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Doug Haney - My Basic Sorting of the MVOC/VOC/Mycotoxin Question

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Response to Mr. Grimes/ALL (In response to Mr. Grimes response to Bill Simms and

MDF products): By R. Haney, CEO Maridea EnviroHealth Research &

Consulting, Inc.

Noted environmental research scientist Harriet Ammann, Ph.D., D.A.B.T., a Sr.

Toxicologist with the State of Washington, explains in her article about

cytotoxic microfungi and their secondary mycotoxins, " Is Indoor Mold

Contamination a Threat to Health? " (Ammann, 2001)

" Mycotoxins. are not essential to maintaining the life of the mold cell in a

primary way (at least in a friendly world), such as obtaining energy or

synthesizing structural components, informational molecules or enzymes. They are

products whose function seems to be to give molds a competitive advantage over

other mold species and bacteria. Mycotoxins are nearly all cytotoxic, {i.e.,

poisonous to cells} disrupting various cellular structures such as membranes,

and interfering with vital cellular processes such as protein, RNA and DNA

synthesis. Of course they are also toxic to the cells of higher plants and

animals, including humans. Mycotoxins vary in specificity and potency for their

target cells, cell structures or cell processes by species and strain of the

mold that produces them. Higher organisms are not specifically targeted by

mycotoxins, but seem to be caught in the crossfire of the biochemical warfare

among mold species and molds and bacteria vying for the same ecological niche. "

The kinetic synergy of Mycotoxins is attributed to at least two substances of

biochemistry: 1) acids, and 2) gasses. How do I know this? First, in walking

away from a very lucrative job in advanced technology more than 17 years ago to

study the mechanisms behind why a person who drinks alcohol might eventually

suffer from the physical deterioration of chronic alcoholism, I found that

alcohol produces acetaldehyde, and thus formulates gasses, or more specifically,


(Definition Acetaldehyde: A colorless liquid produced by yeast in the fourth of

five stages of enzymatic action culminating in the production of ethyl alcohol.

The enzyme carboxylase forms acetaldehyde and carbon dioxide from pyruvic acid.

At the next (final) stage, most of the acetaldehyde is reduced to ethyl alcohol,

but a trace remains and adds to the flavor and complexity of the wine. If too

much remains, it taints the wine with a strong off-taste.)(Source:


(Definition Formaldehyde: A colorless poisonous gas; made by the oxidation of

methanol- methanol)

(Source: http://www.wordwebonline.com/en/FORMALDEHYDE)


, " molecular-like gasses but.not gasses " is simply put, a play on words.

Mycotoxins certainly are manufactured by molds, creating MVOCs, as you will read

further in this short article. Mycotoxins cause multiple health problems if

allowed to accumulate long enough in the human body as a sustained poisoning of

human cells (such as much research literature has demonstrated in the study of


Molds can be pathogens (exterior entering the human body, and disease

influencing), or " opportunistic " (living within the human body, and just as

disease influencing). Mostly, they are benign (non-poisonous to humans living in

harmony with the human body, gaining nourishment by what is eaten by their human

host. Unless disturbed biochemically, they go about their business helping our

system break down foods and assisting in excreting food byproducts from the

body. Molds that colonize in specific areas of the human body can both weaken

and decompose human cells by release of mycotoxins as they gain strength in the

disease process.

For example, in the process of Alcoholism, a number of diseases, alcohol

consumed as a liquid, and internally combines with other chemicals metabolically

to produce acids, and gasses (volatile hydrocarbons) which result in bloating

(gasses), and eventually this accumulated and constant bombardment can lead to

premature decomposition (i.e., weakening, cellular mutation, and decaying of

cellular composed tissue) we call alcoholism in influencing serious human

diseases as a consequence of continued drinking.

Dr. Grimes, I respect you personally. My comments herein are not intended

criticize your post or perspectives in any manner. I simply do not agree with

what science has previously taught about mycotoxins re: MVOC, and wish to

explain why with my response to your post to Bill Simms.

Some definitions that will provide more focus are discussed below:

Definition.GAS: the state of matter distinguished from the solid and liquid

states by: relatively low density and viscosity; relatively great expansion and

contraction with changes in pressure and temperature; the ability to diffuse

readily; and the spontaneous tendency to become distributed uniformly throughout

any container. (Source: wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn)

Definition: Metabolite (Science: biochemistry) Any substance produced by

metabolism or by a metabolic process.

(Source: http://www.biology-online.org/dictionary/Metabolites)

Retrieved from " http://www.biology-online.org/dictionary/Metabolites "

This page has been accessed 680 times. This page was last modified 21:16, 3

October 2005.

Definition: Ethyl alcohol: a chemical compound formed by the action of natural

or added yeast on the sugar content of grapes during fermentation.

(Source: www.grapestompers.com/glossary.html)

Definition Zymosis: a process in which an agent causes an organic substance to

break down into simpler substances; especially, the anaerobic breakdown of sugar

into alcohol.(Source: wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn).



The process of infection.

An infectious disease, especially one caused by a fungus.

(Source: http://www.answers.com/topic/zymosis?cat=health)

Definition Gasoline (with Ethyl alcohol blend): A complex mixture of relatively

" volatile hydrocarbons, " with or without small quantities of additives suitable

for use in spark-ignition engines. Motor gasoline includes both leaded and

unleaded grades of finished motor gasoline, blending components and gasohol,

which is motor gasoline blended with up to 10 percent ethanol or


Volatile Organic Compounds

As mold " consumes " it nutrients/food, the chemical reactions of enzymes,

substrates and mold growth produce carbon dioxide, water, and volatile organic

compounds (VOC's). Because these items are a result of actions essential to the

growth of the organism, they are classified as primary metabolites.

For mold, many types of VOC's are produced and typically include aldehydes,

alcohols, keytones, and hydrocarbons. They have complex structures and names

like " 2-methyl-1-propanol " , so if you are going to dig deeper into VOC's, get

ready for chemistry class.

They are called volatile in that they evaporate easily at room temperature and

pressure. Fortunately, this volatility aids in dilution with fresh air to

minimize concentrated build-up of these chemicals. Testing for VOC's is often

accomplished by using vacuum cylinders to obtain samples of the air with

laboratory analysis obtained from sophisticated test instruments (gas

chromatograph/mass spectrometer).

When you smell a " musty-moldy " odor, it's generally the VOC's you are noticing.

VOC's are often considered irritants to mucus membranes, however, are also

capable of both short-term and long-term adverse health effects. If you do smell

these odors, it's a sure sign the mold is consuming and growing and you need to

take action. (Note that VOC's may also be derived from non-mold sources

including natural materials used in cleaning agents.) (Source: Mold: Volatile

Organic Compound's & Mycotoxins: Randy Penn: A Primer for Homeowners


Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds (MVOC's)

By Abella Santo-Pietro

(Source: https://www.emlab.com/s/sampling/env-report-04-2006.html)

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) are chemicals with low molecular weights,

high vapor pressure and low water solubility. These chemical characteristics

allow VOC's to easily evaporate into the air or " off-gas " . VOC's can be produced

through industrial or biological processes. In the industrial setting, VOC's are

commonly used or are created as by-products in the manufacture of paints,

pharmaceuticals, refrigerants, petroleum fuels, household cleaners, and other

products. VOC's can also be produced by microorganisms such as fungi and

bacteria. During metabolism, microbes can produce these chemicals, specifically

called Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds (MVOC's). This article will

concentrate on MVOC's, as opposed to industrially produced VOC's, and their

relevance in the indoor air quality setting.

Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds (MVOC's) are composed of low molecular

weight alcohols, aldehydes, amines, ketones, terpenes, aromatic and chlorinated

hydrocarbons, and sulfur-based compounds, all of which are variations of

carbon-based molecules. MVOC's have a very low odor threshold, thus, making them

easily detectable by smell. They often have strong odors and are responsible for

the odious smells ( " old cheese " , dirty socks " or " locker room " ) associated with

mold and bacterial growth.

MVOC's are products of the microbes' primary and secondary metabolism. In

primary metabolism, the organism breaks down food in the environment to extract

nutrients needed for the maintenance of cell structures and, in the process,

creates MVOC's as by-products. In secondary metabolism, the production of MVOC's

is driven by the competition for resources in a nutrient-poor environment.

MVOC's produced during primary fungal metabolism include ethanol, 1-octen-3-ol,

2-octen-1-ol, and benzyl cyanide. Some fungi can produce ethanol by

fermentation. Others, such as Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, and

Penicillium roqueforti are able to produce 1-octen-3-ol. Low concentrations of

this particular MVOC emit a mushroom-like or musty odor. Aspergillus flavus can

also produce 2-octen-1-ol which has been described as " a strong musty, oily

odor " . The fungus Botrytis cinerea can produce benzyl cyanide which emits a

grassy odor.

MVOC's produced during fungal secondary metabolism include 2-methyl-isoborneol,

geosmin (1-10-dimethyl-trans-9-decalol), and terpenes. Chaetomium sp. is known

to produce 2-methyl isoborneol and geosmin emitting a musty, earthy odor.

Penicillium aurantiogriseum and Penicillium vulpinum growing on oat substrate

have been shown to produce terpenes. The greatest occurrence of MVOC production

(especially terpenes and sesquiterpenes) seems to coincide with spore formation

and mycotoxin production as observed in species of Aspergillus and Penicillium.

Mycotoxins differ from MVOC's in that they are relatively large molecules that

are not volatile, and do not easily evaporate or " off-gas " into the air.

Information on bacterial MVOC's produced in indoor settings is limited. Studies

conducted on a few bacteria, such as the actinomycetes Streptomyces griseus and

Streptomyces odorifer show that they can produce geosmin, 2-methyl -isoborneol,

and 3-methyl-butanol.

Why are MVOCs relevant in the indoor setting? First, the perception of MVOC's is

an indication that microbial growth is occurring. Their potential to elicit

health effects remains speculative. Fungi and bacteria may survive or dominate

by producing toxic chemicals, such as mycotoxins and MVOC's, to inhibit or kill

their competitors. These chemicals, at the concentrations that occur at the

microbial/microbial interface, can interfere with cellular processes such as

DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis and membrane or enzyme functions. Extrapolating

these effects to plants or animals involves a consideration of cellular

resistance (or sensitivity) and dose. In the indoor environment, exposure to

fungal MVOC's has been blamed for headaches, nasal irritation, dizziness,

fatigue, and nausea.

However, evidence is inconclusive on this point, and other factors should also

be considered. A few studies have attempted to document the effects of direct

exposure to MVOC's, but none have unequivocally documented a connection with any

health effect at any concentration commonly measured in contaminated buildings.

Although a few studies have implied a causal relationship between exposure and

symptoms of disease, there are still aspects of this relationship that need to

be evaluated. The specific toxic properties and concentrations of MVOC's needed

to produce symptoms are still unknown.

Inspectors are particularly interested in determining whether the presence of

" marker " chemicals, such as MVOC's, could equate to building contamination.

Comparative analysis of MVOC levels from outdoor, indoor affected, and indoor

unaffected areas using GC/MS (gas chromatography/mass spectrometry) may provide

information on microbial contamination in buildings. Studies comparing the level

of VOC's in indoor air and MVOC emissions from microorganisms in culture could

also potentially be conducted.

However, microbial growth can produce variable MVOC's depending on the substrate

and the phase of fungal growth. MVOC's emitted by microbes in the field may also

differ from those in lab cultures because the competition for resources that

occurred in the investigated area is difficult to reproduce in the laboratory

setting. Moreover, some VOC's may be from non-microbial sources, such as

limonene and pinene in cleaning agents. With all these considerations in mind,

more studies are needed to further current knowledge of MVOC's and their effects

on human health.

References:1. Ammann, Harriet M. 1998. Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds. Pp.

26-1-26-17. Bioaerosols: Assessment and Control.2. Burge, Harriet A. 1996.

Health effects of biological contaminants. Pp. 171-178. Indoor air and human

health.3. Walinder, R., Ernstgard, L., Johanson, G., Norback, D., Venge, P.,

Wieslander, G. 2005. Acute effects of a fungal volatile compound Environmental

health perspectives 113(12): 1775-1778.

" Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds (MVOC's) are composed of low molecular

weight alcohols, aldehydes, amines, ketones, terpenes, aromatic and chlorinated

hydrocarbons, and sulfur-based compounds, all of which are variations of

carbon-based molecules. " ( Abella Santo-Pietro)

Definition Mycotoxin: From the Greek ìýêçò (mykes, mukos) " fungus " is a toxin

produced by an organism of the fungus kingdom, which includes mushrooms, molds

and yeasts. Most fungi are aerobic (use oxygen). Fungi are found almost

everywhere in extremely small quantities because of their spores, and are most

commonly microscopically small. They consume organic matter, wherever humidity

and temperature are sufficient.

Where conditions are right, fungi proliferate into colonies and mycotoxin levels

become high. Toxins vary greatly in their severity. Some fungi produce severe

toxins only at specific levels of moisture, temperature or oxygen in the air.

Some toxins are lethal, some cause identifiable diseases or health problems,

some weaken the immune system without producing symptoms specific to that toxin,

some act as allergens or irritants, and some have no known effect on humans.

Some mycotoxins cause death more among the farm animal population than in

humans. Some mycotoxins are harmful to other micro-organisms such as other fungi

or even bacteria; penicillin is one example.

Mycotoxins can appear in the food chain as a result of fungal infection of

crops. If an infected crop is not eaten by humans, the mycotoxin may still be

dangerous to human health, because the crop may be given as animal feed to farm

animals. Mycotoxins greatly resist decomposition or being broken down in

digestion, so they remain in the food chain in meat and dairy products. Even

temperature treatments, such as cooking and freezing, do not destroy mycotoxins.

Buildings are another source of mycotoxins. Public concern over mycotoxins

increased following multi-million dollar toxic mold settlements in the 1990s.

The negative health effects of mycotoxins are a function of the concentration,

the duration of exposure and the subject's sensitivities. The concentrations

experienced in a normal home, office or school are often too low to trigger a

health response in occupants.

Major groups of food toxins

Aflatoxins are produced by Aspergillus species, and are largely associated with

commodities produced in the tropics and subtropics, such as groundnuts, other

edible nuts, figs, spices and maize. Aflatoxin B1, the most toxic, is a potent

carcinogen and has been associated with liver cancer.

Ochratoxin A is produced by Penicillium verrucosum, which is generally

associated with temperate climates, and Aspergillus species which grow in warm

humid conditions. Aspergillus ochraceus is found as a contaminant of a wide

range of commodities including cereals and their products, fruit and a wide

range of beverages and spices. Aspergillus carbonarius is the other main species

associated in warm humid conditions found mainly on vine fruit and dried vine

products particularly in the Mediterranean basin. It causes kidney damage in

humans and is a potential carcinogen.

Patulin is associated with a range of fungal species and is found in moldy

fruits, vegetables, cereals and other foods. It is destroyed by alcoholic

fermentation and so is not found in alcoholic drinks. It may be carcinogenic and

is reported to damage the immune system and nervous systems in animals.

Fusarium toxins are produced by several species of the genus Fusarium which

infect the grain of developing cereals such as wheat and maize. They include a

range of mycotoxins including the fumonisins, which affect the nervous systems

of horses and cause cancer in rodents; and the trichothecenes, including

deoxynivalenol, and zearalenone, the last two of which are very stable and can

survive cooking. The trichothecenes are acutely toxic to humans, causing

sickness and diarrhea and potentially death.

Stachybotrys and Penicillium

Mycotoxin binding agents and deactivators

In the feed and food industry it had become common practice to add mycotoxin

binding agents such as Montmorillonite or bentonite clay. To reverse the adverse

effects of mycotoxins, the following criteria are used to evaluate the

functionality of any binding additive:

Efficacy of active component verified by scientific data

A low effective inclusion rate

Stability over a wide pH range

High capacity to adsorb high concentrations of mycotoxins

High affinity to adsorb low concentrations of mycotoxins interactions between


Affirmation of chemical interaction between mycotoxin and adsorbent

Proven in-vivo data with all major mycotoxins

Non-toxic, environmentally friendly component

Since not all mycotoxins can be bound to such agents, the latest approach to

mycotoxin control is mycotoxin deactivation. By means of enzymes (esterase,

expoxidase), yeast (Trichosporon mycotoxinvorans) or bacterial strains

(Eubacterium BBSH 797), mycotoxins are detoxified to non-toxic metabolites.

Mycotoxins killing humans

In 2004 in Kenya 125 people died and nearly 200 others were treated after eating

aflatoxin contaminated maize. [1] The deaths were mainly associated with

homegrown maize that had not been treated with fungicides or properly dried

before storage. Due to food shortages at the time, farmers may have been

harvesting maize earlier than normal to prevent thefts from their fields, so

that the grain had not fully matured and was more susceptible to infection.


, & et al (2005), " Aflatoxin Contamination of Commercial Maize

Products during an Outbreak of Acute Aflatoxicosis in Eastern and Central

Kenya " , Environmental Health Perspectives 113

S. Lang (2006-01-06). Dogs keep dying: Too many owners remain unaware of

toxic dog food. Cornell University Chronicle.

(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mycotoxin)

Fungus produce enzymes that break down plant matter into simple sugars (i.e.,

fermentation process). Once this occurs, live yeast cells interact to produce

ethanol, a well-known toxin to humans (i.e., alcohol poisoning). The product of

alcohol is created by the war-like activity that takes place between mold and

yeast microbes in a battle for territory, nutrients, and survival. The more

enzymes that are produced by mold species, the greater the capacity for

producing ethanol. There is abundant agriculture (i.e., dead and dying

plant-life) for the enzymes produced by molds to break down. Many materials can

cause molds to manufacture destructive enzymes: paper products, cut blades of

grass, tree trimmings, fruits fallen from the tree, anything basically, that has

been left to the elements without movement over time.

Mr. Grimes: Did I miss something here about mycotoxins not being capable of

producing gasses? I hope that I have provided you and others with a much greater

insight into that one herein. A much more important matter of discussion really

applies to the designation of Mycotoxins classified as secondary products not

relative to growth and development of the mold species; classified as poisonous,

these chemicals mainly acids and gasses as well. For not being classified as

applicable to cellular development and growth, they sure make the species

colonization develop much stronger, and I believe based upon scientific

observation, grow at a much faster cellular generation within a 24-48 hour

period (i.e., Aspergillus niger [for industrial product uses], Penicillium, and

Stachybotrys chartarum [as observed indoors with high moisture content].

What has been projected as a learning curve over 20 years of study and

experience in the " New Frontier " of Molecular Sciences, is that any scientist

fool enough to hold on to the previous 196 years of American Science theory

(prior to the beginning of the Molecular Science Age approximated at 35 years

ago) of personal beliefs, perceptual or speculative academic training, and

exercising very limited and imprecise correlative observations for regimented

treatment processes, are out of touch with were advanced science and technology

taking us today. It is time to climb on board the train of REALITY. However, it

must be noted that the scientists graduating through our universities today, are

far more advanced than their predecessors.

Now, to zero in on ethanol as both a mycotoxin and a natural volatile organic

compound, is not tough at all! It is my " educated " suggestion " only, " that the

VOC concept is simply applied to degrade the value and dangers of mycotoxins as

a whole. Why? Because, unlike bacteria and viruses, the cellular structure of

molds and yeasts carry the closest resemblance to the structure, genetics, and

chemistry of animal and human cells than any other microbial species. Not only

is a fact, but molds especially are much more subtle and evasive once inside the

human body than any other microbe, and have the ability to physically/chemically

adapt with virtually an unlimited number of toxins and amino acid projections

from which to integrate with human chemistry with. One observation of death from

acute alcohol poisoning should explain this theory quite adequately. Unlike

other microbes molds and yeasts are used in the manufacture of literally

thousands of products and therefore are VITAL to the American economy. And of

course there is much more that could be posited on that subject; enough said.

Bill is right. MDF products destroy molds and other microbes instantly,

long-term, and inhibit " myco " /other microbial toxins. The best product I have

researched/personally applied and used in my home and business environment. One

year and one half after application in a Roseville, CA Surgical Center the mold

count is still zero (originally the Air Sampling count was " raw " 100,000

Stachybotrys chartarum and other mold spores. An immediate Air Sample directly

after MDF application was " zero " .

Doug Haney,

Environmental Health Researcher

Email: _Haney52@...


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Dear Doug,

Thank you for the comprehensive response. I suggest all members of

this group read it carefully and save it for future reference. It

will save a lot of arguing and repetitive teaching of new members.

I do have one correction, a couple of comments and a challange.

First, you referred to me once as " Dr. Grimes. " I want all to

understand that I am not a doctor of any type whether M.D., Ph.D. or


Your description of alcohol production by fungi is important to

understand. However, alcohol seems to be a tertiary toxin from

reaction of the secondary metabolites (mycotoxins) with other

components. The semantics may not affect the end result as far as

people are concerned but it does affect my statements.

My challange concerns your claims about MDF. None of your preceeding

statements or arguments are relevant to the efficacy of MDF, which

was the primary purpose of my statement. I wish your claims were true

but I have I have yet to see independent or experiential verification

either in the lab or in buildings. If you have it I desparately want

to see it.

My objections for any chemical treatment, including MDF, of fungi


1. Killing mold can prevent infection but does nothing for the

predominant effects that you so eloquently discuss.

2. Even if the mold is denatured (no longer mold and can no longer

produce any of the effects of mold) the particles that remain can be

a physical irritant that can trigger asthma and other irritant

conditions. The only way to avoid this is for the mold to be reduced

to only oxygen and water.

3. Even if MDF products denature mold, there is still the problem of

efficacy when used in buildings - how much of the biomass of mold

will come in direct contact with the MDF (or other) for sufficient

time? This is the great bugaboo for any treatment including hydrogen

peroxide, quaternary ammonium compounds, chlorine dioxide, ozone or

combinations. The issue of getting sufficient chemical in direct

contact with mold inside walls and beneath carpets, for example, for

sufficient time has yet to be solved. This is one reason the Senate

building was not decontaminated (anthrax) for years even with the

application of MDF and other products.

Challange: Could you explain how MDF or any other procedure keeps

airborne mold in " a Roseville, CA Surgical Center " at zero? Open a

door or a person walks in, and the ubiquitous mold spores and

fragments are introduced. It is impossible to maintain a sterile


There is also the problem of false negative results from current

methods of sampling and analyzing mold spore samples. I would be

interested in QPCR results to see if any identifiable DNA remains but

I can't get anyone interested enough to pay for the research.

As for the immediate result of zero mold, MDF isn't necessary. I can

attain the same zero measurement simply by misting or fogging water

in a room. The spores become heavier from absorbing the moisture and

settle from the air onto surfaces.

I have the utmost respect for you also. My only critique of your

post concerns the claims for the MDF products. Again, I haven't seen

results like you have but would be very interested in any independent


Carl Grimes

Healthy Habitats LLC



> Response to Mr. Grimes/ALL (In response to Mr. Grimes response to Bill Simms

and MDF products): By R. Haney, CEO Maridea EnviroHealth Research &

Consulting, Inc.


> Noted environmental research scientist Harriet Ammann, Ph.D., D.A.B.T., a Sr.

Toxicologist with the State of Washington, explains in her article about

cytotoxic microfungi and their secondary mycotoxins, " Is Indoor Mold

Contamination a Threat to Health? " (Ammann, 2001)


> " Mycotoxins. are not essential to maintaining the life of the mold cell in a

primary way (at least in a friendly world), such as obtaining energy or

synthesizing structural components, informational molecules or enzymes. They are

products whose function seems to be to give molds a competitive advantage over

other mold species and bacteria. Mycotoxins are nearly all cytotoxic, {i.e.,

poisonous to cells} disrupting various cellular structures such as membranes,

and interfering with vital cellular processes such as protein, RNA and DNA

synthesis. Of course they are also toxic to the cells of higher plants and

animals, including humans. Mycotoxins vary in specificity and potency for their

target cells, cell structures or cell processes by species and strain of the

mold that produces them. Higher organisms are not specifically targeted by

mycotoxins, but seem to be caught in the crossfire of the biochemical warfare

among mold species and molds and bacteria vying for the same

ecological niche. "


> The kinetic synergy of Mycotoxins is attributed to at least two substances of

biochemistry: 1) acids, and 2) gasses. How do I know this? First, in walking

away from a very lucrative job in advanced technology more than 17 years ago to

study the mechanisms behind why a person who drinks alcohol might eventually

suffer from the physical deterioration of chronic alcoholism, I found that

alcohol produces acetaldehyde, and thus formulates gasses, or more specifically,



> (Definition Acetaldehyde: A colorless liquid produced by yeast in the fourth

of five stages of enzymatic action culminating in the production of ethyl

alcohol. The enzyme carboxylase forms acetaldehyde and carbon dioxide from

pyruvic acid. At the next (final) stage, most of the acetaldehyde is reduced to

ethyl alcohol, but a trace remains and adds to the flavor and complexity of the

wine. If too much remains, it taints the wine with a strong off-taste.)(Source:



> (Definition Formaldehyde: A colorless poisonous gas; made by the oxidation of

methanol- methanol)

> (Source: http://www.wordwebonline.com/en/FORMALDEHYDE)


> , " molecular-like gasses but.not gasses " is simply put, a play on words.

Mycotoxins certainly are manufactured by molds, creating MVOCs, as you will read

further in this short article. Mycotoxins cause multiple health problems if

allowed to accumulate long enough in the human body as a sustained poisoning of

human cells (such as much research literature has demonstrated in the study of



> Molds can be pathogens (exterior entering the human body, and disease

influencing), or " opportunistic " (living within the human body, and just as

disease influencing). Mostly, they are benign (non-poisonous to humans living in

harmony with the human body, gaining nourishment by what is eaten by their human

host. Unless disturbed biochemically, they go about their business helping our

system break down foods and assisting in excreting food byproducts from the

body. Molds that colonize in specific areas of the human body can both weaken

and decompose human cells by release of mycotoxins as they gain strength in the

disease process.


> For example, in the process of Alcoholism, a number of diseases, alcohol

consumed as a liquid, and internally combines with other chemicals metabolically

to produce acids, and gasses (volatile hydrocarbons) which result in bloating

(gasses), and eventually this accumulated and constant bombardment can lead to

premature decomposition (i.e., weakening, cellular mutation, and decaying of

cellular composed tissue) we call alcoholism in influencing serious human

diseases as a consequence of continued drinking.


> Dr. Grimes, I respect you personally. My comments herein are not intended

criticize your post or perspectives in any manner. I simply do not agree with

what science has previously taught about mycotoxins re: MVOC, and wish to

explain why with my response to your post to Bill Simms.


> Some definitions that will provide more focus are discussed below:


> Definition.GAS: the state of matter distinguished from the solid and liquid

states by: relatively low density and viscosity; relatively great expansion and

contraction with changes in pressure and temperature; the ability to diffuse

readily; and the spontaneous tendency to become distributed uniformly throughout

any container. (Source: wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn)


> Definition: Metabolite (Science: biochemistry) Any substance produced by

metabolism or by a metabolic process.

> (Source: http://www.biology-online.org/dictionary/Metabolites)

> Retrieved from " http://www.biology-online.org/dictionary/Metabolites "

> This page has been accessed 680 times. This page was last modified 21:16, 3

October 2005.


> Definition: Ethyl alcohol: a chemical compound formed by the action of natural

or added yeast on the sugar content of grapes during fermentation.

> (Source: www.grapestompers.com/glossary.html)


> Definition Zymosis: a process in which an agent causes an organic substance to

break down into simpler substances; especially, the anaerobic breakdown of sugar

into alcohol.(Source: wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn).


> Fermentation.

> Medicine.


> The process of infection.

> An infectious disease, especially one caused by a fungus.

> (Source: http://www.answers.com/topic/zymosis?cat=health)


> Definition Gasoline (with Ethyl alcohol blend): A complex mixture of

relatively " volatile hydrocarbons, " with or without small quantities of

additives suitable for use in spark-ignition engines. Motor gasoline includes

both leaded and unleaded grades of finished motor gasoline, blending components

and gasohol, which is motor gasoline blended with up to 10 percent ethanol or



> Volatile Organic Compounds

> As mold " consumes " it nutrients/food, the chemical reactions of enzymes,

substrates and mold growth produce carbon dioxide, water, and volatile organic

compounds (VOC's). Because these items are a result of actions essential to the

growth of the organism, they are classified as primary metabolites.

> For mold, many types of VOC's are produced and typically include aldehydes,

alcohols, keytones, and hydrocarbons. They have complex structures and names

like " 2-methyl-1-propanol " , so if you are going to dig deeper into VOC's, get

ready for chemistry class.


> They are called volatile in that they evaporate easily at room temperature and

pressure. Fortunately, this volatility aids in dilution with fresh air to

minimize concentrated build-up of these chemicals. Testing for VOC's is often

accomplished by using vacuum cylinders to obtain samples of the air with

laboratory analysis obtained from sophisticated test instruments (gas

chromatograph/mass spectrometer).


> When you smell a " musty-moldy " odor, it's generally the VOC's you are

noticing. VOC's are often considered irritants to mucus membranes, however, are

also capable of both short-term and long-term adverse health effects. If you do

smell these odors, it's a sure sign the mold is consuming and growing and you

need to take action. (Note that VOC's may also be derived from non-mold sources

including natural materials used in cleaning agents.) (Source: Mold: Volatile

Organic Compound's & Mycotoxins: Randy Penn: A Primer for Homeowners



> Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds (MVOC's)

> By Abella Santo-Pietro

> (Source: https://www.emlab.com/s/sampling/env-report-04-2006.html)

> Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) are chemicals with low molecular weights,

high vapor pressure and low water solubility. These chemical characteristics

allow VOC's to easily evaporate into the air or " off-gas " . VOC's can be produced

through industrial or biological processes. In the industrial setting, VOC's are

commonly used or are created as by-products in the manufacture of paints,

pharmaceuticals, refrigerants, petroleum fuels, household cleaners, and other

products. VOC's can also be produced by microorganisms such as fungi and

bacteria. During metabolism, microbes can produce these chemicals, specifically

called Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds (MVOC's). This article will

concentrate on MVOC's, as opposed to industrially produced VOC's, and their

relevance in the indoor air quality setting.


> Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds (MVOC's) are composed of low molecular

weight alcohols, aldehydes, amines, ketones, terpenes, aromatic and chlorinated

hydrocarbons, and sulfur-based compounds, all of which are variations of

carbon-based molecules. MVOC's have a very low odor threshold, thus, making them

easily detectable by smell. They often have strong odors and are responsible for

the odious smells ( " old cheese " , dirty socks " or " locker room " ) associated with

mold and bacterial growth.


> MVOC's are products of the microbes' primary and secondary metabolism. In

primary metabolism, the organism breaks down food in the environment to extract

nutrients needed for the maintenance of cell structures and, in the process,

creates MVOC's as by-products. In secondary metabolism, the production of MVOC's

is driven by the competition for resources in a nutrient-poor environment.

MVOC's produced during primary fungal metabolism include ethanol, 1-octen-3-ol,

2-octen-1-ol, and benzyl cyanide. Some fungi can produce ethanol by

fermentation. Others, such as Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, and

Penicillium roqueforti are able to produce 1-octen-3-ol. Low concentrations of

this particular MVOC emit a mushroom-like or musty odor. Aspergillus flavus can

also produce 2-octen-1-ol which has been described as " a strong musty, oily

odor " . The fungus Botrytis cinerea can produce benzyl cyanide which emits a

grassy odor.


> MVOC's produced during fungal secondary metabolism include

2-methyl-isoborneol, geosmin (1-10-dimethyl-trans-9-decalol), and terpenes.

Chaetomium sp. is known to produce 2-methyl isoborneol and geosmin emitting a

musty, earthy odor. Penicillium aurantiogriseum and Penicillium vulpinum growing

on oat substrate have been shown to produce terpenes. The greatest occurrence of

MVOC production (especially terpenes and sesquiterpenes) seems to coincide with

spore formation and mycotoxin production as observed in species of Aspergillus

and Penicillium. Mycotoxins differ from MVOC's in that they are relatively large

molecules that are not volatile, and do not easily evaporate or " off-gas " into

the air.


> Information on bacterial MVOC's produced in indoor settings is limited.

Studies conducted on a few bacteria, such as the actinomycetes Streptomyces

griseus and Streptomyces odorifer show that they can produce geosmin, 2-methyl

-isoborneol, and 3-methyl-butanol.


> Why are MVOCs relevant in the indoor setting? First, the perception of MVOC's

is an indication that microbial growth is occurring. Their potential to elicit

health effects remains speculative. Fungi and bacteria may survive or dominate

by producing toxic chemicals, such as mycotoxins and MVOC's, to inhibit or kill

their competitors. These chemicals, at the concentrations that occur at the

microbial/microbial interface, can interfere with cellular processes such as

DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis and membrane or enzyme functions. Extrapolating

these effects to plants or animals involves a consideration of cellular

resistance (or sensitivity) and dose. In the indoor environment, exposure to

fungal MVOC's has been blamed for headaches, nasal irritation, dizziness,

fatigue, and nausea.


> However, evidence is inconclusive on this point, and other factors should also

be considered. A few studies have attempted to document the effects of direct

exposure to MVOC's, but none have unequivocally documented a connection with any

health effect at any concentration commonly measured in contaminated buildings.

Although a few studies have implied a causal relationship between exposure and

symptoms of disease, there are still aspects of this relationship that need to

be evaluated. The specific toxic properties and concentrations of MVOC's needed

to produce symptoms are still unknown.


> Inspectors are particularly interested in determining whether the presence of

" marker " chemicals, such as MVOC's, could equate to building contamination.

Comparative analysis of MVOC levels from outdoor, indoor affected, and indoor

unaffected areas using GC/MS (gas chromatography/mass spectrometry) may provide

information on microbial contamination in buildings. Studies comparing the level

of VOC's in indoor air and MVOC emissions from microorganisms in culture could

also potentially be conducted.


> However, microbial growth can produce variable MVOC's depending on the

substrate and the phase of fungal growth. MVOC's emitted by microbes in the

field may also differ from those in lab cultures because the competition for

resources that occurred in the investigated area is difficult to reproduce in

the laboratory setting. Moreover, some VOC's may be from non-microbial sources,

such as limonene and pinene in cleaning agents. With all these considerations in

mind, more studies are needed to further current knowledge of MVOC's and their

effects on human health.

> References:1. Ammann, Harriet M. 1998. Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds.

Pp. 26-1-26-17. Bioaerosols: Assessment and Control.2. Burge, Harriet A. 1996.

Health effects of biological contaminants. Pp. 171-178. Indoor air and human

health.3. Walinder, R., Ernstgard, L., Johanson, G., Norback, D., Venge, P.,

Wieslander, G. 2005. Acute effects of a fungal volatile compound Environmental

health perspectives 113(12): 1775-1778.


> " Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds (MVOC's) are composed of low molecular

weight alcohols, aldehydes, amines, ketones, terpenes, aromatic and chlorinated

hydrocarbons, and sulfur-based compounds, all of which are variations of

carbon-based molecules. " ( Abella Santo-Pietro)

> Definition Mycotoxin: From the Greek ìýêçò (mykes, mukos) " fungus " is a toxin

produced by an organism of the fungus kingdom, which includes mushrooms, molds

and yeasts. Most fungi are aerobic (use oxygen). Fungi are found almost

everywhere in extremely small quantities because of their spores, and are most

commonly microscopically small. They consume organic matter, wherever humidity

and temperature are sufficient.


> Where conditions are right, fungi proliferate into colonies and mycotoxin

levels become high. Toxins vary greatly in their severity. Some fungi produce

severe toxins only at specific levels of moisture, temperature or oxygen in the

air. Some toxins are lethal, some cause identifiable diseases or health

problems, some weaken the immune system without producing symptoms specific to

that toxin, some act as allergens or irritants, and some have no known effect on

humans. Some mycotoxins cause death more among the farm animal population than

in humans. Some mycotoxins are harmful to other micro-organisms such as other

fungi or even bacteria; penicillin is one example.


> Mycotoxins can appear in the food chain as a result of fungal infection of

crops. If an infected crop is not eaten by humans, the mycotoxin may still be

dangerous to human health, because the crop may be given as animal feed to farm

animals. Mycotoxins greatly resist decomposition or being broken down in

digestion, so they remain in the food chain in meat and dairy products. Even

temperature treatments, such as cooking and freezing, do not destroy mycotoxins.


> Buildings are another source of mycotoxins. Public concern over mycotoxins

increased following multi-million dollar toxic mold settlements in the 1990s.

The negative health effects of mycotoxins are a function of the concentration,

the duration of exposure and the subject's sensitivities. The concentrations

experienced in a normal home, office or school are often too low to trigger a

health response in occupants.

> Major groups of food toxins

> Aflatoxins are produced by Aspergillus species, and are largely associated

with commodities produced in the tropics and subtropics, such as groundnuts,

other edible nuts, figs, spices and maize. Aflatoxin B1, the most toxic, is a

potent carcinogen and has been associated with liver cancer.


> Ochratoxin A is produced by Penicillium verrucosum, which is generally

associated with temperate climates, and Aspergillus species which grow in warm

humid conditions. Aspergillus ochraceus is found as a contaminant of a wide

range of commodities including cereals and their products, fruit and a wide

range of beverages and spices. Aspergillus carbonarius is the other main species

associated in warm humid conditions found mainly on vine fruit and dried vine

products particularly in the Mediterranean basin. It causes kidney damage in

humans and is a potential carcinogen.

> Patulin is associated with a range of fungal species and is found in moldy

fruits, vegetables, cereals and other foods. It is destroyed by alcoholic

fermentation and so is not found in alcoholic drinks. It may be carcinogenic and

is reported to damage the immune system and nervous systems in animals.


> Fusarium toxins are produced by several species of the genus Fusarium which

infect the grain of developing cereals such as wheat and maize. They include a

range of mycotoxins including the fumonisins, which affect the nervous systems

of horses and cause cancer in rodents; and the trichothecenes, including

deoxynivalenol, and zearalenone, the last two of which are very stable and can

survive cooking. The trichothecenes are acutely toxic to humans, causing

sickness and diarrhea and potentially death.


> Stachybotrys and Penicillium

> Mycotoxin binding agents and deactivators

> In the feed and food industry it had become common practice to add mycotoxin

binding agents such as Montmorillonite or bentonite clay. To reverse the adverse

effects of mycotoxins, the following criteria are used to evaluate the

functionality of any binding additive:


> Efficacy of active component verified by scientific data

> A low effective inclusion rate

> Stability over a wide pH range

> High capacity to adsorb high concentrations of mycotoxins

> High affinity to adsorb low concentrations of mycotoxins interactions between


> Affirmation of chemical interaction between mycotoxin and adsorbent

> Proven in-vivo data with all major mycotoxins

> Non-toxic, environmentally friendly component

> Since not all mycotoxins can be bound to such agents, the latest approach to

mycotoxin control is mycotoxin deactivation. By means of enzymes (esterase,

expoxidase), yeast (Trichosporon mycotoxinvorans) or bacterial strains

(Eubacterium BBSH 797), mycotoxins are detoxified to non-toxic metabolites.


> Mycotoxins killing humans

> In 2004 in Kenya 125 people died and nearly 200 others were treated after

eating aflatoxin contaminated maize. [1] The deaths were mainly associated with

homegrown maize that had not been treated with fungicides or properly dried

before storage. Due to food shortages at the time, farmers may have been

harvesting maize earlier than normal to prevent thefts from their fields, so

that the grain had not fully matured and was more susceptible to infection.

> References


> , & et al (2005), " Aflatoxin Contamination of Commercial Maize

Products during an Outbreak of Acute Aflatoxicosis in Eastern and Central

Kenya " , Environmental Health Perspectives 113

> S. Lang (2006-01-06). Dogs keep dying: Too many owners remain unaware of

toxic dog food. Cornell University Chronicle.

> (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mycotoxin)


> Fungus produce enzymes that break down plant matter into simple sugars (i.e.,

fermentation process). Once this occurs, live yeast cells interact to produce

ethanol, a well-known toxin to humans (i.e., alcohol poisoning). The product of

alcohol is created by the war-like activity that takes place between mold and

yeast microbes in a battle for territory, nutrients, and survival. The more

enzymes that are produced by mold species, the greater the capacity for

producing ethanol. There is abundant agriculture (i.e., dead and dying

plant-life) for the enzymes produced by molds to break down. Many materials can

cause molds to manufacture destructive enzymes: paper products, cut blades of

grass, tree trimmings, fruits fallen from the tree, anything basically, that has

been left to the elements without movement over time.


> Mr. Grimes: Did I miss something here about mycotoxins not being capable of

producing gasses? I hope that I have provided you and others with a much greater

insight into that one herein. A much more important matter of discussion really

applies to the designation of Mycotoxins classified as secondary products not

relative to growth and development of the mold species; classified as poisonous,

these chemicals mainly acids and gasses as well. For not being classified as

applicable to cellular development and growth, they sure make the species

colonization develop much stronger, and I believe based upon scientific

observation, grow at a much faster cellular generation within a 24-48 hour

period (i.e., Aspergillus niger [for industrial product uses], Penicillium, and

Stachybotrys chartarum [as observed indoors with high moisture content].


> What has been projected as a learning curve over 20 years of study and

experience in the " New Frontier " of Molecular Sciences, is that any scientist

fool enough to hold on to the previous 196 years of American Science theory

(prior to the beginning of the Molecular Science Age approximated at 35 years

ago) of personal beliefs, perceptual or speculative academic training, and

exercising very limited and imprecise correlative observations for regimented

treatment processes, are out of touch with were advanced science and technology

taking us today. It is time to climb on board the train of REALITY. However, it

must be noted that the scientists graduating through our universities today, are

far more advanced than their predecessors.


> Now, to zero in on ethanol as both a mycotoxin and a natural volatile organic

compound, is not tough at all! It is my " educated " suggestion " only, " that the

VOC concept is simply applied to degrade the value and dangers of mycotoxins as

a whole. Why? Because, unlike bacteria and viruses, the cellular structure of

molds and yeasts carry the closest resemblance to the structure, genetics, and

chemistry of animal and human cells than any other microbial species. Not only

is a fact, but molds especially are much more subtle and evasive once inside the

human body than any other microbe, and have the ability to physically/chemically

adapt with virtually an unlimited number of toxins and amino acid projections

from which to integrate with human chemistry with. One observation of death from

acute alcohol poisoning should explain this theory quite adequately. Unlike

other microbes molds and yeasts are used in the manufacture of literally

thousands of products and therefore are VITAL to

the American economy. And of course there is much more that could be posited on

that subject; enough said.


> Bill is right. MDF products destroy molds and other microbes instantly,

long-term, and inhibit " myco " /other microbial toxins. The best product I have

researched/personally applied and used in my home and business environment. One

year and one half after application in a Roseville, CA Surgical Center the mold

count is still zero (originally the Air Sampling count was " raw " 100,000

Stachybotrys chartarum and other mold spores. An immediate Air Sample directly

after MDF application was " zero " .


> Doug Haney,

> Environmental Health Researcher

> Email: _Haney52@...




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Mr. Grimes:

First, please let me apologize for my failure to extract " doctor " in addressing

you. I thought I had caught all of it, but apparently I left one or two in my

response. I was informed that you were not an MD, PhD, only after most of my

response had already been written. Again, I am truly sorry for that

misinformation. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. However, you should

be one, because you have gained my attention and respect as a very intelligent


To address your concerns as to the MDF products. I too had my doubts before

actually applying the product in indoor and outdoor areas of my own residence.

As a result of a 1-year guarantee that our company gave to a Surgical Center

where we applied the MDF product for the first time in California (with an

Environmental Services/CIH PhD, monitoring our protocol and application

process), I was very worried as to whether or not new moisture or water damage

would weaken or destroy the effects of the MDF product. I had heard/read all of

the glory stories that the manufacturing company had to say/write on their

website and in speaking with the manufacturer/IDS scientist directly, however I

still had serious doubts that a formula could possibly be the " miracle "

chemistry combination that was being posed.

I can tell you from my own experience in experimenting that I initially applied

the MDF to the wood (which had physical mold like you would see around a tree in

the forest growing out from it). Prior to the use of the MDF I had to physically

cut out the mold after each rain during the rainy season. The mold is also tough

to cut. In late December 2005, during a short break in the rainy season, I first

cut out what I could of the visual mold and then sprayed the MDF product on both

the wood and the concrete which had green moss growing all over it. The next

day, there were no physical signs of the moss. It rained for three more weeks

after my spraying activity, and to day, September 24, 2007, there is only one

very small visual sign of mold emminating from one corner of the wood. It has

been nearly two years since I experimented with this product and lots of rain.

My neighbor next door has plenty of mold growing out of the wood on her patio.

Now, that is the best personal observation that I can give you, and it is

absolutely true. Since then, I have applied the fog in my own home (March 2007),

and I have noticed that I have not suffered any of the bouts of respiratory or

sinus problems that my VA medical record will attest to as in recent past


As far as the Surgical Center is concerned, I can only tell you that in testing

the air one year almost to the date of Surgery Room I, the Sterilization Room,

and the Recovery Room that I did not get a reading of any sufficient level of

molds - Zero. I understand your concern about molds entering any room by way of

clothing, or open door. But that particular test displayed a Zero. Perhaps it is

because of clean air rotation in the surgical setting or the methods used in

continuous sterilization that the Surgery Center uses. But, it was zero, while

in surgery room 2, there was evidence of mold and water intrusion. That is the

reason I was air sampling one year later. When I sampled the air sampling was

verified at through MicroTest Labs in Citrus Heights. (Sampling: 15liters per

minute/5 min. duration - standard protocol)

I am an environmental health researcher/psychologist, and a molecular scientist

at heart and soul. Twenty years of study in molecular sciences have taught me a

great deal about microbes and human cellular function, and it has been a long

time process. I entered the studies of Medical Mycology (human diseases

influenced by molds and yeasts) very skeptical. Over the past 10 years though,

as I have progressed, I have found not just that medical doctors are kept

ignorant through lack of adequate medical education, but that almost from the

turn of the 19th century academic study of serious diseases concerning fungi

have virtually been kept silent. Study of medical mycology in medical schools

has been very confined, gone virtually unreported as disease to the CDC by the

medical community as opposed to those of viral and bacterial, and funding for

micro fungal research has been minimal at best, up until more recent years.

Anyone who has ever read anything I have written, or who knows me personally,

will attest to the fact that I value human life and safety over anything else. I

have put my money, integrity, and soul where my mouth is, and have " walked my

talk " in developing a company where I have literally lived in poverty to place

research and development before fiscal gain.

To check out the stats re: MDF I invite you visit the webpage:


Which I hope will answer some of your concerns. This is the first product I have

observed as actually doing exactly what it boasts it can do. At the very least,

I have not seen anything better. Also, the MDF foam and fog products especially,

are being used by HAZMAT/First Response units all across the US, and in many

major Airports. Go to the website: http://www.deconsolutions.com and view for

yourself many of the users of this particular product and what it is used for.

It will amaze you. Then call Modec, Inc., out of Denver, CO., and speak directly

with them about your concerns. , Modec's President is a great resource of

direct information.

Alcohol as tertiary product:

" There are three major, subsets of alcohols: 'primary' (1°), 'secondary' (2°)

and 'tertiary' (3°), based upon the number of carbons the C-OH carbon (shown in

red) is bonded to. Ethanol is a simple 'primary' alcohol. The simplest secondary

alcohol is isopropyl alcohol (propan-2-ol), and a simple tertiary alcohol is

tert-butyl alcohol (2-methylpropan-2-ol). "

(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol)

(2nd Source:



I hope that this resolves your concerns to this regard.

Thank you for your comments.

With utmost respect,

Doug Haney

Maridea EnviroHealth Research

Email: _Haney52@...

@...: grimes@...: Sun, 23 Sep 2007

20:38:38 -0600Subject: Re: [] Doug Haney - My " Basic " Sorting of

the MVOC/VOC/Mycotoxin Question

Dear Doug,Thank you for the comprehensive response. I suggest all members of

this group read it carefully and save it for future reference. It will save a

lot of arguing and repetitive teaching of new members.I do have one correction,

a couple of comments and a challange.First, you referred to me once as " Dr.

Grimes. " I want all to understand that I am not a doctor of any type whether

M.D., Ph.D. or D.PH.Your description of alcohol production by fungi is important

to understand. However, alcohol seems to be a tertiary toxin from reaction of

the secondary metabolites (mycotoxins) with other components. The semantics may

not affect the end result as far as people are concerned but it does affect my

statements. My challange concerns your claims about MDF. None of your preceeding

statements or arguments are relevant to the efficacy of MDF, which was the

primary purpose of my statement. I wish your claims were true but I have I have

yet to see independent or experiential verification either in the lab or in

buildings. If you have it I desparately want to see it.My objections for any

chemical treatment, including MDF, of fungi include: 1. Killing mold can prevent

infection but does nothing for the predominant effects that you so eloquently

discuss.2. Even if the mold is denatured (no longer mold and can no longer

produce any of the effects of mold) the particles that remain can be a physical

irritant that can trigger asthma and other irritant conditions. The only way to

avoid this is for the mold to be reduced to only oxygen and water. 3. Even if

MDF products denature mold, there is still the problem of efficacy when used in

buildings - how much of the biomass of mold will come in direct contact with the

MDF (or other) for sufficient time? This is the great bugaboo for any treatment

including hydrogen peroxide, quaternary ammonium compounds, chlorine dioxide,

ozone or combinations. The issue of getting sufficient chemical in direct

contact with mold inside walls and beneath carpets, for example, for sufficient

time has yet to be solved. This is one reason the Senate building was not

decontaminated (anthrax) for years even with the application of MDF and other

products.Challange: Could you explain how MDF or any other procedure keeps

airborne mold in " a Roseville, CA Surgical Center " at zero? Open a door or a

person walks in, and the ubiquitous mold spores and fragments are introduced. It

is impossible to maintain a sterile environment. There is also the problem of

false negative results from current methods of sampling and analyzing mold spore

samples. I would be interested in QPCR results to see if any identifiable DNA

remains but I can't get anyone interested enough to pay for the research.As for

the immediate result of zero mold, MDF isn't necessary. I can attain the same

zero measurement simply by misting or fogging water in a room. The spores become

heavier from absorbing the moisture and settle from the air onto surfaces.I have

the utmost respect for you also. My only critique of your post concerns the

claims for the MDF products. Again, I haven't seen results like you have but

would be very interested in any independent verification. Carl GrimesHealthy

Habitats LLC-----> >

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Mr. Haney,

According to this study:


MDF seems to able to very effectively neutralize mycotoxins produced

by Stachybotrys chartarum (macrocyclic trichothecene mycotoxins and

other mycotoxins produced by this mold). That is quite an achievement,

to say the least.

According to the MSDS of the product MDF 500 it contains two active


1. A quaternary ammonium salt

2. Hydrogen peroxide

As far as I know, none of these compounds when used alone, nor when

used together, can neutralize trichothecene mycotoxins produced by

Stachybotrys chartarum. Does that mean that MDF 500 has some secret

additional ingredient?

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