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Re: Sweetners

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In a message dated 99-03-30 20:12:55 EST, you write:

<< For some reason the stores around here aren't carrying the diet RC. :( I

don't know why!! I've been to 5 different stores looking for them and 4 of

them have regular RC but no diet and the last one didn't have RC at all.

Meenie >>

Here in Florida they don't seem to carry it either. I have asked WalMart to

order the Diet RC Cola - the distributor is looking into whether or not they

can get it here - although the gal at WalMart tells me it is available - it

will take two to three weeks to find out - obviously not high on their list of

priorities. Does anyone know if RC Cola has a website or an e-mail addy - I'm

getting ready to blow off some steam.

in Port Orange, FL

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Find out from a store that carries RC who the distributor is and call them

directly. This is what I did and they were happy to sell to me directly

from the plant. They also were more than happy to check where they

distributed it. I am still trying to get Super Wal Mart to start carrying

it. Just keep at it.

Ann S

Re: Sweetners

> From: clerk@...


> In a message dated 99-03-30 20:12:55 EST, you write:


> << For some reason the stores around here aren't carrying the diet RC.

( I

> don't know why!! I've been to 5 different stores looking for them and 4


> them have regular RC but no diet and the last one didn't have RC at all.

> Meenie >>



> Here in Florida they don't seem to carry it either. I have asked WalMart


> order the Diet RC Cola - the distributor is looking into whether or not


> can get it here - although the gal at WalMart tells me it is available -


> will take two to three weeks to find out - obviously not high on their

list of

> priorities. Does anyone know if RC Cola has a website or an e-mail addy -


> getting ready to blow off some steam.


> in Port Orange, FL


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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It's everywhere in KY... (Guess because RC is made in Louisville) I can find

Diet RC with Splenda everywhere I look. Now if we can get them to use

Splenda in Canada Dry Ginger ale and other softdrinks <G>


Re: Sweetners



> > From: clerk@...

> >

> > In a message dated 99-03-30 20:12:55 EST, you write:

> >

> > << For some reason the stores around here aren't carrying the diet RC.

> ( I

> > don't know why!! I've been to 5 different stores looking for them and 4

> of

> > them have regular RC but no diet and the last one didn't have RC at


> > Meenie >>

> >

> >

> > Here in Florida they don't seem to carry it either. I have asked


> to

> > order the Diet RC Cola - the distributor is looking into whether or not

> they

> > can get it here - although the gal at WalMart tells me it is available -

> it

> > will take two to three weeks to find out - obviously not high on their

> list of

> > priorities. Does anyone know if RC Cola has a website or an e-mail

addy -

> I'm

> > getting ready to blow off some steam.

> >

> > in Port Orange, FL

> >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >

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Hi all - Yahoo - I finally found diet RC in my local store sweetened with

Splenda. It really was good - I couldn't really tell the difference between

that and diet coke. Aspartame doesn't seem to affect my BG's but I always

have wondered about the other side effects " they " say it can cause - so I

thought I would give the diet RC a try. Rebekah

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I know what you mean, I had alcoholics in my family too and felt the same

way. I have an occasional drink, but an absolute limit and have only been

tipsy a couple of times in my life. I saw too much growing up to want that

lifestyle (thank God it wasn't my parents!! :) )

Anyway, giving up anything is hard, I know. It's probably the caffeine in

the coke that we crave so much :) If the aspartame doesn't adversely affect

you, thats wonderful :)

I didn't think I could give it up, but I did it. And I can really tell the

difference now altho I didn't then :)


Re: Sweetners

From: TheoJa@... (Theo Jana)

You're right, Meenie, I feel bad when I go without my diet coke, I

can't get RC diet, I have looked.

Alcholism runs in my family, while young I was told that I would

probably be an alcholic so I didn't take the chance. I drank coke, then

diet coke. I may have addiction but for coke instead.

When I changed from coke to diet, I lost ten pounds. Since I have

been diagnosed with Two II Diabetes, I have lost another ten pounds.

So I don't think Diet Coke is harmful for me and the doctor said it is




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You can use lemon juice as you are using it in such a small amount that it

will not affect your medications. Just think of how much acid you are

getting with a grapefruit or the juice of a few in 8 oz glass. That is the


Bill Newman -- Rochester, NY




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It is not RC Cola's fault but the individual bottlers for the hold ups. Many

are not producing it yet because the have an abundance of the old " Diet

Rite " . Once their supply gets down they will introduce the new " Diet RC " .

The main company has not control over the production as they sell licenses

to others to produce the products.

In addition there is actually a shortage of the sweetener because of the

high demand and the new factory is not built yet. Big notice at our store at

the Log Cabin display that they are out of stock due to high demand on the

product and the unavailability to get the sweetener used in production.

Bill Newman -- Rochester, NY




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In a message dated 99-04-01 23:17:37 EST, you write:

<< You can use lemon juice as you are using it in such a small amount that it

will not affect your medications. Just think of how much acid you are

getting with a grapefruit or the juice of a few in 8 oz glass. That is the

problem. >>

Great! You had me worried there for a while - guess I hit the panic switch

<G> - I should know that because the instruction was specific for Grapefruit

juice because I asked about Orange juice and they told me that was OK in

small amounts.

And to think, 15 years ago, I was on that Grapefruit diet - before all these

meds that is. Too bad! That one always worked great for me.

in Port Orange, FL

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In a message dated 99-04-02 10:06:59 EST, you write:

<< Only reason that they say to limit our orange juice is the natural sugar

is high and not that it will affect your medications. It is something in the

grape fruit just alone that affects the heart medications. >>

Fortunately, Bill, they told me about the grapefruit problem BEFORE I started

taking most of my heart medications - which was after my angioplasties in

1995. Up to that time, I was only on diuretics and norvasc and I hadn't had

grapefruit in years, anyway - again most fortunate. I had given up on the

diets - found that you cannot " diet " only " eat right " . So, that's what I

started doing and I sure made out better.

in Port Orange, FL

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Bill, was it you that was talking about the methanol levels? I was surprised

when visiting http://sucrolose.com and pulling up the chart with the toxicity

levels - with methanol ethanol and water levels listed. How serious is the

impact of methanol in sucralose? All the other literature mentions how

totally safe it is - even for diabetics - but what about cancer and heart


inPort Orange, FL

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I talked to the main company for RC and they have no intention on ceasing

production of Diet Rite they have simply added Diet RC in their new mix.

You have to really push to get to different people to find out about it. It

took me four calls to my local distributor to even get ahold of someone who

knew enough about it to get the information and that only after they gave me

the 800 number for the main company.

Ann S

Re: Sweetners



> ,


> It is not RC Cola's fault but the individual bottlers for the hold ups.


> are not producing it yet because the have an abundance of the old " Diet

> Rite " . Once their supply gets down they will introduce the new " Diet RC " .

> The main company has not control over the production as they sell licenses

> to others to produce the products.


> In addition there is actually a shortage of the sweetener because of the

> high demand and the new factory is not built yet. Big notice at our store


> the Log Cabin display that they are out of stock due to high demand on the

> product and the unavailability to get the sweetener used in production.



> Bill Newman -- Rochester, NY

> wtnewman@...

> Bill@...

> www.christianmerchants.com



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It all depends on the local regions as her in the Rochester area the

bottlers in Albany are doing to drop the Diet Rite and change over to Diet

RC completely. All the main company does is suggest as they sell the

franchise to many other companies. In or area three major sodas are produced

by the same bother. Canada Dry, RC Cola and Coke. If these were still just

company stores then you would not see competing markets from on bottler.

Also the President Brand of soda now contain the Splenda. It is not found

everywhere as of yet due to shortages in the base products. As far as I have

been able to find out it is only available in the Northeast and Great Lakes

area of the country.

Bill Newman -- Rochester, NY




List owner: bibletalk@... & disaster@... & medsupport@...

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I was also on the grapefruit diet many years ago and it really got me into

trouble. At the time the doctors knew nothing about the problems with

grapefruit and many medications. I finally stopped the diet and things

changed with my health to the better. When the information came out a couple

of years ago I looked back and it confirmed the problems that I had been


Only reason that they say to limit our orange juice is the natural sugar is

high and not that it will affect your medications. It is something in the

grape fruit just alone that affects the heart medications.

Bill Newman -- Rochester, NY




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Why does everyone want to keep bothering the manufactures. Many are now

thinking that diabetics are a crazy and demanding group of people. It does

not help the image to keep calling and bothering them. I products are coming

out as soon as the suppliers get them made. Remember that the current plant

for the Splenda is only producing less than 10% of the market anticipated.

The new plant is suppose to be ready within the year and then you will see

many products changing as the base material become available. Even the

Canada markets are stressed right now as the product is still manufacued in

the U.S. and shipped to Canada for distribution. The bakery in our town has

been on backorder for it's Splendia for over three weeks now and they had

been buying it bulk in Canada for a 15% premium.

I will be here just give it time. It is a major change in marketing for some

companies and also a major investment for many others.

Bill Newman -- Rochester, NY




List owner: bibletalk@... & disaster@... & medsupport@...

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wnservices@... -- Web Development -- Web Hosting -- Desktop


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Not it was not me. There must have been another Bill on here writing when I

was off-line for a few days as I have been approached on this list before

that I have been slamming the Splendia which I have not.

As far as what it will do for heart patients as far as safety has not been

answered. As soon as it is easier to get the products there is going to be a

study done to compare the results of certain know heart medications and

Splendia. With many products it is sometimes 5 to 10 years down the road

before they can truly say they are completely safe for all occasions. That

is what happened with the grapefruit and the time release nitro tablets. It

is the same as currently with the side effect of Lipator (Furosemide). The

medication passed all FDA requirements for safety but now there is findings

that it can cause liver problems as much as Rezulin or even more often in

people that are on certain heart and diabetes medications. Further testing

is now going on and soon I hope an official report will be out. Till that

time my doctor has pulled me off the Lipator and I know I am going to be

have problems if this is not taken care of soon.

Bill Newman -- Rochester, NY




List owner: bibletalk@... & disaster@... & medsupport@...

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wnservices@... -- Web Development -- Web Hosting -- Desktop


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Where on the sucrulose site did you find this information. I don't believe

it is sucralose that has the methanol ethanol but aspartame. Let me know

where you located this information.

Ann S

Re: Sweetners

> From: clerk@...


> Bill, was it you that was talking about the methanol levels? I was


> when visiting http://sucrolose.com and pulling up the chart with the


> levels - with methanol ethanol and water levels listed. How serious is


> impact of methanol in sucralose? All the other literature mentions how

> totally safe it is - even for diabetics - but what about cancer and heart

> patients?


> inPort Orange, FL


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I have no problems at all getting it here in KY thank the Gods. It's

actually becoming quite popular here too.


Re: Sweetners



> ,


> It is not RC Cola's fault but the individual bottlers for the hold ups.


> are not producing it yet because the have an abundance of the old " Diet

> Rite " . Once their supply gets down they will introduce the new " Diet RC " .

> The main company has not control over the production as they sell licenses

> to others to produce the products.


> In addition there is actually a shortage of the sweetener because of the

> high demand and the new factory is not built yet. Big notice at our store


> the Log Cabin display that they are out of stock due to high demand on the

> product and the unavailability to get the sweetener used in production.



> Bill Newman -- Rochester, NY

> wtnewman@...

> Bill@...

> www.christianmerchants.com



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Why we are so demanding... well for one... it's something that is

wonderful... we don't get that manny goodies... and when we get something

good like splenda we want it and we want it now.


Re: Sweetners



> Why does everyone want to keep bothering the manufactures. Many are now

> thinking that diabetics are a crazy and demanding group of people. It does

> not help the image to keep calling and bothering them. I products are


> out as soon as the suppliers get them made. Remember that the current


> for the Splenda is only producing less than 10% of the market anticipated.

> The new plant is suppose to be ready within the year and then you will


> many products changing as the base material become available. Even the

> Canada markets are stressed right now as the product is still manufacued


> the U.S. and shipped to Canada for distribution. The bakery in our town


> been on backorder for it's Splendia for over three weeks now and they had

> been buying it bulk in Canada for a 15% premium.


> I will be here just give it time. It is a major change in marketing for


> companies and also a major investment for many others.



> Bill Newman -- Rochester, NY

> wtnewman@...

> Bill@...

> www.christianmerchants.com


> List owner: bibletalk@... & disaster@... & medsupport@...

> Moderator/Host: response@... & preparedness@... &

> www.delphi.com/disaster


> wnservices@... -- Web Development -- Web Hosting -- Desktop

> Publishing



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If we don't let the manufacturers know what we want how will they know to

make the change. I don't see any difference between this and letters to

senators and congressman about diabetes research.

If we don't speak up we can't really expect a change.

Ann S>

> Re: Sweetners



> >

> >

> > Why does everyone want to keep bothering the manufactures. Many are now

> > thinking that diabetics are a crazy and demanding group of people. It


> > not help the image to keep calling and bothering them. I products are

> coming

> > out as soon as the suppliers get them made. Remember that the current

> plant

> > for the Splenda is only producing less than 10% of the market


> > The new plant is suppose to be ready within the year and then you will

> see

> > many products changing as the base material become available. Even the

> > Canada markets are stressed right now as the product is still manufacued

> in

> > the U.S. and shipped to Canada for distribution. The bakery in our town

> has

> > been on backorder for it's Splendia for over three weeks now and they


> > been buying it bulk in Canada for a 15% premium.

> >

> > I will be here just give it time. It is a major change in marketing for

> some

> > companies and also a major investment for many others.

> >

> >

> > Bill Newman -- Rochester, NY

> > wtnewman@...

> > Bill@...

> > www.christianmerchants.com

> >

> > List owner: bibletalk@... & disaster@... &


> > Moderator/Host: response@... & preparedness@... &

> > www.delphi.com/disaster

> >

> > wnservices@... -- Web Development -- Web Hosting -- Desktop

> > Publishing

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > If you like orange and blue, then you will love our new web site!

> > http://www.onelist.com

> > Onelist: ing connections and information exchange

> >



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Yes, I say speak up with letters and other fax messages but do not keep

using their 800 lines. These are actually for the salesperson to call in

orders and the call may not cost you anything but it sure costs the company

money. I work on web site development and hosting for two medical companies

and that is the thing I hear about the most. It is the people that hear a

new product is coming out and they get 200 or more calls a day asking why it

is taking so long to deliver it. When you are talking about a national

distribution it is going to take a few months to get everywhere. Even the

phone calls are not going to speed that up. Actually the calls can aggregate

some people and slow things down.

Bill Newman -- Rochester, NY




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Available in Arkansas

Ann S

Re: Sweetners



> It all depends on the local regions as her in the Rochester area the

> bottlers in Albany are doing to drop the Diet Rite and change over to


> RC completely. All the main company does is suggest as they sell the

> franchise to many other companies. In or area three major sodas are


> by the same bother. Canada Dry, RC Cola and Coke. If these were still just

> company stores then you would not see competing markets from on bottler.


> Also the President Brand of soda now contain the Splenda. It is not found

> everywhere as of yet due to shortages in the base products. As far as I


> been able to find out it is only available in the Northeast and Great


> area of the country.



> Bill Newman -- Rochester, NY

> wtnewman@...

> Bill@...

> www.christianmerchants.com


> List owner: bibletalk@... & disaster@... & medsupport@...

> Moderator/Host: response@... & preparedness@... &

> www.delphi.com/disaster


> wnservices@... -- Web Development -- Web Hosting -- Desktop

> Publishing




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It affects my bp med too... Verapamil shouldn't be taken within 2 hours of

eating grapefruit.


Re: Sweetners



>I was also on the grapefruit diet many years ago and it really got me into

>trouble. At the time the doctors knew nothing about the problems with

>grapefruit and many medications. I finally stopped the diet and things

>changed with my health to the better. When the information came out a


>of years ago I looked back and it confirmed the problems that I had been



>Only reason that they say to limit our orange juice is the natural sugar is

>high and not that it will affect your medications. It is something in the

>grape fruit just alone that affects the heart medications.



>Bill Newman -- Rochester, NY







>Come check out our brand new web site!


>Onelist: Making the Internet intimate

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Thanks for the response, Bill. I wish I knew who had said that though -

because I am interested in getting that clarified. Glad you mentioned that

about the Lipator - just in case one of my doctors every tries to put me on

that! They're pretty cautious, but nonetheless I am always double-checking

my prescriptions book just to make sure that they never slip up. I can't

take most of the pill form of diabetic medicines because of this that or thie

other thing. And just yesterday, the drug store sent me the wrong insulin

which now has to be returned.

Like I said in an earlier post to this list - I don't think that enough

testing will ever be done on any of the things we ingest because of the fact

that we each of deal with things differently - there will always be that one

person out there that has a problem with a certain medication or food or

whatever. We just all have to watch out for ourselves, listen to what others

have to say and incorporate that into what we already know to be true about

ourselves and go on from there.

And, for the record, Bill, I agree with you about your first post this AM.

We all need to be more sensitive to each other's special problems. What's

sauce for the goose is not always good for the gander. We all need to be

masters of our own souls so to speak and be as well-informed about our own

bodies and how each of us react to certain medications, foods, etc. It is

unfair to judge or impose on another the standards which we have to impose

on our own selves. Each body is unique and what works for one sometimes does

not work for another. To Each His Own!

Let's be fair, people - we are here to help on another, not to put someone

down for what they believe to be true and what works for their own body. If

we could all use the same products, there would probably be cures for

everything we are all dealing with and no need for additional research - it

would be Utopia - but we do not live in a Utopian society - not to mention

the fact that by putting someone down for their beliefs in some cases will

inhibit free thought and their willingnss to participate in this great forum.

Now, flame me if you will, but I have a very quick finger that just loves to

hit the delete key. My apologies, - I hope I didn't fan the fire too


in Port Orange, FL

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