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Re: Fwd: [] Candida causes Cancer says doctor

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I have to agree with you Carl. Bad headline which was mine and

doesn't really even reflect what article said, so I've changed it to

one you probably don't agree with either but at least it really

reflects the article posted.

This doctor's theory is that Candida causes cancer. According to

your answer you take strong exception to that also. I don't think

that is likely either but I DO believe myself that all cancer is

caused by a pathogen of some sort. Things that can cause cancer,

like lead or fiberglass for example, could cause tissue damage that

THEN makes that tissue susceptible to invasion by pathogens that

then cause cancer. I do believe there is a link between cancer and

pathogens and believe that anything that can damage tissue and cause

inflamation can create a breeding ground for pathogens, that cause

the tumors that continue to grow and spread. Now I have not studied

this much AT ALL enough to claim enough knowledge to even say that

with alot of confidence, just this is what I believe right now from

what I know could be the case. They have discovered cervical cancer

is caused by a pathogen..I believe fungus?? For a long time we all

know ulcers were believed to be caused by spicy food and stress and

now know that they were caused by a pathogen that just had not been

discovered yet, H Pylori. Since Candida is present in system all

the time, I do believe it would be 'around' MORE to infect any

tissue damaged by toxins or fiberglass or other non-pathogen object

causing tissue damage, such as radiation damage. I also believe

that mammograms cause breast cyst or small tumor from damage that

the crushing of the machine causes, then doctors go in and poke a

hole in cyst or tumor which body has built a wall around to protect

the body from it until the immune system can take care of the damage

itself, and the hole created by biopsy spreads damaged cells

throughout the body, causing breast cancer or cancer somewhere

else. While breast cancer is off subject, I wanted to put that in

because I think the practice of mammograms (squeezing breast so

harshly and painfully - remember pain is body's way of telling you

damage is being done to tissue- THEN zapping the squeezed tissue

that is crying out in pain...at least mine did, when I had

them..with radiation is insanity)is barbaric and ridiculous.

Research has shown the most likely women to get breast cancer are

women who go get mammograms regularly. Also most breast lumps that

are biopsied and found benign go on to be cancerous..i.e. I believe

that putting a hole in damaged tissue causes the damaged cells to

spread and cause cancer if it wasn't cancer already. In other

words, off topic, but be careful what doctors and medical protocol

wants to do to you. It's not always in your best interest, but is

always in their best interest. Your illness is their interest, not

your health. (Not that they do this intentionally to give you

cancer! I don't mean that. Just any studies that may show a

connection I believe are not investigated because they don't

CARE...and I DO mean that...they don't CARE what happens to

patients, as they are not in the CARING business but in the money-

making business).

On the other hand, you'd think that people like Dr Croft who studies

tissue would be able to tell difference between tissue damage from

pathogenic fungus infection and toxins...so bottom line...don't

listen to me or article...not enough is known!! If only we knew

that some organization was REALLY investigating things like this for


--- In , " Carl E. Grimes " <grimes@...>



> I have to take strong exception to the claim that " Candida IS

> Cancer " . There may be an association but I don't see how the two



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I don't want to be inaccurate. Research has shown that women that

have health insurance and visit the doctor regularly and have regular

checkups have more breast cancer. They say in defense it is found

earlier. Poorer women without insurance don't get it caught so not

diagnosed or die from something else but have it, etc. I think this

is lame excuse since as I say above study didn't show higher incidence

of other cancer by women who have regular checkups, not a higher

incidence of ovarian cancer or cervical cancer or other cancers, just

breast cancer..so you'd have to be an idiot to not connect the method

of checking for breast lumps, and the practice of biopsing even very

small lumps, with the higher incidence of cancer.


> Research has shown the most likely women to get breast cancer are

> women who go get mammograms regularly.

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The CDC recently, I believe, added chronic infections as carcinogen

and also EBV, Epstein Bar Virus, which I have had last few years but

not retested for recently so don't know if I have knocked that out

(sore throat which is a symptom is mostly gone though so possibly I

have). However since EBV is a sign of a suppressed immune system and

so is Candida they may co-exist.



> There is a lot of research showing that cancer is actually VIRAL.



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I have to give it to you. I bet most of us are rubbing our heads.. " That

can't be right " well it isn't.

As I am sure you are aware, this exact issue has been discussed frequently

and there is a consensus on it . And its NOT that somehow, being poor is

healthier than being 'rich' (and having health insurance that pays enough -

and has low enough co-pays - so that poor women get regular checkups and

tests. Just in case anyone doesn't realize it, there is a war being fought

over this issue, because those tests are increasingly expensive and payers

just dont like paying for them. Anymore.)

Quite the opposite. Its used as an example of how deceiving statistics can

be if they are not looked at carefully to find the difference between

independnt and dependent variables.

SO, what it turns out really matters is that having a regular source of

medical care is particularly important for women, and that people who don't

have a place they can go where they can take these important regular tests

fall through the cracks of the healthcare system and get REALLY sick MORE

FREQUENTLY.. But they also fall through the cracks and don't get listed

because to get listed you have to GET CARE.. DUH...

They - because of their inability to afford it - are not counted as being



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here's a thought, maybe mamograms cause brest cabcer.

I dont think hills are meant to be smashed into pancakes, it hurts

and pain is meant to be a warning sign in our body.

I'll never put mine through that again. even more painful when you

have nerve damage.

luckily new ways are now out there and hopefully those tourcher

devices will be laid to rest.

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Yes, mammograms cause breast cancer! If you already have breast cancer, a

mammogram will cause it to spread. Breast tissue cannot tolerate radiation, not

even low levels, not to mention radiation is cumulative. I can tell you that a

panel of research scientists stood before a congressional subcommittee and

begged them not to approve mammograms, predicting the worst epidemic of breast

cancer in medical history if mammograms were made a part of regular health

maintenance. Same old story...follow the money. Most if not all of these

politicians have a vested interest in the big drug companies and the medical



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Sex organs are most delicate organs and most affected by radiation. I

read that also. If you have to have an xray, catscan for important

diagnostic reasons, so be it, but as a routine way to 'look' for

something that there is no other evidence of it being there is not


About 6 years ago I read a survey of women gynocologist that revealed

that most of them did not get mammograms themselves.

--- In , Sinkey <westoo@...>



> Yes, mammograms cause breast cancer! If you already have breast

cancer, a mammogram will cause it to spread. Breast tissue cannot

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My grandmother always told me the best way to stay healthy is to stay

away from doctors, offices and hospitals. Maybe not so much because of

the people, the doctors themselves, but more so because of the

environment and all the chemicals in the air and in the drugs that you

get treated with when at the doctors office or hospital.?


> Sex organs are most delicate organs and most affected by radiation. I

> read that also. If you have to have an xray, catscan for important

> diagnostic reasons, so be it, but as a routine way to 'look' for

> something that there is no other evidence of it being there is not

> warranted.


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Smart grandmother. Besides, especially nowadays, doctors are dictated by the

giant pharmaceutical companies and are clueless about working with nature and

promoting health. Mainstream medicine is now the leading cause of death in the

USA. The American Indians used to (and still do) use sweat lodges to purify the

bood stream and release toxins from the body and it works.

gsgrl2000 <gsgrl2000@...> wrote:

My grandmother always told me the best way to stay healthy is to stay

away from doctors, offices and hospitals. Maybe not so much because of

the people, the doctors themselves, but more so because of the

environment and all the chemicals in the air and in the drugs that you

get treated with when at the doctors office or hospital.?

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