourself? For one

>> thing, don't expect to learn to live with this disease overnight.


>> Keep a journal about your days and make sure you reread these pages each

>> week. You'll see your growth. Exercise. It makes anger abate. It's those

>> endorphins you read about. Work at remaining you and not being just a

>> diabetic so that you can enjoy your friends, work, social occasions, and

>> family. Talk about how angry you are with some persons you trust. Don't

>> do this all the time or you'll soon find your list of friends dwindle,

>> but as you learn to live with diabetes, others will understand what you

>> deal with 24 hours a day and they will begin to respect you rather than

>> pity you, and this will add to your own self worth and decrease your

>> anger. This does not mean to become hypoglycemic on purpose. The same

>> will happen as they watch you care for yourself and your dedication to

>> eating well and caring for yourself. I can't tell you how much easier it

>> is to ask for donations from friends when they have spent time with you,

>> and respect isn't bad. If worse comes to worse, go get help. No one

>> should live that anger or rage for much of their lives. It's

>> debilitating.


>> Finally, let's deal with depression for a bit. We have discussed this

>> many times on this web site, but let's go over the symptoms one more

>> time. Have you lost the sense of pleasure and interest in things? Have

>> your eating or sleep patterns changed? Are you eating more or less, can

>> you fall asleep, do you get up in the middle of the night or are you

>> very tired all the time? Have you lost your energy? Do you feel guilty?

>> Is life not worth it? Are you nervous too much of the time? Do you note

>> a loss of concentration? If you have these symptoms, do get help. If you

>> see a physician, they can rule out other diseases like thyroid disease,

>> side-effects of other drugs and effects of drug or alcohol abuse. The

>> good thing about depression is that it can be helped both by medications

>> and by talk therapies or both, and since a large portion of Americans

>> will be treated for depression during their life times, you will

>> certainly not be alone. Just don't wait to get help. Depression will

>> fuel your poor self care. It's hard to take care of diabetes when you

>> are not sleeping, or sleeping all day, gaining weight, raging at others

>> and yourself or thinking of overdosing.


>> OK. You know what can happen to you when you deal with shame, guilt and

>> anger. You have an idea of what to do. The new year and new Millennium

>> are here. Let's start it out with caring for ourselves. We expect to see

>> you here for many years, at least for the next hundred or so. Thanks in

>> advance for making it a better life for yourself. You count.


>> ---------------------------

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I hope you feel better now. Sounds like you needed to get all that out.

Now take a deep breath and repeat " I'm not alone, I'm not alone " . Being

supportive is what this group is here for.

I have a daughter who thinks she is so smart just cause she took a few

medical classes. I can't wait till she is in the boat with us. She is

genitacally predisposed to become diabetic so it won't be long. We will see

how smart she is then.

Carolyn Kaminski

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Your mother is too funny. Mine was the same way. She would always want to

blame it on something else. Either that or give you a new disease. I swear

the woman was a card carring member of the " disease of the month club " . But

she never had diabetes which was a shame because then she would have better

understood what my sister and now me live with.

Carolyn Kaminski

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Awwwwwwwww, {{{{Tootsie}}}}!

You know, you really should print copies of that article and give or send

them to everyone. Maybe include a note about how you feel and just how they

can help you by respecting that you know what you're doing. We not only have

to educate ourselves, we often times have to educate others in our lives.

Our son is a third-year resident who will be going into Family Practice in

June. When I was diagnosed in 4/99, he actually told me to, " lose weight

and you won't be diabetic anymore. " I just about pooped myself. Here he

was, a doctor, saying that to me. I had already read enough that I didn't

believe it for an instant, but certainly mentioned it to my doctor the next

time I saw him. He told me that, unfortunately, the material used to teach

med students about diabetes tend to leave new docs with that impression. A

few weeks later, armed with recent articles and a full measure of

determination, I sat our son down and re-educated him. He now tells his

patients that once diabetic, they will always be diabetic, but with

nutrition and exercise, may be able to reduce their weight and not have the

symptoms of diabetes.

I tell you that story because it was a very difficult time for us, and I

want you to know you're not alone. I was SO pissed off at him, hurt, and

upset. Luckily, I was able to just say to him, " You're full of shit. If

you want me to discuss my health with you, you will read these materials and

get your information straight first. "

You just vent here whenever you want. It's called " venting " for a reason.

Hopefull letting off some of the pressure will help you keep your bg and

gl's lower.



Diabetes/Guilt/Anger/Depression - Very Long!



> > From: WHIMSY2@...

> >

> > Excellent forward from another list...from Vicki

> >


> > How to Deal with the Shame and Guilt of Diabetes

> >

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Arghhhhhhh. Mothers! Aren't they a trip sometimes? Mine very lovingly

sent me a huge box of chocolates for Christmas.

Diabetes/Guilt/Anger/Depression - Very Long!

> >

> >

> >> From: WHIMSY2@...

> >>

> >> Excellent forward from another list...from Vicki

> >>


> >> How to Deal with the Shame and Guilt of Diabetes

> >>

> >> When one becomes ill with any disease whether it's diabetes or lupus or

> >> even cancer, well-wishers come out of the woodwork to offer advice.

> >> There are some generic types of conversations that you can expect,

> >> however when you hear the words, they still sting. They have an

> >> interesting response in the person they are meant to " cure " , and that


> >> shame and guilt and sometime just plain anger. To give you examples,

> >> please allow me to use my life, but you can substitute your family,

> >> friends, and acquaintances.

> >> The first is the " kind " friend who tells you that if you would just


> >> more your disease would be cured, as if we all haven't turned to our


> >> interpretation of a higher power to ask, " Why? " and " How Can I Cope? "

> >> The underlying hypothesis is that their religion is the correct one and

> >> that they, therefore, know the secret of health. Also with that comes

> >> the underlying thought that maybe you are being punished by their

> >> powerful higher power for some sin (remember the frightening statements

> >> about those who were dying from AIDS?). If you haven't heard these

> >> thoughts, you will at some time in the course of your coping with

> >> diabetes. It reduces your trials and lancet sticks 4-6 times a day,

> >> injections, exchange counting, daily exercise, and fears, to nothing.

> >> The simple answer is the correct one and you must feel shame and guilt

> >> for not being good enough to know it. I react to these conversations

> >> with anger that someone I know thinks in such simplistic, black and

> >> white ways, but also with sympathy for them as life is so much better

> >> when you actually have to think things through for yourself and you

> >> control your destiny. I rarely argue because they tend to have recipe

> >> type answers which just make me more angry.

> >>

> >> My favorite is the " magic cure " that I was too dumb to have read about.

> >> Once when we were writing a book, one senior editor, supposedly an

> >> intelligent person, called and asked why we had not included, in the

> >> medical section of the book, that cinnamon could cure diabetes. I


> >> and left her a message that if there was any verifiable and replicated

> >> scientific research that proved this, that every diabetic would walk

> >> around with a cinnamon sticks in the mouth. Want to feel guilty? Have

> >> your loved ones scour newspapers and journals on a daily basis and then

> >> call you with the new cures. When you don't jump or when it doesn't

> >> work, how sad they are. Their efforts double. You must read the

> >> articles, get the calls, e-mails, etc., and stifle you frustration as

> >> they love you and want you to be healthy. I am convinced this is a true

> >> statement, but they are also looking to regain control of their lives


> >> making you not sick. Don't fall for this one. Once when I was first

> >> diagnosed and I had figured out how to control by blood glucose levels,

> >> we took our first trip to visit my family since DDay (Diabetes Day).

> >> They had been destroyed by my diagnosis and as I said before, these

> >> loving, but controlling people were uncomfortable with my testing

> >> materials, syringes, schedules, and new eating style. We arrived in


> >> for dinner. There were 20-some people around that table and the

> >> conversation and looks made my blood glucose level zoom. Next morning

> >> after we left to go on with our trip, I took my blood glucose level and

> >> wonder of wonders, it had gone back to normal. As for the articles in

> >> the paper and magazines, if you will just set limits about the nature


> >> what sells printed materials, the intelligent friend or family member

> >> will stop. It is a waste of time. If something really important


> >> we'll all know and we'll be the ones celebrating.

> >>

> >> Another favorite is the person who tells you about all their relatives

> >> and friends who have had terrible complications from diabetes as if we

> >> wake up each morning and think to ourselves, " how can I ruin my health

> >> today so that I can go blind, lose a foot, or have a heart attack? "

> >> Listening to these people is a very long " low " and does not help


> >> After the first few words, we all tune the conversation out as it very

> >> depressing or we go into denial mode think that will never happen to


> >> Underneath, we may well feel ashamed that we have the same disease that

> >> causes these catastrophes, and lots of anger that we are listening to

> >> this diatribe. Be brave and tell this person that you're not sure the

> >> topic of conversation can help, and that you do what you can to control

> >> your diabetes.

> >>

> >> One thing I know is that shame and guilt can make us depressed, that


> >> to feel hopeless and helpless. Let's talk about what these look like


> >> what to do when they occur. First let's look at denial. As I said

> >> before, denial is a normal reaction. If you don't believe me, watch an

> >> overweight person eat for just one day and then ask them what they

> >> ingested that day. Many will not remember standing at the counter


> >> a half gallon of ice cream. The trouble with denial and diabetes is


> >> it stops you from learning what you need to know for your own care. It

> >> may well help us from becoming overwhelmed by terrible things in our

> >> lives, but when used inappropriately it can become a family affair

> >> allowing your spouse to think that diabetes is not serious, thus


> >> you up for cheating on your diet, not taking your meds, or not becoming

> >> an expert on diabetes. What does denial sound like?

> >>

> >> One bite won't hurt me. I'll go to the doctor later. My diabetes isn't

> >> serious, I don't take insulin shots, just pills. The pains will goes

> >> away, the sore will heal, my eyes will clear. These thoughts lead to

> >> more dangerous thoughts like: There isn't any healthy food at work.


> >> too hard to pack a lunch. It's too expensive to care for myself. I


> >> ask my family to change the way they eat, and I don't want to eat


> >> I'll only smoke 3 cigarettes a day to keep my weight down.

> >>

> >> Read enough? How do your control the destructiveness of denial in your

> >> life? The first thing is to make sure that your significant other knows

> >> about this disease. You must become an expert yourself and then share

> >> the information. They must know that helping you remain healthy is a

> >> loving kindness, not an intrusion. To tell the truth, your diet should

> >> be theirs and so your taking care of yourself will make them more

> >> healthy, so guilt be gone.

> >>

> >> Now let's look at anger. Being ashamed of being different, perhaps

> >> " weak " , can make anyone angry. When this happens, we rage at our new

> >> life which is full of finger lances, meds, special times to eat, and

> >> carbo counting, as well as exercise and a daily time table. Many feel

> >> our positions in our families change. We are now less of a man or woman

> >> and have become the invalid of the group. Denial may well raise its


> >> head. What happens then is that the anger allows one to not care for

> >> your diabetes, and thus their lives do not change, but when this occurs

> >> the blood glucose levels become out of control and the person feels

> >> worse physically, thus making them even more angry. And so the cycle

> >> goes on. How to stop the cycle is not always easy, but the first thing

> >> is to figure out exactly what is making you angry and how are you

> >> allowing this anger to rule your life. You can do this on a daily basis

> >> by asking yourself what made you angry on that day. Look for

> >> similarities. Is it others' comments, carrying around your supplies,

> >> falling asleep after meals, missing out on foods you used to like? How

> >> do you handle these situations? Do you feel hopeless or helpless even

> >> after you think you have responded to the situation? Have you accepted

> >> your diabetes or are you still at sea about your ability to cope on a

> >> daily basis with a chronic disease? How can you help yourself? For one

> >> thing, don't expect to learn to live with this disease overnight.

> >>

> >> Keep a journal about your days and make sure you reread these pages


> >> week. You'll see your growth. Exercise. It makes anger abate. It's


> >> endorphins you read about. Work at remaining you and not being just a

> >> diabetic so that you can enjoy your friends, work, social occasions,


> >> family. Talk about how angry you are with some persons you trust. Don't

> >> do this all the time or you'll soon find your list of friends dwindle,

> >> but as you learn to live with diabetes, others will understand what you

> >> deal with 24 hours a day and they will begin to respect you rather than

> >> pity you, and this will add to your own self worth and decrease your

> >> anger. This does not mean to become hypoglycemic on purpose. The same

> >> will happen as they watch you care for yourself and your dedication to

> >> eating well and caring for yourself. I can't tell you how much easier


> >> is to ask for donations from friends when they have spent time with


> >> and respect isn't bad. If worse comes to worse, go get help. No one

> >> should live that anger or rage for much of their lives. It's

> >> debilitating.

> >>

> >> Finally, let's deal with depression for a bit. We have discussed this

> >> many times on this web site, but let's go over the symptoms one more

> >> time. Have you lost the sense of pleasure and interest in things? Have

> >> your eating or sleep patterns changed? Are you eating more or less, can

> >> you fall asleep, do you get up in the middle of the night or are you

> >> very tired all the time? Have you lost your energy? Do you feel guilty?

> >> Is life not worth it? Are you nervous too much of the time? Do you note

> >> a loss of concentration? If you have these symptoms, do get help. If


> >> see a physician, they can rule out other diseases like thyroid disease,

> >> side-effects of other drugs and effects of drug or alcohol abuse. The

> >> good thing about depression is that it can be helped both by


> >> and by talk therapies or both, and since a large portion of Americans

> >> will be treated for depression during their life times, you will

> >> certainly not be alone. Just don't wait to get help. Depression will

> >> fuel your poor self care. It's hard to take care of diabetes when you

> >> are not sleeping, or sleeping all day, gaining weight, raging at others

> >> and yourself or thinking of overdosing.

> >>

> >> OK. You know what can happen to you when you deal with shame, guilt and

> >> anger. You have an idea of what to do. The new year and new Millennium

> >> are here. Let's start it out with caring for ourselves. We expect to


> >> you here for many years, at least for the next hundred or so. Thanks in

> >> advance for making it a better life for yourself. You count.

> >>

> >> --------------------------- ONElist

Sponsor ----------------------------

> >>

> >> Want To Be Showered With Kisses?

> >> Visit eGroups Valentine Gift Guide

> >> <a href= " http://clickme.onelist.com/ad/SparksValentine9 " >Click


> >>


>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >---------------------------

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Hey Barb,

I wouldn't hit you. You're one of the few people that can understand what

I'm going through.

Love ya lots!


Diabetes/Guilt/Anger/Depression - Very Long!

> >

> >

> >> From: WHIMSY2@...

> >>

> >> Excellent forward from another list...from Vicki

> >>


> >> How to Deal with the Shame and Guilt of Diabetes

> >>

> >> When one becomes ill with any disease whether it's diabetes or lupus or

> >> even cancer, well-wishers come out of the woodwork to offer advice.

> >> There are some generic types of conversations that you can expect,

> >> however when you hear the words, they still sting. They have an

> >> interesting response in the person they are meant to " cure " , and that


> >> shame and guilt and sometime just plain anger. To give you examples,

> >> please allow me to use my life, but you can substitute your family,

> >> friends, and acquaintances.

> >> The first is the " kind " friend who tells you that if you would just


> >> more your disease would be cured, as if we all haven't turned to our


> >> interpretation of a higher power to ask, " Why? " and " How Can I Cope? "

> >> The underlying hypothesis is that their religion is the correct one and

> >> that they, therefore, know the secret of health. Also with that comes

> >> the underlying thought that maybe you are being punished by their

> >> powerful higher power for some sin (remember the frightening statements

> >> about those who were dying from AIDS?). If you haven't heard these

> >> thoughts, you will at some time in the course of your coping with

> >> diabetes. It reduces your trials and lancet sticks 4-6 times a day,

> >> injections, exchange counting, daily exercise, and fears, to nothing.

> >> The simple answer is the correct one and you must feel shame and guilt

> >> for not being good enough to know it. I react to these conversations

> >> with anger that someone I know thinks in such simplistic, black and

> >> white ways, but also with sympathy for them as life is so much better

> >> when you actually have to think things through for yourself and you

> >> control your destiny. I rarely argue because they tend to have recipe

> >> type answers which just make me more angry.

> >>

> >> My favorite is the " magic cure " that I was too dumb to have read about.

> >> Once when we were writing a book, one senior editor, supposedly an

> >> intelligent person, called and asked why we had not included, in the

> >> medical section of the book, that cinnamon could cure diabetes. I


> >> and left her a message that if there was any verifiable and replicated

> >> scientific research that proved this, that every diabetic would walk

> >> around with a cinnamon sticks in the mouth. Want to feel guilty? Have

> >> your loved ones scour newspapers and journals on a daily basis and then

> >> call you with the new cures. When you don't jump or when it doesn't

> >> work, how sad they are. Their efforts double. You must read the

> >> articles, get the calls, e-mails, etc., and stifle you frustration as

> >> they love you and want you to be healthy. I am convinced this is a true

> >> statement, but they are also looking to regain control of their lives


> >> making you not sick. Don't fall for this one. Once when I was first

> >> diagnosed and I had figured out how to control by blood glucose levels,

> >> we took our first trip to visit my family since DDay (Diabetes Day).

> >> They had been destroyed by my diagnosis and as I said before, these

> >> loving, but controlling people were uncomfortable with my testing

> >> materials, syringes, schedules, and new eating style. We arrived in


> >> for dinner. There were 20-some people around that table and the

> >> conversation and looks made my blood glucose level zoom. Next morning

> >> after we left to go on with our trip, I took my blood glucose level and

> >> wonder of wonders, it had gone back to normal. As for the articles in

> >> the paper and magazines, if you will just set limits about the nature


> >> what sells printed materials, the intelligent friend or family member

> >> will stop. It is a waste of time. If something really important


> >> we'll all know and we'll be the ones celebrating.

> >>

> >> Another favorite is the person who tells you about all their relatives

> >> and friends who have had terrible complications from diabetes as if we

> >> wake up each morning and think to ourselves, " how can I ruin my health

> >> today so that I can go blind, lose a foot, or have a heart attack? "

> >> Listening to these people is a very long " low " and does not help


> >> After the first few words, we all tune the conversation out as it very

> >> depressing or we go into denial mode think that will never happen to


> >> Underneath, we may well feel ashamed that we have the same disease that

> >> causes these catastrophes, and lots of anger that we are listening to

> >> this diatribe. Be brave and tell this person that you're not sure the

> >> topic of conversation can help, and that you do what you can to control

> >> your diabetes.

> >>

> >> One thing I know is that shame and guilt can make us depressed, that


> >> to feel hopeless and helpless. Let's talk about what these look like


> >> what to do when they occur. First let's look at denial. As I said

> >> before, denial is a normal reaction. If you don't believe me, watch an

> >> overweight person eat for just one day and then ask them what they

> >> ingested that day. Many will not remember standing at the counter


> >> a half gallon of ice cream. The trouble with denial and diabetes is


> >> it stops you from learning what you need to know for your own care. It

> >> may well help us from becoming overwhelmed by terrible things in our

> >> lives, but when used inappropriately it can become a family affair

> >> allowing your spouse to think that diabetes is not serious, thus


> >> you up for cheating on your diet, not taking your meds, or not becoming

> >> an expert on diabetes. What does denial sound like?

> >>

> >> One bite won't hurt me. I'll go to the doctor later. My diabetes isn't

> >> serious, I don't take insulin shots, just pills. The pains will goes

> >> away, the sore will heal, my eyes will clear. These thoughts lead to

> >> more dangerous thoughts like: There isn't any healthy food at work.


> >> too hard to pack a lunch. It's too expensive to care for myself. I


> >> ask my family to change the way they eat, and I don't want to eat


> >> I'll only smoke 3 cigarettes a day to keep my weight down.

> >>

> >> Read enough? How do your control the destructiveness of denial in your

> >> life? The first thing is to make sure that your significant other knows

> >> about this disease. You must become an expert yourself and then share

> >> the information. They must know that helping you remain healthy is a

> >> loving kindness, not an intrusion. To tell the truth, your diet should

> >> be theirs and so your taking care of yourself will make them more

> >> healthy, so guilt be gone.

> >>

> >> Now let's look at anger. Being ashamed of being different, perhaps

> >> " weak " , can make anyone angry. When this happens, we rage at our new

> >> life which is full of finger lances, meds, special times to eat, and

> >> carbo counting, as well as exercise and a daily time table. Many feel

> >> our positions in our families change. We are now less of a man or woman

> >> and have become the invalid of the group. Denial may well raise its


> >> head. What happens then is that the anger allows one to not care for

> >> your diabetes, and thus their lives do not change, but when this occurs

> >> the blood glucose levels become out of control and the person feels

> >> worse physically, thus making them even more angry. And so the cycle

> >> goes on. How to stop the cycle is not always easy, but the first thing

> >> is to figure out exactly what is making you angry and how are you

> >> allowing this anger to rule your life. You can do this on a daily basis

> >> by asking yourself what made you angry on that day. Look for

> >> similarities. Is it others' comments, carrying around your supplies,

> >> falling asleep after meals, missing out on foods you used to like? How

> >> do you handle these situations? Do you feel hopeless or helpless even

> >> after you think you have responded to the situation? Have you accepted

> >> your diabetes or are you still at sea about your ability to cope on a

> >> daily basis with a chronic disease? How can you help yourself? For one

> >> thing, don't expect to learn to live with this disease overnight.

> >>

> >> Keep a journal about your days and make sure you reread these pages


> >> week. You'll see your growth. Exercise. It makes anger abate. It's


> >> endorphins you read about. Work at remaining you and not being just a

> >> diabetic so that you can enjoy your friends, work, social occasions,


> >> family. Talk about how angry you are with some persons you trust. Don't

> >> do this all the time or you'll soon find your list of friends dwindle,

> >> but as you learn to live with diabetes, others will understand what you

> >> deal with 24 hours a day and they will begin to respect you rather than

> >> pity you, and this will add to your own self worth and decrease your

> >> anger. This does not mean to become hypoglycemic on purpose. The same

> >> will happen as they watch you care for yourself and your dedication to

> >> eating well and caring for yourself. I can't tell you how much easier


> >> is to ask for donations from friends when they have spent time with


> >> and respect isn't bad. If worse comes to worse, go get help. No one

> >> should live that anger or rage for much of their lives. It's

> >> debilitating.

> >>

> >> Finally, let's deal with depression for a bit. We have discussed this

> >> many times on this web site, but let's go over the symptoms one more

> >> time. Have you lost the sense of pleasure and interest in things? Have

> >> your eating or sleep patterns changed? Are you eating more or less, can

> >> you fall asleep, do you get up in the middle of the night or are you

> >> very tired all the time? Have you lost your energy? Do you feel guilty?

> >> Is life not worth it? Are you nervous too much of the time? Do you note

> >> a loss of concentration? If you have these symptoms, do get help. If


> >> see a physician, they can rule out other diseases like thyroid disease,

> >> side-effects of other drugs and effects of drug or alcohol abuse. The

> >> good thing about depression is that it can be helped both by


> >> and by talk therapies or both, and since a large portion of Americans

> >> will be treated for depression during their life times, you will

> >> certainly not be alone. Just don't wait to get help. Depression will

> >> fuel your poor self care. It's hard to take care of diabetes when you

> >> are not sleeping, or sleeping all day, gaining weight, raging at others

> >> and yourself or thinking of overdosing.

> >>

> >> OK. You know what can happen to you when you deal with shame, guilt and

> >> anger. You have an idea of what to do. The new year and new Millennium

> >> are here. Let's start it out with caring for ourselves. We expect to


> >> you here for many years, at least for the next hundred or so. Thanks in

> >> advance for making it a better life for yourself. You count.

> >>

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> >>

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >---------------------------

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I too was embarrassed about taking my insulin injection in public. This was

because of the reaction I got from a lady in the restroom at the restaurant

the first time I had to go through this in a public place. I even

apologized and told her I had to take my insulin and she still acted as

though I was doing something illegal. Now my attitude has changed about a

lot of things. It's something that I have to live with and if they don't

like it they can turn their head.

Lots of luck,


Re: Diabetes/Guilt/Anger/Depression - Very Long!

> From: WHIMSY2@...


> In a message dated 00-02-09 10:32:39 EST, you write:


> << My main image is standing in the

> women's room last Saturday during an all day workshop, waiting for other

> people to leave so I could test myself privately, because I didn't want


> " come out " just then to a bunch of people I didn't know.... >>


> Gee, Jan, I ALWAYS do my testing - and insulin dosing - in public. I'm


> ashamed of my diabetes - it's just a disease like any other - and it's an

> opportunity to educate people. Also, almost everyone seems to know someone

> else with it or have a relative with it . Well, maybe it's because I'm an

> extrovert... Vicki


> ---------------------------

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Jan, a friend of mine is great with other's accidents and blood, and does

faint at the sight of her own :-)




Breeding Premium Oldenburgs,

and fancy sport ponies.


Re: Diabetes/Guilt/Anger/Depression - Very Long!



>Yup, I'm an introvert. Maybe as things go along I will be able to test more

>easily in front of people. And I get woozy at the sight of other people's

>blood, so I guess I am worried that someone might faint or something. Good

>thing I don't faint at the sight of my own.... THAT would be ridiculous!




>At 03:48 PM 02/09/2000 -0500, you wrote:

>>From: WHIMSY2@...


>>In a message dated 00-02-09 10:32:39 EST, you write:


>><< My main image is standing in the

>> women's room last Saturday during an all day workshop, waiting for other

>> people to leave so I could test myself privately, because I didn't want


>> " come out " just then to a bunch of people I didn't know.... >>


>>Gee, Jan, I ALWAYS do my testing - and insulin dosing - in public. I'm


>>ashamed of my diabetes - it's just a disease like any other - and it's an

>>opportunity to educate people. Also, almost everyone seems to know someone

>>else with it or have a relative with it . Well, maybe it's because I'm an

>>extrovert... Vicki



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Yup, I'm an introvert. Maybe as things go along I will be able to test more

easily in front of people. And I get woozy at the sight of other people's

blood, so I guess I am worried that someone might faint or something. Good

thing I don't faint at the sight of my own.... THAT would be ridiculous!


At 03:48 PM 02/09/2000 -0500, you wrote:

>From: WHIMSY2@...


>In a message dated 00-02-09 10:32:39 EST, you write:


><< My main image is standing in the

> women's room last Saturday during an all day workshop, waiting for other

> people to leave so I could test myself privately, because I didn't want to

> " come out " just then to a bunch of people I didn't know.... >>


>Gee, Jan, I ALWAYS do my testing - and insulin dosing - in public. I'm not

>ashamed of my diabetes - it's just a disease like any other - and it's an

>opportunity to educate people. Also, almost everyone seems to know someone

>else with it or have a relative with it . Well, maybe it's because I'm an

>extrovert... Vicki



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