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Re: Re: Fwd: [] Candida causes Cancer says Doctor

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Actually, I don't disagree with your restatement. The sequence of

events (influence) that end is a result (tendency) can be many. And

certainly Candida can be an influence in cancer and many other

tendencies. What I wanted to make clear to all those on the group

that have Candida is to not panic with the fear that they also have


You descriptions below are more to the real world than the one cause

= one effect of today's traditional medicine. That's why I prefer

influence and tendency.

Carl Grimes

Healthy Habitats LLC


> I have to agree with you Carl. Bad headline which was mine and

> doesn't really even reflect what article said, so I've changed it to

> one you probably don't agree with either but at least it really

> reflects the article posted.

> This doctor's theory is that Candida causes cancer. According to

> your answer you take strong exception to that also. I don't think

> that is likely either but I DO believe myself that all cancer is

> caused by a pathogen of some sort. Things that can cause cancer,

> like lead or fiberglass for example, could cause tissue damage that

> THEN makes that tissue susceptible to invasion by pathogens that

> then cause cancer. I do believe there is a link between cancer and

> pathogens and believe that anything that can damage tissue and cause

> inflamation can create a breeding ground for pathogens, that cause

> the tumors that continue to grow and spread. Now I have not studied

> this much AT ALL enough to claim enough knowledge to even say that

> with alot of confidence, just this is what I believe right now from

> what I know could be the case. They have discovered cervical cancer

> is caused by a pathogen..I believe fungus?? For a long time we all

> know ulcers were believed to be caused by spicy food and stress and

> now know that they were caused by a pathogen that just had not been

> discovered yet, H Pylori. Since Candida is present in system all

> the time, I do believe it would be 'around' MORE to infect any

> tissue damaged by toxins or fiberglass or other non-pathogen object

> causing tissue damage, such as radiation damage. I also believe

> that mammograms cause breast cyst or small tumor from damage that

> the crushing of the machine causes, then doctors go in and poke a

> hole in cyst or tumor which body has built a wall around to protect

> the body from it until the immune system can take care of the damage

> itself, and the hole created by biopsy spreads damaged cells

> throughout the body, causing breast cancer or cancer somewhere

> else. While breast cancer is off subject, I wanted to put that in

> because I think the practice of mammograms (squeezing breast so

> harshly and painfully - remember pain is body's way of telling you

> damage is being done to tissue- THEN zapping the squeezed tissue

> that is crying out in pain...at least mine did, when I had

> them..with radiation is insanity)is barbaric and ridiculous.

> Research has shown the most likely women to get breast cancer are

> women who go get mammograms regularly. Also most breast lumps that

> are biopsied and found benign go on to be cancerous..i.e. I believe

> that putting a hole in damaged tissue causes the damaged cells to

> spread and cause cancer if it wasn't cancer already. In other

> words, off topic, but be careful what doctors and medical protocol

> wants to do to you. It's not always in your best interest, but is

> always in their best interest. Your illness is their interest, not

> your health. (Not that they do this intentionally to give you

> cancer! I don't mean that. Just any studies that may show a

> connection I believe are not investigated because they don't

> CARE...and I DO mean that...they don't CARE what happens to

> patients, as they are not in the CARING business but in the money-

> making business).

> On the other hand, you'd think that people like Dr Croft who studies

> tissue would be able to tell difference between tissue damage from

> pathogenic fungus infection and toxins...so bottom line...don't

> listen to me or article...not enough is known!! If only we knew

> that some organization was REALLY investigating things like this for

> sure.



> >

> > I have to take strong exception to the claim that " Candida IS

> > Cancer " . There may be an association but I don't see how the two

> can

> >








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I think it makes more sense to get as much information as you can.

We of all people should know that " What we don't know " or what we don't


CAN hurt us..

What people should do is check out things that doctors want to do to you.

Try to get several opinions for anything important.. preferably independent

and unbiased information on whether their approach makes sense for you. That

can be really hard these days but you have to do it.

If you are sick and need medical imaging, make sure to keep copies of all

the X-Rays, cat scans, etc. that are done on you. That way you can avoid

having to do the same thing twice. The effects of radiation are cumulative..

By the way, please don't laugh, I must sound like a broken record, I know,

but NAC is protective against radiation-induced cell damage.. so its a good

thing to take before X-rays.. in case of nuclear terrorism, etc..

I don't know why this is not better known..


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