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List of WDB scientific references...

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Another list of references...

worth saving to print up and give to doctors, etc. Or maybe putting in

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Has this been posted here before?


1. Mudarri D, Fisk WJ. Public health and economic impact of dampness and

mold. Indoor Air 2007; 17: 226-236.


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projection methods. Pharmacogenomics 2006; 7(3): 407-419.


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CDC/New Orleans

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3. Verhoeff AP, Burge HA. Health risk assessment of fungi in home

environments. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1997; 78: 544-556.

4. Gent JF, Ren P, Belanger K, Triche E, Bracken MB, Holford TR, Leaderer

BP. Levels of household mold associated with respiratory symptoms in the

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Association Studies

1. Hodgson MJ, Morey P, Leung WY, Morrow L, D, Jarvis BB, Robins H,

Halsey JF, Storey. Building-associated pulmonary disease from exposure to

Stachybotrys chartarum and Aspergillus versicolor. J Occup Environ Med 1998;

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2. Reijula K, Tuomi T. Mycotoxins of aspergilli: exposure and health

effects. Front Biosci 2003; 8: s232-235.

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4. Sebastian A, Larsson L. Characterization of the microbial community in

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6. Murtoniemi T, Nevalainen A, Suutari M, Toivola M, Komulainen H, Hirvonen

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16. Page EH, Trout DB. The role of Stachybotrys mycotoxins in

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18. Mahooti- N, Storey E, Yang C, Simcox NJ, W, Hodgson M.

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19. -Ganser JM, White SK, R, Hilsbos K, Storey E, Enright PL, Rao

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25. JD, Rand TG, Jarvis BB. Stachybotrys chartarum: cause of human

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27. Gent JF, Ren P, Belanger K, Triche E, Bracken MB, Holford TR, Leaderer

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36. Hormer WE, Worthan AG, Morey PR. Air and dustborne mycoflora in houses

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48. Hodgson MJ, Morey P, Leung WY, Morrow L, D, Jarvis BB, Robbins H,

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Mycotoxin Effects

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